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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Hi Mozzers, We are looking at expanding our analytical reporting for e-commerce. I want to know more about what customers are doing on the website and how we  can interact with them. For example, how many customers make X amount of purchases and what their conversion rate is etc. I've looked at More2 and I know Analytics can give me some of this data but want to know more. Anyone have any software ideas? Thanks, Karl

    | KarlBantleman

  • I have an SEO question for you: My client is building a new website and wondered about individual pages for his items, let me break it down for you... He sells display cabinets, one of which is a shot glass cabinet. He has 5 types of the shot glass cabinets, that come in 3 different types of wood, 2 different mirrored backings, and with or without a locking mechanism... Now is it better, SEO-wise, to create 5 pages for his shot glasses, with the selectable options, or is it better to create a different page for each of his shot glass cabinet options? This would mean something like 24 different shot glass pages. He feels that the more pages he has, the more lines he's throwing out there looking for a bite, but he, and I, don't know if that is necessarily a good thing for SEO. The pages would be named slightly differently, but the copy on each page would read just about the same... What do you think? 5 pages with options, or 24 pages again with the ability to change the options. Side Question: If more pages is the way to go, what would be the draw back when he does this with his other 8 cabinet types and their multitude of configurations? Thanks for the help!

    | robertsteck

  • Hi Mozers, Anyone know how I can go about finding what my conversion is on my site? Or how to go about setting up tracking?

    | edward-may

  • We are trying to get more detailed data about where direct website phone calls are coming from (not just Adwords call extensions).  We know there are a few services available that do this.  However are there any recommendations for a reliable one?  We would like to show our clients Google Analytics conversion metrics that shows incoming phone calls from different campaigns.

    | RosemaryB

  • Just that really - we're getting on average around 80% online enquiries, and 15% calls. Calls convert better so would prefer calls. What steps would you put in place to increase calls? Ours is a lead generation site - we're a mortgage broker. So far we have a click to call button on the quote page which loads on mobile devices and doesn't display when the call centre is shut. We get traffic from organic and PPC. I'm trying to come up with a bit of a plan to address this. Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • We've noticed recently on an E-Commerce website that we manage that PayPal has recently shown a large increase in Referral Traffic on the website. Is anyone having an experience with this and how can we block it? It seems like its counting the traffic that leave to PayPal to complete a purchase and then return to the site as increased traffic. The increase started to occur around April 29, 2015 and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with any recent updates made by PayPal? Any insight or other experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | SEO5Team

  • Hi Guys I really need some help here I am looking for some good traffic buying companies where we can buy traffic from that can will help us to generate leads from our own website. We want to 'buy traffic' that is targeted and generate leads from our website. We are running Google ad words but it is now becoming more and more expensive to run! Please can anyone recommend any good companies ? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Hi Guys I'm ranking on page 1 for some pretty good keywords, in NZ and 1 for australia, slowing making it up the ranks for USA, however I can see that my competitors only use PPC, is there anyway I can see which keywords they are targeting and getting the most from? I'm now thinking perhaps I'm going for the wrong keywords:  I don't have any access to SEM rush, and gathered that was one way to find these. Any ideas around this, or perhaps how to find which keywords I should be better targeting. Cheers

    | edward-may

  • Hi mozers! I have recently been seeing good results in the serps lately for my main keywords in my country NZ, now I'm seeing good results in Australia for these keywords and our USA domain is not far behind and making good progress...  However, our NZ results show that we may get around 1 conversion every 3 days from our organic search.  I read other places that click share for ppc was much higher, but there is no way we can match our competitors budgets from 3k - 300k per month.  So our option was to focus on SEO.  To me, the SEO results seem quiet low, however I'm not really sure how to go about diving deep into the analytics of it all to find out where I need to improve or focus on, which keywords are bringing these conversions.  Maybe I need to go for long tail keywords etc... It seems my rankings are coming from general keywords which are still highly competitive, but even so, we are not performing to what I know we should be.  Our competitors are mostly paying ppc, however I was told my ROI would be better spent via SEO. Any suggestions perhaps what I might be missing or doing wrong in this case.  (I have recently done a new design overhaul with a new registration process) I have 3 top level domains you can see the site here

    | edward-may

  • Hi All, I would like to understand how visitors navigate through my site and find out where the main drop out areas are (i.e. what pages / sections of the site do users leave on). I will then be segmenting by mobile, tablet, new visitor, returning etc. to see how the various subsets of users behave. To do this I generally do the following: Identify main sections of the (ecomm) site: homepage, category pages, product pages, cart, checkout 1, checkout 2, checkout x, payment confirmation. For each section above I either use a segment to isolate that section of the site, either by regex or a simple page selector and apply to the Audience >> Overview report and record the resulting session count. OR I filter the Behaviour >> Site Content >> All Pages report to isolate the various site sections and record unique pageviews. I then plot these figures horizontally under a heading for each section of the site representing a flow between the pages of the site with a calculation showing the difference between each section of the site which represents user drop off. Hope that makes sense. What I am interested to know is, do you have any better suggestions to the process laid about above. Do you see any issues with this process?

    | datarat

  • Hey everyone, We have a free browser extension for Chrome and a paid web product for all other browsers. Given the differences in product and pricing (free vs. paid) I'd like visitors to see a different landing page based on their browser. Visitors using Chrome should see a landing page with content about the free browser extension, while visitors from every other browser should see a landing page with content about the paid, premium web product. I'm trying to decide between these two options: a) 302 redirect visitors from one static HTML landing page to another if their user agent suggests they're using Chrome b) Use javascript to make parts of the landing page dynamic and show a different CTA and different copy for visits from Chrome Does anyone have any experience with having to make this choice? What are some things I should take into consideration for optimal "crawlability" and page-load-speed? Thanks in advance!

    | ipancake

  • Hi, I recently did a 301 redirect for my site to an abbreviated version (it went from to and my quality score tanked. Do you know why that would happen? It says that my landing page is below average but it was average before the redirect. Why the change? Thanks!

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • We're buying traffic to the website via Adwords,   and when they hit the website and go to sign up for an application (enter into our conversion funnel),   the session concludes as a bounced session, a new session starts and that session now has a referral from Facebook rather than the original referring source. This means we can't monitor adwords conversions properly (or any other traffic source conversions) this seems to be quite a common problem with Facebook/Google account logins,  in the case of Google, people block but we can't afford to block Facebook outright as we're wanting to see other Facebook referrals. Has anyone come across this problem? Any suggestions of how to fix this?

    | Startupfactory

  • Hello We're soon going to be embarking on a fairly major site overhaul and while this isn't a particularly SEO related question, I’m keen to integrate user feedback quite heavily in this process and would appreciate your opinion as how best to collect this feedback. These are the kind of questions that I would like to pose: Is it clear when you visit the site, what it is that they do? What is your first thought about the site when you visit it? On the homepage, where is your eye drawn to immediately? When wishing to purchase a product, would this product page draw you into the sale? Do you get a general feeling of trustworthiness on the site? Using the series of drop downs on the homepage, please choose any product and follow the process through to the checkout. Did you feel that this was engaging throughout? Rather than yes/no answers I’d like the user to spend a good 5-10 minutes giving their detailed opinions so that we can gain some genuine inspiration on how best to improve the site. What would be the best method of collecting this data? I was thinking perhaps Amazon Mechanical Turk but the thrust of the work offered there seems to be so diverse that I’m not sure we’d get people in tune with offering the kind of detailed answers that I’d be hoping for. Thanks for your help.

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Does anyone have any evidence about the impact of displaying or not displaying prices including VAT on your website on conversions? A client wants to show prices excluding VAT so the prices look competitive with their competition who also display excluding VAT (20% UK sales tax).  I have explained that the sudden 20% increase to the basket cost will put off a lot of customers (even if all prices are marked as excluding tax) but they will not listen. We have previously displayed both prices but this looked messy and customers got confused.  What I really need is some research that shows what the impact of doing this is (ignoring the fact that it is not even allowed by HMRC). Any thoughts welcome!

    | MrFrisbee

  • We are looking to implement Google Trusted Stores.  We don't use PPC but we think that the badge on our website will be helpful for us and our customers. Do you have any experience, positive or negative, with Google Trusted Stores as either a merchant or a customer?  I am looking for moz member experience before we make a commitment. There have been some previous Q&A threads about Trusted Stores and a number of good articles on the web, including this one at SearchEngineLand. and this one at eConsultancy Thanks for anything that you care to share.

    | EGOL

  • Hi All, Using just GA is it possible to get accurate information about buying cycle duration - i.e. length of time from first interaction to purchase? Time to purchase isn't what I'm looking for as it does not include direct visits. Time lag seems off as it suggests that the majority of conversions happen on day 0 (as does time to purchase).  I know that any conversions outside of the time window default to 0 but I find it hard to believe that a clothing retailer has a similar buying cycle to a furniture store.  Of course I could be wrong here, I'm making a big assumption. Neither report feels very robust to use for estimating split testing duration requirements. I know that there are other methods available, by comparing raw clickstream / cookie data but I do not have this data available, nor do I have the time to get it. Any info / advice would be great. Thanks

    | datarat

  • If I am writing a blog post about a product, or a number of products, and I'm including optimised images of the product, should I link from the images to the product page in the shop? Usually I remove links from images as they lead visitors to a simple image page but could it be worth linking from an optimised image to a product? Thanks in advance.

    | the_wildman

  • What is better in the long term? have a list builder pop up, which I found to be most effective to get subscribers, but annoying for the user, or discrete subscribe form that does not bother, but is less effective.
    I am using the plugin in my web SumoMe fot WordPress. Thank you!

    | VisualService

  • Hey fellow Mozzers! We're in the middle of working on CRO for a client of ours and we were going to try out Google Experiments for the first time. Following the click path described on the Google help page should take me to an option that says 'Create Experiment', but this isn't coming up - do we need to create the various URLs before it will let us set up an experiment, or has the system changed now? I've found in the past Google has a habit of updating its interfaces but not the advice on using the affected tools, so wondering if I'm looking at old information? Secondly, does the Experiment show a user the same variation of the page throughout their journey? What I mean by that is: their site currently has a real mish-mash of page styles, and I think a large part of boosting their conversions is probably down to ensuring consistency across the site as it currently seems like you're bouncing around different sites. But will this issue be made worse by running Experiments - ie, will I enter the site on Variation A, click a link and be shown the next page in Variation B and so on? If so, are we better off running the experiment on one page at a time and using what we've learnt to impact the next page? Thank for any help you can give! Nick.

    | themegroup

  • I was speaking with an SEO and he brought up multilayered conversion opportunities -  means of capturing a users info dependent on the point in the purchase process they are. The two examples he used were a user who just wants to download a brochure to "window shop" and a user who is ready to buy and wants to get a price. Just curious if anyone had any additional ideas for means of conversion other than the 2 above and any additional thoughts or ideas on the matter.

    | jarjarjarvis

  • Hi. I'm looking for a GA expert who has experience working with magazine publishers. Anyone have a lead?

    | RicardoSalcedo

  • Hi Guys, I am finally delving into the world of conversion rate optimization and split A/B Testing. It's all going well, have crazy egg for heatmapping (which is bringing up some interesting stuff) and I have decided to test some changes. I have setup a variation in optimizely, so i can see what effect the change would have, but i am struggling. I am trying to add the hellobar via crazy egg to a variation (it's just a simple piece of javascript), but when I do I get the following error "Error evaluating variation javascript:
    SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' I thought optimizely was supposed to be easy to use!1 😞 Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi. Anyone know of any links with guru levels of Facebook Ads and specifically Remarketing on Facebook? Thanks

    | YNWA

  • Hi guys, We are investigating the First Click Free implementation and we're not sure if a certain scenario follows Google's guidelines or not (aka can it be considered cloaking?!). Now the question is, should we allow this user to see 1 page after every Google search or it should it be 1 page / session. We have these steps: 1. Let's suppose that we have John searching for an address he clicks on our link and lands on the page. From now on if he goes further he will be asked to register. 2. He closes the site but the session is still active. He searches for another address and clicks on our link and again he lands on our website. At this point should he be able to see the page or we can prompt him with the registration request? Thoughts? Thanks

    | propertyshark

  • So there is a website that is based on wordpress. Basically this site has 8-10 pages  but it is not a blog. And it has a subdomain which is based on magento. While developing the site the circumstances were such that we had to use a subdomain for ecommerce based on magento. So the wp site is ranking and people are landing on that site. It makes sense when it has a bounce rate of around 72% because people are actually going to the subdomain ( store ) after they land on the wp site. Because they are actually looking to buy. My question is will this bounce rate affect in ranking of the wp site ? Because for now only the wp site is ranking for most of the terms. Should i consider  removing the wp site and have the whole site based on magento ? I appreciate any kind of feedback and suggestion 🙂

    | MindlessWizard

  • Hi, I was taking over a client's Adwords account from a previous agency. It appears the former agency added the Google Forwarding Number (for call tracking on call extensions) and added it to the client's website. Therefore, if anyone calls that number from the website, it would register within Adwords (just not as a conversion but as a click under "call extensions") The problem: you can't filter by phone number (the same number calling +1 would indicate spam) you can filter by device (so tablet / computer) can be considered spam generally. Questions: Anyone ever used this before? Your thoughts? Does anyone know if there is spam coming from mobile devices now-a-days? Please tell me what I'm missing. Any advice / anyone else seen this / done this? Thanks Moz Community, Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • I received a call from the Google Adwords team today offering to redesign major pages of my website & A/B test their design against mine. The rep said that this is not a standard service they offer and that we had been "selected". Despite it's overt marketing overtones, I would hate to pass by the opportunity to apply Google's conversion insight to my site. Has anyone experienced this before? Good experience? Bad experience?

    | Glathrop

  • Hi all, I'm currently considering implementing some overlays on a site. They're likely to be time-specific (so running only on certain hours and days), visitors will only see it once and content will also be slightly different based upon the region of the visitor (US, Non-US). They will be marketing-based messages tailored to the visitor based on where they are visiting from, I was thinking about putting the content of the overlay in an <iframe>and blocking it from being crawled/indexed by bots.<br /><br />Would this approach set-off any alarms with Google in terms of cloaking or any other nasty things? To clarify, they'll be as unobtrusive as possible to the visitor.<br /><br />Based on the above approach, bots will see that an iframe is being called, but with more or less no content - would this be a problem too?<br /><br />Another approach i thought about would be to dynamically serve different images based on the region...<br /><br />Lastly, assuming correct and safe implementation from a technical perspective, as a generality, have people seen better results from capturing exit traffic, timed overlays or when people first land?<br />Any advice appreciated!</p></iframe>

    | ElNino

  • Heyy.. New to the Moz community, first question so here goes! I'm going to be running an email campaign with an e-magazine and I want to know how to track conversions from the email they're sending out so I can monitor success/failure. I've found Google's URL builder:
    But this doesn't really explain what i'm trying to do. Can anyone of you in this fine community shed some light on this please?

    | 9868john

  • Hi. I have a few questions regarding Adwords set up. I typically follow a highly targeted model with Ad Groups consisting of a few ads and keywords. I have a client who offers multiple services across multiple towns/cities/counties but what I want to know is the best way to structure this at campaign level. Say they offer carpet cleaning, window cleaning and car cleaning. In cities London, Birmingham and Leeds. Now when setting the campaign up, would I be better served to set up a Campaign at: City Level. Eg London location settings, london keywords, london in Ad copy. Service Level. London, Leeds & Birmingham in location setting. Ad Groups for each city with Ads aimed at each city/keywords. Or City & Service level. Eg. London location settings. London Car Cleaning. The Ad Group, Ads, Keywords. What is the best structure to use? I see location as important but if I restrict settings to 1 city, am I doing myself out of some searches from regions on the border of London that might be interested in the service? I want Ads, Keywords to be highly targeted but the best way to play it. Thanks

    | YNWA

  • I have just launched my brand new e-commerce site We are wanting to expand global as you can see we have and also .com but due to our min budget we had to start with NZ first for organic search and a min monthly budget on adwords which doesn't come close to what our competitors are paying.  Really is it worth paying out our limited budget with adwords? Or should be put that into ranking organic search. While we have only just started our adwords PPC campaign and I think it has only been roughly two weeks - We have had around 18 people sign up, to which we have a 3 step process, however, we are struggling to convert and complete a transaction which customer places credit card details in step 3.  Does anyone have any ideas around how we could better optimize or perhaps make any suggestions? Our competitors spend rather large amounts of up to 3000k - 300k per month on adwords, and there is just no competing with that.  Any suggestions I would definitely be open to... Thanks alot

    | edward-may

  • For example, I'm running a PPC campaign for and it consists of different product pages like below: How to determine if /landing-page assists a lead/goal to a specific product page in Analytics? Example scenario: /landing-page -> /product-3 -> Lead TIA!

    | zpm2014

  • We are doing a major overhaul on our site, and we have some questions about URLs, breadcrumbs and ecommerce. Currently, a product can reside in multiple categories, and can have multiple URLs based on how a user navigates to the page. We handle this via canonicals, but it's awful for SEO on many levels. O-U-C-H. The main issue is that a product can reside in multiple categories. At this point, Plan A for our overhaul is that a product URL is always going to be Neat and clean, and avoids end-user confusion if they navigate to the product through a category that doesn't match the URL. Plan B: We can anchor a product to a category or subcategory, ( but we think that this cuts down on usability as users can navigate to a product through different categories, and the URL may not match the user's navigation. Based on how Google has devalued URLs for ranking purposes, I don't think that there is much of an SEO advantage to Plan B. Am I wrong? A product can show up in multiple categories - for example: www, Category breadcrumbs take care of themselves. What is the best practice to handle the breadcrumb on the product page considering that there are multiple paths a user can take to a product? Options: 1. The breadcrumb on the product page dynamically changes based on how the user navigates to the page. The URL is always fixed as per above, but we change the breadcrumb based on the session. ex: Product: Black Ruffled MuuMuu Home > Womens Clothing > Black Ruffled MuuMuu Home > Womens Clothing > Dresses > Black Ruffled MuuMuu We would be showing Google different breadcrumbs based on how the bot navigates to the page. Are there any issues with this from an SEO perspective as it would seem to provide the better user experience? 2. The breadcrumb on a product page is always fixed. We anchor a product to a category or subcategory and the breadcrumb is always the same no matter how a user navigates to the product. This is simpler from a development perspective, and we are always showing the same breadcrumb to Google. IMHO, this is not as good for usability. ex: Breadcrumb is always:  Home > Womens Clothing > Dresses > Black Ruffled MuuMuu regardless of how a user navigates to it. Which way would our ecommerce experts recommend?

    | AMHC

  • Does anyone have any good resources, books, or methods to begin learning User Experience? I would love to hear anyone's advice or entry into it. Looking to mesh SEO with UX tactics to diversify strategies.

    | MERGE-Chicago

  • I would like to know how I can exclude the events triggered from a specific IP for example my office' IP address. I've already added a filter to exclude my office's IP address, but the "events" are still showing in the new view. TIA!

    | zpm2014

  • For example, I edited "Goal #1" (goal type=event) with new values/event conditions last Nov. 20, 2014. Why Google Analytics is showing numbers from Nov 1-19 for Goal #1? Does Google Analytics show old data?TIA!

    | zpm2014

  • I'm looking for some reports about conversion rate changes over the past year as well as any trends you may have noticed about ecommerce conversion rates because we are seeing something quite odd. We are seeing a large drop in overall conversion rates on some sites I manage this year despite seeing significant revenue growth. When I looked through the stats I found something interesting. Our conversion rates have actually increased on each of the three device types (desktop, tablet and mobile) but because there is a huge surge in visits from mobile devices (the device with the lowest conversion rates) and a large decline in vistis from our top convertor (desktop) our overall conversion rates are down. This is especially troubling to me because my bonus was based on increasing conversion rates and I could use some help from you to see if others in the industry are facing this issue or not. Thanks

    | Damascity

  • Hi guys, I've  got one good offer (I think) from one site that i want to advertise my site and i have few
    questions. How can i test the results of the ads ?
    Do i check all the datas only trough Google analytics ?
    Can i check the CPM or the CPC with Google analytics ? Any tips or recommended  tools will be more then welcome. Thanks guys

    | WayneRooney

  • I'm working for a client who is in a very tight niche.  They offer a service which can come as part of a new build or installation to an existing building. The problem is the the traffic volumes are very targeted and very low, but a single sale can be very lucrative. Another problem is that it is very difficult to determine who the converting visitor will be as depending on the potential project it could be an owner, PM, architect, designer and on...  There are no clear cut decision makers, it's always on a case by case basis. Because of this the client is baulking at any attempts to gather contact details because they are arguing it may not be the decision maker and in their industry they know it will cheese people off parting with contact details and it "may not be the right person anyway". I am looking at encouraging exploring ideas based around a traditional newsletter, whitepaper, survey etc.  Has anyone else had experience in this kind of scenario where search volumes (organic, PPC) are low enough that the timeframes for testing any value become uncomfortably stretched and even then difficult to determine any general trends?

    | MickEdwards

  • Hi All Does anybody know when the Google Trusted Stores Program will be available in the UK ? Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • This is mostly a semantics question, but I also want to check that I have a basic understanding of the two concepts. Are the two terms more or less interchangeable or are there any crucial differences? I always thought of website optimization as the complementary partner to SEO. While the ultimate goal of SEO is getting people TO your website, website optimization is focused on refining your website so that those people STAY on your website. When I think of conversion rate optimization, I'd imagine that's pretty much the same goal. Refining a website so that more people stay and ultimately convert (buy something, subscribe to a newsletter, etc). Is my understanding of one (or both) of them flawed, or is it six of one, half a dozen of the other? Thanks!

    | BrianAlpert78

  • Given the current industry best practices and changes to Google algorithms, should I be using "Product name...Brand Name" or something like "Product Name...Free Shipping (or similar)" in my ecommerce title tags?  Thanks!

    | jeffbstratton

  • I have a story , 18 months ago we had our own PPC adwords account, we had been running at £3.20 CPA for quite some time and we were very happy. Sometimes CPA would go up , sometimes down, but not my very much. One unfortunate day google rang, and told us , that our CPA should ne £2.50 and that we needed expert advice that they couldn't actually give us, we needed an expert. To cut a long story short and after 5 very expert companies have messed with our account, we had varying results. One company left us with 2 leads per day at £10 a lead !!!! , one did better than that and setup a £3k adwords account using their expert advice, blew it all and said "times are tough" sorry !!! The last company was actually the best, great guy , but I think we are two small for him, we have varying results, one day we get 30 leads, the next we get 10 , one day its £3.50 CPA , next its £7.00 . But on the whole very happy with his initial work We just want a company that doesn't Lie to us , tells us straight , and can use their expertise to get us a CPA of £3.50 and help us get upto 50 leads a day, if not more. Thanks Hope that makes sense Nick
    systems direct ltd

    | NickKer

  • Recently one of our clients ask us to bring him more leads to his website. It's basically click on my ads to invest your money concept.  As it's a ROI+ opened budget we said 'Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah' ! But soon we realized that the guy was ever doing: Ads, Banners, Newsletters .. As it's more a one time request concept, we don't have so many solutions. But who knows. Maybe we can come with a top 10 tools to use in this context. Anyone ever faced the same situation ? Here are the first options that come to my mind: Ads Google Banner on other websites Newsletters Co Registration .... If anyone has some good ideas, I'll be pleased to sub contract a part of the project ! Tks moz faaaaaaaans 😛

    | JoomGeek

  • I'm designing an exhibition stand at the moment and am going to be putting QR codes that link to a technical specification on the products. The question is - do I just allow them to download the pdf or do I ask for a name and email address before they can do that. As its an exhibition stand I should get the business cards anyway - but to know exactly what products each person is interested in would help I'm not sure how many people use QR codes in Asia, have a QR code readers..... and would adding the email request just be too much? Whats your opinion? The product is an industrial one and mainly engineers and procurement types from the oil and gas industry will be visiting the stand.

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • Hi, Could anyone recommend a very good conversion rate optimization expert that can: -redesign existing landing pages using responsive twitter bootstrap -split test using optimizely or other tool Thanks, Dwayne

    | deelo555

  • I was curious if anyone ever considered buying Facebook likes to increase visitor trust.  Our homepage has only 75 likes even though we are a leader within our industry.  A smaller competitor has over 1,000.  If all else is equal, I question whether this helps to influence trust amongst visitors and whether there is any value in doing some Fiverr deals to buy FB likes. My concern would be to be in Google's bad graces by them thinking we are doing this strictly for ranking.  However, now that Google has declared that social signals are not a ranking factor, I feel this is less black hat and maybe something that Google won't care about. Thoughts?

    | TheDude

  • Whilst having a higher SERPS position helps what are some tips that you can use in the Title and the meta description that will help getting more people clicking through?

    | Zippy-Bungle

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