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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi if I'm getting a keyword stuffing warning on Moz for a brand page for the brand name kw that shouldn't really matter should it? Moz just oversimplifying it since seen the brand name says 27 times on a page think it's stuffed, but if its a 2000 word page all about the brand, those occurrences are totally natural & hence Google will think so too generally speaking? Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Dear Moz team Please do let us know why my domain authority ( suddenly dropped over night

    | experts9

  • Hi Team, I have observed that DA of website is dropped down to 17 from 32 after MOZ 2.0 DA Algorithm Update. Though I can see that there is linear improvement observed on Moz. Please help me know in detail about the drop and how can it be improved further as Moz does not give the option to disavow bad back links. Thanks

    | insidewebanalytics

  • My organization's website currently hosts research databases on a subdomain. We're relatively new to MOZ and when I ran a crawl of my site, it came back with 30K issues.... 98% of which are on this subdomain. I wish I could just remove it and call it a day, however, real and active researchers use it regularly. My question is: Does a subdomain hurt/help a domain? I'm seeing mixed results via Google search and browsing this forum. I'm concerned that I will not be able to fix these 30K issues as I do have access to maintain this database... and just by looking at it you can tell it was built in 2005 and hasn't been updated from an SEO perspective since. Any suggestions?

    | mlothamer

  • Hello Moz team....I love the tools but I'm more of a content created for my web site than a developer. So I am super stuck with a major money losing problem. My traffic has nearly gone to zero and I have good content, regular content, no duplicate content, and so on. Can someone help.... Today I disavowed thousands of bad inbound links found in a Moz report Since January I have been fixing pages with missing meta data found in the crawl report In December 2018 I switched over to HTTPS I have no clueeeeeee

    | MattBanes

  • I see in SEOmoz ..........there is a keyword research tool which show keyword difficulty............. I want to know about keyword difficulty and what i understood after seeing this result

    | slrana

  • Good Afternoon, A pretty straightforward question: How often does Moz data update when leveraging it through Super-metrics for Data studios? I noticed that the "time last crawled" metric had some URLs not crawled in over 2 months... wondering if there's a way to speed it up on Moz's end.

    | LoweProfero

  • Goof Day pls Am having S Spam Score Of 33% On my Blog Naijazeal.Com And I Check In my Google webmaster and i analyze all the link i see and i see little with high spam Score But Checking My Spam Score on Moz, It showi Extermal link below but most of the link showing below is not in my Seach console Pls help


  • MOZ is telling me the URLs are too long. I did a little research and I found out that the length of the URLs is not really a serious problem. In fact, others recommend ignoring the situation. Even on their blog I found this explanation: "Shorter URLs are generally preferable. You do not need to take this to the extreme, and if your URL is already less than 50-60 characters, do not worry about it at all. But if you have URLs pushing 100+ characters, there's probably an opportunity to rewrite them and gain value. This is not a direct problem with Google or Bing - the search engines can process long URLs without much trouble. The issue, instead, lies with usability and user experience. Shorter URLs are easier to parse, copy and paste, share on social media, and embed, and while these may all add up to a fractional improvement in sharing or amplification, every tweet, like, share, pin, email, and link matters (either directly or, often, indirectly)." And yet, I have these questions: In this case, why do I get this error telling me that the urls are too long, and what are the best practices to get this out? Thank You

    | Cart_generation

  • Hi, Moz is alerting us about URLs being too long, titles being too long, and duplicate content. These are mostly for pages with categories of content, or the author bio pages --pages that are included by default with the template we're using in HubSpot. So that there isn't a quick way to make these changes, and anyway the pages are low-value.So my question is, how much are these issues impacting our SEO and domain authority?If these are pages no one visits (like the category and author pages) is there any reason this would be harming our SEO efforts?Thanks!

    | ASCI-Marketing

  • (I searched but didn't find anything similar here) When you start a campaign, what is your method for finding the best keywords to optimize on your site and to track? Please share methodologies and tools on Moz that you use. I of course use Keyword explorer, and choose the higher volume keywords, but I am not sure I am looking in the most effective places. Any discussion on this would be greatly appreciated.

    | bizmarquee

  • I am currently in the process of building an in house system for managing our clients SEO campaigns. One of the features that we will be including is a customer login where clients can view their reports and site progress. We plan on providing rankings and traffic stats within this which we will collect on a weekly basis to store historical changes. While I could integrate into analytics for traffic and create my own web crawler for rankings, this seems a waste since I already have that data in one central location. Looking through the moz API details it seems to have lots of functions for links but nothing relating to the campaigns. Is there any way or are there any plans to open up campaign data to an API? If I could do this I would certainly upgrade to allow each client to have their own campaign.

    | PPCnSEO

  • I've been tasked with identifying high volume keywords for products our company sells and optimizing our copy and listings to rank higher on Google. The Keyword Explorer and On-Page Grader have been fantastic for this, but as I write my reports, i'm not sure whether SERP or Moz's keyword page rank would be more accurate for reporting results and movement. For instance, one of our product pages ranks #12 for the highest (relevant) volume keyword, but when looking at the SERP analysis for that keyword, our product page actually shows up at #7 down the list. I've tried naturally searching in Google in case it was an issue of private results based on my user data but it seems to give the same result. Am I conflating two different tools? Or is the Moz rank just an estimate?

    | BJake

  • can you please tell me what should I do with this site I trying a lot to solve its issues. the link is here  

    | saharali15

  • Looking at my "Links > Top Pages" report shows the top fifteen being image URLs (jpg files). Weird or normal? Clicking the "View Links" icon for a few of the image URL's shows that the best links in the list have DA in the 30's and 40's, and some PA in the 20's. But the linking sites have names that SOUND pretty crappy (from sites with names that sound weird or spammy) QUESTION 1: Do links to image URLs...   A) help the overall SEO of the site's HTML pages,   B) only help the specific page the image appears on,  C) or are they of no value to the regular pages? QUESTION 2: What to do with the obsolete images? (images still hosted on our site, but do not appear on any pages)  If I remove the images, the links will be lost. Which is good if the links are hurting us, but it would be bad for our SEO if the links are helping (unless we 301 the obsolete images to current ones) Thanks!

    | GregB123

  • I've noticed that our site has what appears to be a poor ratio of external-to-internal links. I know there are no hard and fast rules in SEO but generally I've come to understand that this ratio should be relatively balanced, and in some cases I've seen some correlation of high-performing/ranking sites closer to 70-30 (external-internal). I'm not going to get into specifics, but our ratio is well-below 50-50 (heavy on internal links compared to the volume of inbound external links). My hypothesis is that this is diluting the link equity/authority for the domain. Moz's tools don't really provide any data beyond the initial data point of the volume of internal links compared to external. Being that I've never really gone down this rabbit hole before, I'm wondering if anyone else has ever experienced anything similar and could point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance!

    | IWaldron

  • Hi All, How many competitors can you track in a campaign? It appears to only allow 3 competitors. Thanks,

    | toby-02

  • Moz has giving me 702 'No-Indexed Meta-descriptions' warnings. My page has quite a bit of product pages as it is a commercial chemical company which sells cleaning products for restaurants, hospitals, etc. Im wondering if this is effecting my site negatively?

    | ACSmt

  • I'm getting two "no canonical tag" errors for the default page of a sub-directory default page (www and root)  - again NOT a subdomain. Since the page is not the root of its own site, I tagged it as -- I have tried without the default.asp, but the error remains. Been doing this for 24 years and don't remember running across this before.

    | dcmike

  • Hi I used to have an online shop at I have since done a new website and and want to divert all traffic to The old shop was a subdomain but the new site has a shop on the normal domain. In Moz I am getting a lot of errors with missing descriptions and URL too long. so for example one of the urls <dl class="crawl-page-details-list"> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"> are like this. I would like to redirect them all to the new shop page. </dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis">The missing descriptions are all similar. </dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis">Is there a way I can redirect all these issues without doing them manually?</dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis">Thanks </dd> </dl>

    | Paul_YAS

  • Our website is For a while now we've been trying to get a few of our pages on there to get a better rank on google. A local SEO agency told us that some of our pages are not like "the modern standard" for web pages, but our page score for the keywords we want is 90% and higher. Do we really need to completely rebuild the website (it was built in 2014) in order to get better rankings? Or is it sufficient to have the 97% page score and then just get some back links and social media referrals etc. Thanks in advance.

    | franklin-bell

  • Hello, Wondering if someone can tell me how to make a clean, professional report of the most important SEO metrics for a client, from a month ago. I have MozPro and want to be able to see where we stood in rankings, links, crawl issues, landing page, PA/DA, etc when we began. I am thinking that there has got to be a way I can customize a report in Pro and then, if not all the info I want is there (traffic stats?), I can integrate that info in? Is there an easier way? I should've done it when I signed up and started working on the site, but....I didn't. ;( Thanks!

    | lfrazer123

  • I have received the following message from MOZ on a few of our websites now Our crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. I have spoken with our webmaster and they have advised the below: The Robots.txt file is definitely there on all pages and Google is able to crawl for these files. Moz however is having some difficulty with finding the files when there is a particular redirect in place. For example, the page currently redirects from to and when this happens, the Moz crawler cannot find the robots.txt on the first URL and this generates the reports you have been receiving. From what I understand, this is a flaw with the Moz software and not something that we could fix form our end. _Going forward, something we could do is remove these rewrite rules to www., but these are useful redirects and removing them would likely have SEO implications. _ Has anyone else had this issue and is there anything we can do to rectify, or should we leave as is?

    | threecounties

  • Hi I'm getting crawl errors that MOZ isn't able to access my robots.txt file but it seems completely fine to me? Any chance anyone can help me understand what might be the issue?

    | brenmcc1

  • Moz keeps giving us an error showing URL too long, when I investigate the offending url, I get this in the crawl. We can't work out what /essions is or why it's appending to the end of the url. Is this a Moz or website issue? <colgroup><col width="841"></colgroup>
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |

    | NickWillWright

  • Hello I am getting loads of 404 reported in my Crawl report, all appended with void(0) at the end.  For example:
    The site is running on Drupal 7, Has anyone come across this before? Kind Regards Moshe | |

    | moshen

  • Thanks in advance for any advice/links/discussion.  This honestly might be a scenario where we need to do some A/B testing. We have a massive (5 Million) content silo that is the basis for our long tail search strategy.  Organic search traffic hits our individual "product" pages and we've divided our silo with a parent category & then secondarily with a field (so we can cross link to other content silo's using the same parent/field categorizations). We don't anticipate, nor expect to have top level category pages receive organic traffic - most people are searching for the individual/specific product (long tail).  We're not trying to rank or get traffic for searches of all products in "category X" and others are competing and spending a lot in that area (head). The intent/purpose of the site structure/taxonomy is to more easily enable bots/crawlers to get deeper into our content silos.  We've built the page for humans, but included link structure/taxonomy to assist crawlers. So here's my question on best practices.  How to handle categories with 1,000+ pages/pagination.  With our most popular product categories, there might be 100,000's products in one category.  My top level hub page for a category looks like www.mysite/categoryA and the page build is showing 50 products and then pagination from 1-1000+. Currently we're using rel=next for pagination and for pages like www.mysite/categoryA?page=6 we make it reference itself as canonical (not the first/top page www.mysite/categoryA). Our goal is deep crawl/indexation of our silo.  I use ScreamingFrog and SEOMoz campaign crawl to sample (site takes a week+ to fully crawl) and with each of these tools it "looks" like crawlers have gotten a bit "bogged down" with large categories with tons of pagination.  For example rather than crawl multiple categories or fields to get to multiple product pages, some bots will hit all 1,000 (rel=next) pages of a single category. I don't want to waste crawl budget going through 1,000 pages of a single category, versus discovering/crawling more categories. I can't seem to find a consensus as to how to approach the issue.  I can't have a page that lists "all" - there's just too much, so we're going to need pagination.  I'm not worried about category pagination pages cannibalizing traffic as I don't expect any (should I make pages 2-1,000) noindex and canonically reference the main/first page in the category?).  Should I worry about crawlers going deep in pagination among 1 category versus getting to more top level categories? Thanks!

    | DrewProZ

  • Hola a todos, me interesa intercambiar informacion sobre SEO con personas de habla hispaña. Existe en SEOMoz una grupo que nos junte a tosdos? Un Saludo a los que comprenden este texto sin la necesidad de utilizar google traslator. Cesar A Amico.

    | abbath

  • Hello all, I am a little bit confused about the "content suggestion'' feature in Moz. If I understood well, this feature suggests Anchor texts we can use in other page to link to the page we are trying to Optimize. So far, I've been using page keyword as Anchor Text in other articles. For example, I have a page about the best places to visit in Morocco, where the keyword is 'places to visit in Morocco'. I am using this same keyword as Anchor text in other pages to link to that page. While Moz suggests '10 best places' as Anchor text. What does it mean ? Is '10 best places' anchor text better ? Or should I use both ? Thanks in advance for your enlightenment.

    | sportygirl

  • Hello I have 2 domain names to the same website as described: is redirecting to 301. age = 16 years age = 18 years was in use before the 301 redirects for many years, and it have a better moz authourity(55) from also have a better count of linking domains(3.2K backlinks) backlinks from backlinks). all data is from Moz pro. the question was what to use for my website for more SERP traffic? Is using .net domain better? or make them both work without 301 redirect with a canonical meta tag? if yes to witch domain best to point this meta? Thanks


  • Recently, I noticed that one of the competitors I track within my Moz campaign received about 12 new inbound  links. As a result, there DA jumped about 10 points. I reviewed these new external links and was surprised to see that they are all " ..." with Link Anchor Text that is good for the industry we compete in. Can anyone tell me why these are being counted as "Inbound Links". It just doesn't seem right. Is this some sort of black hat seo tactic?

    | itvisionsinc

  • I have a lot of SEO reports to send out, SEO Moz is awesome but it's not designed for this kind of work. I would like an automated report that does an on page optimization report on the potential client's site, finding errors etc it does not have to include fixes for each. This is just a basic report but it must look nice and be user friendly. I have looked at Raven and it looks ok however it does not have any decent On Page Optimization reports. I know I could crawl and then delete the campaign in SEO Moz but that is very time consuming and far from ideal. If anyone knows of a solution please let me know 🙂

    | SEOKeith

  • We have a lot of "Long URL" errors in moz, and our URLs have no helpful format to them. For example, our blog URLs currently have a date and the title so they end up looking like this: blog/year/month/day/long title that never ends. If I were to setup a new URL structure using MOZ best practices, can I just make the change going forward and redirect a few high trafficked links to this new structure? Or do I really need to make the change for the website (specifically blog) as a whole to see a positive impact? I know this means there may be an initial drop in traffic which I'd like to avoid.

    | ETerika

  • We may have accidentally included the wrong domains in our Disavow file and have since removed most domains leaving the only very highly rated spammy links (using moz's new spam score)in the file. How long can it take for to google to recognise this change?ThanksMike

    | mlb7

  • How do we delete labels from the pulldown in moz, that we already created, but no longer use. The function "delete labels" only deletes labels off of certain keywords. But we cant figure out how to remove unused labels completely from the list of labels. Thanks, Thanks, Andrew

    | jampaper

  • Hi, Have u any idea how to improve my website DA fast? thanks

    | MOUSE_UX

  • What do you think the best Moz reports are when presenting SEO services to a client? I need to share reports that show where the opportunity is and where we will be prioritizing our effort. I'd like to hear what you would suggest given your experience presenting SEO to clients. Thanks in advance for your help!

    | mrupert

  • Hello Moz Community! We have been on Moz Pro for awhile but as a small business we have not had time to dive into this great resource. We are at a point now where we want to get some answers. It could be just some direction or actual hiring a consultant to help us through this process. Attached is a screen shot of the New Insights email report we receive. Where do we start and how do we prioritize? sOooMfb

    | JobBiz

  • Moz's crawler has notified me that the H1s for all the blog posts are missing but Mozbar says the page title is designated as the H1 for each post. In Wordpress, the code to the page title is not accessible in "text." I viewed page source and took a look through the code to find the H1 connected to the page title, but couldn't locate it. Usually, Wordpress themes automatically give the page title an H1 tag. Interested to hear any further insights on this topic...

    | Harjodh

  • Hi, I'm wondering which are the best Keyword research tools that provide specific volumes and suggestions re: Voice Search - including on question type searches? Any suggestions would be brilliant - thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • I share an example with you. Please check and tell me.  Why MOZ tool saying this link is do-follow link.  But actually the link is no-follow. Here is the link- OlCxIyS

    | sourav6

  • Hi I have been using the Links tool in our Pro account on Moz, using the MOZ spam score/inbound links tool I can identify the linking domains and their spam rating. It shows we currently have around 4.8k linking domains and when I export the data I receive information like below. (Name - Spam Score) --% --% --% --% --% --% --% --% --% --% --% 89% 90% 91% 93% These sites are linking to our images on the site and also to the product the image is from. 80% of our links are like these ones above I understand these types of links are quite common especially for e commerce sites but should I disavow these on a regular basis or ignore them? I don’t want to ignore them if they could harm us. Thanks Mike

    | mlb7

  • I was told that my pages would not be awarded a Google Feature until the Page Authority reaches 30. I had Features previously, but no longer. The PA for the URL is currently 22 I have edited the content, built links and added schema markup to this particular page (and others) I'm looking for thoughts on the 30+ and how to improve PA. TY KJr

    | KevnJr

  • Hello, I would like to know how the changes in domain authority is counted by MOZ? Domain Authority for my this domain was 21 and it is decreased to 19 in last week. I have checked the moz report and it shows DA as 19. We already have and we recently redirected our .com domain ( also to .ca so all the back links of .com are now showing in webmaster for .ca. So i would like to know the reason behind decrement in DA and is there any connection with redirection of .com domain? How can i increase DA for my website?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hello Moz community I am looking at a couple of websites to guest post on and it feels almost too easy. I am concerned these sites may be part of a PBN. Their spam scores are quite low however (6% - 11%). Is the new Spam Score on Link Explorer (not Open Site Explorer) a reliable tool to vet PBNs? I asked a member of the Moz team but they didn't know. Perhaps another will. Here is the website Thank you in advance for your opinions.

    | Avid-Panda

  • I have been doing some reading on directory link anchor text and it appears the best practice for 2018 and beyond would be to build your brand. For Example Sue's Shoes and her website is Directory Anchor Text As Follows
    Sue's Shoes Now my question would be if you had a competitor site who was top position on google and ALL anchor text for all directories at leat 90% was Buy Shoes Here I do not understand how they are following best practices? What do you recommend to be safe.

    | brandon.grass

  • Hey Moz community, To fill you in, we have a situation where we are able to purchase a domain name that has some longevity behind it, has some great inbound links coming to it, and until recently was ranking incredibly well for all of the relevant keywords nationwide. The issue is, the seller took their website down about a month ago and now, since the domain has been sitting there going to no mans lands for that period of time, it has fallen off the map for all of those important keyword rankings. I'm looking for guidance on the following: 1. If we still move forward with purchasing the domain name, do you believe we could recover those rankings quickly? Or are we better off building from scratch with a new domain. 2. Because of the back links alone, I still feel there is some value in this domain name. The issue is, if we buy it, what do we do with it when we have it? Make that our primary domain name going forward? direct the domain name to a landing page/site that ultimately leads website visitors down a path to get to our website? Something else? Any insight / thoughts / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. DH.

    | higherimages

  • Keyword example "Best Chocolate Donuts" Could your keywords be written as "If you are always looking for the best quality ingredients, and you are a chocolate lover, you will love our donuts" Does that satisfy the keyword requirement or does it have to be exactly " We have the best chocolate donuts Chicago has to offer"

    | JLehto82

  • We built our website on Wix, and Moz is saying that there is a 301 redirect chain issue: redirects to... redirects to... Is there a way to configure Wix to redirect http:// (with out the "www") straight to https://www?

    | Makeshark

  • Hi all I have been tasked with trying to improve my companies SEO rankings and have used Moz to help me in this task. I do have a question I cant seem to find the answer to though. The issue is with content duplication, as our site has many possible languages and not every translation is available we experience a lot of duplicate content. When a page title or description or content has a missing translation, what is the best SEO action to take, if they are defaulted to English this adds to the duplicate content issue, if it is left blank this means our content is not ranked very highly due to word count etc so with this in mind what would the best practise to take on pages without translations? Thanks in advance 🙂

    | speedybooker

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