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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Will i get slapped by Google  if i use the following post titles in my wordpress blog Category keyword : name of post

    | umkhy

  • Hi Guys, I am stumped!!. I have been asked to look at this site Which has lost rankings for "BMW Parts" since a redesign of the site. Through a bit of detective work I have managed to get hold ot the wayback machine version of the old site here And according to the onpage factors I have compared with SEOquake, the keyword density, title tag, description is almost identical. I have checked webmaster tools and analytics (I only have data from June 22nd) So I am unable to confirm what traffic was available before the redesign. All other keywords:- BMW Breakers BMW Spares Are on the first page but this keyword "BMW Parts" is on page 22??!?. I have checked open site explorer and it's not a case over optimisation of anchor text as a majority of the keywords are pointing back to the url and it's one of the cleanest profiles I have ever seen. The only issue, which it can't be is right at the top left corner of the site is a piece of text "Used BMW Parts & Spares" Any help would be gracefully appreciated Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • I've read some info about title tags and meta, and I'm getting a little confused.  If there is a previous discussion that I've missed, please redirect me.  thank you. So I have a locksmith and one of his pages is on Auto Locksmith. For every car, I have a page.  i.e Acura, Audi, BMW etc. Here is my title tag: Acura Car Keys| Ignition Switch Repair| Key Duplication BMW Car Keys| Ignition Switch Repair| Key Duplication Same for the rest of the different car models on the site. I previously asked a question on here about "What is Cannibalization", and after reading the answer, as well as a full article about it, I think I may be potentially cannibalizing my site with these title tags, though my SEO Moz has not indicated that I am. Should my title tags be instead... Acura car keys| Acura Ignition Switch Repair| Acura Key Duplication   for each vehicle page? Additionally, all the Meta Descriptions on each vehicle page read the same as well.  Is this correct? We duplicate Acura car keys, repair ignition switches, extract broken keys, replace remotes, reprogram transponder keys and provide emergency locksmith srvc. Lastly, this is for a city, yet I have not placed the city modifier in my tags nor content.  Somehow it knows what city I'm in because some of my pages are ranking on Page 1, however other pages are ranking like #188, #257...So I'm just confused. Thanks for any help you can provide. Jaye

    | jayestovall

  • I am curious why I receive this canonical notice even though there is a canonical for this homepage. Nq3fD.jpg

    | paumer80

  • Hello! I have a wordpress based blog/website and I was wondering what were the most important things to put in my title. I'm a wedding photographer. I think the location of the shoot is important and the fact that it's wedding photography, but is it important to try and put my company name (Celynnen Photography) in it too?! It's very hard to keep the titles short! Ioan

    | IoanSaid

  • Our website was hosted at domain X , the webdesigner decided to host the new website at domanin Y We ranked very wel for specific keywords with domain X.  We lost all our rankings with the new domain Y The webdesigner did not redirect domain X to domain Y !!! Everything happened 4 weeks ago What to do ? My proposal , installing old wbsite again on domain X and redirect domain Y to X Or is there a better solution to get the rankings back ?

    | digspinat

  • Anyone notice that seoMOZ doesn't use meta descriptions? Any idea why not?

    | SoulSurfer8

  • Following situation. Domain A is indexed at google , it use a frame within this frame a website is hosted from another domain. Because it not workes proper (all url's where only the main url from domain A) The webdesigner deleted domain A , the url's are delered from the google index. (some ranked well) (position 3) Now all url's from Domain B are in the index , but on a bad position (position 74) Now i want to move the website from domain A to domain B (and add a redirect 301) Will domain A gets his position in the google index B ? (All things happened 4 weeks ago) does anyone have other ideas how to get the position back ? Thanx in advance

    | digspinat

  • I am asking similar type of question that i asked before .I want to display country name in SERP like this. Ask an SEO question |SEOmozQ&A States .How to display URL with country name like above.

    | Alick300

  • Hi, We have about 3000 of these, how serious an issue is this considered? Is it simply the fact that Google won't index the keywords if they are over 70 characters? Could we strip out common words here: 50 Worship Ideas for Small Groups by Stuart Townend | World of Like 'for', 'by' and probably the '.com'?

    | Benj25

  • I'm launching a new stain removal website, and wanted to know what would be considered the best way to organize the content? Since most articles will roughly involve "removing X from Y" or "how to remove Z," I can see two ways... 1. Organize articles by Stained Items, Stain Agents and perhaps Cleaning Detergents. 2. Spread the categories out more, to try and group stained items according to categories... E.g. Hard surfaces, delicates, fabrics, ceramics etc. Any thoughts on which of these two might be the best way to organize the site, or are there any better suggestions? Not sure what the main considerations are here... Either of these two seem equally user-friendly.

    | ZakGottlieb71

  • Hi, When SEOMOZ returns the crawl report results and it shows duplicate descriptions, is it referring to the meta description or is it referring to the actual product description? I have up to 30 products for many different sports teams. Since I have 30 products for as many teams, most of my products are the same and he only thing I did when I populated the site was to change the team name. I left the product description the same otherwise. Thanks, Don

    | ge0173400

  • Hello, in many niches you can make reviews with the "Best XXXX of March of 2011" "Best XXXX of April 2011" " March 2012" etc So, per instances, "best movies of march 2011" what would you do? A. 1 post for each mont and year /movies-march-2011/ /movies-april-2011/ /movies-march-2012/ B. 1 post/page for each year and keep updating /movies-march/ /movies-april/ B.I. Keep in the content the best movies of each year with a TOC or something similar B.II. Remove each year the previous content and create a fresh version of the content, updating the publication date but keeping the slug. My question is because I managed to ranked first for i.e. movies march 2010 but then in march 2011 I didnt know what to do because I wanted to show updated content but I was afraid i lost my ranking if I changed the whole content. Would you go for A. or B.? If B. for B.I. or B.II.? Thanks and regards

    | antorome

  • I'm currently working on a very awkward custom-WP setup, in which I can't maintain the present drop-down navigation menu without having those pages under a parent or without completely recoding everything. I have two requirements, for SEO purposes I'm looking for the following structure for each targeted landing page: as opposed to Of course, having my landing pages as a child, I get the latter of the two. For navigational purposes they need to fall under a specific category in a drop-down menu. With any other theme or setup this is an easy fix, but not here. What I have now is that the landing pages are currently placed under a parent category page. But, they have custom permalinks. The permalinks are setup as follows But, technically the exact structure is still which then redirects to the custom permalink. So, my question is - in an attempt to get my most important landing pages close to the root for better PR and crawlability, do I still get the same benefit with my current setup? Is this structure I have, better, worse, or indifferent? Thanks.

    | JayAdams32

  • On my wordpress blog, i have 2 canonical links for every single post, like this: One is generated by wordpress theme: rel='canonical' href='' /> The other one is generated by AllinOne seo pack: <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" /> I tried to remove one of them, but if i uncheck from AllinOne, the source code is the same. Also, on-page analysis from SeoMoz tells me that i need only one canonical link. I don't have errors in Google Webmater Tools. What should I do?

    | Vladone80

  • two part question on original content How would you go about checking if a site holds original content accept the long search quary within Google? ans also if I find many sites carrying my content and I am the original source should I replace the content? thanks

    | ciznerguy

  • If I add pages to my site to cover major cities/towns/counties in the UK where I offer wedding bands and link them from the navigation using drop down menus/categories ( I believe this is the best option to allow users to find what they are looking for) I get a'too many links on page' flag. How can I best get around this problem?

    | SamCUK

  • I have one form under https which is redirected from the regular http page. this site was not made by me and I am trying to understand if the way it was redirected using 302 redirect is a problem Thanks

    | ciznerguy

  • My forum currently has a swear filter in place.  While I personally think in most cases there's better alternatives to swearing, the general consensus is that it should be removed, and I've no problem with that in principal, however my concern is that Google may penalise the site in some way if this is done. I've searched around a fair bit and haven't found any solid info on this so hoping someone on here may know the answer. The question - Can repeated swear words effect rankings or prevent a website displaying in Google if safesearch is on? Thanks as always.

    | Optimise

  • My SEO Report shows issues: Rel Canonical I have a wordpress website each page has its content but I'm getting errors from my SEOMOZ report. I instaledl the yoast plug in to fix the issue but I'm still getting 29 errors. Wordpress 3.4.1

    | mobiledudes

  • We're trying to find out  what percentage of words in a page title need to be the same for it to be considered duplicate? We have search results pages for each country on our site, so the only difference in the page title is the country name and they are all being flagged as duplicate, even though they are not 100% duplicate.

    | Odjobob

  • I just transfered my free blog to my main business site and I did not know if I should delete my old blog or is it a big issue to have the same content on both sites.  I will be adding to my biz site from now on.

    | greenjoe

  • page in question: This page is the landing page for 6 custom home lots, available via Bison Builders. I fixed the overstuffing of 'Bison Meadows', it was on all image title, alt, etc. Should be right around 15. We are using 'Bison Meadows' as a keyword, because that's the name of the custom community. I don't want to change the names of the links, and I don't want to change the name of the keyword. How do I fix this self-cannibalization? FYI, I was thinking of directing all canonical URLs for individual pages to this page, but will wait til I know how to fix this first... Thank you! Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization Easy fix <dl> <dt>Cannibalizing link</dt> <dd>"Bison Meadows Lot 1", "Bison Meadows Lot 2", "Bison Meadows Lot 3", "Bison Meadows Lot 4", "Bison Meadows Lot 5", and "Bison Meadows Lot 6"</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>It's a best practice in SEO to target each keyword with a single page on your site (sometimes two if you've already achieved high rankings and are seeking a second, indented listing). To prevent engines from potentially seeing a signal that this page is not the intended ranking target and creating additional competition for your page, we suggest staying away from linking internally to another page with the target keyword(s) as the exact anchor text. Note that using modified versions is sometimes fine (for example, if this page targeted the word 'elephants', using 'baby elephants' in anchor text would be just fine).</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Unless there is intent to rank multiple pages for the target keyword, it may be wise to modify the anchor text of this link so it is not an exact match.</dd> </dl> <a class="more expanded">Minimize</a>

    | IngridWood

  • Wondering if I should remove "IRIS SCOTT PRINTS |" from all the title tags and/or change the url structure of the pages, to not include the breadcrumbs...  I don't really understand the whole rel canonical structure thing. Also lots of errors on page title too long - does that really matter? Lots of faith in everyone here. Thanks in advance. Marcia

    | RedTrout

  • Why is it that when you google a domain like you sometimes get a main SERP and 6 sub SERPs below it. This concerns the 1st position.

    | ribandhull

  • Hello, My client thinks they will get better rankings if we change the product image names to reflect the keywords for that page, is this true? I believe I just have to add "alt tags" but not sure now. Also, they think its very important to have H1, H2 and H3 tags on each page. I thought this wasn't a big factor anymore. Is it? Thanks

    | maximumrank

  • Hi all, My Site rankings took a battering in the past week , From what I have read,  I know that google have updated their algorithm and supposedly it only affects less than 1% of queries but I was very surprised to have fallen in that list... Just wondered, am i the only site to have been hammered  this past week ? or is it more of a case that maybe the new algorithm  means I need to be more savvy with our SEO. Just posting a quick general consensus question ... thanks Sarah

    | SarahCollins

  • I recently added wordpress to my site and get the following errors: Duplicate Page Content How do I define the canonical page on a .php. 4XX (Client Error) Any ideas where the 4XX error comes from. Thanks.

    | MSSBConsulting

  • Canonical urls stop self competition - from duplicate content. So instead of a 2 pages with a rank of 5 out of 10, it is one page with a rank of 7 out of 10.
    However what disadvantages come from using canonical urls. For example am I excluding some products like green widet, blue widget. I have a customer with 2 e-commerce websites(selling different manufacturers of a type jewellery). Both websites have massive duplicate content issues.
    It is a hosted CMS system with very little SEO functionality, no plugins etc. The crawling report- comes back with 1000 of pages that are duplicates. It seems that almost every page on the website has a duplicate partner or more. The problem starts in that they have 2 categorys for each product type, instead of one category for each product type.
    A wholesale category and a small pack category. So I have considered using a canonical url or de-optimizing the small pack category as I believe it receives less traffic than the whole category. On the original website I tried de- optimizing one of the pages that gets less traffic. I did this by changing the order of the meta title(keyword at the back, not front- by using small to start of with). I also removed content from the page. This helped a bit. Or I was thinking about just using a canonical url on the page that gets less traffic.
    However what are the implications of this? What happens if some one searches for "small packs" of the product- will this no longer be indexed as a page. The next problem I have is the other 1000s of pages that are showing as duplicates. These are all the different products within the categories. The CMS does not have a front office that allows for canonical urls to be inserted. Instead it would have to be done going into the html of the pages. This would take ages. Another issue is that these product pages are not actually duplicate, but I think it is because they have such little content- that the rodger(seo moz crawler, and probably googles one too) cant tell the difference.
    Also even if I did use the canonical url - what happened if people searched for the product by attributes(the variations of each product type)- like blue widget, black widget, brown widget. Would these all be excluded from Googles index.
    On the one hand I want to get rid of the duplicate content, but I also want to have these pages included in the search. Perhaps I am taking too idealistic approach- trying to optimize a website for too many keywords. Should I just focus on the category keywords, and forget about product variations. Perhaps I look into Google Analytics, to determine the top landing pages, and which ones should be applied with a canonical. Also this website(hosted CMS) seems to have more duplicate content issues than I have seen with other e-commerce sites that I have applied SEO MOZ to On final related question. The first website has 2 landing pages- I think this is a techical issue. For example and I realise I should use a canonical url on the page that gets less traffic. How do I determine this? (or should I just use the SEO MOZ Page rank tool?)

    | WMA

  • Hi! I still don´t get this web site penalization applied by Google due to duplicate content. My site has many of pages that were among the first positions for top keywords (A Photoshop web site). Those pages were linked by sites like LifeHacker, BoingBoing, Microsiervos, SmashingMagazine, John Nack, and many other  well known blogs. After mid February 2012 everything went down the drain. I lost half of my traffic and my well ranked pages are now almost nowhere to be found. I have plenty of ads in some pages of my site, and duplicate content (amazon product description only) in other pages of my site. So, the good quality pages my site has, are no longer considered as good quality just because I have some duplicate content or ad filled pages? I´m not complaining. I´m trying to understand this. Google needs to serve good information to their visitors. But since they found some trash in my site, they decide to remove both the trash and the good information from the search engine? That doesn´t sound logical to me. Why don´t they just remove the trash and leave the good content? Of course, I understand that information is added everyday and some may come up with something better than mine, but dropping 40  or more places in the ranking sounds more like a penalty to me. Again, I´m not complaining (although it sounds like I am!), just want to understand the reasons behind this. Thanks, Enrique

    | enriquef

  • Hi Guys, I'm quite new to all things website wise. I understand the 'basics' of SEO (i think) and i'm alright with html but my experience stops there. Since i signed up to SEOMOZ, i've realised the importance of SEO and therefore our company has now employed 'an expert' to help us to go forward who happens to work for our web hosting company. Throughout the discussions, they strongly emphasised the importance of blogging and having a proper blog setup on our site and so we went along with the suggestion along with the SEO. Before we began, i went away and redesigned our site updating a lot of the content, the layout etc to basically give them a much better starting point because ultimately it would only benefit us. They have just started the work this month and to say i'm underwhelmed is an understatement!! With regards to the blog, as i didn't know what they were planning to do, i created three links at the bottom of our pages which looked like blog posts, a general blog page, and some blog posts which are all simple html pages. I assumed that they would then go away and create the blog thereselves and then obviously add it to our site. They have just come back now and said to me that as our site doesn't have a CMS, they will have to forward me the weekly posts and i will have to add them to the site myself and post them to our facebook and twitter pages. I am not particularly impressed with this as this is what we have paid just over £800 for which supposedly included them setting it up and managing it and did not include the SEO which is a lot of money for a small company as ourselves. What i wanted to know is that from our site as it stands now:, would it be difficult to include some sort of blog system that would integrate into our pages on the footer and the blog page or would i have to redesign the site through something such as joomla? I have never used joomla and i've only just found out that it exists. I'm asking on this forum as all of you guys know what your talking about and before i go back to them all guns blazing tomorrow, it would be great to be 'well up' on how difficult it would be and what the easiest ways would be to do it just to give me some ammo because i think they are talking out of there backsides! Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated!! Big Thanks Guys!! I look forward to hearing from you. Chris.

    | Chris_CDC

  • Could anyone help out here please. A client of ours have reveloped their website from HTML to ASP (helpful!). They have 60 odd pages indexed in Google with the .html extension. We need to do a redirect on these pages so that all link juice is passed to the new pages. What would be the best way to do this please?

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hi, One section of my site is a selection of Art and Design books. I have about 200 individual posts, each with a book image and a description retrieved from Amazon (using their API). Due to several reasons not worth mentioning I decided to use the Amazon description. I don't mind if those pages rank well or not, but I need them as additional content for my visitors as they browse my site. The value relies in the selection of books. My question is if the duplicate content taken from Amazon harms only each book page or the whole site. The rest of the site has unique content. Thanks! Enrique

    | enriquef

  • My main product is database conversion software. As it supports tons of databases, it's fairly easy to generate thousands of landing pages simply by variating source/target database names, connection information etc. In fact, I autogenerated almost 25k pages that way. As I didn't want to jeopardize my main site, I placed all that content to a new microsite ( which had no history and no inbound links. Results were nice - site is live two months and in second month already had 1300 visitors. Now, my question is - should I create the same thing on my (old and rather authoritative) main site I could use a different template to avoid duplicate content. Of course, my main concern is being penalized by Google. In my opinion, this autogenerated content is fine because it provides (tons of) laser-focused landing pages, so visitors will instantly recognize they found what they're looking for. But Google might disagree! What do you think? Is there a danger in trying to leverage authority of my main site in adding 20k+ autogenerated pages with inbound no links to them?

    | metadata

  • I have a client with an eCommerce site that is interested in adding their products to shopping sites. If we use the same information that is on the site currently, will we run into duplicate content issues when those same products & descriptions are published on shopping sites? Is it best practice to rewrite the product title and descriptions for shopping sites to avoid duplicate content issues?

    | mj775

  • I was helping out someone on their site and its home page ranked on page 2 for their term, and the title tag was horrible. It was 160 characters long with lots of near repetitive keywords ([keyword] - adjective [keyword] - adjective [keyword] - adjective [keyword] etc.) -- typical title that Google would penalize when it got around to it. So I created a title that made sense, for the keyword, and that followed the best practices of Google recommendations.  Now it's dropped off the index. (EDIT: sorry, still in index, just not even in top 1000) Is this something I should not have done?  I was just trying to keep them from getting slammed. And, how long should I expect it to take to get my ranking back? This is the only page title I changed.

    | bizzer

  • My main product is database conversion software. As we support tons of databases, it's pretty easy to generate thousands of pages simply by creating a template and changing source/target database name, some information on how to connect etc. Of course, getting links to that many autogenerated pages is close to impossible. So, not wanting to endanger my main site ( I created a separate site (minisite) for this product alone ( In two months this new site is live, it got to the point of having over 1k visitors per month. That's for a site with no inbound links or history. Now, my question is - should I create equivalent thing on my main site, with different template to avoid duplicate content - and leverage history and authority - or Google can get me penalized for this practice. I don't think 25k generated pages are a bad thing, they simply provide for tons of highly targeted landing pages. Am I wrong?

    | metadata

  • I am working on my website to edit structure with help of Google's search engine optimization starter guide. There is really good instruction to define URL structure which help us to perform well over Google's organic search. I have resolved issues regarding category pages but, I have confusion to define best URL structure for product pages. My website's product page URL structure is as follow. URL structure is constructed with following terms. 1. Root Category Name (Market Umbrellas or Home Furniture or ....) 2. Brand Name 3. Manufacturer Part Number I am not happy with this structure and also not performing well over Google's organic search. I am thinking to include product name or title tag in URL after root domain. But, it may create very long URL and create issues in organic search display. Does it really matter to perform well over Google's organic search? How can I define best URL structure for product pages?

    | CommercePundit

  • I have always wrote URL extensions as .... when I need to separate two words, I use _ as the separator ... I am a first time SEO Moz user ... I While looking around the tools on SEO Moz, I happened to stumble across the on-page analysis. A great tool indeed, rather worryingly though, one issue it flagged to me was my URL extension "Characters which are less commonly used in URLs may cause problems with accessibility, interpretation and ranking in search engines. It is considered a best practice to stick to standard URL structures to avoid potential problems." Can someone advice me if this really is a problem, its just not this project, its tons of sites I have already developed that I am also worried about ... I always write file extensions with more than one word using _ to separate the words. How should I write the extension, I am almost embarrassed to ask this question ... Surely, even Google's algorithms are not smart enough to decipher two words without some some sort of spacing .... Regards J

    | Johnny4B

  • SEOMOZ gave me all zeros for keyword usage. Why? The site is and the keywords are "Asheville Landscaping Edible." The site includes these words in the title page and throughout the body text. I am not really sure, but maybe one cause for these low keyword usage ratings might be redirects or some meta tag issues, but I am really not sure. Any ideas?

    | dcaudio

  • Can anyone here tell me what this site is all about?... I really need to know, i have a blog.

    | Wales3303

  • After publishing my new wordpress website my on page analysis shows two canonical urls on my homepage. In checking the source code the Yoast SEO plugin states my canoncial url is   This is the only one showing. Having said this I do not add the trailing slash to anything on my url structure. Could this be why the on page analysis tool says there are 2? If so is there any way to resolve this?

    | casper434

  • Is it okay for SEO to have a google maps api as the primary source of navigation? For example, have people find locations on a map instead of links to them. I'm wondering how/if Google views this method, kinda like how Google can't read images. Will Google realize that these pages are linked to from the homepage gmaps API?

    | terran

  • Hello, here we go again, If I write an article somewhere, lets say Squidoo for instance, then post it to my blog on my website will google see this as duplicate content and  probably credit Squidoo for it or is there soemthing I can do to prevent this, maybe a linkk back to Squidoo from my website or a dontfollow on my website? Im not sure so any help here would be great, Also If I use other peoples material in my blog and link back to them, obviously I dont want the credit for the original material I am simply collating some of this on my blog for others to have a specific library if you like. Is this going to damage my websites reputation? Thanks again peeps. Craig Fenton IT

    | craigyboy

  • A site I'm working on is being redesigned because the current platform does not allow for content to be changed easily. In the process, they are going from .php to .html. I am concerned about their losing link juice. Can a site work with the old content remaining .php and the new content being .html or should all pages stay .php?

    | cakelady

  • 1. Internal Serp pages did not have a robots meta tag 2. As a result, client site has thousands (~4,400) of internal site SERP pages in the Google index. 3. We added the NoIndex, Follow attribute to all internal SERPS 4. We Disallowed: in Robots.txt 5. No new SERP pages are being indexed, but the other 4000 something that were already there are still in the index weeks later. 6. The pages are dynamically created and still work, so I can't use the Remove Content tool from google, because the pages don't 404. Is there any way to get these pages out of the index besides just waiting and hoping google eventuall drops them? Thanks


  • Hi, I run a small photo booth rental business in San Francisco, CA that serves the greater Bay Area.  I've created different webpages for each location that we serve, ie: "San Francisco Photo Booth", "Oakland Photo Booth", "San Jose Photo Booth", etc.... I'm assuming that for each city, the strongest keyword would be "City-Photo Booth".  However, I also want to target different variations of the keyword, such as: San Francisco Photo Booth: -Photo Booth San Francisco -SF Photo Booth -San Francisco Photobooth -San Francisco, CA Photo Booth -etc.... Will adding these keywords onto the same webpage dilute the relevance of my main keyword "San Francisco Photo Booth"?  Also, is there any way to place these words within the text of the webpage so that it does not sound akward and unnatural to the reader?  Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

    | pharcydeabc

  • I have a site that gets pretty decent rankings.  Based on Seomoz's assessment of my site I have ALOT of title tags that are too long. If I make modifications to my title tags will that hurt my rankings? I am also thinking of removing my company name from the title tag as that is taking up too much space.

    | webestate

  • Hi Mozzers, I've been working on redesigning and revamping this site, Their domain and keyword are a match but not ranking #1. Some initial things I feel that needs to be changed are the links on the side and top bar, viewing the on page report, it does have a lot of links on every page. Trying to figure out how to remove them without having the top nav look empty. Previous category descriptions were written by possibly an article spinner or keyword stuffed writer. Need to start building more links, although PR5, it doesn't rank too well. Let me know your opinions and thoughts, I would love to hear them out. TMI!

    | William.Lau

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