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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hey everybody! Looking for a few opinions on this. I am working with a site that has some backlinks with extremely high spam scores, all the way up to 86%. I have ran these through screaming frog and A LOT of them are 404's, or even 301. So obviously if they are 404's then I don't need to worry about them as much. They will sort themselves out. But what about all these other ones with a 25% and higher spam score? A lot of them also do not have SSL and are obv insecure. I would presume google doesn't like backlinks from sites that are not secure. Thoughts?

    | HashtagHustler

  • We updated our website and accidentally  overwrote our  robots file with a version that prevented crawling  ( "Disallow: /") We realized the issue 14 days later and replaced  after our organic visits began to drop significantly and we quickly replace the robots file with the correct version to begin crawling again.  With  the impact to our organic visits, we have a few and any help would be greatly appreciated - Will the site get back to its original status/ranking ? If so .. how long would that take? Is there anything we can do to speed up the process ? Thanks

    | jc4254

  • Hey All My question is specfic to a particular website. The category of the website is Kitchen Appliances. The keyword is extremely competitive. The website I am currently optimizing has loads of products and many pages as well. I am constantly building links from industry specific websites for the website as well as composing articles and leading the users back to the website with keyword rich anchor text. I have been doing this for around 3 months and I do not see the website in the first 30 pages of the SERP (for the keyword kitchen appliances - the site is a page rank 2 BTW). No bugs reported as well in Webmaster tools. My next step is to add these articles to the website ( ) with keyword rich metatags as well as content with internal links to my product pages. I also plan on sending traffic to these pages to build the pages link popularity. Do you think I can expect better results for the article pages than my original website product pages or do you think I should continue with the link building activity I was performing originally for the website. regards Ryan

    | SEO5Team

  • I have a website that's been going for 10 years or so, doesn't get huge traffic but it's fairly consistent. About 5 years ago I put the same content on youtube- instructional how to videos. The website offers slightly better content because there are images to accompany the step by step text below the videos. The text is more or less the same on youtube and my website. Recently, youtube has started to vastly out-perform my website.  For every page/video on my website, there is a youtube page. They're basically competing against each other. Over the years I have accrued a fair number of links to my website. My question is, should I redirect my inbound links to the relevant youtube pages and sacrifice my website? Thanks! Will

    | madegood

  • Hi there, We run an e-commerce site on Shopify. Our Domain Authority was 28 at the start of our campaign  in May of this year. We also had 610 indexed pages on Google. We did some SEO work which included: Renaming Images for SEO Adding in alt tags Optimizing the meta title to "Product Name - Keyword - Brand Name" for products Optimizing meta descriptions Transition of Hubspot blog to Shopify (it was on a subdomain at Hubspot previously) Fixing some 404s Resubmitting site map after the changes Now it is almost at the 3-month mark and it looks like our Domain Authority has gone down 4 points to 24. The # of indexed pages has gone to down to 555. We made sure all our SEO updates weren't spammy or keyword-stuffed, but took a natural and helpful-sounding approach. We followed guidelines. So there shouldn't be any penalty right? I checked site traffic and it does not coincide with the drop. Our site traffic remains steady. I also looked at "site:" as well as conducted some test searches for the important pages (i.e. main pages, blog pages, and product pages) and they still come up on Google. So could it only be non-important pages being deindexed? My questions are: Why did both the Domain Authority and # of indexed pages go down? Is there any way to see which pages were deindexed? I checked Google Search Console, but couldn't find it. Thank you!

    | kindalpaca7

  • will i be able to get the link juice from same domain but different subdomain, if I have a backlink lets say there is a website, which is featuring my topic on multiple subdomain any benefit? or it will considered one link?


  • hi, i am rewriting content since it had 300 words , lower than top 10s i did some keywords research, on ahrefs, moz, keywordtool . io, semrush. and there are lot of variations like, main keyword is (ios 12) has variations like (ios 12 download), (ios 12 install), (ios 12 not supported) and so on, people have been searching all these terms with ios 12, it feels like if my page talks about all these variations. i have more chances to rank. does it make any sense?


  • So, we've established that the actual domain name is not a big ranking factor for google. However your chosen domain & site name will feature in your content so I'm figuring it does matter indirectly. Eg given a choice between:, welcome to "bobs fidget spinners", we sell fidget spinners.... or, welcome to "spinners fidget", we sell fidget spinners I'm going on the assumption that the former is better because it introduces more on-term content (as well as nicer branding). For the limit content that talks about your brand name anyway. Is this a correct assumption? Would it make any difference if the rest of the site content was on-topic (and good, obviously)?

    | HSDOnline

  • hi lets suppose we have backlinks from these sites page a has 10 ext links. and all external links are industry/niche relevant, one of them points to my site page b has 1 ext link , which points to my site. which one is giving more seo boost.?


  • We have a subdomain I am working on its  English version but for some reason Google shows meta description from in search results which is not in Englsih language. How do I force google to show 's  own meta?

    | SofyaFr

  • Hi, we are in the process of building a new website and we have 12 different locations and for theses 12 locations we have landing pages with unique copy on the following: 1. Marketing...2 SEO....3. PPC....4. Web Design Therefor there are 48 landing pages.  The marketing pages are the most important ones to us in terms of traffic and priority.  My question is: 1. Should we put a dropdown of the are pages in the main header under locations that link to the area marketing pages? 2. What is the best way to link all the sub pages such as London Web Design?  Should these links just be coming off the London marketing page? or should we have a sitemap in the footer that lists every page? Thanks

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • i recently Learned that if someone clicks on your site and goes back within a few seconds or maybe a minute and then goes to the next search result that tells Google that previous website was not so good In order to prevent that is it OK to block non-targeted countries from looking at my site that could stop user engagement a little bit I mean is it worth it what do you think?

    | Sam09schulz

  • Hi mozzers, I wanted to ask you a quick question regarding Google's crawlability of webpages. We just launched a series of content pieces but I believe there's an issue. 
    Based on what I am seeing when I inspect the URL it looks like Google is only able to see a few titles and internal links. For instance, when I inspect one of the URLs  on GSC this is the screenshot I am seeing:  image.pngWhen I perform the "cache:" I barely see any content**:** image.pngVS one of our blog post image.png Would you agree with me there's a problem here? Is this related to the heavy use of JS? If so somehow I wasn't able to detect this on any of the crawling tools? Thanks!

    | TyEl

  • Hi everyone I've been forced to remove level 4 & 5 categories (e.g.**/level-4/level-5/**) from our website, even though they're getting plenty of traffic, revenue and are ranking for some of our keywords. The argument is customers were using refinement/filters more than clicking into categories, and a new backend system is coming into the business and these need to be removed anyway. We've done this before and seen a drop in visibility, revenue & traffic in these areas, but we're going ahead with another batch of removals anyway. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in fixing a problem like this? I've been told the categories will not be returning and have to 301 them, so need to find a workaround to get eligible for ranking for these Keywords again. I've been looking at using the refinements to make it look like a category (change URL to a clean one, update Page Title, Meta Description, H1, remove text from core page, when refinement is clicked) but not sure what kind of knock-on effects this will have, if it even works! Hope you can help! I've probably missed some details so let me  know if you need more  info!!! Thanks

    | Frankie-BTDublin

  • i have dr 25  and 200 referring domains and ranking for 90 kws in usa. i saw this trend that if you rank for more kws then chances are   that you can rank for those high traffic kws in 1 to 5 positions. what i mean is that it increases your odds ? possible answer1 :increase dr and da both and ur and pa ( ahrefs and moz) i know pagerank matters but these are some metrics  we can look at for right now possible answer 2 : get a lot of backlinks maybe from same site but how does my backlinks can help me to  rank for 1000 kws so that i can have at least 100 kws to rank in position 1 to 5? detailed answers will defi be appreciated

    | Sam09schulz
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi, I am auditing a blog where their goal is to get approved to on ad networks but the whole blog has copied content from different sources, so no ad network is approving them. Surprisingly (at least to me), is that the blog ranks really well for a few keywords (#1's and rich snippets ), has a few hundred of natural backlinks, DA is high, has never been penalized (they have always used canonical tags to the original content), traffic is a few thousand sessions a month with mostly 85% organic search, etc.  overall Google likes it enough to  show them high on search. So now the owner wants to monetize it. I suggested that the best approach was to rewrite their most visited articles and deleted the rest with 301 redirects to the posts that stay. But I actually haven't worked  on a similar project before and can't find precise information online so I'm looking to know if anyone has a similar experience to this. A few of my questions are: If they rewrite most of the pages and delete the rest so there is no repeated/copied content, would ad networks (eg. adsense) approve them? Assuming the new articles are at least as good quality as the current ones but with original content, is there a risk on losing DA? since pretty much it will look like a new site once they are done They have thousands of articles but only about 200 hundred get most visits, which would be the ones getting rewritten, so it should be fine to redirect the deleted ones to the remaining? Thanks for any suggestions and/or tips on this 🙂

    | ArturoES

  • Hey all, have a really strange situation I've never encountered before. I launched a new website about 2 months ago. It took an awfully long time to get index, probably 3 weeks. When it did, only the homepage was indexed. I completed the site, all it's pages, made and submitted a sitemap...all about a month ago. The coverage report shows that Google has discovered the URL's but not indexed them. Weirdly, 3 of the pages ARE indexed, but the rest are not. So I have 42 URL's in the coverage report listed as "Excluded" and 39 say "Discovered- currently not indexed." When I inspect any of these URL's, it says "this page is not in the index, but not because of an error." They are listed as crawled - currently not indexed or discovered - currently not indexed. But 3 of them are, and I updated those pages, and now those changes are reflected in Google's index. I have no idea how those 3 made it in while others didn't, or why the crawler came back and indexed the changes but continues to leave the others out. Has anyone seen this before and know what to do?

    | DanDeceuster

  • Lets suppose i downloaded a photo from a XYZ website and want to use it on my own website, and also i want to rank for same keyword, and would like to rank just below XYZ site, i know there could be copyright issue. what can be done to avoid this issue. Can i manipulate the picture in a  such way that it is usable. if yes how? How can i use that official websites picture for my website, i mean, can i cite that website as  a source? what is the  best practice in this case? i dont want to use stock photo,i really like xyz sites pics.

    | Sam09schulz

  • Hi all, So, if you google "london life coach" my site appears #2 ( But if you google "life coach London" my SERP seems to fluctuate between #3 up to #6. If you google "life coach in London" my SERP is a solid #2/3. I don't get it all. Would someone care to explain? Also, if you have any tips on how I might improve the EAT of my website please do feel free to weigh in! Many thanks,

    | NickHatster

  • I have 2 websites that I've built up for a few years decent DA. I'm thinking of making one new website and directing the two websites to it. Is Google going to find that suspicious, or will the new site benefit from the DA from both?

    | EdShull

  • I am trying to identify buttons and links that point to a specific landing page on our website that have a certain word in the anchor text and I would like to know the referring page URL too. Does anybody have an idea on how to do this? We have above a hundred landing pages and I would rather not go through them one by one 😄 Thanks for the help

    | 10to8-Moz

  • i've to give some information about my website Environment 1. i have static webpage in the root. 2. Wordpress installed in sub-dictionary 3. I have two .htaccess , one in the root and one in the wordpress
    folder. i want to www to non on all URLs Remove index.html from url Remove all .html extension / Re-direct 301 to url
    without .html extension Add trailing slash to the static webpages / Re-direct 301 from non-trailing slash Force trailing slash to the Wordpress Webpages / Re-direct 301 from non-trailing slash Some examples domain.tld/index.html >> domain.tld/ domain.tld/file.html >> domain.tld/file/ domain.tld/file.html/ >> domain.tld/file/ domain.tld/wordpress/post-name >> domain.tld/wordpress/post-name/ My code in ROOT htaccess is <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase / #removing trailing slash
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=301,L] #www to non
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(([a-z0-9_]+.)?$ [NC]
    RewriteRule .? http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] #html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L] #index redirect
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .html
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,L]</ifmodule> The above code do 1. redirect www to non-www
    2. Remove trailing slash at the end (if exists)
    3. Remove index.html
    4. Remove all .html
    5. Redirect 301 to filename but doesn't add trailing slash at the end

    | NeatIT

  • Hey there! My client has a website on Shopify. I don't even know how to open this can of worms, but let me try. The site URL is: However, there is another (older?) URL that gets updated as the main site gets updated and shows the exact same content. It's a straight duplicate, but is it's own URL and doesn't redirect to the main site. And this isn't the SITE.Shopify back-end site name that was used for set up initially. I just have no idea what's going on here. Not sure if it's a serious error that needs to be fixed, or if it's something weird with how Shopify work. Any insight would be immensely helpful. Thanks! Mike

    | naturalsociety

  • Hi we are targeting local cities across the UK with landing pages for our website.  We have built up a few links for and recently advised that I should change the URL to  and 301 directing the old one 2 questions really: 1.  is there any benefit in doing this these days in that this is the main keyword target we have for this page? 2. Do I get 100% benefit for all the links built up on the old page

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • is it gonna affect rankings if so what should be done thanks

    | Sam09schulz

  • Hello there, My client is not appearing in the People Also Ask section on Google for their brand name and I'm not sure why. Can anyone help or explain how you get featured into these snippets? What's weird is when you google their brand name, the People Also Ask section comes up, but they only appear in one question. The other three are from their competitors which is obviously annoying for them. Do you know how to get into the People Also Ask bit? Do I have to markup the page or is it simply based on popular questions and the best answers?

    | Virginia-Girtz

  • I'm working on a multi-state attorney website and I'm going back and forth on URL's. I thought I'd see what the community thinks. vs. I should note this site will have over a dozen city locations, with different practices.

    | EdShull

  • I have heard that it’s linking domains or refereeing domains declined and the graph looks like its declining, i will look shady in engines eyes kindly elaborate thanks

    | calvinkj

  • my competitor is ranking on page 1 of google. he has 3.4 million backlinks and 1400 refering domains. he has aquired these backlinks from various websites, but he doesnot have links from his niche . how do i beat my competition with less backlinks because if i follo his technique, it would  a takea lot of time and people to build backlinks one of my strategy  is to get .edu links second strategy is to have 6000 word content and rank for really low competition keywords related to my website.(  my competitors website has 1500 words content!) any other strategy you can suggest?

    | calvinkj

  • Hi Moz Community, We have a headless ecom (Magento) client that I'm trying to crawl the site.  During the crawl, the tool (Screaming Frog) cannot discover the sub-category URLs in the main navigation when I start crawling via homepage. Similarly, when I start crawling with one of the sub-category page, it doesn't crawl any of the product URLs on the sub-category page itself. When I inspect product and sub-cat URLs through Search Console, they seem as indexed and if I view how Googlebot rendered the sub-category page, I can see the product URLs on the sub-cat page too. If you have any idea what's the issue with Screaming Frog and would like to help me out, I'd be so grateful! Thanks in advance

    | bbop33

  • Hi guys, My name is Flavius and I work for a website named from Romania. In april this year the site was infected with a virus and got around 1k bad backlinks. I found those backlinks on Moz Backlinks Tools. I added them on GSC disawow file. What next steps do you recommend to tell Google to block those links? Cheers!

    | nojaflaviusalex

  • Hello!  I know that the use of RSS feeds has been thoroughly debated but we are thinking of the using them for a niche website that will be the Drudge Report of the boating world. Well thats the idea at least. 😉  This website will be a culmination a bunch of content from a variety of sources into a one website The idea is that sailors, yactties, fisherman, etc can search/find boats and be presented with content.   Also the website will have tons of original content as well but this will take time. So will having the mixture of new/original and rss content cause any potential issues?

    | ListrBrands

  • I have a webpage about bike tours in France with a list of bike tours in France. I imagaine people don't want a big paragraph about what a bike tour in France is because this is a transactional query and not an informational query. How do I go about ranking this page ? Would a good title tag and good description  be enough to rank that page ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello fellow MOZers, Im having a bit of problem of targeting all the different ways a user could type in their tyre size to google, and what we should put in our meta titles. For instance, We have a page called "205/55 R16" Which seems to be the most used and competitive in SERPs. But this could be written in a number of ways "205/55 R 16" and "205/55R16" I expected all these different ways of writing a tyre dimension to give you the same results in google which isnt the case, We rank in very different positions for these 3 searches. Google also sometimes corrects you sometimes for example "205/55 R 16" google might decide that you meant "205/55 R16" and rather than the usual (Did you mean:....) it shows you results for what google thinks is the right way (205/55 R16)  We want to target these 3 ways of writing a tyre size not just the most common. Sooo, my question is how should we be doing our meta titles, would (205/55 R16 | 205/55R16 Tyres - Longstone Tyres) be classed as keyword stuffing? and if so how do we go for the term"205/55R16", using s? and would that be classed as stuffing? I mentioned 3 ways to write tyre dimensions, but in realty there are many more. See i would've thought google reads the numbers and ignores other characters in between when it comes to all types of dimensions and sized of things, but this doesnt seem to be the case. Any thoughts and advice on this would be massively helpful, Thankyou

    | JamesDavison

  • Looking at some reports, I found that a client's site has PDFs that are ranking well for niche terms and getting some traffic. What can I do to get more out of them from a marketing standpoint? The obvious issue is that a PDF doesn't have the interactivity of a site visit, where we have analytics and CTAs. Someone has to follow a link back from the PDF to the site for us to even register a visit, let alone try to get their email or have them otherwise convert. My first guess is to make landing page summaries of the PDF content that link to the PDF, and canonical the PDF to the respective landing page. Has anyone tried this, or done something else that they would recommend again in this situation?

    | JFA

  • Hi;
    I have a website that had an authoritative domain of 10 but today it has reached 5. I wanted to know what the reason for these changes was.
    need improve my rank in Google my goal keyword . Can you guide my servant? need +5 Domain , and over +50 Page Aithroity .. my site: خریدگیفت کارت

    | tohid1363b

  • Hi, I already asked the question on different places. But so far nobody could help me. 
    Hope someone can help me out. If possible.
    I migrated my website to and lost about 80% traffic (see printscreens). It's over more than a month ago now and there is no sign of getting it back up. Maybe there is nothing to do and
    1. I have to be patient and traffic comes back in a few months. 
    2. There is nothing to do and I've lost everything I've build up in the last years. Start over again to get the rankings back.
    or maybe, maybe
    3. I just forgot something that I still need to do to get the rankings back up. Or there is something I did not think of... This is done: The website is migrated 1 on 1. No changes in content, url, code, etc. Everything is exactly the same as on the previous domain. 301 redirects whole domain (via htaccess a bulk redirect). All the old pages, without exceptions, lead to the exact new page. The new domain is running from CDN (Cloudflare) with the same settings as the previous domain. SSL is installed in the exact same way. Domain migration set up in Search console (working). Uploaded new sitemap (working). Updated internal links. Changed the most important external links (where I could get contact after reaching out) In meanwhile received some new external links and also posted new content Anybody knows what to do? Or do I just have to be more patient and will it come back in a few months by itself? Looking forward to suggetions. Thanks! Gerjan Migratie-Meditatie-Instituut-2048x786.jpg verloop-sinds-de-start-2048x355.jpg

    | Dennis1992038

  • Hello, A while ago I published an article on our blog (HERE) and ensured that it meets all Moz's criteria for a good ranking. Moz scores my article at 96%, which is great. However, Google does not show my link anywhere, even that the target keyword has a difficulty score of 5% only. Any idea why this page is not doing good on Google? The article URL is: The target keyword is: Missionary Service Agency. Thank you for your help. Mission Quest

    | Mission-Quest

  • Hello, Our website was recently removed from the Bing and Yahoo index. The first thing we did was contact Bing Webmaster support to ask what the issue was since we did not get any notifications or messages in our webmaster dashboard. The email that we got back said “I have escalated the issue to our engineers and will get back to you once I receive an update.” Since then, we haven't received any word back from them, but we did not find any technical problems and we strongly believe we were manually penalized. We've never had issues with a search engine before, so we are at a loss what to do. Could you please give us advice as to what technical issue our website might have or what could incur a deindex penalty in our case? We want to do everything that is possible to get back into Bing and Yahoo search results ASAP. The website has primarily affiliate content, so we are doing anything we can to clean everything up, but any recommendations will be incredibly useful to us. We are also open to contacting an expert on this, but we have no idea where to look.

    | ThreatAnalyzer

  • Hi all, I wondered if anyone had any suggestions for forecasting DA changes after merging two domains. The context is that we have two sites and there is argument to combine them into one. To cut a long story short, one of the considerations is how much DA might increase if we migrated one domain into the other. Domain 1 has a DA in the 30s. Domain 2 (which we'd redirect) has a DA in the late 20s. Around 90% of the LRDs are 'incremental'. Surely there is a way to forecast what the increase in DA would be if we decided to combine? I haven't found anything online...

    | rl_uk

  • Hi all: Do backlinks need to be clicked to pass linkjuice? Is so, can someone explain how much traffic is needed from a backlink to count as linkjuice? Thanks for the help. Audrey.

    | Addythenurse

  • Hi All, Does anyone have a suggested Screaming Frog  (SF) configuration to mirror default Googlebot crawl? I want to test my site and see if it will return 429 "Too Many Requests" to Google. I have set the User Agent as Googlebot (Smartphone). Is the default SF Menu > Configuration > Speed > Max Threads 5 and Max URLs 2.0 comparable to Googlebot? Context:
    I had tried NetPeak SEO Spider which did a nice job and had a cool feature that would pause a crawl if it got to many 429. Long Story short, B2B site  threw 429 Errors when there should have been no load on a holiday weekend at 1:00 AM.

    | gravymatt-se

  • Hi Moz community, Had a question regarding duplicate content that I can't seem to find the answer to on Google. My agency is working on a large number of franchisee websites (over 40) for one client, a print franchise, that wants a refresh of new copy and SEO. Each print shop has their own 'microsite', though all services and products are the same, the only difference being the location. Each microsite has its own unique domain. To avoid writing the same content over and over in 40+ variations, would all the websites be flagged by Google for duplicate content if we were to use the same base copy, with the only changes being to the store locations (i.e. where we mention Toronto print shop on one site may change to Kelowna print shop on another)? Since the print franchise owns all the domains, I'm wondering if that would be a problem since the sites aren't really competing with one another. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

    | EdenPrez

  • Hi all! I work for a company who have 6 different brands in the same industry targeted at different demographics. Some of them have a lot of history and are well known and respected, others are newer targeted at different price points/ types of people. I've been asked to input on there ongoing web strategy; should they use sub domains or individual branded domains. Previously that had separate brand domains but a new MD wanted to bring everything together into one website. The branded domains were redirected to the new site and it has been going along fine, albeit having lost 1/3rd or so organic traffic. Now a new management team has been brought in and they want to re-structure the website again to put more focus on the brands. Any new website will be on a brand new domain anyway as they are also re branding their main website. What will work better, separate branded domains or sub domains of one website? From what I understand, SEO won't be much different between the two options, but it feels like the bigger historical brands should have individual websites purely from a branding perspective. Thanks for any input!

    | RemarkableAgency

  • I own a  phone wallpapers website . I'm trying to find the right schema markup for my website. I'm planning to implant schema on home page and categories pages. What type and properties should I use?

    | Bren-Moss

  • I need to know how to keep my website structure well organised and ensure Google still recognises the key pages. I work for a travel company which needs to give customers various pieces of information on our website and this needs to be well organised in terms of structure.  For example, customers need information on airport pick-ups and drop-offs for each of our destinations but this isn't something that needs to rank on Google. Logically for site structure would be to create a parent page: Is creating parent pages for unimportant content a bad idea?

    | nicolewretham

  • Hey guys , I am building a photography website and currently I have it setup the following way for my image galleries :!gallery6618-6577 This provides me with an individual link for each of the images in my photography gallery but as a gallery these have obviously no content and I figured the best way would be to add the images I want to work my SEO for to individual blog posts . So here is what I did so far : - Added a link to the caption of each image inside the lightbox that is linking to the individual blog post - In order to not break the navigation I made the post with the content for each image open in a modal popup (it changes the link in the top bar but once closed it goes back to the gallery) . - I made the image inside the post link back to the fullsize image in the lightbox gallery when clicked instead of linking to the .jpg in wp-content/uploads. Now, I have some questions regarding whether this is a good practice in terms of SEO and if the fact of having duplicate images or this structure is going to hurt my SEO any way . Although both images are in different urls they ultimately link to each other this way : Blog Image --> Gallery Image url --> wp-content/uploads/file.jpg Is there a better approach for this ? Thanks

    | ricfranco

  • If you had optimised everything 100% on your website (keywords, links, everything), is there some tool or some way to figure out what your average SERP position could be and what volume of traffic you could be getting?

    | AnnaKot

  • Over the last few years, my company has acquired numerous different companies -- some of which were acquired before that. Some of the products acquired were living on their previous company's parent site vs. having their own site dedicated to the product. The decision has been made that each product will have their own site moving forward. Since the product pages, blog articles and resource center landing pages (ex. whitepapers LPs) were living on the parent site, I'm struggling with the decision to 301 vs. rel=canonical those pages (with the new site being self canonicaled). I'm leaning toward take-down and 301 since rel=canonicals are simply suggestions to Google and a new domain can get all the help it can to start ranking. Are there any cons to doing so?

    | mfcb

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