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  • traffic onpage ranking factors downstream traffic

    I have a client that represents a few big brands but doesn't offer ecommerce capability onsite, they essentially send traffic to retailers and distributors that do sell their products online - they even point to an amazon store that they own. My question is, if they did offer ecom and the conversions took place on their site, rather than direct traffic away from them, would this impact on their rankings at all?

    On-Page Optimization | | Algorhythm_jT
  • Unsolved

    serp keyword rankings

    Hi there, one of my client's sites is showing up in Google search results / getting a lot of site traffic from keywords that while very close to words we're actually trying to target on the site, are irrelevant for the client and their site content. Does anyone have ideas of how to address this?

    SEO Tactics | | Tunnel7

  • seo page treatment page rank google rankings

    Hi, We are an escort directory with 10 years history. We have multiple locations within the following countries, UK, USA, AUS. Although many of our locations (towns and cities) index on page one of Google, just as many do not. Can anyone give us a clue as to why this may be?

    Technical SEO | | ZuricoDrexia

  • www3 crawl errors

    I have a site with a ton of errors... things including overlong titles, etc.
    Upon fixing some, they have then re-appeared in the next crawl report as www3. could anyone explain this simply?, and how I should approach the errors.. should I set to ignore the www3. or something else? thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | GregDixson

  • multiple urls

    Is it possible (and if it is possible, how difficult is it) to get multiple URLs from the same domain name to be indexed on the first page of Google for the same keyword or phrase? Assuming each URL has significantly different content of course... Context: A large real estate brand has 6 franchise offices in the same city. Each office has its own listing/landing page on the parent brand website. Each franchise owner wants their page on the website to rank for the term 'Christchurch real estate'. The homepage of the parent brand website currently ranks on the first page of Google for this search term, but none of the franchisee pages do. So my question is: with the right unique content on each franchisee page, supported by quality backlinks to each of the different offices, is it possible to get multiple franchisees listed on the first page of Google given that ultimately the 6 URLs are all attached to the same domain name? (And, if so, do you have any hot tips you can share to assist me on this uphill battle?)

    SEO Tactics | | BeKonstructive
  • Unsolved

    seo rankings

    Bringing on a handful of established clients that have never focused on SEO. Needless to say, they will be starting past page 5 on many items. What is the best tactic to figure out their ranking, determine progress internally and also provide movement reports when they are past the five page limit?

    Moz Tools | | StartupStreet

  • seo tactic 301 redirect domain migration

    Our company (DA 40) recently acquired another company (DA 20). The domain for the acquired company is up, and I am being asked if we should keep paying for the domain. I have a couple of questions regarding this. Is it best practice to continue paying for the older domain and do 301 redirects to our website? If yes, do I have to add 301 redirects for individual matching pages? For example, if the old site has the topic XYZ, should a 301 go to our site if we have a similar page topic XYZ? What about contact pages, about us, etc? Do we redirect all non-matching topics to the new home page? Or in the case of their blogs, do we redirect their blogs to the new blog home page even though we are not keeping their old blogs? What if our company keeps acquiring other companies, are we to assume we have to keep paying for the domains of the acquired companies? Is there anyone out there that would say stop paying for the old domain and just review the company's inbound links, reach out to those sites, and make sure they link to the new site instead? Thanks for the help in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CharityHBS

  • noindex duplicate content same content two domains

    Hi Moz Community, I have a client who is splitting out a sub brand from a company website to its own domain. They have lots of content around the theme and they want to migrate most of the content out to the new domain, but they also wanted to keep that content on the main site as the main site gets lots of traffic. My question is, as they want search traffic to go to the new site, but want to keep the best content on the original site too, so it can be found in the nav, if they no-index identical content on main site and index content on the new site will they still be penalised for duplicate content? Our advice has been to keep the thematic content on both sites but make them different enough so they are not considered duplicate - we routinely write the same blog post in 50 different ways for them but their Head of Web asked if the no-index is a route, which means they don't need to pay for and wait for brand new content? They are comfortable in losing traffic until the new domain gets traction. In theory, if they are telling Google not to index or rank the main site content, the new site shouldn't be penalised but I'm not confident giving that advice as I've never been asked to do this before. Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | Algorhythm_jT
  • Unsolved

    mozpro notupdating

    My campaign is stuck in a time-warp. It seems to think it's still May. Why is this? Can anyone help please.

    Moz Pro | | rhiannondavies
  • Unsolved

    backling issue

    Other tools like ahref and smallseotools show different backlinks compared to MOZ for our website ( ahref shows up 18,550 backlinks. Here I attached a screenshot of ahref.
    e754dbe6-3fb1-4362-8ae3-38cb0164b54f-image.png As well MOZ shows up with 2.4k backlinks.
    See this screenshot:
    4177b33f-2980-400e-ae96-af0d9ca838ae-image.png Why does this happen? Please respond to my question as soon as possible.

    Product Support | | UnitedOPT108

  • canonical

    Hello, I'm going round in circles with this issue, so hopefully someone can help... The Moz crawl of my website lists a number of pages as "missing canonical url". The pages are all different and do not have similar content. Do I need to add a canonical url to each page? My agency quoted the following (x referencing this page: list itemYou would use Canonical URLs if: list item" have a single page that's accessible by multiple URLs, or different pages with similar content (for example, a page with both a mobile and a desktop version), Google sees these as duplicate versions of the same page." list itemThis is not the case here and so we would not propose to change anything. We could add Canonical URLs if the client feels that it is critical which occurs an additional cost. Any help / advice much appreciated. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | rj_dale

  • domain authority optimization

    In my latest site crawl, the domain authority dropped 10 points for no apparent reason. There have been no changes to the site. The only change I have made this month is to block referral spam to the site. My competitors' DAs have stayed the same too. website name: Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | LisaBabblebird

  • keyword rankings keywords keyword explorer

    Hi, i got some keywords that already ranked in line 50 of google but Moz keyword ranking still show zero ranking keyword, it's almost a week or more. It's already showing in google ranking but how long Moz will collect the data, or is there something I miss about it please let me know, Thank you

    Community | | ilhamyani
  • Unsolved

    moz pro

    None of my campaigns with moz appear to be showing any data for a few weeks now. Any ideas?

    Moz Pro | | dmccarthy

  • snippet google

    Re: Star snippet not work I write a json+ld script for star snippet in my website but not work in my first page. you can see it in this URL when I googled my keyword "خرید گوشی شیائومی" my competitor show with star snippet in SERP but my site doesn't show.

    On-Page Optimization | | ariawebdesignm
  • Unsolved

    roger-bot crawl error

    Hi, We're trying to get MOZ to crawl our site, but when we Create Your Campaign we get the error:
    Ooops. Our crawlers are unable to access that URL - please check to make sure it is correct. If the issue persists, check out this article for further help. robot.txt is fine and we actually see cloudflare is blocking it with block fight mode. We've added in some rules to allow rogerbot but these seem to be getting ignored. If we use a robot.txt test tool ( with rogerbot as the user agent this get through fine and we can see our rule has allowed it. When viewing the cloudflare activity log (attached) it seems the Create Your Campaign is trying to crawl the site with the user agent as simply set as rogerbot 1.2 but the robot.txt testing tool uses the full user agent string rogerbot/1.0 (, [email protected]) albeit it's version 1.0. So seems as if cloudflare doesn't like the simple user agent. So is it correct the when MOZ is trying to crawl the site it uses the simple string of just rogerbot 1.2 now ? Thanks
    Ben Cloudflare activity log, showing differences in user agent strings

    Moz Pro | | BB_NPG
  • Unsolved


    I use A LOT of SEO platforms and yours is by far the hardest to use. The dashboard is a mess, and I can never find anything. And I use some complicated shit... and yours, which shouldn't be so complicated, is impossible to navigate. So, HOW DO I CANCEL a local listing. You seem to have "conveniently" hidden this option.

    Moz Local | | Steve907

  • domain migration change of address tool loss of ranking loss of organic traffic

    OMG disaster! Recently migrated my site to Painstakingly went through each URL manually to map out redirects, notified Google via change of address tool. Bam. My old website has disappeared from Google and my new site has thus lost all it's organic (i.e. redirected) traffic. I don't get it. I think I have done everything by the book, but it seems my old site has disappeared and no authority or link juice has been passed to my new site by the 301s, as the new site isn't ranking either. Some examples: 'women cycles' previous position 1 - chaffed vagina, previous position 1 - how long does it take turmeric to shrink fibroids, previous position 1. Biggest traffic source pages were: New blog articles on new site, with 301 redirect in place, but not ranking Screenshot shows my search traffic for my new site. Site migrated 13 June. Any ideas anyone??!Screenshot 2022-06-28 at 13.27.41.png

    Technical SEO | | tikitaka
  • Unsolved


    Looking to add a feature on my website to invite people to submit their domain to get an SEO score (and a report). How do I do that? I think it involves the Moz API but not sure.

    API | | mikeymosh

  • 403 errors crawl error

    My wordpress website has 162 crawl 403 errors. Based on what I read it means that the server is denying crawlers to access the pages. The pages itself will load so guessing it's just an issue with crawlers only. How do I go about fixing this issue?

    On-Page Optimization | | emrekeserr3

  • redirect migration technical seo

    Hi I'm trying to wrap my head around the best approach for migrating our website. We're migrating from our (joomla) site to our existing (shopify) site... with the plan to finish the redirects/migration then remove the subdomain from shopify and use moving forward. I've never done this and asking here to see if any harm will come from re-directing URLs to URL's then changing the URL's to Right now my plan would run like this: redirect URL's to remove subdomain on use moving forward. wonder what happens next? Is there going to be any issues here, possible harm to the URL's?

    Technical SEO | | Minarets

  • google tag manager custom events ga4

    I have some experience in successfully creating custom events for GA4 via Tag Manager, but I have one account where my events are firing in GTM but not showing at all in GA4 (not real time or anywhere). I have twice done them over and published my changes but still no luck. Any ideas what else the issue can be? There are no internal filters at the moment. Thank you.

    Reporting & Analytics | | bradsimonis

  • redirect chain redirect

    What is the difference between "document" and "object" moved redirect errors? I'm used to see "object moved" as a redirect chain issue that needs to be fixed, but this week my report contained a "document moved" redirect chain issue. And it's on our homepage. Looks like it might be a HTTP versus an HTTPS issue.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Kate_Nadeau
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings

    Hi, we recently migrated our blog to be on the same domain as our main website. It's been about a month. I have continued adding more keywords we'd like to track to our Ranking list on Moz. But it's been a week and the keywords are still not collecting. Is this something we need to fix on our end, or is there something going on with Moz? keyword ranking issues.png

    Moz Pro | | CoveoSEO
  • Unsolved

    crawl error crawl errors

    Moz is being blocked from crawling the following site - When looking at Robot.txt, the following is disallowing access but don't know whether this is preventing Moz from crawling too? User-agent: *
    Disallow: /adeci/
    Disallow: /core/
    Disallow: /connectors/
    Disallow: /assets/components/ Could something else be preventing the crawl?

    Moz Pro | | danhart2020

  • base url keywords

    We have a client that we are rebuilding their website and they are thinking about dropping one word from the current base URL. That particular word is one of the keywords we are trying to rank for. Do you think that because one of our keywords is in the current domain name that it would be a mistake to change it to just the brand name without the extra keyword added on?

    SEO Tactics | | grayloon
  • Unsolved

    keyword explorer

    Today I noticed that the system is taking forever to load keywords. I keep testing it and it just buffers and says loading but nothing happens. Waiting for more than 10 minutes. Nothing happens.

    Keyword Explorer | | Healthywriter776
  • Unsolved

    keyword explorer

    While using keyword research tool I am constantly getting this "Getting serp analysis failed. Please retry your search or refresh this page" Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 7.52.37 PM.png

    Moz Tools | | moz559000
  • Unsolved


    Hi Team
    Looking to share MOZ API credentials with DashThis - They provide an all in one reporting solution for all aspects of digital marketing.
    Does anyone use DashThis?

    API | | SkyrailCairns
  • Unsolved

    moz crawler

    MOZ crawl has been waiting since April 2nd. Whats the deal? I am not able to "recrawl", so i have been stuck in limbo.

    Product Support | | WebMarkets

  • technical seo getting beaten sites with no seo ranking 1

    I'm new to SEO, and am stubbornly trying to educate myself. I have a telescope shop in Canada, it's a small business that we run on the side. We're driving lots of traffic through FB and our outreach programs but I really want to increase our presence on search. We released a new website back in January and it killed some of our rankings. We're working our way back with a very specific set of efforts on regular SEO: Metadata and titles, although it seems that's not super relevant Building high quality backlinks and eliminating any spammy backlinks Rewriting product listings so that they are original content though I'm not sure how important this is in e-commerce Writing high quality articles and blog posts Working relevant keywords into our product pages and titles I understand that good SEO is about pushing on all the levers, and trying to make sure that your site is as valuable to the end user as possible. We're making some good progress, but I'm puzzled by the #1 shop in Canada. They don't put any apparent effort into SEO and they still rank #1 on every key product we compete with them on. I've worked with two separate, highly ranked and regarded SEO firms on this and neither has been able to tell my why this other site ranks so highly. Here's a specific example on a popular product that we both sell, the Celestron NexStar 8SE. Here’s the link to Telescope Canada’s page for their Celestron 8SE: Here’s a link to the Celestron 8SE page from the manufacturer website: Telescopes Canada has just copied and pasted. There is no original content aside from adding the shipping and return policy to the tab, and having some options for selecting accessories on the page. Here is our page: We have higher page authority, higher domain authority, and they keyword analyzer in moz says that our page is higher quality than the Telescopes Canada page. I can’t find a single metric on any tool (ubbersuggest, Moz, ahrefs, semrush) that says Telescopes Canada is a better site, or has a better NexStar 8SE product page. But they keep ranking ahead of us, and right at the top of google search. Our titles are good, our metadata is good (but I don’t think that’s been a serious ranking factor for about ten years). Our text is original, it’s relevant, we have healthy internal links to the page. According to Moz's page ranker it's 20 points higher than Telescope Canada's page. We have invensted in some excellent blog content, we’re adding new products to the website so that we rank for more keywords. All of those things are helping, but I fundamentally don’t understand why Telescopes Canada is #1 almost across the board on every key product in our market. There is something that I’m not seeing here. Can you see any metric, any tool in your toolbox that indicates why they rank at the top, or even higher than we do for in these search terms specific to that product: Celestron NexStar 8SE
    NexStar 8SE
    Celestron NexStar 8SE Canada
    NexStar 8SE Canada I have a feeling it's something technical that I'm missing, but I'm not sure how obvious it is with two 'professional' firms not finding it. I'd really appreciate any help or insight that you can offer.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nkennett

  • 1 e-commerce site has bad seo

    I’ve been working on educating myself about SEO all day, again. All-Star Telescope up in Canada. We have a competitor that consistently ranks #1 and I don't get it. Their site is full of duplicate content (straight copy and paste from the manufacturer site). They don't have any meaningful blog or video content to add relevance or value to their site. We have higher page authority, higher domain authority, and they keyword analyzer in moz says that our page is higher quality than the the competitors page. Our site is slow, but theirs is slower. I can’t find a single metric on any tool (ubbersuggest, Moz, ahrefs, semrush) that says Telescopes Canada is a better site, or has a better NexStar 8SE product page (a popular telescope). Here’s the link to Telescope Canada’s page for their Celestron 8SE: Here’s a link to the Celestron 8SE page from the manufacturer website: Telescopes Canada has just copied and pasted. There is no original content aside from adding the shipping and return policy to the tab, and having some options for selecting accessories on the page. Here is our page: Our titles are good, our metadata is good (but I don’t think that’s been a serious ranking factor for about ten years). The text is original, it’s relevant, we have healthy internal links to the page. We have invensted in some excellent blog content, we’re adding new products to the website so that we rank for more keywords. All of those things are helping, but I fundamentally don’t understand why Telescopes Canada is #1 almost across the board on every key product in our market. There is something that I’m not seeing here, something that isn't being captured by the tools that I have. Is it simple the fact that they get more traffic? Is that why some people go and buy traffic? Can you see any metric, any tool in your toolbox that indicates why they rank at the top, or even higher than we do for in these search terms specific to that product: Celestron NexStar 8SE
    NexStar 8SE
    Celestron NexStar 8SE Canada
    NexStar 8SE Canada We've worked with two highly ranked SEO's to try and figure this out, one in Canada, and one in the USA. I haven't seen a confidence inspiring answer from either of them. Posting on a forum is a bit of an act of desperation, I'll continue to work the problem, but it's discouraging to see the leader in my industry look like he's just phoning it in with his website.

    Technical SEO | | nkennett

  • navigation site crawl page rank local seo

    I have a client that is a national brand with 400+ local brick and mortar businesses. Like any site, you navigate to “find a location” and then click on the business location closest to you. I’m going to call these local businesses “subsites”. When you’re on the subsite, the global navigation goes away, and the new subsite navigation replaces it. The subsite navigation does not link back up to the main global navigation (except for the homepage when you click on logo).
    I’ll try to give you a simple visual: Structure of global navigation: (high volume KW) volume KW) volume KW)
    Once you go to the subsite of Dallas, TX, the navigation changes to: (same service as above but localized) (same service as above but localized) (same service as above but localized) I told my client that because the subsite does not link back up to the national pages of the site, the page rank does not get to recirculate through the website. Once the page rank is passed down to the subsites, it just recirculates within the subsite like it is its own little website on a website.
    I believe this is causing a lot of problems with the ranking of the national pages because there are 400+ subsites (with 15 service pages = ~6,000 pages) that don’t let the pagerank flow back up to the main global navigation, recirculating the PR throughout the website.
    It is a big ask for the client to change their website navigation without proof that this is happening. So that is what I’m looking for. Has anyone had this problem before or can point me to something to show to my client that we need to keep that global navigation on the subsites?

    Technical SEO | | RiseSEO

  • international seo

    I have got an interesting situation where I have a client who wants to merge two ccTLD's into one. They currently have .fi and .com and they want to merge both sites to .com .fi is for finland and .com for USA. They want to merge the sites and the original plan was to use subfolders for each country and pair with hreflang. However the team now wants to merge both sites with NO subfolders differentiating between finland or the US. My understanding of International SEO that this is the most opposite from best practices, but is there any specific reasons why they wouldn't want to do this? I'm struggling to find any specific reasons that I can cite to the client that would argue why we should at least do a subfolder or some sort of international seo strategy.

    International SEO | | JKhoo

  • blog post outreach blog post backlinks guest blog posting in context link building content marketing

    Hi all, My understanding of obtaining backlinks by way of blogpost outreach is that it's best to include several outbound links to related high domain websites within blog post copy (as well as a link to the website you're marketing, obviously) such as this post or this one However, I've recently read a few articles that suggest that from a human perspective only having one clear link in the copy, such as this post, increases the chance of the reader visiting the site in question. I guess the thinking is that if there's only one link to be clicked on it increases the chances of click-thru, as opposed to the reader possibly clicking on another external link that's only there because of current SEO advice. So is it best to follow SEO guidelines and include several outbound links within guest blog posts, or is it better to only have the one link to your client's site (to focus the readers attention on it)?

    Link Building | | JCN-SBWD
  • Unsolved

    crawl error crawl in progress crawl stalled

    The latest crawl on my site was the 4th Jan with a current crawl 'in progress'. How do i cancel this crawl and start a new one? I've been getting keyword ranking etc but no new issues are coming through. Screenshot 2022-05-31 083642.jpg

    Moz Tools | | ClaireU

  • duplicate content

    Hello, I had an issue with some pages being listed as duplicate content in my weekly Moz report. I've since discussed it with my web dev team and we decided to stop the pages from being crawled. The web dev team added this coding to the pages <meta name='robots' content='max-image-preview:large, noindex dofollow' />, but the Moz report is still reporting the pages as duplicate content. Note from the developer "So as far as I can see we've added robots to prevent the issue but maybe there is some subtle change that's needed here. You could check in Google Search Console to see how its seeing this content or you could ask Moz why they are still reporting this and see if we've missed something?" Any help much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | rj_dale

  • local listings

    Hello, we have a google my business account. On it is saying they would like access to our google account. Is that normal for bing to share access with the google my business account? Thanks.

    Local Listings | | MeritInsuranceGroup

  • rankings seo rankings seo on page optimization on-page

    Hello all. I have been working three months in my current job in the hotel industry. I have been publishing a lot of content to our website (mainly articles), which in general have been ranking well and really boosted our website traffic. The problem that I am facing, though, is the fact that our static pages' rankings are basically constantly dropping. Especially one of our main pages, which is this hotel page. I haven't been doing any real changes to the content, but the ranking (with keywords "hotelli helsinki" [Hotel in Helsinki in Finnish]) has plummeted from 13th position all the way down to 19th... What has been happening during these last three months is that we did change to a new domain and we have done all the redirections and also informed Google about this change through search console. I have also done some minor changes to the on-page content, such as changing the meta titles and descriptions as well as the page title and some of the text content to more natural ones instead of clumsy SEO texts and optimizing the images. This hasn't helped at all though and the rankings seem to steadily drop all the time. What would YOU do with this page? Maybe add more text content to the page to be more informative? All tips would be highly appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | haapalatuomas

  • seo local seo dynamic content

    Doing work for a telecom provider who operates in over 25 states. They are not trying to drive traffic to their brick-and-mortar stores. They want their marketing website to show products/services/pricing dynamically when a user enters their zip code. Previously, we could not show this until the shopper was already in the purchase flow that began with their serviceable address. They want to move these location-based details more forward in the shopping experience. They would likely have a "default" zip and set of services/pricing displaying until a user changes their location. My question is how does Google treat local SEO on a site where all location-targeted content is dynamic? Will the website suffer in localized search, when a shopper, say, in Colorado, wants to search for Internet providers? Is it better to have distinct landing pages for each territory with services/pricing?

    Local SEO | | sprydigital

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