The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.
A few of the more prominent spammers at SEOChat have come out to play in a thread on the subject of domain registration.
Geof starts off by noting that he's recently purchased 500 new domains, all of which will probably be b...
I got a call yesterday from Michael McDerment over at 2ndSite. He's hoping that SEOs will start using their software to manage clients & projects, conduct invoicing and keep track of their work. It's not a bad product, actually, probably wor...
In the field of IR, natural language processing is one of the most important tasks that an automated system must perform. The filtration & tokenization of text in particular is of great importance in order to be able to mathematically represent, classify and ultimately anal...
Today has me thinking on the subject of measuring keyword performance. I'm about to begin a relatively large scale campaign on both the organic and PPC side for a client and have wrestled with the neccessary facts and figures to track in order to have reasonable metrics. Here's a sh...
37 Signals has a list of holiday "to-do's" on your e-commerce website to prepare it for the holiday shopping season. Since Christmas often accounts for up to 40% of a store's entire yearly profits, there's no doubt ...
On the suggestion of a friend, I've changed my home page to a new location, Wikipedia's Random Article page - it's a special feature and has to be manually entered as the home page for your web browser, but it's a great way to learn something new every time you start surfing. If it bogs down workflow too much, I may change back, but for ...
A friend pointed me to a unique form of advertising, conducted by the company AdEngag. This particular incidence was caught on the 'I am Bored' site, which practically deserves its own link if it weren't for the fact that no...
In the world of web design, one of the most frustrating topics I butt my head up against is color scheme. I search and search the color wheel in Photoshop and scour the web to help inspire me on themes that will work for a client or a site.
Luckily, I now have some help, and ...
Threadwatch has a terrific (though poorly titled) thread (hats my arse) today on the demise of SEO. There are intelligent opinions from both sides, primarily in the comments on Nick's somewhat over-the-top post - a response to a ...
Over at WebHostingTalk, a very popular forum in the web hosting industry, there's a thread about buying links vs. earning them. The advice tends towards a ...
I notice 3 unique DMOZ threads that are sending quite a few visitors to SEOmoz today. I want to welcome and thank all of the editors there who've made their way over. We may have our differences, but I realize that most of you are doing a great job organizing and classifying sites and maintaining what is still the best directory available.
Hopefully, you're not too upset over my ...
Ian has been found - the details are at Threadwatch. He's in the Atlanta airport, delayed due to a lack of a passport and an especially prickly TSA. I haven't felt this relieved in a long time....
Most people will recognize the name Morgan Spurlock from the famous documentary he made last year - SuperSize Me. He's also the author of Don't Eat this Book (a play on Abbie Ho...