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Rand Fishkin


SEOmoz's Beginner's Guide was just Slashdotted. We'll see how the server holds up, but there's a lot of very big files to be accessed there... Sorry for any lag. More to report soon. UPDATE: The lag should be gone by now. We made some...

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Content Relay
Rand Fishkin

Content Relay

This one comes via Donna; ContentRelay is a trading system for website content that allows publishers and writers to trade articles for links in a community fashion. The best part - it's free and according to the creators, always will be....

SEO Gurus - A Decidely Dodgy Bunch
Rand Fishkin

SEO Gurus - A Decidely Dodgy Bunch

Jill Whalen's linking to a good post on her (new?) blog through her signature at HighRankings. I like what she's got to say: Often, when they get their answer, they write back with something like, “But, so-and-so SEO guru wrote this article here at [insert stupid SEO site that prints ...

Beginner's Guide Finally Finished
Rand Fishkin

Beginner's Guide Finally Finished

For the last 4 weeks, I've been toiling away in my non-existant free time on a Beginner's Guide to SEO. My goal was to have a comprehensive document that I could reference to the many newcomers I engage through email, forums and in person. The final product is something I'm already proud of, though I hope to get even more feedback and improve it over time. I...

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Today was pretty interesting. One of my websites was generating a lot more email than normal and all of it was coming in on the same new page. I chalked it up to coincidence. Tonight when I ran my logs it looked like I was getting slashdotted! - except the referrer was ...

Braille Page?
Rand Fishkin

Braille Page?

Kat was doing some competitive link analysis and came across a page that surprised her. It appeared that the information at the top of the page was shown in a strange, braille format below.... But, as ...

Good Retrospective from Jim Boykin
Rand Fishkin

Good Retrospective from Jim Boykin

Jim (of WeBuildPages) was interviewed by Aaron Pratt of SEO Buzzbox (a site I hadn't heard about until today). In it, he talks about the last few years of running an SEO company, getting called out for being "evil" by Matt Cutts and touches on how he's gotten "whiter" with the times. It's a ...

Cyber Monday
Rand Fishkin

Cyber Monday

The media's got a name for the "biggest online shopping day of the year", the Monday following "Black Friday" and Thanksgiving in the US. Our two (holiday benefitting) e-commerce sites actually saw higher sales yesterday and today, but I guess we're outside the mainstream. A good article on the subject comes from the IHT - ...