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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Anyone felt that moz pro isn't accurate like in search volume of products and links data that its slow in it?

    | apcreativity

  • In the toolbar I see there is a Subdomain section. What is it? What does it mean in SEO?

    | judieboscopqk78

  • In our Moz Pro account we have one campaign set up to track our main domain. This week Moz threw up around 400 new crawl errors, 99% of which were meta noindex issues. What happened was that somehow Moz found the development/staging site and decided to crawl that. I have no idea how it was able to do this - the robots.txt is set to disallow all and there is password protection on the site. It looks like Moz ignored the robots.txt, but I still don't have any idea how it was able to do a crawl - it should have received a 401 Forbidden and not gone any further. How do I a) clean this up without going through and manually ignoring each issue, and b) stop this from happening again? Thanks!

    | MultiTimeMachine

  • Hi,
    I started a website related to E-Scotties. I want to ask that how can I increase the PA of my webpage Aaron lal? What technique I should use for this purpose?

    | RankvizTeam

  • what is the best approach to beat my competitor in ranking, suppose my competitor got a backlink from a website like OEM Skin Care that has low DA but related to the same niche, but If i will get a backlink from a site that has 90+ DA like CNN, then which backlink has great impact on SERP Ranking, A- Backlink with LOW DA but same Niche,
    B- Backlink with 90+ DA but different Niche, I need your suggestion before buying a guest post..
    Thanks in advance.

    | akhter8761

  • moz stopped indexing the links due to some updates? can some one confirm me thanks

    | 4240930012532370

  • Hi, Everyone. My question is about the Moz DA. I am completing all the requirements by google to increase the ranking of a website. I am uploading content on my website more frequently but my site DA which is related to best crossbow is not increasing. Please if any one know something guide me about this problem. I would be grateful.

    | John8855
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi! I am Amelia  My site rank 5 keyword in united states show that Ahref's  and I check in Moz but that shows 1 rank key word and Ahref's shows the 59 backlinks and Moz shows 5 to 6  backlink why that shows low keyword and backlinks that's my site problem or Moz issues. Check My website and tell me issues.

    | Oiebyut
  • This question is deleted!

  • This question is deleted!


  • WordPress is currently 18% of the Internet.  Given its huge footprint, wouldn't it make sense for Moz to develop a WP plugin that can not only report site metrics, but help fix and optimize site structure directly from within the site? Just curious - I can't be the only one who wonders if I'm implementing Moz findings/recommendations correctly given the myriad of WP SEO plugins, authors, implementations.


  • Hi there, I have been reading up about Domain Authority being important to rank though I have a question about it. When trying a few google searches and using a tool to see the Moz Domain Authority i notice the following. I won't mention sites or keywords, happy to send them via private message if required. A site ranks 1st position for most keywords including the main keyword that related to their industry, a highly competitive keyword. Their Moz Domain Authority 27, Est. Visits: 265,000,  Pinterest shares 72, Facebook shares 191 and unique domains that point to it are 55. Yet when I look at another site, optimising for the same keyword, Moz Domain Authority 50, Est. Visits: 60,000, Pinterest shares 35000, Facebook shares 20000 and unique domains that point to it are 521. I would have thought that the second site ranks 1st for the keyword and the first one mentioned which is in 1st position I would have expected to be on page two or three. as I scroll down the first page for the term, all sites except for one have higher DA, visits, shares and so on. If a high PA is required can someone help me to understand the above example? Whn a low PA site ranks much better for a primary keyword than all other sites that have a higher PA than it?

    | IvanaDaulay

  • Hey MOZ Team, I hope you guys are fine. Actually today I'm reviewing my client site and suddenly saw that their spam score is 39. They don't have too many backlinks. They have few of them and they're not Sammy. Can you Guide me a little bit why these types of things happens. Because the site is almost new. Here's the website link:

    | koipl

  • Hello, I hope everybody is fine. I am looking for a right way to increase the DA and PA of the website and its webpage. I have a lesco duplicate bill info related webpage which I want to increase the PA. Kindly guys guide me the legit way of increasing the Page Authority. Thanks

    | rankvizguru

  • My website's spam score is getting more spamy backlink also removed, yet what is not happening

    | Abhishekkz

  • I am using the link explorer to search my website in Moz. But it is showing no ranked keywords but in other tools it's showing some keywords. What could be the issue.

    | DanielMaier

  • Hi,  on my report im getting 4xx error.  When i look into it it says the error is crital fo4r 403 error on this page i can get to the page and see it fine but no idea why its showing a 403 error or how to fix it.  This is the only page that the error is coming up on, is there anything i can check/do to get this resolved? Thanks

    | JU-Mark

  • my website is going daily in down postion.

    | Dekhneto

  • hi am buying moz pro but can't  please help me. ı want scan this web site

    | nurmasumi2002

  • I want ask a valid question that why DA decrease after some times? My website often facing this issue.

    | kmrck6226

  • Hey everyone can anyone please tell me why my website DA is not increasing even though I'm making the backlinks?  My website: URL

    | faiqahemd21

  • Can anyone explain how the spam score is calculated?
    i am not making any spam but still getting spam score 1% on site rolatylashbar

    | Ch-Shb

  • is reporting that many URL's are to long, these particularly affect Product URL's where the URL is typically, (You guessed it we're using Shopify). However, we use Canonicals that ignore all most of the URL and are just structured, so Google should be reading the Canonical and not the long-winded version. However, Moz cannot seem to spot this... does anyone else have this problem and how to solve so that we can satisfy the crawl engine?

    | Tildenet

  • Is there any way to  increase my site Authority through increasing DA of my site and Keyword difficulty ? my site is about gamming like

    | sathoiue8

  • hi all me allow rogerbot in robots.txt but rogerbot can't crawl my site my site:

    | jahanidawodi

  • Hi, I'm running a blog and working continuously on it and creating both DoFollow and NoFollow links but DA of website best heated vest isn't increasing even I"m creating guest posts and other links. Can you please guide me what are the factors to increase DA so I can work on my website and increase my site's DA as well? Thank you!

    | loukris235

  • I have a vulnerability - when I make a backlink as a piece of SEO in some site when I looked into comparable couple of days after. It hasn't documented and I checked its robots record. It showing up Customer trained professional: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-Agent: * Disallow: However, is this make any backlink maintain or just this with the ultimate objective of not requesting in google. I make it direct - "Is such a backlink creation my MassagerConsult  site maintain my SEO activity or Not?" In this No-record site.

    | Hadia768

  • Hi Team, I have a subdomain that built in Zendesk's CRM system. Now, I want to restrict Moz crawler (rogerbot) for crawling this complete subdomain for a few days, but I am not able to edit the robots.txt file of the subdomain, because this is a shared file and Zendesk is not allowing to edit it. Could you please let me know the alternative way to restrict rogerbot to crawl this subdomain? I am eagerly awaiting your quick response. Thanks

    | Adeptia

  • HI, i want to know how MOZ DA increase or decrease. My Website:  has 8 DA according to MOZ but sometimes it goes back to 5 and then increase to 8. There is no change on backlinks so how this happens.

    | TOFHA054515

  • Hello all. I’m new to this SEO stuff and after reading much, remain very, very confused as to what I really need. First, I’ll say I’m here because I have been impressed with the posts and the general professional approach that seem to exist on Seomoz. My problem is that I run a small business that’s not doing so well and I do know that my website needs to be found. With this being the case I contacted an SEO company and on being given a price for 12 months of service, almost feel of my chair as this would clear me out. This, without any guarantee. Due to the above I am now considering having a go at the SEO myself. However, this leads to another problem in that, given it appears I need so many online services, it again becomes very expensive for one man and his single website. I have seen much written about Seomoz, Raven (something I’m trying now), Seospyglass and Seo Powersuite (a few reports appear bad) and between these and other possibly lesser well known brands leaves me wondering what I need to achieve improved website visibility. Does not one product exist that can help the smaller business without breaking the bank, and if not, what might be the best approach to tackle this problems cost effectively. I am aware that Seomoz has it’s followers, but having said this, it appears that a good degree of openness and honesty is provided here. Your comments would be most appreciated.

    | AshJez

  • Hello - We have a blog that ranks for 124 different keywords (URL:, and it's cannibalizing other keywords that I'm writing blogs specifically for. For example, the blog mentioned above ranks for "employee onboarding process," and I have a different blog I wrote with "employee onboarding process" as the focus keyword that's not ranking at all. Any suggestions or insight is hugely appreciated! Julie K.

    | Julie-Kuepers

  • Hi, I have my 4-month-old blog, PA of the site is 17 but DA is still 5. I don't know how to increase the DA of the site.  Please suggest to me how to increase the DA of Site GEPCO BILL Thanks

    | ChunkyChuck

  • In WordPress I added %%page%% saved changes and ran a test in Moz and screaming frog, it doesn't show any duplicates. But when I open the site up in a new browser the duplicate titles are still there. No access to the PHP file due to the theme the client chose also. Any suggestions anyone?

    | Strateguyz

  • domain authority

    Please help me? DA of my website decreased last 1 month what could be the reason?

    | Shoaibbbarif

  • I,m admin . How do I increase the DA of my site domain?

    | cnibkunpeffob

  • At what percentage of Moz spam level can a website gets google penalty? My website: on Moz Analysis is showing Moz Spam as high as 8% with DR 15... Can this get me penalized by Google.

    | 247naijabuzz1

  • If you're an in-house marketing person, almost by definition, you're neither a specialist or expert in the variety of things one might do to improve SEO. We do a bunch of stuff in-house and hire people for other stuff that needs to be done and the work is never complete! What do you do, as the de facto in-house, on-staff "expert" for SEO? I'm purposely leaving this question fairly open-ended to solicit advise, ideas & direction to develop a framework and a guide for our efforts. Also, I'm not intentionally ruling out pro's...I'm open to your opinions too - but I will probably only hire you unless you have a full tool bag of skills that include the ability to write auto-responders, write & blog relevant content, set up and monitor page rank, do SEO, set up AdWords campaigns, etc. at a the nice price. And I'll only do that if I can't do/learn/achieve all of the above to a certain degree on my own. Although I'll probably never stop questioning processes, costs and everything else associated with hiring a pro...all of which will make me a pain-in-the-butt client you probably don't want. Thanks!

    | karlseidel

  • Hello! How are you? We just signed up to Moz link tool. It gave us many broken links with 404's and 302's. Could you please help me with deleting the links? Thanks!

    | hsma

  • Hi Moz, We would like to setup Moz to run on our Staging Server. This would be extremely valuable as it alerts us to new SEO issues/risks in a controlled and secure environment that is not exposed to production. Our internal team has recommended potentially setting up a reverse proxy server that will validate either via Moz's/Rogerbot's http header or IP and allow Moz access to our Staging environment to crawl. Is this something that we can setup with Moz? Are there other ideas to enable Moz to crawl our Staging server?

    | kriskunisch

  • I track home page Page Authority and Domain Authority. Normally they move in a similar fashion. However for at least one client I see them moving in markedly opposite directions. One client has seen their Home page PA increase from 29 to 33 ov er the past year or so while their DA is dropped from 22 to 16. Potentially related are odd trends in home page inbound link counts and linking domains. Moz reported 241 inbound link to the home page last December, and 324 now. For the months April through July, however, Moz reported link counts between 1150 and 1350. Linking domains improved from 120 last December to 324 now. I of course recognize that raw counts of links and linking domains need to be tempered with quality considerations. But still, I'm finding is puzzling and wondering if anyone has any thoughts about why the Page Authority and Domain Authority would be diverging.. B8W2wuB

    | btreloar

  • I've decided that the duplicate content issues on my site weren't worth the effort from the amount of traffic the archive pages on my WordPress site received no I decided to no-index them using Yoast. Now I have 60 meta no-index crawler warnings. Should I just ignore these? It seems I get warnings, either way, I use the site. Does anyone have advice on how to move on with this?

    | Libra_Photographic

  • کادنت

    | kadent

  • We have repeated issues with one of our ecommerce sites not being crawled. We receive the following message: Our crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. Read our troubleshooting guide. Are you aware of an issue with robots.txt on the Shopify servers? It is happening at least twice a month so it is quite an issue.

    | A_Q

  • Hi! I'm working on this site from 3-4 months I have done everything but still i did not ranked it, Can you please help me!

    | ahmad03000

  • I am looking to provide an on page grader on our website. Does MOZ provide this feature?

    | WebMarkets

  • Hi Team, I see that the Domain Authority for our web domain ( remains unchanged since last 6-7 months.Even though we have been putting in focus on Link building, Cleaning our association with Toxic links, build internal links, and updating internal content. Also i see that the sitiuation remains same for many of the Cometitor websites like,, with unchanged DA since last several months. Can you please confirm the frequency of DA updates and is there been some issues with the Algorithm. Regards Bhaskaran.

    | bhaskaran

  • Hello Moz Community, I want to know about y site. My website Page authority is increasing but the DA is still low which is only "2". Why is this so? Is there any SEO Mentor who can guide me on this issue. Moreover, moz is not showing keywords of my website. which are in ranking. What could be the issues? Site is: Epilator Hub
    Thank You 

    | seotoolshero24

  • Hi guys, We're trying to block Rogerbot from spending 8000-9000 of our 10000 pages per week for our site crawl on our zillions of PhotoGallery.asp pages. Unfortunately our e-commerce CMS isn't tremendously flexible so the only way we believe we can block rogerbot is in our robots.txt file. Rogerbot keeps crawling all these PhotoGallery.asp pages so it's making our crawl diagnostics really useless. I've contacted the SEOMoz support staff and they claim the problem is on our side. This is the robots.txt we are using: User-agent: rogerbot Disallow:/PhotoGallery.asp Disallow:/pindex.asp Disallow:/help.asp Disallow:/kb.asp Disallow:/ReviewNew.asp User-agent: * Disallow:/cgi-bin/ Disallow:/myaccount.asp Disallow:/WishList.asp Disallow:/CFreeDiamondSearch.asp Disallow:/DiamondDetails.asp Disallow:/ShoppingCart.asp Disallow:/one-page-checkout.asp Sitemap: For some reason the Wysiwyg edit is entering extra spaces but those are all single spaced. Any suggestions? The only other thing I thought of to try is to something like "Disallow:/PhotoGallery.asp*" with a wildcard.

    | kellydallen

  • Hey I have Moz account free trail for 30 days whenever i analyze website that is based on machines  i show error please solve my problem.

    | alihamughal693

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