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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Typing in any of our titles for content, scrapers and content syndication sites all outrank us by quite a bit. What is the main reason for this usually? I started noticing this happening quite a bit this year, and think maybe it has to do with panda. Has anyone figured out the reasoning?

    | upbuiltgames

  • I have a site that was created using Flash. The reasoning behind this was, at the time, that I didn't care if the site ranked or not (portfolio site). Now I would like to drive traffic to the site from SE's. Given the Penguin update, should I rewrite my Flash site in HTML/CSS or present an alternative site for bots and browsers that don't support Flash? My concern is that by presenting an alternative site to bots and non Flash supporting browsers that the SE's will see potentially see this as cloaking. Thoughts and advice would be much appreciated.

    | mj775

  • Virtually all of my pages are coming up with a "Duplicate Page Title" error even though the page title are different. I assume this is down to the end of the page title having the company name. Is this the reason and is it a problem to have a page title like below... "Page title description - Company Name"

    | petewinter

  • I'm using BigCommerce, but I will like to try a new platform. Do you have any recommendations?

    | BigBlaze205

  • My site's URL (web address) is: Timeline:
    At the end of March we released a site redesign in HTML5
    As part of the redesign we used multiple H1s (for nested articles on the homepage) and for content sections other than articles on a page. In summary, our pages have many many, I mean lots of H1's compared to other sites notable sites that use HTML5 and only one H1 (some of these are the biggest sites on the web) - yet I don't want to say this is the culprit because the HTML5 document outline (page sections) create the equivalent of H1 - H6 tags. We have also have been having Google cache snapshot issues due to Modernzr which we are working to apply the patch. - Not sure if this would driving our indexing issues as below. Situation:
    Since the redesign when we query our article title then Google will list the homepage, category page or tag page that the article resides on. Most of the time it ranks for the homepage for the article query.
    If we link directly to the article pages from a relevant internal page it does not help Google index the correct page. If we link to an article from an external site it does not help Google index the correct page. Here are some images of some example query results for our article titles: Homepage ranks for article title aged 5 hours Homepage ranks for article title aged 36 min. Homepage at uncategorized page listed instead of article for exact match article query Article aged over 10 day indexing correctly. Yes it's possible for Google index our article pages but again. What we have done so far:
    -Removed the H1 tag from the site wide domain link
    -Made the article title a link. How it was on the old version so replicating
    -Applying the Modernizr patch today to correct blank caching issue. We are hoping you can assess the number H1s we are using on our homepage (i think over 40) and on our article pages (i believe over 25 H1s) and let us know if this may be sending a confusing signal to Google. Or if you see something else we're missing. All HTML5 and Google documentation makes clear that Google can parse multiple H1s & understand header, sub & that multiple H1s are okay etc... but it seems possible that algorythmic weighting may not have caught up with HTML5. Look forward to your thoughts. Thanks

    | mcluna

  • I know Google uses a lot of variables when crawling a website. I wasn't sure if disabling the "View Source" option hindered anything.

    | innovationsimple

  • I have 2 online store in Canada. Both are selling One bilingual (English&french) Filtration Montreal and a unilinguale store Furnace Filters Canada Both are offering the same products at the same price for Canadian. We work hard to rank on because we only sell and ship to Canada. The platform of Filtration Montreal is very basic and limited. For example, the url structure make it very hard to rank on This platform is very not SEO friendly with url like: The only good thing about this platform, is the multilingual option. The customer can shop in french or English. I would like to move that store to a new platform where I can create a multilingual online store. Do you have sugestions? Furnace Filters Canada is on BigCommerce. I find it SEO friendly. Using SEOmoz tools and new to SEO, high competitive keywords like: furnace filters, furnace filter are ranking on 3rd rank in fist page! This site is getting more & more visitors every months. The only frustrating thing is the English only version of the stores to customers. QUESTIONS: What will be the SEO impact if I'm moving Furnace Filters Canada to a new platform? Do you have suggestions in finding the perfect multilanguage e-Commerce platform? Andrew Bleakley suggest Ashop. Anybody using Ashop? How about a eCommerce platform that can manage my 2 stores at the same time. REMEMBER, we sell and ship to Canada only. Thank you for your help and support. BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I watched the "White Board Friday" video on creating your own website based on your name. Can anyone explain why this would be a good concept for me? I'm currently involved in 1. Marketing for the company I work for 2. Sales for the company I work for 3. Affiliate Marketing/ Site Creation as side projects 4. SEO as a free-lance part-time offering 5. PPC & Web-marketing as a free-lance part-time offering Would my personal page be to showcase all of this? why is it beneficial for SEO?

    | AndySolo

  • I have a site that provides online education and as such, most of the user activity happens behind a login. This has me thinking about potential SEO impacts with a few questions that maybe someone could lend some light on: How important is activity (above just search activity) to the search engines Would it help to enter these pages, even though they're behind a login, into GA as we have with the front-end of the site Does a subdomain make a difference (right now we implement the course as a subdomain of the main site Lastly, as I was looking at, I am wondering how they get these use statistics?

    | uwaim2012

  • From a minimising duplicate content perspective is it best to create all blog posts with a single tag so google doesn't think the same post being returned via a different tag search is duplicate content. I.e. the urls below return the same blog post; or doesn't it matter. for example are the same posts... thanks

    | JonAcourt

  • We are currently working on creating 2 sites for a company, one with no adult content, one with adult content. Will it affect the non adult content site if i link to the other one in terms of Google and being blocked by some internet providers.

    | MattWheatcroft

  • Hello, I currently have a website ranking in the top 7 for my main keyword. The website was built in 2004 and is definitely outdated, yet still ranks very high and brings in business. If i launched a new site on this domain, what would happen to my rankings? Would they drop? would they rise? If i don't launch the new site, will this site eventually drop due to being old and outdated? Any advice would be helpful...

    | Prime85

  • As a freelancer, what are the top 3 things you evaluate when contracted to SEO a website for a client?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Hi, I have a client that wants to design an ecommerce site like initially they want to set up a first release to test their market using just he basic functionality thereofre you see a picture click on it add toshopping cart an buy. Does anyone know of a theme that can be used on wordpress or any other ecommerce system that has a pre defined theme as Thanks

    | VivaArturo

  • Right. So I suspect I am going to sound paranoid here - but you'll all forgive me right?? I am sure I saw a reply to a question on the Q&A suggesting that it was a bad idea to have two sites in one industry as Google may see it as trying to get two bites of the SERP cherry... is this accurate? I have an existing site in the maternity wear industry here in Australia and am wanting to start another site to appeal to a different customer base... the market is quite broad. There will be a core list of products that are the same between the sites, but also some quite different products. Content, product descriptions and categorys will be different. I have another website that I bought with reasonable age and links in the industry that I was going to 301 to the new site to give it a kick in the juice. So, not wanting to deceive my customers in anyway, I was thinking I would call it a "division of" or "sister site to" the existing ecommerce site, with a single link back and forward between the two sites. Would there be anything wrong with this in googles eyes? Even with same contact details? They would be run on totally different platforms and hosted by totally different providers. Or would you keep them totally seperate and only have contact details in images? Or a step further and have totally different phone numbers etc? Then the shopping cart - I would love some suggestions on which opensourse cart to use, preferrably one that I can set up myself, and that has a good framework for seo. I want to use, authorship, seo friendly urls all of which I am having trouble getting out of the developer of my site.... I don't want the new site to be Thanks in advance!!

    | catfree

  • Working with content folks on a new section of our website. Developed a new logo for this section of the site, and they want to incorporate the style of it into all of the page headings. The only way to pull this off is to use images for H1's. (Without getting into unnecessary detail, they have to be images - too precise to try text over background images.) I made everyone aware of the importance of H1 text for SEO purposes, but they really want these images. When I first attempted SEO back in 2003, I recall doing a site using CSS image replacement along these lines: Widget Page #example {
        background: url(../images/example.gif) no-repeat;
        text-indent: -5000px;
         } That was nearly 10 years ago, and they definitely ranked for the H1s at the time which led me to believe it worked. Anyone know if this is considered an acceptable practice today? I read some other threads about enclosing the image in tags and relying on the ALT text, but that doesn't seem to be a good option.

    | c2g

  • I need help to built a mulitlanguage website. After posting questions, I most admit Wordpress with a premium template might be the options for all the features I need. Thoses are: SEO Frendly (custom links...html...Alt Tag...Metadata...)
    Mobile Version
    Great Template
    Multilanguage Complete web site
    Google Analytics
    301 redirect Some one suggest Do you thing it might be my solution? Thank you for your help. BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • We just launched our site on a new platform - Magento Enterprise.  We have a wholesale catalog and and retail catalog.  We have up to 3 domains pointing to each product.  We are getting tons of duplicate content errors. What are the best practices for dealing with this? Here is an example:

    | devonkrusich

  • We just launched our site on a new platform - Magento Enterprise.  We have a wholesale catalog and and retail catalog.  We have up to 3 domains pointing to each product.  We are getting tons of duplicate content errors. What are the best practices for dealing with this? Here is an example:

    | devonkrusich

  • Most of my pages have "Too Many On-Page Links". If you view the website you will see this is mainly down to the top navigation drop down menu: So if I wanted to reduce the number of links I would have to have category links with landing pages. How much does having "Too Many On-Page Links" effect my website ranking? Is it really important and would I notice a difference if I changed it?

    | petewinter

  • I'm curious what you all think about using a 3rd party commenting system (like Disqus) vs the native wordpress commenting system? I've read so many reviews online it makes my head spin, so I wanted to see if any of you have any experience, or perhaps some trusted case studies. I was using the native comment system for a while, and then tried out Disqus; which seems to be good, but I'm not sure if people know how to easily get notified of new comments. With the native system there was a check box that said "subscribe," plus I used a plugin to redirect a first time commenter to a welcome page, as well as sent an email to them. I feel like Disqus makes it harder for people to get notified on new comments. However, I like giving people the ability to log in via different 3rd party channels (facebook/twitter/disqus, etc.) I know there are some 3rd party tools that allow you to do this on the native comment system as well. Any way, I'm just curious if anyone had any experience. Also I'm assuming the audience makes a big difference. My target readership is mommy's and parents, and not necessarily a 'tech" one; so I want to make the ability to comment very simple and easy for them. That's key.  I'm sort of leaning on moving back over to the Wordpress comment system.

    | NoahsDad

  • Has anyone else heard of Google penalizing websites for having their contact forms located at the top of the website? For example Look forward to hearing other thoughts on this.

    | webestate

  • Hi Fellow Mozzers, I had a few questions regarding some analytics data we have been seeing since our redesign. Just last week we did a site design overhaul at  One of the biggest changes we immediately saw was a 15-20% increase in our bounce rate.  However, our conversion rates, page views, pages per visit, and site duration has increased. If anyone has some insight as to why we may be having such a large increase in our bounce rate that would be most helpful!

    | lylif1

  • Hi, I've recently redesigned our website with the main changes being sidebar changes and source ordering (making the main content appear before the sidebars). No URL changes have been made. A few days after making these changes our positions dropped heavily and have been dropping ever since. It's been a week and a half now and traffic is down by around 40%. Google has the new changes cached. Do people feel this just a temporary drop and will we rankings to go back at least or should we revert to the old structure? Website: (NSFW) Thanks

    | diyorgasms

  • Hi, I am having an issues among others, regarding indexing dynamic pages. Our website,, was just put live and I am concerned the bottom naviagtion pages (,, etc) will not be indexed and create duplicate pages. Also, when you open these pages in a new tab, it takes you to homepage. The website was created in HTML5. Please advise.

    | Melia

  • Our shop site has a 3 tier drop down mega-menu so it's easy to find your way to anything from anywhere. It contains about 150 links and probably 300 words of text. We also have a more context-driven single layer of sub-category navigation as well as breadcrumbs on our category pages. You can get to every product and category page without using the drop down mega-menu. Although the mega-menu is a helpful tool for customers, it means that every single page in our shop has an extra 150 links on it that go to stuff that isn't necessarily related or relevant to the page content. This means that when viewed from the context of a crawler, rather than a nice tree like crawling structure, we've got more of an unstructured mesh where everything is linked to everything else. I'd like to hide the mega-menu links from being picked up by a crawler, but what's the best way to do this? I can add a nofollow to all mega-menu links, but are the links still registered as page content even if they're not followed? It's a lot of text if nothing else. Another possibility we're considering is to set the mega-menu to only populate with links when it's main button is hovered over. So it's not part of the initial page load content at all. Or we could use a crude yet effective system we have used for some other menus we have of base encoding the content inline so it's not readable by a spider. What would you do and why? Thanks, James

    | DWJames

  • Hey guys, My MD has just put this to me, we have a site the is currently ranked in top 3 for all there chosen search terms. The company is undergoing an overhaul of their design and want a new site to match this. They have asked how changing the site design will affect their rankings. More content is going to be added with this there will be new pages links etc Any information would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Anthony

    | Anthonykal-group

  • I don't use Google analytics to see much more than how many visits I'm getting and what sort of keywords people are using to find our site. I'd like to step up my GA skills a bit. I'm wondring if you guys could give me some advice. I've never really set up any GA goals, or used it to track specific things, but I'd like to. Here are a few things off the top of my head that I would like to track. I'm wondring if these are posable in GA, and if someone could give me some feedback on how to track it / set up goals. Thanks.1 1. I'd like to know how many people click play on a video when they are on a page that has a video. 2. I'd like to know how many people are clicking "like" " google plus, etc.) 3. I'd like to know the path people are taking on our site. For instance, if they click a link from Facebook, and go to a landing page, what page are they visiting next..... 4. How long people are staying on the page I would really like to break this down further by people that visit a link I posted on Facebook, or twitter, or from the link on my twitter profile page, etc... Also if there are any other valuable goals / reports that would be useful for a blogger to track I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

    | NoahsDad

  • I am working with a business that wants to rank in local searches around the country for the same service. So they have websites such as and -- All of these sites are selling the same services, but with small variations in each state due to different legal standards in the state. The current strategy is to put up similar "local" websites with all the same content. So the bottom line is that we have a few different sites with the same content. The business wants to go national and is planning a different website for each location. In my opinion the duplicate content is a real problem. Unfortunately the nature of the service makes it so that there aren't many ways to say the same thing on each site 50 times without duplicate content. Rewriting content for each state seems like a daunting task when you have 70+ pages per site. So, from an SEO standpoint we have considered: Using the canonocalization tag on all but the central site... I think this would hurt all of the websites SERPs because none will have unique content. Having a central site with directories -- but this creates a problem because we need to link back to the relevant content in the main site and ALSO have the unique "Chicago" content easily accessable to Chicago users while having Seattle users able to access their Seattle data. The best way we thought to do this was using a frame with a universal menu and a unique state based menu... Also not a good option because of frames will also hurt SEO. Rewrite all the same content 50 times. You can see why none of these are desirable options. But I know that plenty of websites have "state maps" on their main site. Is there a way to accomplish this in a way that doesn't make our copywriter want to kill us?

    | SysAdmin19

  •!searchin/webmasters/rel$20alternate$20not$20works/webmasters/xzwTBJemPss/LyRjRCigZdYJ - canadian IP  and"Your site's domain is currently associated with the target: Canada" - done long time ago.<head><link rel="canonical" href="" />    <link< span="">rel="alternate" hreflang="en-us" href="" /></link<><link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-ca" href="" /><link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" />``` - US IP  and
    "Geographic target Target users in: United States" done long time ago.
    <head><link rel="canonical" href="" /> <link< span="">rel="alternate" hreflang="en-us" href="" /><link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-ca" href="" />
    <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" /> Differences: Prices and some minor changes in design. - shows .ca version,
    with snapshot's date after rel="alternate" had been added.
    Results: In pages do not appear in search results.
    Some times pages do,
    but they are even close so well ranked as pages before. Question: What we are doing wrong?</link<>

    | ctam

  • Hello, What is best practise for dealing with alot of links. I was thinking of breaking them download to alphabet pages i.e. all A on one page etc... BUT should I then make the links clickable on this list OR that they load to a sub company page which has a clickable link to there website.

    | JohnW-UK

  • I'm using Wordpress to create websites and blogs. I have limited (non-existent) HTML Coding knowledge. I'm looking to insert tables within my pages with information. Inside of these tables I want certain names to link to another page with more specific information about that name. I'm using a plugin called "WP Tables Reloaded" it simple helps you to create aesthetically pleasing tables without needing to know HTML Code or CSS. The issue is... when you create this table and insert it to the post, the only thing that shows on the sites back-end page is the table I.D. and the only thing that shows in the HTML is the tables I.D. It looks like this... [table id=2 /] I don't think search engines will be able to crawl this table, thus I won't be receiving any credit for the links being used within the table. Am I right about this?

    | AndySolo

  • Hi I have started offering customers a mobile app view of their existing websites using sencha touch which works well. On visiting the website if a user visits via a mobile device they access the mobile app view of the site. I am looking for some best practice please - as many of the customers already have hosting with their existing website so would it be possible to use a subdomain of which will point to the mobile website which will be hosted on our servers in the cloud. Or is the only alternative to use a subdomain for their mobile sites because they are hosted with us in the cloud of  ? Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • Aloha, This is probably a noob question, but here we go: I got a CMS e-commerce, which does not allow static "rel=canonical" declaration in the header and can only work with third-party modules (xml packages) that append "rel=canonical" to all pages dynamic pages within the URL. As a result, I have pages I'm declaring incomplete rel="canonical" as such: Instead of: rel="canonical" src="" I get: rel="canonical" src="/category.aspx" Coincidentally (or not), after the implementation of the canonical tag, pages that were continuously increasing in rankings started dropping, and, within a week, disappeared from the index completely. Could the drop be a result of my canonical links pointing to incomplete URLs? If so, by fixing this issue, do I stand a chance of recovering my pages' SERPs?

    | dimanyc

  • Hi There, Is it ok to use ajax for product filters and pagination? In this case url doesn't change when you navigate to 2nd or 3rd page also when you filter by colours, etc. If not what's your advise?

    | Jvalops

  • Hello Awesome MOzzers, Hope you are all well this fab wednesday. I have a questions - how good or bad is this domain - for a web design company. I have heard some people say google no longer cares about keywords in the URL? Would love to know your thoughts. As always - much obliged for your insight. Best regards, Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • I'm doing SEO for a site.  It uses Media Queries and the CSS to automatically resize the site for the screen size in use.  I.e. the site detects the screen size of say an iPhone and the CSS knows which elements to hide for that screen size and still make it look good. This is great because it will automatically cut down the content to display nicely on small screens - obviating the need for a separate mobile site. What kind of sitemap should be generated since the urls are for desktop and mobile use?  Yoast (sweet SEO) said it should have both regular and mobile style sitemap to get both the regular and mobile bots to visit, but didn't elaborate on how that sitemap should look. Do you have a recommendation for how exactly the sitemap should look?  Should the sitemap have the urls all twice, i.e. once regular and once with the mobile indicator?

    | GregoryHaze

  • Does anybody know if there is a way to mark certain elements (especially navigation menus) so that instapaper and co don't pull them? I'm looking for a quick solution (best would be if it was CSS based) nothing fancy like parsing the user-agent. That would be plan B. I've added role="navigation" id="navigation" and class="navigation" to the nav elements in hope that it would work. Seems like it does not; sometimes the elements are present in the page generated by instapaper, sometimes not. Thank you for any replies and have a great day! Jan

    | jmueller

  • About 3/4 of my website includes frames from the Amazon aStore, but the pages also have at least 500 words of content on them each. I understand that spiders aren't too good with frames but will search engines punish my site for having them or just disregard them? Thanks in advance.

    | Max_powers

  • I recently was asked by a potential client to work with them on Joomla based website. I very rarely come across people with Joomla based websites and am struggling to find good resources outside of Joomla's own community site. At this point, I am not very comfortable working with them on Joomla. Any tips or advice?

    | GCSMasone

  • The last crawl found a good number of 404's and I can't figure out what's going on.  I don't even recognize these links.  What's really strange is a few of them high a fairly decent page authority. For instance this one has a PA of 55: There are several more like this one also, it seems most of these new ones have "Feurosystems" in the link...I have no idea what that is. Just curious what you guys think is going on, why these are 404'ing, and how to fix it. Thanks. Edit: I took out the "%" from the links and I get this: which takes me to a page on my site. I have no idea what's going on, or what that link is. Hoping someone can chime in because this is strange. Another edit: I just checked out the Google Webmaster's and it looks like these errors are 403's and all started around March 21st. I have no idea what happend on March 21st to start causing all of these errors, but I'd sure like to get it fixed. 🙂

    | NoahsDad

  • I need advice on retooling my website for my SEO biz. I have shifted my business model from graphic designer who does websites, to "internet marketing consultant who does graphics too". My main website and domain name is over 10 years old, so I've made the decision to keep it, even though it has no keywords in the name.  The name works well for the new business, otherwise. The site has a PR3 and I rank well for small business advertising terms, which gets me graphic design business. I intend to keep doing graphic design, but that is a smaller part of my income. I had considered making 3 satellite sites with keyword domain names to cover my offerings of graphic design SEO, website development, and internet marketing. But am leaning against it for several reasons (that all of us SEO's know) but mainly the fact that I cannot keep up with both working for my clients and blogging on multiple sites and link building for multiple sites. So my question is (you knew there was one coming, right?), what is the best approach to building categories of web development, internet marketing, and SEO into my existing graphic design/advertising oriented website? This is slightly embarrassing to ask as an SEO, but given the multiple approaches possible, and knowing the importance of doing it right the first time, it's best to get an consensus perspective on the BEST approach. My main concerns are the navigation system and the links from the homepage into the site. I have too many pages I've identified as essential to link off of the home page and navigation menus? (Website development, social media marketing, link building, keyword research, pay per click, online advertising, graphic design, brochures, catalogs, Logos, Branding, SEO, keyword research etc.) I've always tried for the ratio of one link off of any page for every 100 words of content. Do I create a home page that is of monster proportions? Do I just have the 4 basic areas linking off the home page then create a "landing zone" of 4 folders and create down from that? I am concerned about URL length as I go deeper with that approach. Or, does it make more sense to have a dozen second-level pages, and not link them all off the home page, and build from beneath (and relying on external juice). Next issue is the nav system. It will be huge. Am I best off just keeping it to 4-6, and creating subnavigation on everypage within the site according to section (PITA)? I've read dozens of blog opinions on how much nav systems do or do not hurt link juice. I've always thought footer links were right next to worthless to pass any juice, but given this situation, does it make sense to make a footer link for each major page (about 20)? Thanks for your opinions.

    | JCDenver

  • I am gathering examples of great SEO'd sites and would appreciate your examples. The rationale can be anything - great SEO structure, great linking, solid content - you think stands out. Thank you!

    | josh-riley

  • I have a question about tables in html.I heard that you shouldnt use tables in html,you should should use css instead.Ive used free html templates that use tables but those tables are styled through css:td,th,table and other table elements are ale styled through css.I'm curious is this ok for SEO or should tables should be dropped altogether? Thanks for your response

    | PCTechGuy2012

  • When I go to Google Webmaster tools and I type in any URL from the site  in the "Fetch as Google Bot" feature, and then I click the link that says "success," Google bot is seeing my pages like this: <code>HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 19:11:50 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.6 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL/0.9.7a DAV/2 PHP/5.2.4 mod_jk/1.2.25 Set-Cookie: CCISolutions-UT-Status=; path=/; expires=Thu, 25-Apr-13 19:11:50 GMT; Last-Modified: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 14:36:45 GMT ETag: "314b26-5a-2d421940" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 90 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=99 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html Any clue as to why this could be happening?</code>

    | danatanseo

  • I have got an e-commerce site already and i am thinking of staring a new e-commerce site with new domain, but i will keep the layout and design same. Products would be similar to what i sell on my other ecommerce site Will Google Penalise me of having same layout and same design or is it ok to open multiple ecommerce sites with same layouts

    | usef4u

  • As some of you may have seen in an earlier post, i have had problems with the speed of my site. After good advice i got an expert on board who done tests and found that my server (hosting company) was taking a long time to answer, on some occasions it was taking seven seconds. I have tried to get the hosting company to listen and sort the problem out but they are not interested and keep trying to sell me other things to get the site faster, i am already on a dedicated server. So now I am looking for a UK hosting company who offer good service and would be grateful if anyone could recommend some on here so i can speak to them, as i want to get my sites moves a.s.a.p many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I'm creating a series of link bait videos.  I want people to link to the pages on my site hosting the videos.  What's the best site to host them on, if my primary concern is to get do-followed links? I'm worried about putting them on YouTube, as I imagine most of the links will be to the page on, or worse, just directly embedded.

    | menachemp

  • I have a random question form someone who is a developer.  I"m not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but figured it was worth a shot. I have the Yoast SEO plug in installed, and it this plug in is duplicating some of the functions of my theme and as a result I have some duplicate html and meta data in my source code. From what I can tell it looks like both my theme and and the YOAST plug in are duplicating meta description,  canonical url, and maybe a few other things that I can't really understand. I was wondering if anyone knew of what the best way to fix something like this, and if these issues are having any negative effects on my site / SEO? Thanks so much.

    | NoahsDad

  • We have a website where we do a daily one minute video about our son who was born with Down syndrome. When I started the site I was going to do a daily video and put all of those in a category called "Noah's Minute." Cute title, but doesn't really tell anyone what it's about. (Oh what I've learned in the last year.) I was going to do no text on those video posts, just the daily one minute video. I wanted it to tell a story, in order, without me adding to it with words. Then I was going to have some other categories where I wrote information about Down syndrome.  Therapy post, medical posts, best toys, parenting tips/encouragement, etc. I'm been running this site for almost a year and I now have a much better idea of the type of content I'll be posting, what people are interested in, etc. I now write content for each of the videos, and no longer group them under "Noah's Minute." If you check out some of the posts, you'll see I try to be very intentional with each posts, and try to make each one centered on a specific topic / key words. I'm now having to go through almost a year of posts that were under "Noah's Minute" and re organize them, however I'm having a problem with coming up with categories for the post. I have some of them under the category of "Therapy" since a lot of our readers are interested in checking out the different posts we do with Noah for his developmental therapy. But the other posts are much more "general" I guess.  For instance a lot of our  posts are just me telling our story and giving general parenting advice / encouragement. But having a category called "Parenting" seems to vague, and also every post I write could be considered "parenting." I'm wondering if someone would mind checking out some of our content, and giving me some advice on how to organize the posts. There is a lot of great info on our site, and many people ask me questions about things that are on the site, but they just didn't know was there. So I want people to find it better. Also how "detailed" do I have to be in the naming of my categories for SEO purposes? For instance, the category called "Therapy' is great for people who find our site, since it's a given that the category will be dealing with "Down Syndrome Therapy" but do I have to name the category "Down Syndrome Therapy" in order for people to find it via search? If so, that would get old quick to my readers: "Down Syndrome Therapy" "Down Syndrome Toys" Down Syndrome Books" etc.... Anyways, I'm not sure where to go from here. Thoughts, feedback, suggestions?

    | NoahsDad

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