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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Do you know if an H1 within a div that has a 'display: none' style applied will still be crawled and evaluated by Google? We have that situation on this page on line 136: view-source: Of course we also have an H1 up at the top of the page and are concerned that the second one will cause interference with our SEO efforts. I've seen conflicting and inconclusive information on line - not sure. Thanks for any help.

    | rastellop

  • We are adding json+ld data to an ecommerce site and myself and one of the other people working on the site are having a minor disagreement on things. What it comes down to is how to mark up the category page. One of us says it needs to be marked up with as an Itempage,  The other says it needs to be marked up as products, with multiple product instances in the schema, The main sticking point on the Itemlist is that Itemlist is a child of intangible, so there is a feeling that should be used for things like track listings or other arbitrary data.

    | LesleyPaone

  • Google is spending 37% of its time crawling the NAV bar which is on every page.  Google is spending very little time 1% on the most important pages -- product pages ( on . Does anyone know what is going on and how I can change the behavior?

    | akih

  • What do they need GTM for? And what is the use case for setting up Google Search Console?

    | NBJ_SM

  • I was horrified to learn that my hosting company, InMotion Hosting does not offer redundant backups, that it is on the customer to set up backups to ensure they don't lose their data. I plan to back up to Google Drive 3 x a week for 12 backups and also create 3 backups on our server (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday). So if something goes wrong and we catch it within a week we can generate the backup directly from our server. There are website backup services such as BlogVault. Do they offer any meaningful advantages to taking the contents of the entire server (16 gigs) and backing it up? They do offer Malware removal. Does this have value? Is back up on an external service like Google Cloud while simultaneously backing up on the server a safe way to proceed? If not, what is the simplest and most effective manner to backup? I prefer to avoid adding any plugins to WordPress as our site already has too many (about 30). Thanks!!

    | Kingalan1

  • Are there SEO ramifications as a result of moving a group of sites that currently each have their own subdomain, under one subdomain? Ex: changing, and  to,  and etc. For example, let's say dept2 has a page about 4H and dept3 has a different page about 4H, if they're no longer their own subdomains, could only one of the 4H pages rank?  In addition, would moving the department name further down the URL path cause the department's front page not rank as well? Thanks,

    | AnneHolz

  • We're currently migrating few "event" mini sites to a main site that will have a subfolder for each event.. Example: The issue is that Search console is not able to verify this kind of redirect: --> 301 --> Do you know any work around for this? I was thinking of using a subdomain instead which will in turn redirect to the /event subfolder.. but with each hop it will diminish the link's strength. I prefer not to leave it as subdomain as data gets mashed up in Google Analytics with subdomains and we have seen worse ranking results with subdomains. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    | RichardUK

  • Hi, We don't have most important keyword of our industry in our domain or sub-domain. How important it is to have keyword in website URL? Most of our competitors pages with "keyword" urls been listing in SERP. What is back-links role in this scenarion? And which URL have more advantage? keyword in sub-domain or page with keyword. Like for "seo" keyword..... or

    | vtmoz

  • We are trying to create tables or bullet points on each of our pages summarising the content of the page and get it to rank on position 0 on Google. This technique worked for some searches but not all so we were wondering: Is it beneficial to add links or not ? Is there a keyword limit? We are on Magento 2 if that helps. Thanks James

    | JamesDavison

  • What with Google recently coming out and saying they're basically ignoring paginated pages, I'm considering the link structure of our new, sooner to launch ecommerce site (moving from an old site to a new one with identical URL structure less a few 404s). Currently our new site shows 20 products per page but with this change by Google it means that any products on pages 2, 3 and so on will suffer because google treats it like an entirely separate page as opposed to an extension of the first. The way I see it I have one option: Show every product in each category on page 1. I have Lazy Load installed on our new website so it will only load the screen a user can see and as they scroll down it loads more products, but how will google interpret this? Will Google simply see all 50-300 products per category and give the site a bad page load score because it doesn't know the Lazy Load is in place? Or will it know and account for it? Is there anything I'm missing?

    | moon-boots

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers, We have added canonical URL to this page -, pointing to When I check in Google search console, there are no issues reported with that page, and Google does say that it was able to properly read the canonical URL. Yet, it still chooses the page itself as canonical. This doesn't make sense to me. (Here is the link to the screenshot: Has anyone dealt with this type of issue, and were you able to resolve it?

    | DmitriiK

  • Hi, I am new to SEO, may I know how many anchor text with a do-follow link I should aim for a 500-1000 words guest post? also, what is the percentage of different type of anchor text per post, e.g. ( 20%  Branded,  20% Exact-match,  20% Naked link and more? I know that quality is more important, but is there any magic number and the percentage I should really aim for? Kind regards CHRIS


  • A client has an existing successful website that sells niche products - they are well known in their marketplace. They have two sets of key customers, let's call them (a) and (b), that need addressing in different ways to maximise sales. (a) is the more specialist end of the market, where people have complex needs - there are fewer of them but repeat business is likely, and we can talk to them in more technical language. (b) is the layman's end of the market - there is a vast pool of potential customers but they'll be more casual buyers and need to be addressed more in layman's terms. So what they want to do is to take their existing website, and essentially split it into two different websites, one for each market. The one that will use the existing domain, with all the links that have built up over the years pointing to it, will be the site for the more specialist end of the market (a). The domain name suits it better, which is why he wants to use the existing domain with that site and not the other. (b) will be a brand new domain. The client will write new product descriptions across the board so that the two sets of product information are not duplicate. I'd rather he didn't do this at all, because of the risk involved, and the difficulty of building up the traffic to the new site, which is after all the one with the best chance of mass market sales. But given that the client has decided that this is definitely what he wants, does anyone have any thoughts on what the action plan should be?

    | helga73

  • Hi, We are migrating our website and an issue we are facing is how to handle paginated content in our categories. Our new website will have the same structure but with different urls. Should we 301 redirect all the paginated content (if crawled by Google) to the url of the main category? To put this into an example: Old urls:      (main category of TVs & also page 1) ** **    ( page 2 of TVs) New urls: **     **(main category of TVs & also page 1) **       **(page 2 of tvs) Should we redirect  all of the old TV urls (also the paginated) to ? The is no rel next, prev tag in our site and no canonicals. Also there is a view all products page in each category, BUT it doesn't contain all the products(max. is 100 per page - yes the view all page is also paginated). The same view all products page (paginated) will exist in the new website also. I checked google search console, and Google has decided to treat as canonical page the first page . Also, all the organic traffic of our categories goes to these pages (main category page - 1st page). I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

    | HellasSITES

  • Hi guys, I am working on an e-commerce site that's running in Shopify. I noticed that the filter pages do not have canonical tags pointing to their respective main categories. I doubt that the action needed is to canonicalise each filter pages to the main category as it would take time (there are a lot of filter URLs involved). Do you know any technical coding to do in Shopify to have all filter pages canonicalise to its main category? Keen to hear from you. Cheers

    | brandonegroup

  • We are currently having very old pages dating back 5+ years ago appearing on moz all of a sudden, we don't necessarily get traffic from these links anymore and i doubt they still hold any weight. Currently they take you to a 404 page, would there be any worth in redirecting these links?

    | JH_OffLimits

  • My SEO has advised me that Google has stopped using title and description tags for search results and as such, it is no longer necessary to write specific title and description tags. I see that Yoast seems to pull text to create these tags and sometimes it looks like it reflects the best elements of the content, sometimes it does not. Should I be asking our SEO team to write dedicated title and description tags or is it best practices  to leave it to the Yoast plugin? My SEO is of the opinion that writing these tags is not a productive use of time as Google will serve results based on the user inquiry rather than the content on his tags. It sounds logical but it would be reassuring to receive further confirmation of this. Thoughts?"
    Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi- Can you give me your opinion please... if you look at and see the high SPAM score- and the fact that our domain has been put on some spammy sites over the years- Is it better and faster to place higher in google SERP if we create a fresh new domain? My theory is we will spin our wheels trying to get unlisted from alot of those spammy linking sites. And that it would be faster to see results using a fresh new domain rather than trying to clean up the current spammy doamin. Thanks in advance - You guys have been awesome!!

    | murraycustomhomescom

  • Hi Guys, We have an e-commerce migration of a site moving from Magento to Shopify.  The URL stuctures are changing so we will need redirects in place. They have over 50,000 skus/products. We need to setup redirect mapping - from old to new pages. Now setting up redirects for every single product seems overtop. Thus what is a good minimum requirement to determine if its worth redirecting a product page? We are thinking about going based on referring domains and google analytics data (for the last 12 months). If any product page has 1+ referring domain or more then 50 organic sessions during 12 months then setup a redirect otherwise no redirect required. Thoughts? Thankyou.

    | brandonegroup

  • Hi I noticed for some blog providers in my country, which provide a sub-domian address for their blogs. the sub-domain authority is exactly as the main domain. Whereas, for some other blog providers  every subdomain has its different and lower authority. for example "" and "" both have domain authority of 60. It noteworthy to mention that the "" does not even exist! This is while and has diffrent page authority.

    | rayatarh545123

  • I am working on an SEO project for the website: There are some core website pages, which we want to target for organic traffic, like this one: Then we have basically have another version that is set up as a landing page and used for CPC campaigns. Essentially, my question is should I apply canonical links from the landing page versions to the core website pages (especially if I know they are only utilising them for CPC campaigns) so as to push link equity/juice across? Here is the GA data from January 1 - April 30, 2019 (Behavior > Site Content > All Pages😞

    | Wavelength_International

  • I'm in charge of building a website for a company that made a mess. They own domain (xxx is not the real domain, just a placeholder). Some years ago they 301 redirected to (they just changed TLDs). Last year they 301 redirected to (so, they actually changed domains). Now, after 13 months, the company failed and the new leadership wants me to undo everything and 301 redirect from to So: 301 redirect is permanent. So, conceptually it's wrong to undo it. What happens if I undo it? Will my ranking be penalized, even if a significant amount of time has passed (13 months)? Will crawlers detect a loop (even if i remove any 301 redirect from and theorically break the loop)? Here is the potential loop: -> -> -> -> etc... All of the articles I found on the web are quite old and not clear about this topic, that's why I'm asking this question.

    | naska1990

  • Hi guys, I recently upgraded from woocommerce 2 to v3 and rankings have been plummeting. I have double checked all of the schema, markup, technical, speed, etc and it all seems to be the same. The on thing that I did find is that while there used to be about 400 images (products) there are now over 1500 images in the index as all of the thumbnails are not in the sitemap. Would / could this cause the issue? Can i remove all the thumbs from the sitemap? if so any suggestions on how (google returns very little to nothing regarding this). Should i alt text every thumbnail..... Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    | plahpoy

  • One year ago we migrated domain "X" to domain "Y". We did the proper redirects and used Google Search Console. Everything was done by the book. Now when we enter "Site: X" in Google about 650 results listing the old domain still come up. When clicked these redirect to the new domain. My SEO says that the old domain should not be indexed by Google, that these pages with the old domain should not appear.  Is this in fact an incomplete domain migration? Our search traffic dropped considerably when we migrated the domain a year ago. My SEO thinks this may explain the drop. Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi there - I am planning out an SEO migration but this thought just occured to me: If the links into a site's previous URL went to the non-canonical version of the domain name - e.g. to: and not the correct version of that URL, which is: Then, if I do a redirect simply from the correct canonical version of the domain: - rather than the versions of the domain that are being pointed to by backlinks - e.g. - then the migration will not be carrying across all the linkjuice from the previous site. So how would you suggest dealing with this issue?

    | McTaggart

  • Hi, I just bought an old domain with good backlinks and authority, that domain was technology product formerly. So, I want to make this domain for my money site. The purpose of this website is to serve technological information like WordPress tutorial and etc (free software or drivers). And I just installed a sub directory on this domain like and this directory I made for a free software like graphics drivers download (NVIDIA or AMD). What you think with this website? Is it make sense? Wait, I just added this domain to my campaign at MOZ and the result shown my sub directory was 6 times of crawl depth. Is it good for directory or I need to move the sub directory to my main site? Thank you, hope someone answer my confuse. Best Regard, Matthew.

    | matthewparkman

  • The Search Term is "Alcohol Ink" and our client has a better page authority, domain authority, links to the page, and on-page grade than those in the SERP for spaces 5-10 and we're not even ranked in the top 51+ according to Moz's tracker. The only difference I can see is that our URL doesn't use the exact text like some of the 5-10 do. However, regardless of this, our on-page grade is significantly higher than the rest of them. The one thing I found was that there were two links to the page (that we never asked for) that had a spam score in the low 20's and another in the low 30's. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to maybe get around this? Certainly, a content campaign and linking campaign around this could also help but I'm kind of scratching my head. The client is reputable, with a solid domain age and well recognized in the space so it's not like it's a noob trying to get in out of nowhere.

    | Omnisye

  • I'm a developer working with a dating site and we're having what appear to be unusual ranking behaviour for the keyword "Ukraine Brides". When searching for "Ukraine Brides" we typically have the top 3 results in Google, however the homepage is almost never ranked #1. Other non-optimised pages appear ahead of it. I believe this is having a negative affect on our conversion rate, so wish to see this resolved. For instance, if you search here in NZ, the results are typically: Login page (/account/login) Search page (/search) Home page (/) Similar situation when searching in the US, but typically the top result is the search page. Is this unusual? We've spent quite a bit of time optimising the homepage, it has more external links, more internal links, better content that targets the keyword, more traffic, etc. Even so, the login and search pages appear higher. A side note, the average CTR for "Ukraine Brides" is significantly lower than "Ukraine Brides Agency" (20% vs 80% respectively), so I don't think that it's purely a 'brand keyword'. A few thoughts were: The search page is not accessible from the homepage unless you are logged in. Maybe this is causing some sort of linking/seo/ranking issue? Re: the login page being higher, perhaps many existing users visit the login page directly from this keyword in order to login straight away so Google pushes this to the top. I think this is less likely because most existing users will be logged in automatically (via cookies "remember me") and the homepage has a login form in anycase The site supports multiple languages. Maybe this is causing some canonical issues? There was an additional suggestion that we should noindex the login and search pages in order to resolve this ranking issue, but were nervous that we'd lose a large amount of organic clicks if we did this. Google must be doing this for a reason, so we wanted to resolve that underlying reason before dropping the noindex hammer. The fear is of course that we've done something wrong with our homepage which is causing it to perform poorly and thus these other pages rank higher. The hope would be that if we fixed that, that our rank for other keywords would improve also. It would be great if we could get some more eyes on this to hopefully confirm we're not doing anything silly, and are just generally after a second opinion.

    | andrew_uba

  • If I am running and have a blog on Will moving the blog to and using a reverse proxy give the blog the same domain authority as Thanks

    | El-Bracko

  • Hello, We are an e-commerce & content site undergoing a website migration and redesign in the coming months.  We will be getting an entirely new website.  Many of our URLs will be changing: Current URL setup:
    Future URL setup: So we're aware we will be using plenty of 301 redirects to achieve this. Further to this though, we currently have a product page for each configuration of a product - for example, a single-sided bookmark has its own page and URL, and the double-sided version of the same bookmark has its own page and URL.  In our site redesign, we are hoping to consolidate each of these instances into one product page where users can select single or double-sided and the price will update accordingly.  The bookmark URLs would then go from:  _(call this URL A for simplicity)  (call this URL B) To (after migrating to the new URL structure for the new site, and the now-consolidated single- & double-sided product pages):  (call this URL C) What is the best way to make this transition without losing too much of our SEO value?  I understand there is nearly always traffic loss with URL changes but I'd like to at least minimize the damage as best I can.  We have backlinks and ranks for many product pages so I want to make sure we pass as much of this as we can. (And is this at all further complicated by the fact that URL A & B won't exist on the new site, and URL C doesn't exist on the current site?  Does this impact the use of the 301 redirects and if so, how?) Are we better off to approach this page consolidation after the site migration and treat it as a separate project?  This is something that is important to our user experience, and is definitely a change we want to make. Any advice is appreciated - thank you! I'm a fairly beginner-intermediate SEO so this is all somewhat new but I want to be able to at least convey some understanding to our developer of what we need to do.  I was able to find this discussion ( which describes a similar situation and solutions if we were just consolidating the pages but doesn't quite have the complicating factor of the entire site migration happening at the same time. Thanks so much!

    | katelynroberts

  • Hi, Here's what I'm doing: I've got Creative Suite and I'm putting together animations and videos for several websites, finding clips and images and forming what we need. What I need: A video production service to put everything together with their fine 10X or near "touch" without charging me too much since I did all the legwork. I'm asking for a miracle here, I'm asking for almost 10X animation, but where I do the legwork and it doesn't cost very much. Real low budget here, but we're not willing to put out anything low par. Please share any services or advice you know of. Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Hi all, I'm looking at how to handle backlinks on a site, and am seeking a tool into which I can manually paste backlinks - is there a good backlink audit tool that offers this functionality? Please let me know! Thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Just wondered if anyone knows how to be included in SERP if it comes to related questions (People also ask). Do you have to fill some requirements or is it featured snippets kind of thing.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • Anyone familiar with Shopify will understand the problems of their directory structure. Every time you add a product to a 'collection' it essentially creates a duplicate. For example... may also appear as: etc, etc It's not uncommon to have up to six duplicates of each product. So my question is twofold: Firstly, should I worry about this from an SEO point of view? I understand the desire to minimise potential duplicate content issues and also in focussing the 'juice' on just one page per product. But I also planned on trying to build the authority of the collection pages. If I request Google not to index the product pages which link off the collections, does this not devalue these collections pages? Secondly, I understand the correct way to fix these is using 'rel canonical' tags, but I'm not clear about HOW to actually do this. Shopify support has not been very helpful. They have provided two different instructions, so just added to the confusion (see below). Shopify instruction #1: Add the following to the theme.liquid file... <title><br />{{ page_title }}{% if current_tags %} – tagged "{{ current_tags | join: ', ' }}"{% endif %}{% if current_page != 1 %} – Page {{ current_page }}{% endif %}{% unless page_title contains %} – {{ }}{% endunless %}<br /></title>
    {% if page_description %} {% endif %} Shopify instruction #2: Add the following to each individual product page... So, can anyone help clarify: The best strategic approach to this inherent SEO issue with Shopify (besides moving to another platform!)? and If 'rel canonical' tags is the way to go, exactly where and how to apply them? Regards, Murray

    | muzzmoz

  • I often see commentators mentioning out of balance site structures/IA but what does this actually mean in SEO terms? For example, Yoast advises: "If one category grows much larger than others, your site’s pyramid could be thrown off balance." Neil Patel advises "Try to balance the amount of subcategories within each category. Basically, try to keep it approximately even. If one main category has fourteen subcategories, while another main category has only three subcategories, this could become a little unbalanced." Does this have any direct influence on SEO (crawlability, etc.) or is this more a UX issue? I look forward to receiving your feedback.

    | McTaggart

  • I'm trying to convince a client of the importance of their Google My Business profile and other listings. But because they are less concerned about local since they are a remote based B2B coaching group they don't see it as a priority. Any resources to help me unpack the importance?

    | seanc1

  • Hi! Does anybody have any expierence on the SEO impact when changing the content of a page depending on the IP address of the visitor? Would be text content as well as meta information. This happening on the same URL. Many thanks.

    | Schoellerallibert

  • Hi Guys, If you're doing an SEO migration and have multiple versions of the same page example: Version 1: Version 2: Version 3: And you want to redirect them to a new URL (new site): New Site: How would you ensure you redirect all the different versions of URL (versions 1,2,3) to the new URL on the new site? Cheers.

    | brandonegroup

  • Greetings: We are considering hiring a firm specializes in developing .EDU links. Is the ROI on EDU links better than non EDU backlinks from reputable domains? Will obtaining EDU links results in greater domain authority and improved ranking for search engine results? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi there. Anyone know how important Image title attribute is ? Moz is bringing it up saying make sure my images are all title attributed as well as alternative texted but no wedding photographers mention it in SEO posts or blogs. Click on wedding photographers blogs and most don't seem to have it (Image title attribute) either but I don't want to miss anything out that I need to be doing as I am building a new site and if it needs to be done now I have the time to do it. Any advice is appreciated thank you people x

    | Howelljones

  • Hi everyone I am hoping a few of you can share your opinions. I have been having conversations (okay, healthy debates) about how to write/structure meta title tag and how to compliment them with the H1, page title, menu name. To help explain the thought processes I will use a pretend keyword. How about "screwdriver". Case: (I made this up) we are redesigning a website for a construction tools manufacturing company (pretend name: ABC Tools) targeting OEMs who are interested in purchasing large quantities of tools. The product categories (to become main menu items) are Screwdrivers, Nails, Drills, and Hammers. (bear with me .... this is just an example I am making up on the fly) K. Circling back to screwdrivers - let's say we have one landing page (a primary category page and in the main menu) listing products and great details about screwdrivers. Focus keywords are screwdriver manufacturer, screwdriver supplier, construction screwdrivers Below are questions being debated. If you are willing ... how would you address these questions? And, can you explain WHY? QUESTION ONE: How would you structure the meta title tag (feel free to write one of your own) Screwdriver Manufacturer - Construction Screwdriver | ABC Tools ABC Tools - US-based Screwdriver Manufacturer Supplier Near You High-Quality Screwdrivers for Construction with ABC Tools QUESTION TWO: how would you write the H1 on the page? Would it match the meta tag? OR, would you write something different using the primary keyword? QUESTION THREE Remembering this is not a blog post ... it is a primary landing page linked to the main navigation. What would the menu title be? (remember the product categories above are how the main menu items are bucketed) Screwdrivers Screwdriver Manufacturer Typically in WordPress, the H1 and the menu title is auto-populated using the page title (not the title tag)... So, if we use Screwdrivers as the page title but we want the H1 to match the meta title tag, would we manually change the H1? Or, have the page title and title tag match, but manually change the menu item?

    | Brenda.Haines

  • We completed a Wordpress redesign of our website in December. The project took about 8 months. Important URLs on the new site are performing slowly according to Google Page Speed Insights. For instance, a key product page gets a score of 18 on mobile and 61 on desktop. Home page scores 37 on mobile and 80 on desktop. My new SEO believes the website is hindered by an excessive number of plugins and widgets. That reducing the number of these may increase performance. Also, my developers were unable to get WT3 Total Cache to work with our InMotion server and have used about 3 plugins for cache. We purchased a real estate theme (wpcasa) and heavily customized it. Any suggestions for improveing performance? If we recoded the website from scratch without a pre existing theme (using the existing design) would that speed up performance? Is there anything we can do remove complexity and improve URL download speeds? We are in a very competitive niche and we need decent performance in order to rank. Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi Guys, I want to get our GMB reviews example: appearing also on SERP page example: Is it possible to pull GMB reviews and do this? From my understanding for review rich snippets to appear you actually need the reviews housed on your website and cannot be pulled from third party like GMB. Cheers.

    | brandonegroup

  • I have a main site - I just created a subdomain - I plan to use the as a 1 page lead form only. I will link to from and also from other websites I own ( etc.) - filtering all traffic to this form to capture leads. (Note - the has CNAME to other server that hosts the backend of the form) My questions are: How should I link from to With dofollow or nofollow? ( has 1000's of pages and would link from every page with "get a quote' type button) 2) How should I link from to With dofollow or nofollow? Any SEO risk linking to from an outside domain? ( has 1000's of pages and would link from every page with "get a quote' type button) Does it make sense to build links from outside sites to directly to try to get that lead capture page to rank on it's own? 4) Does it make sense to link back from back to for seo value? With dofollow or nofollow? Thanks in advance for any help.

    | leadforms

  • We have a customer portal which is used to display customer's serial numbers, the knowledgebase, support ticketing information and forum.  This information is behind a wall as a user must have support in order to view. The question is what are the best practices for SEO with the customer portal?  Should we block these sections from bots?  Is there a way to take advantage of the number of pages that are within the portal?

    | ASCI-Marketing

  • We host static tours on a subdomain that points to the video tour host.  I can not add meta or optimize any of these video pages and there are thousands.   Should I de-index the entire subdomain?  I am seeing errors for no meta, dup content etc in MOZ reporting. If yes, do I add the Disallow: / to the primary domain's website/CMS or in DNS records ?  Our web company is saying the no follow needs to be added in DNS but I feel like it should be added to the robots.txt file if SERP's are going to acknowledge the sub is no longer to be crawled and the primary is no longer to be penalized. Thank you so much in advance!

    | masonmorse

  • Is there any tools people know about where I can verify that Google is seeing all of our content at scale. I know I can take snippets and plug them into Google to see if we are showing up, but this is very time consuming and want to know across a bulk of pages.

    | HashtagHustler

  • Hi, To holding of a client of ours, has bought the webshop from a competitor. They have moved the domain of the competitor to their own server, and also changed the technique so both sites have the same CMS and also same technique on the front-end.
    How bad is this for SEO? Should they change from server ASAP and are there solutions to do stay on the same server but use something like an CDN? Looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks!

    | Dennis1992038

  • A few days ago I noticed that my site was not showing up in google, only the subpages. There is no message in the google search console. I requested the site to be reindexed and about a day later the site was showing up in google again. Now another day has past and the site is now again not indexed in google. Question is why the site is being deindexed??? I have worked a bit with getting backlinks to the site and I did recently gain 3 backlinks within a few days (about a week has past since I gained these links). Still I can't believe Google would count this as unnatural link building, especially since I guess it will take some time for Google to detect new incoming links. Another thing I've notice though is that my site about two weeks ago got a high number of incoming links from different spam sites with .gq TLD's (see the attached screenshot). The majority of these sites have however not linked to my main page but to a sub page which still is indexed by Google. Can all these spamlinks be the reason to why Google has deindexed the main page of my site? I've read that Google in general ignore links from spam sites, still I have taken action against these spam sites by submitting a disavow text file containing all these spam domains. I submitted this file about 2 days ago. I have now again requested the site to be reindexed so perhaps will it soon be listed again. Still, I can't keep having my site deindexed and having me reindexing it every second day. I would really appreciate if someone could give me some insight in this problem. moz.jpg

    | Grodan2

  • Super weird problem that I can't solve for last 5 hours. One of my urls: Has been indexed for more than a year and also has an AMP version, few hours ago I realized that it had disappeared from serps. We were ranking on page 1 for several key terms. When I perform a search " " the url is no where to be found  on all 5 pages. But when I check my Google Console it shows as indexed I requested to index again but nothing changed. All other 50 or so urls are not effected at all, this is the only url that has gone missing can someone solve this mystery for me please. Thanks a lot in advance.

    | Davit1985

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