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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • For example, let's say you want to A/B test a title tag change. You are hoping to identify whether a title tag change increases CTR. But, position is always fluctuating a bit and that affects CTR, too. So, I'm interested in how you could hold position constant in order to isolate the change in CTR that is due to the title tag change.  Does anyone know of resources/tools/tutorials for how to do this? It's been... a very long time since I took statistics (-:  I have access to Excel, MS Access, and R studio.

    | LivDetrick

  • I have a metadata issue. My site crawl is coming back with missing descriptions, but all of the pages look like site tags (i.e. /blog/?_sft_tag=call-routing)

    | amarieyoussef

  • Hi All, I am looking for some community insight on how backlinks on the different versions of a canonical page are handled for ranking purposes. Suppose that I have two versions of the same page on two different domains: 1. <--Canonical Version 2. <--Non-Canonical Version that points to page #1 Also consider a third domain that is being linked to from the article. Since it is identical content, both pages contain the same outbound links to this page: 3. I am wondering how the backlink authority transfer is handled for page number two. Since it has the canonical tag pointing to page 1, only page 1 should be considered for indexing/ranking purposes as a whole page. However, my question relates to what happens  to backlink flow since both #1 and #2 above contain links to site #3. In the above example, would both and be passing a backlink to myclothing .com, or would it only be the first domain ( passing link authority since it is marked as the canonical for ranking purposes. Thanks for any thoughts!

    | Evan_Wright

  • My client creates apps. As well as the apps they create themselves, they have made some of their own that cover various different topics. Currently they have individual websites for each of these apps, and a website for their app making business. They are asking whether they should just have one website - their app building site, which also includes information about the two apps they've built themselves. My feeling is it's better to keep them separate. The app building site is trying to appeal to a B2B audience and gain business to build new apps. AppA is trying to help carehomes and carers to streamline their business, and AppB is trying to help workplace and employee welfare. Combining them all will mean lots of mixed messaging/keywords even if we have dedicated areas on the site. I also think it will limit how much content we can create on each without being completely overwhelming for the user. If we keep them all separate then we can have a very clear user journey. I would of course recommend having blog posts or some sort of landing page to link to AppA and AppB's websites. Thoughts? Thank you!

    | WhitewallGlasgow

  • I have an important product page that I've fully optimised for a couple of specific key phrases. There are some other really good (related/similar) key phrases it's starting to rank on the first page for which I'd like to increase ranking on further. How can I optimise/improve ranking for these without compromising ranking for other keywords?

    | nicolewretham

  • Hi Mozers, Is there any benefit of having the date that the content was updated displayed at the very top of a content page rather than at the bottom? Would this impact our EAT? Thanks,

    | yaelslater

  • I don't manage to rank my homepage I am trying to rank my homepage on the product name "Rubbee" in Switzerland, I have .ch domain and it the homepage appears nowhere in the 1 st 20 pages in Switzerland... whereas a website like this one with zero text  appears on the 13 th page. For your info when I put the website online over 2 years ago... my homepage was ranking on the 1 st page but since I created a blog page,  the blog page took over and it is now impossible to rank the homepage.

    | seoanalytics

  • So, we run seo tests via moz, gtmetrix and other sites. On many keywords (NSFW) we appear around 3-7 on the first page.  Our biggest issue is that we are following all the rules moz etc say and we don't move but, but the teo tops sites fail on almost everything we are told to do..... Why?  It confuses us. What are we doing wrong?

    | 5TW

  • How do you find the correct words (entities) to explain an entity ? The words (entities) that go together within a sentence seem to be based on the specific corpus (the keyword you want to rank ) and when they are million of results it seems impossible to find what word / entity is going to explain the entity / concept I want to explain. It seems that I got a better chance at the lottery 🙂 a
    Do you have any advice or software that could parse and find the words that co-occure the most often out of millions of results !! Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • From a previous company we have inherited a domain which once contained an open redirect Even though this domain has been returning a 410 for every single request directed at it for the last few months, we continue to see new links popping up in Google which refer to this domain Currently we just keep disavowing these links, but at the same time they keep appearing in our tooling, being unable to disavow those links here. Does anybody have any successful tips how to deal with this scenario, compared to only disavow new links after the fact?

    | rogier_slag

  • We currently only have one option for implementing our Schema. It is populated in the JSON which is rendered by JavaScript on the CLIENT side. I've heard tons of mixed reviews about if this will work or not. So, does anyone know for sure if this will or will not work. Also, how can I build a test to see if it does or does not work?

    | MJTrevens

  • Hi, I am trying set the product title for my product that I sell online, I have more than 300 products, I am now doing keywords research, any suggestion of the monthly search volume I should aim for each keyword? I just started and selling engagement rings

    | up877291

  • Hi Mozers, The interactive SERP feature that appears when you're searching for hotels nearby.  It lets you input specific dates  and number of adults and then lists different hotels  nearby, their ratings and where they are located on a map. Two questions: What is that called? How do hotels get pulled in? Schema? Thanks!

    | yaelslater

  • Can anybody check it what is the main culprit behind my website's growth?

    | anshu1432

  • Help: I have a website with a country-specific TLD. Google Console sees the target country as the same for the TLD, but tells me that I can  'select Unlisted' if I "want to ensure that your site is not associated with any country or region." The question is, how? I cannot see how to edit the country in the new console? Any ideas/help?

    | twofourseven

  • Hi all, I have a question regarding keywords. Of course we all know that keyword research should be focused on a certain topic and on user intent (and thus on answering specific questions) instead of trying to put keywords in a page to make it rank. However, duplicate content is of course still an issue. So here's my question: A client that sells floor heating systems that you can install yourself, has a product page for this topic and blog pages for questions regarding this topic. So following pages are on the website: Product page about the floor heating systems the client sells Blog article with tips how to install a floor heating system yourself Blog article about how to choose the right floor heating system These pages all answer different questions and are written about different topics. However, inevatibly all these pages also talk about different aspects of floor heating systems so this broad term comes up on all pages naturally. You could say that a solution is to merge pages and redirect the blogs to the product page, so the product page would answer all questions. But that is not what a customer is looking for. The goal of a product page is to trigger a conversion: let a customer contact the company or ask for a price offer. If the content on a product page is not comprehensive enough, the goal gets lost. Moreover, it doesn't make sense to talk about tips and tricks on a product page. So how do you tackle this problem without creating duplicate content? In search results, the blog pages rank for the specific questions, but the product page doesn't rank for the generic term 'floor heating'. The internal link structure is ok: the product page has obviously more incoming links than the blogs. All on page SEO factors are taken care of as well. Any ideas on this? Thanks!

    | Mat_C

  • Hi, I'm somewhat stumped on the best course of action for our navigation menu. Our site is "divided" into two areas; informational and transactional. Because of compliance, transnational users have to be geo targeted; therefore, we serve them a specific page (we have 6 different regions: uk, aus, eu, etc). If users visit informational side, it's not geo specific. Example: https://site/charts https://site/uk/money Within our main nav, we don't specify the geo transaction page and use a generic https://site/money/ (page doesn't exist) then when a user clicks that link, we'll detect their location and serve up a 301 redirect to the correct geo page. This has obviously caused a ton load of unnecessary redirects and a waste of powerful link equity from the header of the site. It's been recommended to dynamically change the linked URL in this header based on the location of the user. That sounds good but what about Google? Since we can't detect Google crawler IP, we would have to pick a default geo URL like /uk/money. If we do that, the other regional URLs suffer link equity. How do we minimize redirects and make Google happy for all our geo pages. Hope this makes sense and thanks for your time!

    | Bragg

  • Here might be the reason. I had loads of unnecessary content so I given them the noindex tag. I tried to change the robot.txt file but that shouldn't be a problem in SEO. First my site had a country specific domain and then a year later I changed it to .Com, as to target globally (Mainly US). My site is ranking well in that specific country  (never been close to page 1) on page 3 almost every time. It's not ranking in other countries, despite the fact that I've not targeted it to any specific country since the domain was changed. A month ago, I deleted 404 pages and all the thin content which was indexed in the SERP and also deleted the duplicated contents and as well as the copied contents. Meanwhile I've also tried changing the headings in some of the products articles as they were causing the duplicate heading issue. I've recently switched my hosting from the UK based server to the Us based server because the last hosting has bad downtime. So far until now nothing seems to be working in my favor. I'm just tired of resolving issues and in return finding a zero result. This is my devil site: plz check it out and tell me why my site is not ranking at all and what sould I do.

    | anshu1432

  • After uploading a Google disavow file how long does it take to be processed? Before any trolls get going, not been doing anything dogy, looks like someone has been trying some negative seo on us.

    | seoman10

  • Hello Guys Please help me, suddenly all of my site's keywords are disappeared from google search result, most of keywords are no.1 on google but today after 6pm i see the traffic decreasing and when i search my keywords there is no any keywords in search result. Only homepage keyword is showing. Please Help what is Happening with me.

    | mianazeem418

  • Hello, We are selling bee products online in Germany. Our star product and the most important keyword is propolis. For this keyword, our landing page has changed several times between 2 product pages and a content page about propolis. For a short time, the landing page was homepage. We also have a Propolis category page which consists of propolis products. For this page, most of the internal and external links have the anchor text propolis. But the category page never ranked for this keyword. Product, category and informational pages all have content over 1500 words. Does anyone have an idea why the landing page change this much? Also, what can we do to stabilize and optimize the landing page? Thanks! qksc61

    | ozzzge

  • Hello. I have an eCommerce Flower Shop Website and I have created an Online Free Game so player can create flower arrangement and stuff like that. If I had this game directly on my website and provide Embed Code so other Online Gaming Portals can add the game to their website. Would it be good to create back links for my website and increase my domain authority and SEO of my Flower Shop website? I ask because I am also in the Gaming industry and when I release my games, they can be added to hundreds of other gaming portals. But I am just afraid that since this is not is the same domain activity, this might hurt my SEO for my flower website. What are your thoughts about that?

    | 8860319canadainc

  • How many topic should I cover under an H2. Is it ok to cover multiple topics per H2 if I do different paragraphs ? I am in th travel industry and each day I go through different towns that could reprend my topics. Do I have to choose 1 town each day and cover under an H2 or can I cover 2 or 3 towns each day and cover it all under the same H2. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Our SEO provider has been creating content (6 blog posts per month as well as building page write ups) and has been promoting that content. Several links per month have been created as a result of this effort. Many of the links have been  from commercial real estate publications. I am concerned that the quality of these links is not high enough to improve our ranking. Most links do not appear on AHREFS, Google Search Console or MOZ.  Is this a red flag that these links are weak? Ranking and traffic on the site have improved considerably since this provider began the project in April of 2019. They have been writing about 30 pages about New York City. commercial buildings each month in addition to 4 short blog posts and 2 extremely well researched and authoritative blog posts. My concern is that the links are not of sufficient quality to result increased ranking. That the improvement in ranking is solely due to the addition of new content rather than the creation of these links. Basically, that I am incurring the cost on an ongoing basis of an link building campaign with little to no benefit. That being the case, I would shift resources to content creation and increase and improve content rather than develop links with little value. A sample of links are below:  Would greatly appreciate some feedback as to whether these are in fact helpful to the domain authority, reputation and ranking of our website. Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • I am working on a keyword which has 72 difficulty score, I have tried getting quality links with high DA, also there is no any on page issue, landing page is loading very fast and fixed all site loading issues, the keyword is stuck on 3rd page of Google and shuffling between 20 to 30 but not ranking on 1st page, I need expert opinions on it.

    | UmairGadit

  • Hi I'm working on an E-Commerce site and the internal Search results page is our 3rd most popular landing page. I've also seen Google has often used this page as a "Google-selected canonical" on Search Console on a few pages, and it has thousands of these Search pages indexed. Hoping you can help with the below: To remove these results, is it as simple as adding "noindex/follow" to Search pages? Should I do it incrementally? There are parameters (brand, colour, size, etc.) in the indexed results and maybe I should block each one of them over time. Will there be an initial negative impact on results I should warn others about? Thanks!

    | Frankie-BTDublin

  • Hi all, hope somebody can help. I want to crawl my site to export an audit showing: All nofollow links (what links, from which pages) All external links broken down by follow/nofollow. I had thought Moz would do it, but that's not in Crawl info. So I thought Screaming Frog would do it, but unless I'm not looking in the right place, that only seems to provide this information if you manually click down each link and view "Inlinks" details. Surely this must be easy?! Hope someone can nudge me in the right direction... Thanks....

    | rl_uk

  • Google Search Console shows 4K backlinks from (i do not see this backlink in Moz inbound links though). I have been tracking backlinks from this domain for half a year and it fluctuates between 1K and 6K is the highest I have seen it, not sure what is causing the link count to change. We are using Google's disavow tool against this domain and have been for 5 months. Does anyone have any idea what jesse tree is and any insight into this odd (to me) backlink situation?

    | ElykInnovation

  • Hi lovely community, I know google made some schema changes in Sept 2019. I got an AggregateRating Error:
    One of offers or review or aggregateRating should be provided. I am using a third-party app 'Shopify Product Review' to implement the rating. What I should do to solve this error. Thanks very much for the help! I found many people have this issue too in the community! Many thanks Pui

    | Insightful_Media

  • Hello everyone, How can you figure out which topics are the more relevant for a  specific query ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I'm facing a big issue on my two blog legitloaded and asirimp3 months after I patch and clean up my WordPress and plugins, too... I still see the hacked site in google search that I have asked to delete, but I still see the same character and the hacked material in google. I don't know what to do, I'm confused. I try asking google to update my page, but I can't find the URL in the search console. when checking on google with URL: tzj6XvF

    | frankbanny

  • Has anyone experienced an issue where Google Mobile site crawl returns poorer results than their Desktop site crawl on a 100% responsive website that passes all Google Mobile tests?

    | MFCommunications

  • Hi, Preamble:
    We are creating a website where people look for professionals for some home working. We want to create a homepage with a search bar where people write the profession/category (actually it is a custom taxonomy) that they need, like ‘plumbers’, and a dropdown/checkbox filter where they can choose the city where they need the plumber.
    The result page is a list of plumber agencies in the city chosen. Each agency is a Custom Post Type for us. Furthermore, we are hardly working to make our SEO ranking as high as possible.
    So, for example, we know that it is important to have a well-done Archive Page for each Taxonomy term, besides a well-done Results Page.
    Also, we know it is bad for SEO to have duplicated pages or (maybe) similar pages, ranking for the same (or maybe also similar) keywords. Proposed Structure:
    So, what we are thinking is to have this structure:
    A unique hierarchical taxonomy that INCLUDES the City AND the profession! That means that our taxonomy ‘taxonomy_unique’ has terms like: ‘Rome’, ‘Paris’, ‘Dublin’ as father and also terms like ‘Plumbers’, ‘Gardeners’, ‘Electricians’ which are sons of some City father! So we will have the term 'Plumbers' son of 'Rome' and we will have also the term 'Plumbers' son of 'Paris'. Each of these two taxonomy terms (Rome/Plumbers and Paris/Plumbers) will have an archive page that we want to make ranking for the keywords ‘Plumbers in Rome’ and ‘Plumbers in Paris’ respectively. It is easier to think of it imagining the breadcrumbs. They will be:
    Home > Rome > Plumbers
    Home > Paris > Plumbers Both will have: a static content (important for SEO), where we describe the plumber profession with a focus on the city, like ‘Find the best Plumbers in Rome’ vs ‘Find the best Plumbers in Paris' a 'dynamic' content - below - that is a list of Custom Post Types which have that taxonomy term associated. Furthermore, also 'Rome' and 'Paris' are taxonomy terms that have their own archive page. In those pages, we are thinking to show the Custom Post Types (agencies) associated with that taxonomy term as a father OR maybe just a list of the 'sons' of that father, so links to those archive pages 'sons').
    In both cases, there should be also a static content talking maybe about the city and the professionals it offers in general. Questions:
    So what we would like to understand is: Is it bad from an SEO perspective to have 2 URLs that look like this:
    where the static content is really similar and it is something like that:
    “Are you looking for the best plumbers in the city of Rome”
    “Are you looking for the best plumbers in the city of Naples”? Also, these kinds of pages will be much more than 2, one for each City.
    We are doing that because we want the two different pages to rank high in two different cities, but we are not sure if Google likes that. On the other hand, each City will have one page for each kind of job, so:
    So the same question, does Google like this or not? About 'Rome' and 'Paris' archive pages, does Google prefer a list of Custom Post Types that have that father term associated as taxonomy, or a list of the archive pages 'sons', with links to those pages? What do you think about this approach? 
Do you think this structure could be good from an SEO perspective, or maybe there could be something better alternatively? Hoping everything is clear, we really appreciate anyone dedicating its time and leaving feedback.

    | danielecelsa

  • Hi. First of all,  I love MOZ and learned a lot about SEO by reading articles here. Thanks for all the knowledge that i received here. I read all the articles about "Subdomain vs Subdirectory"  in the MOZ community and I have no doubt that subdirectories are the best option for a blog. But, the company that I work now has a blog with more than 17.000 articles, 1.000 categories and tags, hosted on a subdomain structure. The website has a Domain Authority of 78 (I am working to improve these numbers)  and the blog subdomain has the same (78). We had 2.7 million hits per month in the blog and 4.5 million hits per month in the site. I am advising the company to change the blog structure to subfolders inside the domain, but I'm finding resistance to the idea, because the amount of work involved in this change is enormous and there is still the fear of losing traffic. My questions are: Is there any risk of losing traffic with the amount of articles we have? What do we probably get if we change the blog structure to subfolders? Could we have increased authority for the domain? More Traffic? How can I explain to my superiors that we would probably have increase traffic for our keywords? Is there any way to prove or test the gains from this change before we run it? Thanks in Advance.

    | Marcus.Coelho

  • Hi Mozers, I have a question about the news that Google Chrome will start blocking mixed content starting in December 2019.  That starting in December 2019, users that are presented insecure content will be presented a toggle allowing those Chrome users to unblock the insure resources that Chrome is blocking. And in January 2020, Google will remove that toggle option an will just start blocking mixed content or insecure web pages. Not sure what this means. What are the implications of this for a HTTPS page that has an HTTP link? Thanks, Yael

    | yaelslater

  • Hello there, I have a site that seems to have totally dropped out of the rankings i.e. it is now not even ranking for the name, at which it has been number 2 forever! In Moz Pro it is at 0% visibility and no keywords being ranked. No big changes in terms of the site, the pages appear to be being indexed and as far as I'm aware no dodgy backlinks. The only change lately is that we have linked it to Google Console, added 2 content pages and done a Google Adwords campaign. These pages have been used as the landing pages for this campaign - could that have had this effect? Could this be a RAG (Random Act of Google) or something else??? The site is The is also a - could this be causing a problem??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Sarah.

    | Frog-Marketing

  • Hello, We have implemented AMP on our blog pages, but now some of the  Web pages are also being shown like AMP pages. ( no footer and no navigation ) What could have gone wrong ? Thanks

    | Johnroger

  • I will summarise and then ty to explain : When I group keyword with the keyword explorer if concepts (grouping keywords) that I find are too similar to each other how do I go about it... Ldg me know explain. When google doesn't have enough data to rank a website with  content does it only use links ? Let me give you an example. If I take "title tag" as a keyword people have a lots of questions that can be answered which will create numerous concepts. However, let's take "hiking tours Italy" for example. If I go through the keyword explorer or all the other tools existing out there people don't have questions. All I find are variations or synonyms of my keyword and I group by low lexical similarity all the words are going to be very similar. I know that each variation can be grouped and considered a different concepts but writing about various concepts that mean exactly the same thing because of lack of data not very smart and useful... So in that case what does google do, does it rank a website only based on links or schema ?  see that it has no way to rank it based on good quality content because of a lack of data (questions that could be answers that would lead to concepts). Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Should you always go by the highest relevancy when your choose your keywords sor can you take some keywords with the lowest relevancy possible and will it still help your webpage ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello Moz Community, I have some questions I hope some of you can help with. We’re doing SEO work for a client that provides outsourced IT and managed IT services in Phoenix, AZ and cities in the Phoenix metro area (i.e. Glendale, Tempe, Scottsdale, etc.) They’re currently ranked for or targeting the following keywords: • consulting phoenix az (1)
    • outsourced it phoenix (2)
    • phoenix it support (3)
    • it services Scottsdale (5)
    • it consulting firm phoenix (targeting)
    • it solutions phoenix (targeting) We have recommended the following keywords based on monthly search totals, competitive level and difficulty ratings in Moz. • IT consulting phoenix
    • it consultant company
    • outsourced it
    • it support services
    • it consulting services
    • outsourcing it
    • outsourced tech support Questions
    1. While I know it’s a good idea to optimize for keywords that you're currently ranked for, there’s no search volume for any of these. So, I recommended non-geo versions since Google provides search results based on the user’s location. Will this preserve the company's current rankings?
    2. If not optimizing for their current keywords will hurt their rankings, will using the current keywords as secondary keywords suffice? If so, do we need to include them in the content for keyword density?
    3. Since search engine algorithms now focus so heavily on user intent, I assume we’re covered for all variations of a keyword (i.e. outsource it, outsourced it, outsourcing it, etc.) Is this correct?
    4. They want to rank for “cloud services” and “cloud solutions.”  Both are very competitive with high difficulty rankings. So, I recommended “cloud migration” and “cloud strategy” as alternatives since these are the main services they provide. Will including “cloud services” and “cloud solutions” as secondary keywords help them increase their rankings for both? If you’ve dealt with a similar situation, I'd appreciate your insight and advice. Thanks!

    | marnipatterson

  • If you Google "Progressive careers," for the result you'll see a result where Google pulls in content from the page outside of the meta description (not uncommon) and also pulls in an in-page carrot  that indicates a link. This character displays as a square on desktop / Android devices. The site includes this character as an accessibility best practice to indicate a link from a heading for screen readers. On iPhones, that square shows up as a soccer ball emoji even though the entity code is different than our character's entity code (our entity code= , soccer ball entity code is ⚽). Clearly, not the best experience. I know we cannot control what piece of the page is pulled in as the meta description, but does anyone have any tips to hide or help avoid pulling in that special character?

    | P-C-A

  • Hey Mozzers, After a redesign of our site we have a huge problem with 1 particular URL. We can't understand what is wrong with it. Our site was redesigned about 3 weeks ago everything was done to make sure the process was smooth. Content on the new url was exactly the same as before, title tags and meta descriptions were copy pasted, 301 redirects were set up. Our site has 47 pages and all other pages are still ranking the same way as they used to before the update but this one url has just dropped from serps or once a while is appearing on 2nd, 3rd pages. URL in question is: We are a MOZ pro client and have the data on where this url was ranking prior to the update. Keywords it ranked for #1position on page one- some examples ( car service to dulles, car service to iad, dulles airport limo service) and many more. The only thing that has changed was the url the old url was After the new design we got rid of the ".html" on all our urls, the funny thing is that all our 46 urls were updated the same way but only this url is experiencing this problem. Google search console shows that url is indexed and on Google but sometimes it does not show up on serps. Can anyone please help? 20% of our business comes from this url and we are loosing real money everyday and I can't figure out was is wrong with it. Thanks all, Davit

    | Davit1985

  • We are redirecting http and non www versions of our website. Should all versions http (non www version and www version) and https (non www version) should just have 1 redirect to the https www version? Thant way all forms of the website are pointing to one version?

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • Hey Experts, I hope you are all doing great, I'm extremely confused right now. Any help will be much appreciated. I have redirected my old blog to my new blog It has been redirected for many days with wild card from bluehost and also within htaccess but Moz link explorer won't detect it, what's the problem? anyone please? Kind regards...

    | euaobela

  • Say you have a WordPress website with reviews and lists. Would you use "post" or "page" type for them? Is there any SEO advantage in using pages/subpages instead of posts?

    | fabx

  • Hi - we are a website that sells tours. We have category pages that list the tours in that category (by city, by length of time, theme, etc). At the top of each category page, before the buttons linking to the tours, there is a category description. It is a pretty long paragraph. We are redesigning the website and think it would look nicer to show 2-3 lines of text and then have a down arrow and 'read' more so people can click and it would expand to show the full category description if they want to read it and it won't take up so much room that way. My question is - will this affect SEA at all? Or because the text is still there, just hidden, it won't do anything? Our site ranks very high in organic searches on google and we do not want to do anything that will hurt SEO. thanks.

    | Shirapn

  • Hello, I was reading that having many nofollow outbound links is bad for SEO. Could somebody give me an idea how many is "many"?

    | fabx

  • We are facing an issue where two of our major rankings pages have just completely disappeared from search results. This has happened in the last 24 - 48 hours and there has been no changes made to the site. From what we can tell, it's only impacted two pages (but two very important category pages). I have double and triple checked all standard indexing protocols - Search Console URL inspection says the pages are fine to crawl and index. URLs have been requested to re-index but nothing has worked. This would have me to believe it could be a manual action yet there are no notifications in Search Console and we are listed as 'No issues detected' in all versions of our web property. Can anyone else think what could be the reason?

    | Vuly

  • The homepage to this website is crawled and indexed, however, it's not showing up for any searches, even brand searches (eg: Klay schools). This happened overnight. Do you know what the underlying issue could be? Link to the homepage:

    | vishesh1010

  • I've been taking precautions for the Chrome 79 and 80 updates that will be more strict about serving mixed content. Quick question: will this impact http:// PDFs on https:// pages?

    | SearchStan

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