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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

I ask those of you for whom the phrase "Web 2.0" is an anethma to refrain from judgement while you read this post and browse the site we've created. Afterwards, when you've had time to process it, I invite you to comment with as much passion (for or against) as you like. My first order of business with this post is to congratulate ...

Why I Despise RFPs
Rand Fishkin

Why I Despise RFPs

RFPs (Request for Proposal) are industry standard in marketing, communication and other consulting service-type organizations in the business world. But lately, as I've looked over a dozen or so that have been sent my way in the past few weeks, I've discovered something intriguing about them... They're evil. The RFPs I've gotten (with the exception of a few wholly reasonable and...

Recipe Refinement Queries at Google
Rand Fishkin

Recipe Refinement Queries at Google

I couldn't find a good recipe for Chinese Beef & Broccoli at Epicurious this weekend, so I headed to Google, where, lo and behold, they have what appears to be another new feature - query refinement via recipes. I may have just been busy when the search blogs reported on this, but I can't seem to find it in archives at SEW or SERoundtable, either, so maybe it is new. Screenshot below for &q...

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Search Engines on Link Attributes
Rand Fishkin

Search Engines on Link Attributes

I've been wondering lately about whether comparing link attributes in HTML code would provide any value to the search engines. Testing's been done by SEOs in the past about the value of link titles (minimal if any) and rel attributes other than nofollow (nada), but I'm wondering about the target attribute, specifically. Currently, according to W...

Matt Bailey's New Firm - SiteLogic
Rand Fishkin

Matt Bailey's New Firm - SiteLogic

I'm pleased to be able to break the news that Matt Bailey, formerly of the Karcher Group, has opened his own SEO & web marketing consultation firm - SiteLogic. Why is he going directly to the Recommend List? Because Matt is one of the smartest, fastest moving people in the industry. Matt's the type of guy who knows everything...

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To Ponzi or Not to Ponzi - That is the question!

To Ponzi or Not to Ponzi - That is the question!

A little background reading first for those of you who are not familiar with what a Ponzi scheme is.I would assume most of you are doing your daily activities because you want to make some form of money and, you also hope that you'll be able to retire comfortably one day.That's an admirable goal and the Internet has spawned a...

Identifying the Linkerati
Rand Fishkin

Identifying the Linkerati

Oftentimes, when I describe the concept of linkbait to clients, it's critical to also describe those folks who are the targets of linkbait - I'll call them the "Linkerati". Let's explore the culture of these most valued of web-dwelling souls: Bloggers - probably the most targetable and directly influenced folks, bloggers are an excellent so...

Dirty Deeds Done Dirty
Rand Fishkin

Dirty Deeds Done Dirty

I know we don't usually cover news that everyone else has, but I couldn't help spreading the word on this band of snakes. From David Wallace: The company in question is Paramount Web Masters ( I'm am not going to link directly to ...

It's all about scale...

It's all about scale...

I was recently asked by a friend of mine why I still bother with my nefarious black hat activities.As he put it, I could spend the time I'm building throwaway sites to pump out some sites that get repeat visitors. Of course, he's always harping on this particular subject but I decided to go into a bit more depth this time and play with the numbers a little bit......