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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Calling all those with ecommerce SEO chops! What are the high impact tasks that you would always start out your new campaigns with? I've got this far in my thinking: Identifying query classes, identifying the intent of each query class and setting up ranking indices ensuring templated META page titles match the most valuable query syntax identify any issues with crawl budget that might prevent deep product page indexing
    ??? Hoping this can be one of those discussion threads that is so useful people bookmark it for future reference! Many thanks!

    | QubaSEO

  • I have an ecommerce store and i am using moz to get it into the best seo situation... my question is this..... I want to know how important it is to have the targeted keyword actually in the product page url.... I working on meta title and description which is good, but if i start changing all my product urls, it has major impact on the work i have to do since i would have to redo all my product links in ads, and all my product urls in emails, etc. So how much of a part do the urls play in seo?

    | Bkhoward2001

  • There are 2 or 3 URLs and one image file that dozens of toxic domains are linking to on our website. Some of these pages have hundreds of links from 4-5 domains. Rather than disavowing these links, would it make sense to simply break these links, change the URL that the link to and not create a redirect? It seems like this would be a sure fire way to get rid of these links. Any downside to this approach? Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • Can you talk about anything (any topics) when you write about something or is google expecting to see certain topics ? Let me clarify, let's say I do "bike tours on the island of Corsica"and bike through villages that none of the companies ranking on the 1 st page ride thru. Can I still rank as long as I write good content or do I need to cover at least some of the topics covered by the companies ranking on the 1 st page ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I should start by saying we are new to SEO. We are introducing new “cycling tours” in new destinations and we are looking for a strategy to combat geo-modified keyword searches. When people search for “cycling tours” they will anchor their search with a geo-modifier such as “cycling tours France” or “cycling tours Italy”. Based in Australia we are keen to communicate to Australians searching for international cycling tours there are new Australian options that they may wish to consider. The geo-modifiers required to find our tours (“eyre peninsula” and “carnarvon gorge”) are currently not on the cycling communities radar. For example to find one of our new tours you need to use “cycling tours eyre peninsula” or “cycling tours carnarvon gorge”. Currently the only solution we have found to let people know about our new tours is by word of mouth. Is there an SEO solution?

    | Chook1

  • We are getting good ranking for an unexpected page, rathewr than the one we were trying to get ranking for. Should we put a canonical on the 'unexpected page' to the page we would like to receive the ranking for - or do we risk losing the ranking? Any suggestions welcomed. Ian

    | Substance-create

  • Hello All- I have been in the SEO industry for about 4 years and feel fairly confident in my technical SEO; however, I am being asked to conduct a migration that is both a platform change (step 1) then a consolidation change (think of combining websites when a company is acquired) all within a 4-5 month time span. I feel like as I begin to create this multi-step checklist I would love to hear of others that have gone through something similar or have resources you could point me to form more of a process/procedure standpoint. Again - I feel confident in the technical output but I have a fairly junior team and want to execute this smoothly. Feel free to add recommendations or ask for clarification if my discussion question doesn't make sense.

    | Instructure

  • I have an interesting problem I would like to pick someone else’s brain. Our business has over 80 different products, each with a dedicated page (specs, gallery, copy etc.) on the main website. Main site itself, is used for presentation purpose only and doesn’t offer a direct path to purchase. A few years ago, to serve a specific customer segment, we have created a site where customers can perform a quick purchase via one of our major strategic partners. Now we are looking to migrate this old legacy service, site and all its pages under the new umbrella (main domain/CMS). Problem #1 Redirects/ relevancy/ SEO equity Ideally, we could simply perform 1:1 - 301 redirect from old legacy product pages to the relevant new site products pages. The problem is that Call to action (buy), some images and in some cases, parts of the copy must be changed to some degree to accommodate this segment. The second problem is in our dev and creative team. There are not enough resources to dedicate for the creation of the new pages so we can perform 1:1 301 redirects. So, the potential decision is to redirect a visitor to the dynamic page URL where parent product page will be used to apply personalization rules and a new page with dynamic content (buy button, different gallery etc.) is displayed to the user (see attached diagram). If we redirect directly to parent URL and then apply personalization rules, URL will stay the same and this is what we are trying to avoid (we must mention in the URL that user is on purchase path, otherwise this redirect and page where the user lands, can be seen as deceptive). Also Dynamic pages will have static URLs and unique page/title tag and meta description. Problem #2 : Indexation/Canonicalization The dynamic page is canonicalized to the parent page and does have nearly identical content/look and feel, but both serve a different purpose and we want both indexed in search. Hope my explanation is clear and someone can chip in. Any input is greatly appreciated! vCm2Dt.jpg

    | bgvsiteadmin

  • At the moment for most of our sites, we have both a desktop and mobile version of our sites. They both show the same content and use the same URL structure as each other. The server determines whether if you're visiting from either device and displays the relevant version of the site. We are in a predicament of how to properly use the canonical and alternate rel tags. Currently we have a canonical on mobile and alternate on desktop, both of which have the same URL because both mobile and desktop use the same as explained in the first paragraph. Would the way of us doing it at the moment be correct?

    | JH_OffLimits

  • Hi Everyone, I am having two listing websites. Website A&B are marketplaces Website A approx 12k listing pages Website B : approx 2k pages from one specific brand. The entire 2k listings on website B do exist on website A with the same URL structure with just different domain name. Just header and footer change a little bit. But body is same code. The listings of website B are all partner of a specific insurance company. And this insurance company pays me to maintain their website. They also look at the traffic going into this website from organic so I cannot robot block or noindex this website. How can I be as transparent as possible with Google. My idea was to apply a canonical on website B (insurance partner website) to the same corresponding listing from website A. Which would show that the best version of the product page is on website A. So for example would have a canonical pointing to : would have a canonical pointing to thoughts ? Cheers

    | Evoe

  • At the moment, I am moving from (niche site) to the (multi-niche site). Due to some reasons, I do not want to use 301 right now and planning to use the canonical pointing to the new domain instead. Would Google rank the new site instead of the old site? From what I have learnt, the canonical tag lets Google know that which is the main source of the contents. Thank you very much!

    | india-morocco

  • We are using link detox (Link Research Tools) to evaluate our domain for bad links. We ran a Domain-wide Link Detox Risk report. The reports showed a "High Domain DETOX RISK" with the following results: -42% (292) of backlinks with a high or above average detox risk
    -8% (52) of backlinks with an average of below above average detox risk
    -12% (81) of backlinks with a low or very low detox risk
    -38% (264) of backlinks were reported as disavowed. This look like a pretty bad link profile. Additionally, more than 500 of the 689 backlinks are "404 Not Found", "403 Forbidden", "410 Gone", "503 Service Unavailable". Is it safe to disavow these? Could Google be penalizing us for them> I would like to disavow the bad links, however my concern is that there are so few good links that removing bad links will kill link juice and really damage our ranking and traffic. The site still  ranks for terms that are not very competitive. We receive about 230 organic visits a week. Assuming we need to disavow about 292 links, would it be safer to disavow 25 per month while we are building new links so we do not radically shift the link profile all at once? Also, many of the bad links are 404 errors or page not found errors. Would it be OK to run a disavow of these all at once? Any risk to that? Would we be better just to build links and leave the bad links ups? Alternatively, would disavowing the bad links potentially help our traffic? It just seems risky because the overwhelming majority of links are bad.

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi, I am the site owner of It is a youtube video hosted website. 95% of the video contents are daily telecasting TV shows and categorized to make easy to find the specific video of the day of preferred program of the viewer. About 1 year ago suddenly disappeared my site from the google. Before happened that it was performing very well in search. Google showed my site contents within few minutes after I update in their search results when someone search for that. At the moment it does not show even some one search for "lankahq". It showing only if search for "", "" or "" something like a search keyword related to my domain name. Some other websites have added my branding keyword LankaHQ as a user of their site and they showing on top of Google. But not mine. It is much appreciated if someone can have a look on this matter. I can not find where is the problem.

    | cprasad

  • Hello, I own a domain FeedsPortal - com As you can see from the link profile, it has some fantastic referring domains and links. Because of this, it has a DA of 86, with a good CF/TF. The problem is that nearly all of these powerful links are for the sub domains under the main domain. For example, it has a link on this page on MSN... On this MSN article, it has a link to (a link under, which then forwards to my domain under a sub domain I have many hundreds of sub domains like this. I have a feeling redirecting all non-existent sub domains to the homepage would be a bad idea for SEO. Does anyone else see of a way to do this without harming my SEO? I suppose the only way to do it properly would be to write articles about each subdomain. For example,, write an article about The Atlantic, then forward all traffic meant for to Does anyone else have an idea of how to at least get a list of the non-existant sub domains that have links so I can maybe create articles for each sub domain? Or is there a simpler way to do this. Thanks!

    | thinkingdif

  • hi there. my website is for a school. We have several calendars for athletic events, school events, etc. there are thousands of events each year that link to pages for each event. the URLs/pages are generated dynamically, and the urls and pages are very similar from year to year, so we're being penalized for duplicate content. I can delete past years events in bulk, but there's no way to redirect them in bulk. am i taking a big chance by deleting events that occurred prior to 1/1/2019?

    | BGR

  • Hi everyone, We are migrating an old site under a bigger umbrella (our main domain). As mentioned in the title, We'll perform CMS migration, domain change, and site structure change. Now, the major problem is that we can't get into google search console for the old site. The site still has old GA code, so google search console verification using this method is not possible, also there is no way developers will be able to add GTM or edit DNS setting (not to bother you with the reason why). Now, my dilemma is : 1. Do we need access to old search console to notify Google about the domain name change or this could be done from our main site (old site will become a part of) search console 2. We are setting up 301 redirects from old to the new domain (not perfect 1:1 redirect ). Once migration is done does anything else needs to be done with the old domain (it will become obsolete)? 3.The main site, Site-map... Should I create a new sitemap with newly added pages or update the current one. 4. if you have anything else please add:) Thank you!

    | bgvsiteadmin

  • A while back we had a 'bleed' on one of our sites, which basically meant one of our sites started to leak across pages to another and that site started to rank for the same pages and now we have hundreds of pages ranking for urls that do not exists. It's hard to explain, bare with me. If you were to click on the cached view in Google for the ranked page it would show you the main site, but if you were to click it as usual, then you would be taken to the site but a 404 would show as the intended page was not for that site. We believe we fixed the 'bleed' and have setup 301s for all the affected pages to go to the home page for the site it affected. But these pages have not been removed from Google, which we thought a 301 would do. So we still have hundreds of pages being ranked but are redirected to the home page. Why hasn't these pages been removed?

    | JH_OffLimits

  • Hi all, We are currently working on implementing structured data to our webshop, for SEO and for google shopping. We sell stones, pebbles, gravel etc. (to be used in gardens).We offer each product in different sized bags. Customers can buy 20KG minibags, 250KG minibags, 500KG midibags, 1500KG bigbags and bulk quantities (ranging from 3000KG up to 35000KG). For example, we sell Black Beach Pebbles in the bags as described as above (+ the bulk quantities). We have a product page for these Black Beach Pebbles and on that product page customers can choose the desired bag or desired bulk quantity. For google shopping, visitors land on these productpages. A while back that caused a problem; the landing page contained different prices so sometimes google could not match the prices on the landing page with the prices in our productfeed (because of course, each bag has a different price). So, besides SEO, another reason for us to implement structured data. I have two questions regarding the implementation. 1. For the landing page as described above, the idea now is to mark 1 product with different offers (an offer for each bag + an offer for the bulk quantities). This raises a problem regarding the bulk quantities; the price of the bulk quantity depends on the chosen quantity (customers can pick the desired bulk quantity using a dropdown) on the productpage. How should we markup the price? The idea know is to markup 1 product with different offers for each bag and 1 aggregate offer for the bulk quantities (and using the lowest price, so the price for the smallest bulk quantity). So, for the Black Beach pebbles: Product = Black beach Pebbles
      Offer (= 20KG minibag)
          Price = ...
      Offer (= 250KG minibag)
          Price = ...
      Offer (= 500KG midibag)
         Price = ...
      Offer (= 1500KG bigbag)
         Price = ...
      AggregateOffer (= Bulk quantities)
         Lowprice = ... Is combining Offer and AggregateOffer within 1 product the right solution? 2. For the 1500KG Bigbags and bulk quantities we have separate landing pages (because people specifically search for bigbags and bulk quantities). So those landing pages are dedicated to bigbags / bulk quantities. How should we mark up those pages? Should we for example just do this: On the page for te bigbag:
    Product = Black Beach Pebbles 1500KG bigbag
      Offer (=Black Beach Pebbles 1500KG bigbag)
         Price =.... and on the page for the bulk quantities: Product = Black Beach Pebbles bulk quantities
      AggregateOffer (=Black Beach Pebbles bulk quantities)
         Lowprice=...... Could that cause any confusion for google, because on the productpage with all the available bags, the bigbag is an offer for the product 'Beach Pebbles Black'. And on the second page it is a product on its own. Thanks in advance! Best!


  • We are working with a content based startup that needs to 301 redirect a lot of its pages to other websites. Will give you an example to help you understand. If we assume this is the startups domain and URL structure What they want to do is do a 301 redirect of to I have never seen 301 as a problem to SEO or link juice. But in this case where all the major URLs are getting redirected to other sites i was wondering if it would have a negative effect. Right now they have just 20-30 brands but they are planning to hit a couple of hundreds this year.

    | aaronfernandez

  • Our website was rebranded and relaunched. The old site did not use a / at the end of the URL. The site uses a forward slash at the end of the URL. My developer claims that this makes no difference, that in Google's eyes this is meaningless. My concern is that link juice will be lost because this necessitates a redirect. Links that were developed in the last few months now are redirected to the identical domain, but with a backslash at the end. Is this something to be concerned about or is it meaningless? Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • I know the ratio matters of follow/no follow when it comes to backlinks/inbound but also if there is a high volume of them per week, it can be flagged as spammy. Is there a limit on how many backlinks can be done in a week for a domain? I am talking backlinks from high domain authority low spam links. Media/blog sites.

    | SeobyKP

  • How does google view vertical bar pipe separation in content ? For example I want to create highlights. If i write something like that Sentence A | Sentence B | Sentence C | Sentence D | Is it considered the same paragraph or different paragraphs ? Thank you

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello there! I was wondering if you guys have experience with big retailers sites fetching data via API (PDP content etc.) from another domain which is also sharing the same data with other multiple sites. If each retailer has thousands on products, optimizing PDP content (even in batches) is quite of a cumbersome task and rel="canonical" pointing to original domain will dilute the value. How would you approach this type of scenario? Looking forward to read  your suggestions/experiences Thanks a lot! Best Sara

    | SaraCoppola

  • Our primary website has a subdomain and on that subdomain we have a jive-hosted community, with a few links to and fro. In GA they are set up as different properties but there are many SEO issues in the jive-hosted site, in which many different people can create content, delete content, comment, etc. There are issues related to how jive structures content, broken links, etc. My question is this: Aside from the SEO issues with the subdomain, can the performance of that subdomain negatively impact the SEO performance and rank of the primary domain? I've heard and read conflicting reports about this and it would be nice to hear from the MOZ community about options to resolve such issues if they exist. Thanks.

    | BHeffernan

  • Hi all, I would like to start works to give our website more visibility for 'near me' searches for x2 of our services. We have 130+ stores throughout the UK and would like to rank if someone in i.e. Leeds was to search 'pawnbroker near me'. Please can you advise the best way to achieve this? Do I need to add scheme mark up? If so, does this go on the service page? Or do I need to place on individual store pages? Any help much appreciated! Kind regards, Jack

    | Jack_Jahan

  • If I create a page about a "Normandy bike tour "and present the same things (pictures, hotels, dates, day by day itinerary, clients reviews, map)  as my competitors can I still rank ? Or do I need to add something totally that my competitors don't have on their webpages to rank and compete ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • How do you implement video meta data, closed captioning and transcripts to ensure both search engines and screen readers can crawl/read? For example, in a mostly text-based video with a simple audio track hosted one brightcove and embedded into our site, we want to make sure 1) google can crawl the text on the video and 2) a vision-impaired viewer would be able to use a screen reader to hear the text on the video.

    | elmorse

  • Hello, We run two sites with the same product, product descriptions and url structure. Essentially, the two sites are the same except for domain name and minor differences on the home pages. We've run this way for quite a few years. Both sites have a domain authority of 48 and there are not a large number of duplicate incoming links. I understand the "book" to say we should combine the sites with 301's to the similar pages. I am concerned about doing this because "site 2" still does about 20% of our business. We have been losing organic traffic for a number of years. I think this mainly has to do with a more competitive environment. However, where google used to serve both our sites for a search term it now will only show one. How much organic benefit should we see if we combine. Will it be significant enough to merge the two sites. Understandably, I realize the future can't be predicted but I would like to know if anyone has had a similar experience or opinion Thanks

    | ffctas

  • A recent update resulted in duplication of urls on our site due to inconsistent url structure: Example: /category2.html and /category2 both active on the site as the same page Will this hurt and should we create redirects using only one version of the url? /category2.html redirect to /category2

    | Karri_Parks

  • Hello, I was watching this video about pillar pages and tried to apply it to my self but find it impossible to do (but maybe I am looking at it the wrong way). Let's say I want to rank on "Normandy bike tou"r. I created a pillar page about "Normandy bike tour" what would be the topics of the subpages boosting that pillar page. I know that it should be questions people have but in the tourism industry they don't have any, they just want us to make them dream !! I though about doing more general blog pages about things such as : Places to rent a bike in Normandy or in XYZ city ? ( related to biking) Or the landing sites in Normandy ? (not related to biking) Is it the way to do it, what do you recommend ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Assuming we have retained a an award winning journalist to write articles/blog posts about our business. Assuming the content is useful and engaging. Where would be the best place to publish it to create high quality backlinks? 1. Our website blog
    2. Social media sites like our LinkedIn or Facebook pages. 
    3. Sending completed articles to websites that might potentially have an interest in publishing them.
    4. Publishing the articles on our website and then promoting them with Adwords and Facebook to demographics that would find them interesting and link to them. 
    5. Combination of publishing an article on our website and posting a related article on social media and linking it back to the original article on our website. 
    6. Place a custom written article of extremely high quality on affiliate website run by the HOTH or a competitor. But before publishing check the affiliate website on AHREFS and Link Research Tools to ensure that the metrics are not at all spammy (decent domain rating). Which of the above options (or combination of) would most likely result in backlinks of good quality? Assume the quality of the writing is excellent. If pitching the content to other websites (#3) would work, how would we identify these websites? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • We have a directory with thousands of pages and we are migrating the entire site to another root URL. These folder paths will not change on the new site, but we don't want to use a wildcard to redirect EVERYTHING to the same folder path on the new site. Setting up manual 301 redirects on this particular directory would be crazy. Is there a way to isolate something like a wildcard redirect to apply only to a specific folder? Thanks!

    | MJTrevens

  • Hi I am trying to get schema set up for a number of articles we are putting on our site (eg: the mark up I think I should use is : Google structured data testing tool keeps insisting I have "publisher" and then "logo" but doesn't seem to want accept anything for the "logo" entry no matter how I seem to code it. Any assistance would be much appreciated as after three hours on this I am pulling what little hair I have left out! Bob

    | BobBawden1

  • My company was recently acquired by a much larger one with much stronger domain authority. Can we both use cross domain rel canonical for different keywords and on different pages than each other to help each other rank for non-competing keywords?

    | Cassie_Ransom

  • Let's say I have great content. I have a great website design (easy to navigate for user) that answers their questions but I have no links. Can I still rank on on a keyword that has a difficulty score of 24. I imagine that I can that google can't penalise me for not having links. Does it mean that without links it will take longer to rank than with links but that google with rank me at some point ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, Has anyone got experience on how rankings behave to climb all the way to the top once your do a redirect and change the design and content of your page entirely ?

    | seoanalytics

  • We are thinking about transitioning a WordPress blog from a subdomain to subfolder on our main root domain that is run on Hubspot.  Is there anything that we need to be aware of?  In my mind, it should be a simply as creating the WordPress instance on a subfolder and then importing everything in and then setting up 301 redirects.  Has anyone done this before? I ask because our product managers would like to continue to update their blogs within the WordPress environment rather than transition over to Hubspot. Thanks in advance!

    | s1jkirkpatrick

  • What I mean by unique is : Let's imagine I want to rank one "seo ranking factors." In order to compete do I need to have (in terms of design) that is totally different than everything out there or can I rank with a page that is presented in a very similar way than everything out there but with different content. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I hired an SEO to create incoming links to me website insisting that only white hat techniques be used. The SEO was highly recommended by a family friend. In 3 months about 14 links to my site were obtained. The URLs for the domains where the links originate are below. I paid $8,000 for the services of the SEO provider to create the links over 4 months. When I looked at the links more carefully I noticed that the sites did not seem to have owners. That there was no phone number, physical address and scant information about ownership. I also noticed that most pages had outgoing links of a promotional nature. Also, that content created for me had grammatical and occasional spelling errors. The links did not look bad in terms of MOZ domain authority and MOZ page authority, but when I went subscribed to AHREFS a few days ago and evaluated the links, I noticed that the URL rating (somewhat equivalent to MOZ page authority) was really low. Furthermore, noticed that one of the domains solicits paid links from gambling sites. The SEO who sourced the links on my behalf says he will explain why I "have nothing to worry about". Dividing his monthly fee by the number of links and I paid $571 per link. Is it possible the the below domains could have pages that I would want links from? Would these links be potentially worth more than a few hundred dollars? O are these sites more like a cheap PBN or maybe "the hoth". If the links are in fact good I would be delighted. But if they are of poor quality could I legitimately ask for a refund? Also, are these domains so bad that it is imperative for me to get the links removed? <colgroup><col width="198"></colgroup>
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    | Kingalan1

  • Hi everyone Recently we performed a massive, hybrid site migration (CMS, URL, site structure change) without losing any traffic (yay!). Today I am finding out that our developers+copy writers decided to change Some URLs (pages are the same) without notifying anyone (I'm not going into details why). Anyhow, some URLs in site map changed, so old URLs don't exist anymore. Here is the example: OLD (in sitemap, indexed): NEW: Also, you should know that there is a number of redirects that happened in the past (whole site) Example : Last couple years redirections: HTTP to HTTPS non-www to www trailing slash to no trailing slash Most recent (a month ago ) Site Migration Redirects (URLs / site structure change) So I could add new URLs to the sitemap and resubmit in GSC. My dilemma is what to do with old URL? So we already have a ton of redirects and adding another one is not something I'm in favor of because of redirect loops and issues that can affect our SEO efforts. I would suggest to change the original, most recent 301 redirects and point to the new URL ( pre-migration 301 redirect to newly created URL). The goal is not to send mixed signals to SEs and not to lose visibility. Any advice? Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thank you

    | bgvsiteadmin

  • Hello, I am planning on doing a blog on travel bike basic. I noticed that the google keyword tool gives me things like How to plan a bike route Can I bike during pregnancy etc... In order to compete on that keyword do I need to answer those questions or can I answer different ones and still rank such as : The tool kit that are recommend. Whether you should take an insurance or not, if so which one. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello everyone and thank you in advance for helping me. I have a Reactjs application which has been made by Create-React-App that is zero configuration. Also I connect it using Axios to the API using Codeigniter(PHP). Before using Reactjs, this website was at the top Google's SERPs for specific keywords. After Using Reactjs and some changes in URLs with no redirection in htaccess or something else, I lost my search engine visibility! I guess it should be caused by Google penalties! I tried using "react-snap", "react-snapshot" and so forth for prerendering but there are so many problem with them. Also I tried using and unfortunately my host provider didn't help me to config the shared host! Finally I found a great article that my website eventually display in Rendering box of Fetch As Google. But still in Fetching box, the dynamic content didn't display. But I can see my entire website in both "This is how Googlebot saw the page" and "This is how a visitor to your website would have seen the page" for all pages without any problem. If Fetch As Google can render the entire of the website, is it possible to index my pages after a while and it would be appear on Google's SERP? mokaab_serp.png

    | hamoz1

  • A year ago I moved my marketplace website from http to https. I implemented some design changes at the same time, and saw a huge drop in traffic that we have not recovered from. I've been searching for reasons for the organic traffic decline and have noticed that the redirects from http to https URLs are 303 redirects. There's little information available about 303 redirects but most articles say they don't pass link juice. Is it worth changing them to 301 redirects now? Are there risks in making such a change a year later, and is it likely to have any benefits for rankings?

    | MAdeit

  • Hello, Is the not provided now available in google search console ? It seems that it is or is it a totally different thing in the search console ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi all. Just wondering what peoples stance is on using multiple variations of keywords on a webpage - those keywords that have the same meaning and search intent, but are just spelt differently. i.e. 'woodscrews' and 'wood screws' (the latter has a significantly higher search volume) You could approach the webpage in 4 different ways; 1. Use ONLY 'wood screws' on-page, and in the page <title><br />2. Use ONLY 'woodscrews' on-page, and in the page <title><br />3. Use BOTH 'wood screws' and 'woodscrews' on-page, and BOTH in the page <title><br />4. Use BOTH 'wood screws' and 'woodscrews' on-page, but ONLY one variation in the page <title></p> <p>We've run some tests in the past but there were never any clear takeaways, a mixed bag of results really.</p> <p>Also, If they are considered the same keyword by Google why are the ranking positions always different for each variation?</p> <p>I'm not sure there' a specific answer to this, just interested to hear peoples thoughts really.</p> <p>Many thanks in advance!</p> <p>Lee.</p></title>

    | Webpresence

  • Our real estate website has 400 listings. We have added a button that allows the visitor to print listing pages in the for.m of a PDF. The PDF exists as a URL ending in ?print=17076. This print URL is set to noindex and follow. So our site has 400 additional URLs. Is this a negative for SEO? Or neutral? I have read it using CSS it is possible to set up printing without creating all these extra URLs. Is this method better from an SEO perspective? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi there! I'd appreciate your help with the following case: a) Current 10-year-old website (community) on root domain "" (250,000 incoming quality-backlinks) will move to the new subdomain "" (301 redirects to the new subdomain for all current subfolders) b) A new website (shop) will launch on the root domain "" Question: Will the new website on "" get SEO power from the old website on ""? SEO power = linkjuice/authority/trust/history/etc. from the 250,000 backlinks. What I'm trying to achieve: Maintain the built-up SEO power for the root domain "" Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! P.S. Plenty has been written about subdomains inheriting from their root domains (so please don't share input on the subdomain vs. subfolder debate). But I can't find satisfactory info about the other way around (root domains inheriting from their subdomains), e.g. if gets SEO power from its subdomains,, etc.)

    | ebebeb

  • hello i do after 301 redirect from old domain to new since 3 month ago my qa : should i replace the backlinks links to new doamin Or the he backlinks in the old link will works

    | cristophare79

  • All, Working on an SEO work up for a Spotify site.  Looks like they are using a sitemap that links to additional pages. A problem, none of the links are actually linked within the sitemap.   This feels like a strong error. Thoughts?

    | dmaher

  • Hi! Some of the sites I work with, when doing searches for their top terms, I am seeing some articles listed under "Interesting Finds". I have read some people thought it deals with AMP, others do not. Some thing it has to do with the structured data added to the page, some do not. Does anyone have a definitive answer on how to increase your chances of being listed here? Any example is attached. Any ideas? Uoi4Jyh

    | vetofunk

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