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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I have created a sub-domin, Should it be treated as an independent site with regard to the site map and the internal links between it and the main domin .which is better to obtain a higher Domain Authority? For example, when I adding a photo image for the sub-domin, Is it  added on site map of the sub-domin or added for the 2 sites? Luxor-and-Aswan-Nile-Cruises-e1609000647702.jpg

    | egskylife

  • I am on a mission to improve our DA and generally try to move up the ladder on SERPS.  Is there anything I could do straight away to attract the most gains? Thank you

    | Tobywith

  • Hi, can  we have FAQ schema code in Home page ? we wrote some question and answer in drop down box on home page, and also add the schema code script to the head tag of page, but it does not work !,( other pages of our site show the FAQ in the SERP correctly) I want to know this problem is because its on Home Page ? or because its in Drop down style ? its the url of our site:

    | allenwebmaster

  • Hi.
    My customer has sites with Country code TLDs (e.g., and https://sample.en) and I'm supposed to perform SEO audit for them. Is there any way to perform audit at the same time for all versions? Can I perform audit e.g. just for https://sample or do I have to run every .fr, .fi and .en separately in multiple tools I use? Thanks much in advance!

    | SEOSanna

  • Hey guys, I have moved my website to http://www to https:/www. I use a plugin called Really Simple SSL on Wordpress. Now I have 12,000 permanent 301 redirects. It seems like my whole site has been moved. Is this the right way to do it? I am quite new to SEO and I quite don't understand if this is good or bad. From my intuition, it seems like a lot of redirects for Google bot to crawl through. Is there a better way to move to HTTPS without all these redirects? Thank you. Paul

    | paultg

  • Hi everyone I'm currently under an SEO issue and wish some advices about it. My problem is that, Google doesn't show the great pages within the SERPs regarding the languages. In fact, I translated some content in Italian, German, French etc ... When someone use the branding name of the project to seek out it by google, if this guy is French, German, music or something else, Google shows English version within the results. I in fact would really like google showing the German version for a German guy within the SERP ... I already made properly my hreflang tags. Some tips to repair it? Thanks tons in advance!

    | fktos.tam.906n

  • Say you were given a list of 10,000 recipes and asked to build an SEO friendly site.  Would you build a recipe search engine and index the search results (of course making sure that IA and user engagement metrics are great)? Or, would you try to build static pages?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, Is there a defined file format for Google disavow file name? Does it has to be disavowlinks.txt or can we do this like domain-name-date.txt ? Also, since Google does not share their data with Moz, how does MOz updates its spam score after we disavow the bad links? Do we need to connect Google search console with Moz?

    | Sunil-Gupta

  • Hi fellow Moz SEOs, We have a bigger client who we just did an SEO Site Audit for, and it was discovered that they have several domain names that are simply 301 redirecting to their main domain name. One of their domains in particular is decades old, and the client is asking if there is any value in keeping it (and the others), or simply leaving them as-is. Considering the domain age, does anyone have any recommendations? Much appreciated, Zack Barton
    Barton Interactive
    (833) 442.6853 // office
    (408) 910.7750 // mobile

    | Zack

  • Hi Guys! I'm currently under an SEO issue and need some advices about it. My problem is that, Google doesn't show the good pages in the SERPs regarding the languages. In fact, I translated some content in Italian, German, French etc ... When someone use the branding name of the project to find it by google, if this guy is French, German, or something else, Google shows the English version in the results. I of course would like google showing the German version for a German guy in the SERP ... I already made properly my hreflang tags. Some tips to fix it? Thanks a lot in advance! And hope everybody had a merry christmas!

    | SEOBubble

  • Can anyone please explain the real difference between backlinks,  301 links, and redirect links? which one is better to rank a website?  I am looking for help for one of my website vacuum cleaners

    | hshajjajsjsj388

  • With a site spam score of 1% as indicated by Moz, is it worth the effort or necessary to disavow backlinks in Google? Even at just 1%, could those spammy links still hurt a site's Google search rankings, even in the slightest of ways? As it relates to disavowing backlinks, everything I read about  is only related to sites with high spam scores. But what about sites with low spam scores? I'm interested in best practices for dealing with spammy links, regardless of one's site spam score. Thank you

    | AndrewOrr10

  • Hi, we are a UK based company and we have a lot of links from .com websites. Does the fact that they are .com or affect the quality of the links for a UK website?

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • At  the webpage which is a food&wine tours and activities booking platform, primary content - services thumbnails containing information about the destination, title and prices of the particular services, can be found at several sub-pages/urls. For example, service Its thumbnail/card through which the service is available, can be found on multiple pages (Categories, Destinations, All services, Most recent services...) Is this considered a duplicated content? Since all of the thumbnails for services on the platform, are to be found on multiple pages. If it is, which would be the best way to avoid that content being perceived by Google bots as such? Thank you very much!

    | ZD2020

  • Hello, I've been struggling with an issue for years. I own I'm ranked very well, the site generates leads and income on a regular basis. However, I never know what to name the site on the home page. The main keyword I go after is obviously "Used Cubicles". I also have product category named "Used Cubicles". I know google doesn't recognize my Used Cubicles product category as conical and reverts to the home page. I would rather Google use my categories more effectively to rank content or pages. My current site title on the home page is NOT GOOD. Used Cubicles | Im nervous to change it, however because Im not sure if its helping me rank for the keyword, which I do. For years I was #1 across the country but lately its been dropping. Any advice is appreciated.

    | Grant0697

  • I'm migrating an old website into a new one, and have several pages that have bookmarks on them.  Do I need to redirect those? or how should they be treated? For example, both and resolve .

    | NatalieB_Kantar

  • Hi All, Did good chunk of research here prior to posting on sitelinks. Tried the Webmaster Console to remove the links Tried removing via sitemap, WP SEO plugin removal Now removed unnecessary pages, and redirected to homepage. Re petitioned for removal via Webmaster Google Console area. Whats been the recent conservative realistic estimate of when sitelinks will be removed/refreshed? Also any tricks to expedite recrawl or re build of sitelinks. The site has very low traffic SMB that uses site purely for portfolio and no ranking/traffic purposes. so maybe the priority is very low for this site. Back in the day sitelinks were a lot easier to manage or so it seems. Thoughts?

    | vmialik

  • Hello MOZ Community, I have question regarding Bad Backlink Removal. My Site's Post's Image got 4 to 5k backlinks from unknown sites and also their is no contact details on their site so that i can contact them to remove. So, I have an idea for which i want suggestion " If I change the url that receieves backlinks" does this will remove backlinks? For Example: got 5k backlinks if I change this url to does this will remove those 5k backlinks? If not then How Can I remove those Backlinks? I Know about disavow but this takes time.

    | Jackson21

  • Hi There, I would like to know why one of my website - Domain Authority is not improving. It is not going up and down but it is maintaining its score between 10 since last 5 months. Not going above 10 or below. Why is it so? I'm conitnuously working on creating backlinks for the website and the DR score on Ahref improving but the DA is not. What steps to follow to increase DA? How to find out whats going wrong with our present strategy?

    | MozByAnuj

  • SEO Quake says that 75 characters are optimal for the URL and Moz says it is too long.
    Also Moz says that 92 meta description is too long buy SEO Quake says 92 characters — average. Most optimal 10 - 70 characters.
    What is the truth?

    | Madlena

  • hi, some of my keywords with high volume are ranking on first page in canada, but in the states i am on 3rd pages first result. what factors are contributing this disparity. what can be done here in this case. is it because of my links and tld distribution or some server location thing. what should i do to rank better in the US? i have shared hosting server in singapore.

    | Sam09schulz

  • When should "Noodp" and "Noydir" meta robot tag be used? I have hundreds or URLs for real estate listings on my site that simply use "Index", Follow" without using Noodp and Noydir. Should the listing pages use these Noodp and Noydr also? All major landing pages use Index, Follow, Noodp, Noydir. Is this the best setting in terms of ranking and SEO. Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hello
    I hope to be writing in the right sections 
    I have a site that has been using WordPress for nearly a year, and I want to make the site fast. What plugins can I use
    This is my website link PageSpeed Insights

    | ahmedahmed323

  • If you have the same sentences or paragraphs on multiple pages of your website, is this considered duplicate content and will it hurt SEO?

    | mnapier12

  • I have a host of sites that follow a top level domain strategy. For each local site they will be on the top level domain but with their country-languages prefix as the subdirectory. Such as below: Each local site being on the TLD will benefit them in terms of SEO and it makes it easier to have one strategy. My question however, if the Netherlands comes on board, they would generally have However they want their primary domain as and the TLD ( set as an alias/secondary domain that redirects to the primary. Will they benefit from any SEO if the TLD is not the primary address?

    | gracejo

  • Hi everyone, Why is my client's home page ranking high for a certain keyword phrase rather than a collection page I have which is well optimised for this keyword? The collection page is on the 10th SERPs page. I did see there were keywords used in the footer of page and the keyword was also used in some intro text on the home page so I removed the keyword from these two places nearly 2 weeks ago and requested google to reindex both the collection page and home page and I've not seen any improvement of the collection page's ranking in SERPs. I also changed the meta description and meta title as the ctr was poor  but there wasn''t that many impressions either. It is a competitive keyword organically so maybe the collection page's authority is just not good enough compared to the competitors hence why they are choosing the home page as it has higher page authority however this still is not helpful to searchers who land on home page. Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can do to get google to rank the ocllection page higher for the keyword instead of home page?

    | TZ1982

  • Hi, I have website and i want to increase my page authority. My website is I have making more backlinks but not good page authority so far. Please give me suggest.

    | LatestMailingDatabase

  • Today I was reviewing my Moz analytics and suddenly noticed 1,000 issues with pages without a meta description. I reviewed the list and learned it is 1,000 checkout pages. That's because my website has thousands of agency pages from which you can buy a product, and it reflects that difference on each version of the checkout. So, I was thinking about no-indexing (but continuing to 'follow') these checkout pages, but wondering if it has any knock-on effects I may be unaware of? Any assistance is much appreciated. Luke

    | Luke_Proctor
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi Website - After we moved the site from wordpress to codeIgniter + angular there has been a huge drop in traffic and ranking. One of the thing we recently realized is the redirection - COULD THAT BE THE ISSUE? On the browser and sitemap the URL doesn't have "/" at the end When checked on redirection tool the URL seems to be redirecting to one with "/" at the end Attached are the screenshots.  Also moz bar shows no redirection. However, the issue seems to be flagged by the site audit tool as 301 redirection. Not sure if it's  the cause for the drop. What action to take? Any advice would be much appreciated. V7CNtqt j3dJ4TW

    | Bhisshaun

  • We want to confirm whether content in collapsible menus negatively affects SEO and/or featured snippets on Google. We're hoping to add a menu to answer some frequently asked questions and attract featured snippets, while also creating a positive user experience/not clogging up the page. Here is an example of the style of menu we're using now, the troubleshooting menu: Appreciate your help!

    | RyanD.

  • HI, suppose my homepage has good content but no external links to  other sites for more info. and no helpful internal links in the footer to  learn more. and my competition has 9 internal links in the footer  which links  to other pages on the site who has more SEO boost? I know the answer , does it really makes a difference or its minute?


  • Hi there! I have a website that is build in react javascript, and I'm trying to use markup on my pages. They are mostly articles about general topics with common questions (about the topic), and for most articles I would like to use two markups: article markup + FAQ Markup ( for the questions in the article) article markup + how-to markup Can I do this or will Google get confused? Since I have two @type at the same time, for example @type": "FAQPage" and "@type": "Article". How should I think? I'm using  right now. Thanks!

    | Leowa

  • I have an issue with the way Google is adding to a client’s Title Tag. Since we relaunched the website a few months ago, Google has been adding an indiscriminate “– London” to the end of title tags. That would be fine if the company was solely London based but we have stores outside London too, and it’s adding “– London” to the end of those individual store title tags there too. So, if you do a search for “location widget” our page title is:
    “location widget | Brand name”
    but then Google pops in:
    “location widget | Brand name - London”
    Which isn’t great if the location is in Scotland! We are adding structured data to the store pages to try and combat this, the store pages are all well optimised for the location (and ranking well), but I’m wondering if I’ve missed anything obvious? I thought it might lesson as the new site became more trusted in Google, but the rogue “London” seems to be increasing... Thanks for your help!

    | DrewDaviesLondon

  • I am just wondering if I create a page that present different e-bike kits and my title tag tag is "the best e-bike kits in 2019", will I rank on "e-bike kits" and "best e-bike kits" or on just "best e-bike kits" ? It seems that user intent can be tricky and sometimes a title tag can make all the difference. How about if I write "Explore Burgundy on a bike tour "to rank on "Burgundy bike tour", will I rank or is the user intent different when I write explore (meaning I am looking for something self guided instead of guided) Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello all, I need to make sure I am doing this correctly; I have one website and with two stores (content is mostly identical) with the following canonical tags; UK/EU Store: USA/ROW Store: Am I right in thinking that this is incorrect and that only one site should be referencing with the canonical tag? ie; UK/EU Store: USA/ROW Store: (please note the removed /us/ from the end of the URL)

    | moon-boots

  • the page hasn't been spammed. - links are natural - onpage grader is  perfect - there are useful high ranking articles linking to the page...pretty much everything is okay.....also all of my websites pages are okay and none of them has disappeared only this one ( the most important category of my site. )

    | mohamadalieskandariii

  • I have two stores ( and and over the past month the keyword rank for the US store had dropped by half, while the UK store is relatively the same. The content is mostly the same, except the US site uses US spelling. I assumed that this would not be flagged as duplicate content because it is the same site, just serving two locations. I'd be interested to hear some thoughts on the reason for this drop and how I might fix it.

    | moon-boots

  • We have an issue with our URL Permalink Structures for dynamically generated pages on our website. As we generated hundreds of pages, it does not automatically Space the Words in the Permalink Structure . For example, if we have a product name  Under Armour Fire Basketball Shoe , it will show up in the url as: "" vs "" How important is it that the URL includes these spaces between each word in the permalink?

    | NJ-Keith

  • Hey there Moz community! This is the first time I ask a question here so please forgive me if I miss any forum etiquette. I am managing SEO for an educational site which is built in React Js, and so far much of the job has been keyword research and site optimization. The site still has slow PageSpeed though. The Issues  - 4 weeks ago we published 20 or so content pieces, I had pre-prepared title tags and meta descriptions. But when we released the content there was a programming error that made all of the pages show another title tag for all 20 pages instead of the pre-prepared individual title tags. I noticed this after 3 days and the issue was fixed within 6 days, but by then Google had crawled and indexed the pages. And now I can't get Google to change to the pre-prepared tags no matter what I do! I've tried changing the content, changing the URL of one of the pages, and I've sent Google spiders to re-crawl the pages multiple times. The super weird thing is that the correct title tag shows in the 'navigation bar/tabs bar' on google chrome: But NOT when I view the source code for the page: Yesterday I was taking a walk in the park and I just couldn't stop thinking about it (it is really starting to get to me by now since nothing works), so I ran back home and looked closely at one of these pages in the Google search console. And I noticed something I hadn't seen before… BOTH of the title tags can be found in the HTML: Pre-prepared title tag: <title></strong>UK Seat Belt & Car Seat Laws: The Definitive Guide<strong></title> The other title tag (in src section): title=Ace%20The%20DMV%20Permit%20Test%20%26%20Get%20Your%20License Could this be the problem or what do you think? I've understood that Google has automated title tags and that they can choose their own if they think it fits better, but the title tags aren't even close to describing the topic as it is now so it doesn’t make any sense. All answers are greatly appreciated! Your advice is life-saving for a learner like me. P.S. I love SEO but it can be very frustrating sometimes! Thank you very much, Leo

    | Leowa

  • My client is ranked #3 for their primary keyword and we want to add FAQs that are educational (ie, related to the technology, not specifically to the company’s products or how to work with the company). Should I add the FAQs to the existing ranking content page? Or to a new dedicated “keyword FAQs” page? I have a LOT, about 40 questions and 4000+words of answer content. And two secondary questions: Many of the FAQs have expanded content on other pages throughout the site. Is it okay to link to that internal content? Is it okay to have multiple FAQ pages? So keyword1 FAQs, keyword2 FAQs...? Thanks so much!

    | DanaBinPA

  • At the end of some of our listings in Google search results pages, our old brand name is being suffixed even though it is not in our title tags. For context, we re-branded several months ago, and at that time also migrated to a new domain name. Our title tags have our current brand name suffixed, like "Shop Example Category | Example©". In the Google search results, but not in Bing nor Yahoo, about half of our pages have titles whcih instead look like this: "Shop Example Category | Example© - oldBrandName". The "dash" and the old brand name are not in our title tags, but they are being appended, even when our title tags are fairly long. For example, even with titles at 54 characters (421 pixels), the suffix is being appended. BUT, not with our longer title tags. We are actually OK with the brand name being appended if our title tags are on the shorter side, but would prefer that our current brand name be appended instead of the older one. I realize we could increase the length of all our title tags, and perhaps we may go that route. But, does anyone know where Google would be getting the old brand name to append onto the URLs? We've checked and it is not in our page source (the old brand name is used in our page source in some areas of text and some url paths, but not in any kind of meta tag). Per Google's guidance ( we only have schema for the "Organization" on our home page, and not on every page. So, assuming this advice is correct to not add schema to every page, how can we inform Google of our current brand name so that it stops appending our old brand name on pages?

    | seoelevated

  • We have two environments - product, where login is necessary and where the customers are working. We also have there our help desk, Q&A and knowledge base. Pretty sophisticated page regarding information on a specific topic. We also have our main page where we promote our products, company and events, etc. Main page is, where product environment is . Does this product environment have an impact on my main page's SEO?

    | NeringaA

  • Hello, here is our story. Our niche is mental health (psychology, psychotherapy e.t.c). Our portal has thousand of genuine articles, news section about mental health, researches, job findings for specialists, a specialized bookstore only with psychology books,  the best forum in country, we thousands of active members and selfhelp topics etc. In our country (non english), our portal has been established in 2003. Since then, for more than 15 years, we were no 1 in our country, meaning that we had the best brand name, hundreds of external authors writing unique content for our portal and hundreds of no1 keywords in google search results. Actually, we had according to webmaster tools, more than 1.000 keywords, in 1 and 2 position.  (we were ranking no1 in all the best keywords). Before  2 years, we purchased the best domain in our niche.  I ll use the below example (of course, domains are not the real ones):
    We had: and now we have:
    We did the appropriate redirects but from day one, we had around 20-30% drop in search engines. After 6 months -which is something that google officialy mentions, we lost all "credits from the old domain.. .and at that point, we had another 20-30% drop in search results. Further more, in any google core update, we were keep dropping. Especially in last May (coronovirus update), we had another huge drop. We do follow seo guides, we have a dedicated server, good load speed, well structured data, amp, a great presence in social media, with more than 130.000 followers, etc. According to our investigation, we came to one only conclusion: that our forum, kills our seo (of course, noone in our team can guarantee that this is the actual reason of the uge drop in may-in coronovirus google core update). We believe that the forum kills our seo, because it produces low quality posts by members. For example, psychopharmacology in a very active sections and we believe, google is very "sensitive" in these kind of posts and information. So here is the question: although the forum is very very active, with thousands of new topics and posts every month, we are thinking of moving it to a subdomain, from the subfolder that now is.
    This will help our domain authority to increase from 38 that is stuck 2 years now, to larger scales. We believe that althougth this forum gave a great boost to the portal, in the past 10-15 years, it somehow makes a negative impact now. If I could give more spesific details, I d say this: in all seo tools we run, the best kewwords bringing visitors to us, arent anymore, psychology and psychotherapy and mental health and this kind of top-keywords, but are mostly the ones from the forum, like: I want to proceed with a suicide, I m taking efexor or xanax and they have side effects, why i gain wieght with the antidepressants I get etc. 1. Moving our forum to subdomain, will be some kind of pain, since it is a large community, with thousands of backlinks that we somehow must handle in a proper way, also with a mobile application, things that will have to change and probably have some kind of negative impact. Would that be according to your knowledge a correct move and our E-A-T will benefit for google, or since  google will know that the subdomain is still part of the same website/portal, it will handle it somehow, the same way as it does now? I have read hundreds of articles about forum in subdomains or in subfolders, but none of them covers a case stydy like ours, since most articles are talking about new forums and what is the best way to handle them and where is the best place to create them (in subfolder of subdomain) when from scratch. Looking forward to your answers.

    | dodoni

  • I have a client who, due to covid, will have two sets of business hours. Morning hours for business customers, and afternoon hours for general customers. Is it possible to designate this distinction in schema?

    | bherman

  • I do in-house marketing for a medium sized luxury architectural design firm. I have a good understanding of the moz platform and general SEO but would like to findsomeone to provide regular guidance and answer some specific questions regarding our SEO.  Specifically, we want advising on keywords, blog content, and link building.  Ideally we'd like to engage a consultant (remotely) on an hourly basis. We'v have had very poor experiences with big SEO firms so that’s definitely not something we’re looking for. Best,

    | WorkshopAPD

  • Dear experts, We have suddenly lost all our positions on our keywords, I’m talking for example from position 2 to 35 in one huge drop ☹ . Even when you search for our name and domain name namely “KV16”, the main page does NOT come up. (We do however still get the local business / map result on the right side!) I have looked in google search console, but nothing to see here – no penalty. However, I need to mention, that we just now, after the issue, setup the google search console – so maybe that is why there is no information about a penalty!? (If the problem is a penalty, btw we have not been doing any link building!) One year ago, we made a permanent redirect from our old site,, because we moved our coworking office, to a new location, and needed a new name – (because the old name is referring to a location, hence no longer made sense.) This worked flawlessly, and we got all the link juice, and the new site ranked just as good as the old one. Aprox four months ago, we made some changes to the site, where we amongst other things, changed the title description on the frontpage, focusing more on another keyword – and doing this we unknowingly change the permalink to the frontpage (in WordPress). I have read that this can do some real damage, however its so long ago, that it seems unlikely to be the cause!? Please help!? Thanks a million, in advance. Cheers, Christian pJp4Uyx

    | Christian_T

  • Our website is We rank relatively well for our main keywords but I am always looking to rank better. The 100 links question has been discussed to no end but I believe our website provides a great example of why a small business might have more than 100 links and IF  we need to drop below that. User Experience vs Rules I think it is fair to say that if customers cannot find what they are looking for, it does not matter how well you rank. Our menu is designed to get people to the page they want to be on in a single click. So What Now? Do we remove items from the menu and only link to categories adding an extra click or two to the customers UI or do we leave well enough alone


  • Hello, after reading various articles and watching several videos I'm still not sure how to handle faceted navigation (sorting/filtering) and pagination on my ecommerce site. Current indexation status: The number of "real" pages (from my sitemap) - 2.000 pages Google Search Console (Valid) - 8.000 pages Google Search Console (Excluded) - 44.000 pages Additional info: Vast majority of those 50k additional pages (44 + 8 - 2) are pages created by sorting, filtering and pagination. Example of how the URL changes while applying filters/sorting: --> Every additional page is canonicalized properly, yet as you can see 6k is still indexed. When I enter in Google it returns at least several results (in most of the cases the main page is on the 1st position). In Google Analytics I can see than ~1.5% of Google traffic comes to the sorted/filtered pages. The number of pages indexed daily (from GSC stats) - 3.000 And so I have a few questions: Is it ok to have those additional pages indexed or will the "real" pages rank higher if those additional would not be indexed? If it's better not to have them indexed should I add "noindex" to sorting/filtering links or add eg. Disallow: /default/ in robots.txt? Or perhaps add "noindex, nofollow" to the links? Google would have then 50k pages less to crawl but perhaps it'd somehow impact my rankings in a negative way? As sorting/filtering is not based on URL parameters I can't add it in GSC. Is there another way of doing that for this filtering/sorting url structure? Thanks in advance, Andrew

    | thpchlk

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