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  • Unsolved


    After the free trial period, payment was made automatically. I thought I had canceled my subscription, but it did not apply.

    Support | | rudgns3331

  • local seo reviews google my business

    Hi Mozers, I have a cosmetic dentist client, in Belgium, who had 95 reviews. And in 2 days, he lost 20 good reviews (10 reviews per day), from real customers. The problem is that his rating went down drastically because they were only 5 star reviews. Yesterday he got a 5 star review from a real customer and this morning he disappeared. Have you ever experienced such a scenario? What could be the cause? Thank you in advance for your help. Kind regards,

    Reviews and Ratings | | JonathanLeplang
  • Unsolved

    accountdeleted support moz pro

    I've just got our account live again after the old payment card had expired. Now I'm back in the account I don't see my old set up and all the site / keywords I've previously had set up. Can you help?

    Moz Pro | | Paul_Coupe
  • Unsolved

    refund amount

    I did not know that automatic payments were being made after using the trial version. I just saw money was flowing through my credit card and I urgently canceled my subscription. Request a refund for the amount. As i am learning will use after some time.
    Kindly refund my amount.

    Moz Pro | | NatwarG
  • Unsolved


    I did not know that automatic payments were being made after using the trial version. I just saw money was flowing through my credit card and I urgently canceled my subscription. Request a refund for the amount automatically paid for a fee. The reason is that I didn't use it.

    Moz Pro | | infinitejoo
  • Unsolved


    With the new GA4 coming out in 2023, can our Moz accounts connect to the new GA4 property?

    Product Support | | ArttiaCreative

  • writers content medical

    I have a substantial writing project. One long piece (giveaway PDF), 20 or so follow-up pieces. About a specific medical condition. Where do I find a writer to work with?

    Content Development | | Byron_W

  • redirect chain https

    I've got a redirect chain happening
    http > https> https.www. I can't find how to fix this one. My site is on siteground which forces the https at server level and then onto cloudflare. Anyone have any ideas?

    On-Page Optimization | | Libra_Photographic
  • Unsolved

    robots roger-bot

    Anyone got any ideas how to get a server/hosting provider who is preventing rogerbot from crawling and me not been able to set up a campaign to duplicate the error on there end? The server/hosting provider is crazydomains dot com My clients robots.txt User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: Sitemap: https://www. something

    Moz Tools | | Moving-Web-SEO-Auckland
  • Unsolved markup schema schema markup

    I have added markup to many pages on my site (e.g - since it is a quote site I marked up all the quotations - it validates with - but when I use MozBar and look at Page Analysis-->Markup the moz bar says I have no markup. Is this something Moz only updates periodically? If so, anyone know how often they update? or any ideas why moz bar is reporting a false negative?

    Moz Bar | | daviddq

  • 301 redirect page rank

    I have a blog which is ranking well for certain terms, and would like to repurpose it to better explain these terms it is ranking for, including updating the url to the new term the blog will be about. The plan being to 301 redirect the old url to new. In the past, I've done this with other pages, and have actually lost much of the rankings that I had earned on the original URL. What is your take on this? Maybe repurpose blog, but maintain original URL just to be on the safe side? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | CitimarineMoz
  • Unsolved

    structured data breadcrumblist breadcrumbs

    Hello, I would like to update the google search rich results for our website using breadcrumblist structured data. I followed google guidelines on how to get this done and even tested it using the Rich Results test but non of the changes I made show up in google search.
    Is anyone able to provide assistance with this process?

    Technical SEO | | GlobalDentalShop

  • authority redirect 302

    Hi, I have the opportunity to acquire a domain of a company that is closing in a similar industry who currently have a decent Authority - 51DA, 5,752 Linking Domains. I cannot do anything with the new business yet but if I acquire the domain the existing website will turn off. If I crawl the existing site and 302 redirect all pages to a holding page on said domain, will that preserve authority while I start the new business and build the new website and like-for-like pages?

    Technical SEO | | Ant-Scarborough
  • Unsolved This question is deleted!

  • Unsolved

    25 404 error crawl error

    Hi Community, has anyone else had a 404 error reported by Moz, where the end of the domain is /%25s? The error comes from my blog home page But when I look at the source code, I can't see anything that has a space at the end of the URL. I wonder if it is to do with the WordPress search? Thanks in advance for any insight.

    Moz Pro | | kaydeeweb
  • Unsolved


    Hello We are going through the exercise of keyword matrix and want to know if we can get someone to listen in for 5-10 min to make sure we are on the right track. Thank you - Brad

    Product Support | | B2daGz
  • Unsolved

    looping error bug

    When I am trying to optimise a page within MOZ this message box appears: dcf38be5-eff4-4317-87ab-ab560e8fea7c-image.png I click 'Track Keyword' and it just loops round with the same message over and over again. I have already added this particular keyword to be tracked but I still get the error message. Can anyone help?

    Product Support | | Zigaflow

  • cannibalization

    Hi Moz Community, Glad to be here with you. I need some help from you guys. I have a new client website: [](link url) My client runs this type of business offering professional therapeutic health services. It offers massage services on demand ("mobile", therapists visiting clients at home). The client has his business registered, and the therapists listed on the website are carefully vetted, all having training in different types of massage. The client's problem is that until 2 months ago the site was in position 3-4 in Google (somewhat stable) with the main page for the keyword "mobile massage London". Recently I noticed that another page on the site that lists all therapists - i.e. this page [](link url)- is on the first page of Google for the above keyword, although both the title tag, meta description and the page on the site do not target the above keyword.
    I notice that both pages have serious fluctuations in the SERP for the mentioned keyword, sometimes appearing both in the results.
    The Home page is marked as rel=canonical Of course the position in SERP fluctuates from 8, 11, 12, 7. What should I do to solve this problem? Any thoughts here would be appreciated. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | Koyel9754
  • Solved This question is deleted!


  • nap address

    I have an issue with an address. Some sources use a space in it, others do not. For example:
    '123 Blue Berry Road' is recognized by Google, various other sites and Google will correct the search if not using the space. '123 Blueberry Road' is recognized by the USPS. To make things more complicated, the road is split between 3 towns. 1 of which is recognized by Google as the proper usps validated 'Blueberry Road' And as if it couldn't get even more complicated than that, the address is recognized by USPS as a different town than the location is actually in or taxed as. But that's not really the problem, because everyone agrees that the wrong town is how USPS recognizes it and that will be that. It's just the space that is the issue. How much of an affect will this have either way I go with it? Thanks in advance!

    SEO Tactics | | pg181
  • Unsolved

    api keywords

    Hi, my boss is asking if you "have any API for keyword research -- e.g., as soon as a user creates a card title in [our application], we can auto-recommend keywords from Moz within [the application]. I shared a link with him to your Links API page, but he says he doesn't think that API does the above. Can you help? Thank you, Renae

    API | | CarolinaRen

  • seo rankings seo

    I've recently been confused by a marketplace that appears to have significant traction (500K) despite having a very low DR (46). Has anyone experienced something similar and been able to attribute this?

    SEO Tactics | | MarketGrowth

  • international seo seo international google rankings

    Hi there, I have a question regarding international SEO and the APAC region in particular. We currently have a website extension .com and offer our content in English. However, we notice that our website hardly ranks in Google in the APAC region, while one of the main languages in that region is also English. I figure one way would be to set up .com/sg/ (or .com/au/ or .com/nz/), but then the content would still be in English. So wouldn't that be counted as duplicate content? Does anyone have experience in improving website rankings for various English-speaking countries, without creating duplicate content? Thanks in advance for your help!

    International SEO | | Billywig

  • urlredirect optimization content marketing seo tactics content development redirect

    What are best practices for rewriting (and then redirecting) blog URLs? I refresh old blog posts on our blog every month and many of them have URLs that are too long or could be improved. However, many of them also already get decent organic traffic and I don't want to lose traffic due to a URL redirect. Are there any best practices or "rules" I can follow when deciding whether to re-write and redirect blog URLs?

    Content Development | | Emily.R.Monrovia
  • Unsolved

    performance metrics crawl error

    I am getting an error:
    Crawl Error for mobile & desktop page crawl - The page returned a 4xx; Lighthouse could not analyze this page.
    I have Lighthouse whitelisted, is there any other site I need to whitelist? Anything else I need to do in Cloudflare or Datadome to allow this tool to work?

    Product Support | | bhsiao 0

  • meta data google

    I have seen several posts as to why google may not be using the meta description. The most common reason is that they found other text on the page that is more relevant. While I have seen this to be the case on some, most of the time it is not. Is there any way to alert the google bot that it is taking wrong info that would not be good to the user?

    Technical SEO | | RobDalton
  • Unsolved

    crawl performance

    I'm looking to do a 1-off Performance Metrics analysis across dozens of pages on a single website - a prospective client. I thought it would be part of the On-Demand Crawl.

    Moz Tools | | amandacash85896

  • designoptimizations cta html css

    We are a casino affiliations company, our website has a lot of the same casino offers. So is it beneficial to put the content over the casino offers, then do a CSS flex, reverse wrap, so the HTML has the page content first, but the visual of the page displays the casinos first and the content after? or just the usual i.e image the HTML as content first, and CSS makes offers come first?

    On-Page Optimization | | JoelssonMedia
  • Unsolved


    Hello, I need to cancel my account, how do I do that?

    Product Support | | heelo
  • Unsolved

    trial beginner features question

    If you had to prioritize Moz features for those just getting started, what would be your top three? I have my own thoughts here, but I am keen to hear what other Mozers believe.

    Getting Started | | CAYK
  • Unsolved


    Hello, We noticed that MOZ tried to charge our credit card, while we are on Trial period until today. We decided to cancel the subscription (until our budget grows and come back). The tool is great, but it currently is too expensive for our business. We enjoyed the trial period and will surely come back when our business can afford it!! Thanks!

    Getting Started | | intenseed
  • Unsolved

    moz crawler


    Moz Tools | | Anderik
  • Unsolved

    cancelation cancelmyaccount

    Hello, I need to cancel my account, how do I do that?

    Product Support | | ray96
  • Unsolved

    schema markup schema local seo technical seo

    Hello! I've been having a hard time finding an answer to this specific question so I figured I'd drop it here. I always add custom LocalBusiness markup to clients' homepages, but sometimes the client's website provider will include their own automated LocalBusiness markup. The codes I create often include more information. Assuming the website provider is unwilling to remove their markup, is it a bad idea to include my code as well? It seems like it could potentially be read as spammy by Google. Do the pros of having more detailed markup outweigh that potential negative impact?

    Local Website Optimization | | GoogleAlgoServant

  • moz crawler

    Hi, i need help regarding Moz Can't Crawl Your Site i also share screenshot that Moz was unable to crawl your site on Mar 26, 2022. Our crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster.
    my robts.txt also ok i checked it
    Here is my website
    just check it please as soon as possibe

    Technical SEO | | JasonTorney
  • Unsolved

    nextjs canonical title

    We recently migrated our page to next JS which is supposed to be great for SEO
    On almost all our pages we are getting the same errors Missing Canonical Tag Missing Title Missing or Invalid H1 Missing Description We don't understand this because we have all of that content on every page. We believe that maybe NextJs is having a incompatibility with Moz. Has anyone had any experience with this?

    Moz Pro | | 4thWhale
  • Unsolved


    I'm trying to use it during SEO training over here and the KW button goes to a "Get Page Optimization Score with MozBar Premium - Try Free", with a link that takes you to: | NA&utm_adgroup=Brand - MozBar&utm_term=mozbar&gclid=CjwKCAjwxOCRBhA8EiwA0X8hi4Tx1YaOVwzWZaCGmzmYdBO4JEON8YlRMw52stp2AyfEBbH4uWDnARoCum0QAvD_BwE? Didn't this used to accept keywords and allow keyword checking? My training materials have the KW button behaving like this: [1] Do Keyword Research in MozBar.
    1. Click the icon with KW and a magnifying glass.
    2. Enter a term related to your subject. For example, "cyber security".
    There is a section telling you the keyword score, the relevancy to your page, and giving you optimizations that you can make to the page regarding this term.... Thus, I feel sure KW had useful and free features and not a button for a trial and paid Moz Bar Premium account. What is the pricing for this feature now? Or am I missing something? Thanks,

    Moz Bar | | EricaJorgensen

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