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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Are You a PC or a Mac?
Rebecca Kelley

Are You a PC or a Mac?

I have a DVR, so typically nothing comes between me and my stories (seriously, have you seen Lost this season? Waaaaaalt!), especially commercials. I typically watch shows on a delay and fast-forward through the annoying onslaught of advertisements. Lately, though, I'm a bit ashamed to say that I've actually been rewinding the DVR to catch the new M...

Subdomains, Subfolders and Top-Level Domains
Rand Fishkin

Subdomains, Subfolders and Top-Level Domains

Many of the client issues we've been working with recently have centered around canonicalizing, re-directing and structuring URLs for content. Marketing, sales, executives and IT departments all seem to have a unique viewpoint on these matters, making compromise and agreement especially difficult. For the purposes of this post, I'll focus solely on the "best practices." ...

These are a Few of My Favorite Myths
Rand Fishkin

These are a Few of My Favorite Myths

I just can't put the rhythmic tunes of Julie Andrews into an SEO myths post, try as I might. But, the content's here... so let's have at it - these aren't the top 10 SEO myths, they're the... Top 10 "obscure" SEO myths: #10 - Submitting to hundreds of "minor search engines" is the only way to boost "...

Google Trends is Awesome!

Google Trends is Awesome!

Hey,If you have not seen Google Trends yet, better get over there right now and sniff around. It is exactly like Zeitgeist but you can type in any term that you want and see a whole lot of really cool data.For example....

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Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Accessibility?
Rebecca Kelley

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Accessibility?

I've been working on a site audit for the past week or so and have come to an exhaustively thorough section regarding usability and accessibility. While I'm not denying that this sort of information is extremely valuable when optimizing a website, my question to you guys is how much information is too much? How much information about making a site disabled user-friendly should a client receive? Ho...

SEW Live in Seattle - It's a Party!
Rand Fishkin

SEW Live in Seattle - It's a Party!

Next Friday, in Seattle's Hotel Monaco, the SearchEngineWatch crew, including Danny Sullivan, Joseph Morin, Elisabeth Osmeloski (our esteemed organizer), Dana Melick, Heather Lloyd Martin, myself and several reps from each of the major search engines will be presenting to a small audience on SEO, SEM & website marketing. It's called ...

Crafting Compelling Home Pages
Rand Fishkin

Crafting Compelling Home Pages

Bare Naked App kindly pointed out that Skype's home page is one of the most compelling, well written homepages ever created. They properly target their audience, make the site fun, easy-to-learn and hard to resist. And, to top it off, the video walkthrough of Skype's service is pr...

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The Long, Dark Teatime of Rand's Decisions
Rand Fishkin

The Long, Dark Teatime of Rand's Decisions

Rand's Warning: This post is very long, very personal and, while highly informational, doesn't contain many tips on how to perform SEO or get your content or your site in front of the right people. What it does contain is a bit of history about our business here at SEOmoz and a sharing of the issues we're struggling with for the future. Why ...

What Women Want on the Web
Rand Fishkin

What Women Want on the Web

One of the best forum threads I've read in a long time is in progress at Cre8asite. Started by Kim Krause Berg herself, innocently enough with a post about women equalling men online in pure numbers (though it would appear from the latest eMarketer numbers that ...

Canada / Quebec local search

Canada / Quebec local search

Eh! This has been a crazy 2 weeks... SES Toronto, and our business, NVI, just exploded recently! Been pretty busy trying to get all of this together and going through the amazing learning curve of turning NVI into an intense seo/sem research and analysis company. Oh, by the way, if you want to read an awesome book on management, I strongly recommend "Good To Great&quo...