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  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Sorry, nit new to this side of SEO We recently discovered we have over 200 critical crawler issues on our site (mainly 4xx) We exported the CSV and it shows both a URL link and a referring URL. Both lead to a 'page not found' so I have two questions? What is the difference between a URL and a referring URL? What is the best practice/how do we fix this issue? Is it one for our web developer? Appreciate the help.

    | ayrutd

  • Hi all, I stupidly removed the "http" url of my one website a few days back (it is one of three, the other two being the https), then re-added it around a day later and, while google console isn't reporting back any errors, Moz Crawl is going to town on this now for one critical "4xx" issues, canonicals and various other content issues that I addressed days previously...last Moz crawl performed an hour ago, url deleted and re-added two days ago. I have resubmitted a sitemap, will this smooth itself out or shall I go and make changes? Many thanks in advance.

    | UkPod

  • Hello, wanted to poll the Moz community about a URL discussion my company is having. We plan to launch a new publicly-facing resource and want to leverage organic search as much as possible. For the domain, we’re considering these options: the corporate domain since it’s well established or the URL for the product, which is more descriptive of the content that will reside on the page, but doesn’t have much authority because almost all of the relevant content is behind a paywall. The product domain is appealing because we want to build brand recognition. Should we also look at a more specific domain for the topic that doesn’t leverage either branded domain? Any Moz tools you’d recommend to help research this decision? Thank you in advance for your thoughts!

    | Gbtyne

  • Has anyone used HIBU as a source for inbound links? I'm really just getting my site started with serious link building. Google sees 94 links. MOZ sees way less than that, but MOZ sees WAY more on my competitors' sites. It appears that the sites which HIBU influences, owns, or has ties with, have decent DA stats. However, they make you sign up for an entire year with no guarantee of results. They say "we'll work real hard" to get things right. But with no trial period, and a mandatory layout of  around $500, that's not sitting well with me. I'm just wondering if anyone has used them and what you think of them?? Thanks, Billy

    | NewSEOguy

  • Hi, I'm new to here so please be gentle!
    I have a WIX site and had it for a few months. I have m own domain and I am using MOZ to improve the SEO. Having read a few things it seems that I may struggle, given that I have a WIX site. I am playing around with a certain page, that will most likely be the most popular one on the site (fingers crossed), however when I run On-Page Optimization it fails to pick up the following things that I know I have added to the page; H1 (page title) - I added through the text options
    Body text  - I added paragraph text and
    Image Alt - put in through the settings Is this because that it is made in WIX that this won't be picked up or is more likely my incompetency? Thanks

    | sportinglists

  • Is there any definitive answer to when page authority can change? I'm trying to see if it's a trackable metric but not sure since (I believe) it's something that takes time. Is there any article/reference that speaks to the fact that the page authority can take time to change? I do know that changes to the page, competitors pages and a multitude of factors go into the score, but I'm trying to see if there is a 'simple' answer for the timing of the scoring.

    | AvexHomes

  • does google see the keyword "e cig" and "e-cig" as the same word? on MOZ it shows that they have a totally different amount of search quarries.

    | smokingllc

  • Can you help me dive down into my website guts to find out why the MOZ crawl is returning URLs with variable results? And saying this is missing a description when it's not really a page? Example: I've asked MOZ but it's a web development issue so they can't help me with it. Has anyone had an issue with this on their website?  Thank you!

    | lewisdesign

  • We continue to get hundreds of spam links per month, and just found a link from here. I do not believe this is owned by moz. Maybe I'm wrong? Thanks.

    | plahpoy

  • Hi All, Can we scan for Competitor keywords with Moz Pro? Wanted to know if we can check all keywords a site is ranking for... Thanks

    | jomin74

  • Hello, I am trying to minimize my redirect chains that have been popping up in my Moz crawl issues. So I'd like to get clear on some best practices. I have a few clients that are getting their first redesign in a while. We are moving into Wordpress from good ole .html files. So I've installed a redirection plug in to create 301 redirects for those .html versions of the pages. But apparently I am already redirecting from www to non-www. I have the www set up as a CNAME going to the IP address - is that counting as the redirection? Sometimes though, the www is set up by making it an A record. Is one way better than the other? Finally, I'm forcing https for all my new sites now. Is whatever the host does to "force" https also counting as a redirect and contributing to my chain? Any advice will be appreciated!

    | Dandelion

  • Moz tells me I have 16 404 errors. They are all on paginated pages and end with rss. I checked all my settings and i do not know why it is doing this. the page 7 exists but not the rss feed on page 7. it also exists Just on pagination it is throwing 404ss. It is my understanding that this is a custom rss structure. I built this site and i did not set it up this way but moz crawler is flagging these, what should i do. I do not need rss to exist on pagination. Thanks for any responses to this issue, Don Silvernail

    | donsilvernail

  • Hi         My name is Apoorwa and i have my own website, My website is not cached by google, Why is this problem happening with my site.can somebody help me please? its urgent....this is my site - assist me.......

    | Packersmove

  • Hi Mozers, How come Moz reports just six 404 errors, whereas Google Search Console reports 250 and Screaming Frog only reports a dozen? It seems to me that these results are all over the place. Shouldn't these reports be more consistent? I do understand that Search Console includes historical data and that URLs or issues need to be "marked as fixed" in order for them to go away, however, even if I do this, Google ends up reporting far more errors than anything else. Do 404s reported by Moz and Screaming Frog NOT include external links? It seems to me that this could be partially responsible for the issue. Also, is there a way to efficiently track the source of the 404s besides clicking on "Linked From" within Search Console 250 times? I was looking for something like this is Moz or SF but no luck. Any help is appreciated. Thanksabunch!

    | EricFish

  • I know a lot of the MOZ warnings can be ignored, however, I'm trying to figure out of this one should be added to that list: my store has urls setup like this for categories: The meta title is "Sweaters" for both pages. Is that bad practice? I don't think I can automatically change the meta title to to Sweaters Page 2 or even want to. or should I do that? Or just ignore these type of warnings?

    | IcarusSEO

  • Hi, What should a lower-authority-ranked blog (DA - 21) who is trying to increase general traffic focus on above all when selecting keywords: difficulty, monthly volume, opportunity, or priority? I know that all are important factors to consider, but I fear that without an already consistent following our new content will just get hidden behind more established domains if we select too difficult of keywords. I'd love to hear from someone who's built up a blog audience as to what strategy they used here. Thanks!

    | ascott777

  • Hello! When I check our website's critical crawler issues with Moz Site Crawler, I'm seeing over 1000 pages with a 4xx error. All of the pages that are showing to have a 4xx error appear to be the brand and product pages we have on our website, but with /URL at the end of each permalink. For example, we have a page on our site for a brand called Davinci. The URL is In the site crawler, I'm seeing the 4xx for this URL: Could this be a plugin on our site that is generating these URLs? If they're going to be an issue, I'd like to remove them. However, I'm not sure exactly where to begin. Thanks in advance for the help, -Andrew

    | mostcg

  • 3 of my clients suddenly lost alexa and DA ranks. Websites are active, created more than 10 years ago, and actively updated. About 5000 users each month. What could be the reason? I want to note that we never spam. We do only holistic SEO and write only Unique articles. This looks very strange to me. Any suggestions?

    | isaacaiden

  • Trying to understand rel=canonical if you have proper 301 redirects (redirects to the canonical URl) for example when migrating from a HTTP to HTTPS environment why would you also opt to add a rel=cannonical tag on the same pages. What effect does this have on SERP rankings or is it ok to have 301 redirects and rel=canonicalon the same page? Anyone?

    | InternetRep

  • I've come across a lot of SEO tools in the last 5-6 years. And there are many great tools out there! I don't believe in the one-tool-fits-all. Among the tools I make use of are Raven Tools and Searchmetrics (great audit and market analysis tool!), and the tools in here, of course. In my search for a better ranking report tool I came across Rank Tracker from SEO PowerSuite. That seems like a great tool in category with AWR; but I am not able tell so as I am not a power user. Well, here is where I am going: I then tested the rest of the PowerSuite and it seems as a great product. But searching for the tools in here, and nothing shows up. Silence. Also elsewhere in other serious places. Why is that? It is a collective secret, shhhh, don't tell 🙂. Or is it is just crap? I know they have a bad reputation in regard to prices and updates. What do you guys think?

    | Danni

  • I just started updating my site with the very basics, focus keyword, meta description, and page titles. I see that I am going up in my targeted keywords, however my search visibility has dropped from 3.34% to 2.78%. My assumption is that my keyword choice is a little off, however I see that I have increased in keyword rankings and dropped very little in what I was ranking for previously, plus the keyword volume seems relatively the same. In fact I've added far more keywords than I have dropped. Curious why my search visibility has dropped, however my keyword rankings only seem to increase.

    | kthomasd

  • With my new Moz account, how would I go about setting up a useful Goal/Conversion on Google Analytics?

    | Brandon32

  • This might be a very newbie technical SEO question, but here goes.This page, with no trailing forward a Moz page authority of 45 while this page: a Moz page authority of 1. Right now, the former is forwarding to the latter. Might Google not see the links I've built up to it, like Moz isn't? Can this be fixed in WordPress?I appreciate your responses.

    | Wagster

  • Hi Moz Community, I've recently decided to start a project where I gather 1,000 great examples of something that's searched for often, and am thinking that posting it to a Tumblr site like the following website did could be a great way to pass link equity back to my main site (with a little "site by [my site]" somewhere in the header or footer). While I was super pumped about this idea today, and have now gathered almost 500 of my examples (mentioned above), I am not seeing link equity passed from this site, even on the non-redirected links here: Anyone have any experience with projects like this? I've checked read the Moz Tumblr and SEO article from a few years ago, which makes it seem like this should be an SEO "win"... But using the Moz Pro account tools, I'm not seeing any of these non-redirect links (ordinary links) giving any value to anyone on this example site. Thanks so much in advance, Zack

    | Zack

  • Hello, Can you explain me what is the difference between co-occurence and synonoyms and how i can find co-occuring words to include in my content as well as synonyms ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • ive seen quite a number of errors on my website  a wordpress website and i dont know how to begin clearing the index errors or any others for that matter , can you help me please? ghg-1.jpg

    | Dogara

  • When I grade my page it says I have more than one h1 tag. I view the source page and it shows there are two h1 headings with the same wording. If I delete the one h1 heading I can find, the page source shows I have deleted both of them. I don't know how to get to the other heading to delete it. And I'm off page one of google! Can anybody help? Clay Stephens

    | Coot

  • I'm looking for a tool similar to On Page Grader (Moz) or Focus Keyword (Yoast) with API. We are building out or internal CRM system. Even though none of these tools can replace manual on page analysis, it will be used as a metric and to catch human mistakes.

    | OscarSE

  • We are having a problem trying to get rid of old links that have been removed from a website that no longer exists. See links below-There are several more that we need to deal with. We have tried putting them into Google Search Console, but they keep reappearing with Moz. Since our new website is hosted on Hubspot now and not on WordPress, which these links are referring to, we are trying to determine how to remove them from being indexed since they don't exist anymore?
    19 Redirect to 4xx
    19 Redirect to 4xx
    19 Redirect to 4xx

    | InTouchMK

  • Hello, How can my page authority be different across various page built exactly on the same model and none of them having links ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • We are using Yoast for a number of our sites.  We use naked domain as the canonical. I have noticed in the header tags that all our sites show the canonical URLs as having a trailing slash: Example:   http;//, when I look at the source code, it shows the canonical as http;// Of course, it is much more likely that all sites that link to us will not use the trailing slash - so preferably we do not want that to be the canonical - among other reasons. Does this need to be fixed so the trailing slash is removed? I cannot see how to do this in Yoast SEO or in Permalinks structure for Wordpress. Sorry for my ignorance. Thanks for any help.

    | Adam_RushHour_Marketing

  • Hi I am managing a website, that in May was indexed at 67 i DA - then we installed SSL and we dropped to 26 and we're still there - I do not now, how I can change my site, so that I can regain some of the DA. It is a wordpress site and we used a free SSL certificate and I have detected no problem with the 301 redirects. Do you have any insights or tips?

    | Stine-Dahl

  • My question is: Is SEOMoz's SERP Rank Tracking in compliance with Google Adwords API Terms of Service? Background: The reason I ask is because Raven Tools is now removing their SERP Reporting tool because it uses scraped Google position data. So, it looks like SEO's will either have to find a new rank tracking tool or find new ways to traffic the effects that rankings have on a website traffic volumes. For instance, there is a way to get the position a search results was in Google when it was clicked. We could create a secondary profile in Google Analytics for each client and use a custom filter to record the position that the keywords was in when the search result was clicked ( ) Or perhaps we'll have to use Google Webmaster Tools' SEO Report to get data somehow ( ) What are your thoughts on this? As you know, ranking data is still a great way to show clients if they are gaining or losing visibility in the search engines. It helps SEO's to report how effective their efforts have been. Because other ranking software companies uses Adwords API data to show the keyword search volume and advertiser competition of a keyword, they can not or eventually will not be able to use scraped ranking data any more. But, if another rank tracking tool out there doesn't need to be in compliance with the Adwords API TOS because they don't use that API to show search volume and advertiser competition, they can still technically provide their ranking data and not be violating any TOS, right? I'm just trying to understand the best way to continue reporting impact of organic keyword rankings on a website. Does the SEOMoz SERP Tracker comply with Adwords API? Is there another rank tracking tool out there that already is using Average Position data from the GWT SEO Report tool? Should we all just stop reporting rankings to clients altogether? Scott

    | OrionGroup

  • Hello i am a beginner in website, I got my first report the report saying that there are some duplicate content. I would like to know What can I do to solve that issue ?

    | Dieumerci

  • Hi, My question is very focussed regarding these 2 tools. Is it correct to understand that MoZ tells keyword difficulty and not which keyword is easy to compete. And SEMRush tells which keyword is easy to compete but does not tell which keywords are difficult to compete? I mean one (Moz)  misses the one part and the other (SEMRush) misses the other part. Hope some will enlighten me to the point. Best

    | Sequelmed

  • So Moz was flagging thousands of 302 errors in the Redirect Issues section. It was due to the URL extensions containing /directory/currency/switch/currency/ I added this to my Robots.txt file as I don't want these indexed. I marked the 302 errors as fixed and after the next crawl they came back and I now get the message: One or more previously fixed issues continue to persist. We have found one or more issues that were marked as fixed previously in the last crawl. Do I just ignore the errors or is there something wrong that I may be doing? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    | lbagley

  • From what I can tell, SEO experts recommend setting blog category and tag pages (ie. "") as "noindex, follow" in order to keep the page quality of indexable pages high. However, I just received a slew of critical crawl warnings from Moz for having these pages set to "noindex." Should the pages be indexed? If not, why am I receiving critical crawl warnings from Moz and how do I prevent this?

    | NichGunn

  • Howdy Moz Forum!! I have a headache of a job over here in the UK and I'd welcome any advice! - It's sunny today, only 1 of 5 days in a year and i'm stuck on this! I have a client that currently has 22,000 pages indexed to Google with almost 4000 showing as duplicate content. The site has a "jobs" and "candidates" list. This can cause all sorts of variations such as job title, language, location etc. The filter pages all seem to be indexed. Plus the static pages are indexed. For example if there were 100 jobs at Moz being advertised, it is displaying the jobs on the following URL structure - /moz
    /moz/moz-jobs/page/5 ETC ETC Imagine this with some going up to page/250 I have checked GA data and can see that although there are tons of pages indexed this way, non of them past the "/moz/moz-jobs" URL get any sort of organic traffic. So, my first question! - Should I use rel-canonical tags on all the /page/2 & /page/3 etc results and point them all at the /moz/moz-jobs parent page?? The reason for this is these pages have the same title and content and fall very close to "duplicate" content even though it does pull in different jobs... I hope i'm making sense? There is also a lot of pages indexed in a way such as- These are filter pages... and as far as I'm concerned shouldn't really be indexed? Second question! - Should I "no follow" everything after /page in this instance? To keep things tidy? I don't want all the variations indexed! Any help or general thoughts would be much appreciated! Thanks.

    | Slumberjac

  • Hello Guys! My website was at the top of Google search for some years... suddenly I almost can't reach first page! Moz ranks my website better than the competitors... what might be going one? Could anybody help me out? Moz rank us grade A... the competitors B or C .. I think we have better back links than they do... Would you need any kind of data or report to help me here? Thanks!

    | wesleyms

  • I have added a page for a particular product, sodium bisulfate, Page Optimization Score is totally green 100%, what should I do, either to sit back and see the results? I typically do not understand while using the Moz that exactly line of action do I have to follow for to bring the good result for the keyword "sodium bisulfate"? How much does a google takes time to get your 100% things on the first page ?  I'm not good in SEO but few knowledge step by step What is the best things to do for good SEO.

    | waqaspuri

  • Hello, Doing competitive research for really gentle basic link building campaign. Which sites do I need to get a backlink list from besides open site explorer to be most successful? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • HI,    I've just had a look at a customers MOZ report and discovered nearly 50,000 errors listed!!  The site is a non dynamic, non database driven site so where these have come from is beyond me. Example - (Both links open in a new window)
    LIVE PAGE - 
    NON EXISTANT PAGE - - if you hover over any links you'll see they're ALL ......./licenses/licenses/..........  which doesn't exist! It's the file system that seems to be the problem - .........../licenses/licenses/...........  and this gets added onto  (............./licenses/licenses/licenses/licenses/.............. , up to the 50,000 page errors LOL  The problem is self replicating. It's very odd and not something I've ever seen before, NON of these 'extra' pages are listed on the server, so where are they coming from? Any suggestions or help would be gratefully appreciated

    | Skips

  • I am working with a site that recently deployed Angular.js on the site.  From an SEO standpoint its a little more tricky than we thought.  We have deployed a couple updates to render pages for the bots but we not seeing changes in Moz weekly reports. When it comes to Angular.js, will the Moz bots read/access the site the same as the other major engines?  I'm trying to figure out if our deployments are working or if there's something off in the Moz reports. Thanks.

    | JoshKimber

  • I'm trying to convince a boss and another client/partner of the value of MOZ, but it's a challenge when Google's results and the MOZ analytics are way off. For example, when I do non-personalized (MOZ toolbar) Google search for "stair lift kansas city" I see some results that make sense.  Further down the page I see my prospective client, -- it's a new site with poor MOZ grades and almost no backlinks.  It has a PA of 1 and a DA of 4.  Yet it ranks above a YP site that has a DA of 89, and another site that has a PA of 27 and a DA of 14. What gives?  When I used an in-private Bing search for those terms this site didn't display in the 1st 4 pages.  That makes sense with these MOZ rankings and the new site.  So how does the site get page 1 results on Google for the same terms? (I should note that I've gone to this site a lot, for the client, and done other related searches.  I live in Charlotte, which is why I've included Kansas City in the search terms.  With this search, I've tried several ways to do a Google search that is truly anonymous, but I'm not sure I've succeeded.  I've erased browsing data, used incognito, used other browsers, and used the MOZ non-personalized Google search.  All from the same IP though.  Does Google track that?  If so, how can one do a truly anonymous search on Google?) All suggestions welcome.  Thanks! Richard S.

    | RFS55

  • Hi everyone, First time poster 🙂 I will keep it simple - we have two pages on our website that are set up in the same way (or so we think) but achieve vastly different search engine rankings. We have spent weeks trying to figure out why this should be the case, but to no avail. Perhaps you guys can do a little diagnosis and see what we are missing: for search term: used machine tools Is working well for us. for search term: new machine tools is a disaster 😞 In  fact, Google ranks our home page which is optimised for other terms, higher. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | Delorentis21

  • In Moz's 'SERP Features' section within campaigns, it shows each of my tracked keywords as being eligible for multiple SERP features - sometimes as many as 5 or 6. Does this mean that Google could display a few different rich snippets for these keywords, or just that it could return one of those highlighted?

    | rwat

  • I am trying to recreate Moz's Whiteboard Friday but their article on how to do it is from 2012 so the camera they used at the time of the article is no longer sold. Here is the link to the article I am referencing: Any other tips on the best lighting equipment, microphones, etc. for shooting videos is also appreciated!

    | Fiyyazp

  • Hi. When using Moz Pro, I always select Google UK as default search with GB and US next. Is there a reason to choose one over the other? If so why? I am UK based and so are my clients. Thanks

    | YNWA

  • I have a client who is asking for SEO help after renaming their business, getting a new URL, and somehow having an address change (without moving to a new location...weird...I know). This has set them back big time in terms of their domain authority (they went from a 46 to a 15 in DA). The web developers they work with put a 302 redirect in place from their old URL (home page), which had 10,477 links from 52 root domains, to their new URL's home page. Open site explorer shows that they now have 5 links! We can improve some of the local search set backs from the name and address change with a citation audit and clean up, but the domain name change is a killer. So here's my question or questions, really: Do we need to manually rebuild links with partner websites? I know there is debate around the actual link juice passed along from a 302 vs a 301 redirect (despite what has been publicly stated by Google). Or is this just a waiting game while old links get recrawled?

    | TheKatzMeow

  • Hi community, I'm going through the list of crawl errors visible in my MOZ dashboard and there's a few URLs ending in /?s= How should I treat these URLs? Redirects? Thanks for any help

    | Easigrass

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