Live Q+A with Jim Lanzone of Ask Jeeves at Cre8asite
Jim Lanzone, the senior vice president of search properties for Ask Jeeves/Teoma, whom Mike Grehan previously interviewed with Apostolos Gerasoulis, is giving a live ...
The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.
Jim Lanzone, the senior vice president of search properties for Ask Jeeves/Teoma, whom Mike Grehan previously interviewed with Apostolos Gerasoulis, is giving a live ...
Glengara posted at SEW asking whether Fantomaster's suggestion that on-page SEO was being ignored, to the detriment of rankings, was accurate. Several good responses illicited even more questions on the subject. I...
Google has been notorious over the last 2 years for refusing (or being unable) to fix the issue of page hijacking via the 302 bug. Darren Ward, who founded SEOChat, has created an online petit...
I whipped together something fun for the SEO community to do on their respective lunchbreaks today - the SEOmoz Quiz. It's fun, light-hearted and easy to cheat on (but don't do that 'cause you'll spoil all the fun). Anyone who gets a perfect s...
Noteworthy this past weekend was Donna's post on the subject of Blue Collar SEO. It's a fantastic short article on the different types of SEO companies and individuals in the business and worthy of 5 minutes of everyone's ti...
The twin issues of fairness and bias in search engines has come to the forefront this week with 2 threads. Homer's twitching eyes and nervous hands should give you an idea of how the SEs might feel addressing these sensitive issues. The first, ...
Yahoo! and I have always had an excellent relationship, which is why I was so perturbed to find that they banned a site I've been working with for several years - Last week, a ...
Nacho at SEW Forums has posted a thread entitled "SEM Industry Biggest Growing Pains". In it, you'll find some of the best responses to any thread at any SEO forum in the last several week...
Antonio Gulli, who I've mentioned before at SEOmoz, has an online report on the size of the world wide web. It's a detailed description of the process and results of his inquiries into the indexable portion...
Xan Porter has an excellent blog entry on the subject of stemming in search engine indices. The article points to a terrific trove of resources on stemming, how it is performed a...
I got the e-mail I've copied below today. It's probably the best link request example I've ever gotten. Even after realizing that it was probably an auto-generated and mass-sent e-mail, I considered responding to let him know I appreciated the kind words. People are always asking how to phrase their link request letters, so here's a sample: ...
Rebecca Leaf Homepage - I'm teaching a cousin how search engines work while I'm in Boston. So here's her website, and shockingly, by next week, her site will be #1 for "Rebecca Leaf Homepage". Just watch......
Dr. Garcia, known on the forums as Orion, has written what will surely become one of the most linked to documents in the SEO world over the next few days. The article - ...
A fantastic thread at Cre8asite focuses on the new role played by SEO/SEMs in website development and management. Although we have a very tight-knit and well organized online community (between all the popu...