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  • Unsolved

    crawl errors 403 errors url issue fix error help

    A bit at a loss here. I ran a URL crawl report at the end of January on a website( ). There were no major critical issues at the time. No updates were made on the website (that I'm aware of), but after running another crawl on March 14, the report was short about 90 pages on the site and suddenly had a ton of 403 errors. I ran a crawl again on March 15 to check if there was perhaps a discrepancy, and the report crawled even fewer pages and had completely different results again. Is there a reason the results are differing from report to report? Is there something about the reports that I'm not understanding or is there a serious issue within the website that needs to be addressed? Jan. 28 results:
    Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 3.00.52 PM.png March 14 results:
    Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 10.31.22 AM.png March 15 results:
    Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 4.06.42 PM.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | OliviaKantyka

  • long url url issue

    I am running a multi-language website (Ar/En): When I carry out Audit using Moz Pro, I see many issues related to long URL length in Arabic pages although they don't exceed 65 characters long in the Arabic language. Can you help me with this issue, please?

    Technical SEO | | MoamenNada

  • pagination

    Question on Pagination Because we could have /blog/ or /blog/?page=1 as page one would this be the correct way to markup the difference between these two URL? The first page of a sequence could start with either one of these URLs. Clarity around what to do on this first page would be helpful. Example… Would this be the correct way to do this as these two URLs would have the exact content? Internal links would likely link to /blog/ so signal could be muddy. URL:
    <link rel="canonical" href=""> URL:
    <link rel="canonical" href=""> Google is now saying to just use the canonical to the correct paginated URL with page number. You can read that here: But they do not clarify what to do on /blog/?page=1 vs /blog/ as they are the exact same thing. Thanks for your help.

    Technical SEO | | jorgensoncompanies
  • Unsolved

    image alt tag reporting monitoring site crawl

    We had a client come to us and let us know another vendor had notified them that many of the images on their site are missing alt tags / text. I know this was a big deal back in the day, but I haven't heard much about it lately. I am assuming if it doesn't even show up in the Moz site crawl, it must not be a big deal any more, but I would love to have more info about how important image alt tags are and if they are important, why Moz does not report them.

    Moz Pro | | CaliberMG

  • seo audit google analytics

    Hi My website was infected with the malware. We have cleaned it and during the process we had to delete the cache. Now website is showing like this on the google. How can i fix this? 3e8e9111-eac7-4238-a691-9678542eb4cf-image.png Secondly, As i have lost all the ranking, how can i get back quickly? Please help Thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | fslpso
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings keywords

    HI I'm just setting up a new project/client and see Moz has auto-populated the keyword field in the new project setup form. Where does it get these from? Since I'm looking at the client's site through the Moz browser and cant see any of these KW in the usual/ obvious places? Whats the data source for this auto-population? All Best

    Moz Pro | | Dan-Lawrence

  • moz pro url issue shopify

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding broken URL links on my website. Late last year I move my site from an old platform to Shopify, and now have broken URL links giving out 4xx errors. When I look at Moz Pro>Campaigns>Insights>links, I can see the top broken URL links, however there is a difference if copy & paste URL directly from Moz Pro and by Export CSV file. For example below, If I copy and paste links direct from Moz Pro, it has the “http://” in front as below: But when I export the list of links as an CSV file, the http:// is removed. Another Example below: By copy & paste URL direct from Moz Pro By export CSV file. Which one do I use to enter into the “Redirect From” field in Shopify URL Redirects? Do I need to have the http:// in front of the URL? Or is it not required for redirects to work? Kind Regards, John Wall
    The Hair Hub

    Technical SEO | | johnwall
  • Unsolved


    In the rush to get our account set up and running our team added about 250+ keywords. Many are really close duplicates or a close rephrasing of the same idea. I'd say almost 100 of them fit into this category. Does it make sense to just leave these and continue to add better keywords or should we do some purging? Help!

    Keyword Explorer | | Worship_Times

  • wordpress seo duplicate content

    Hi, I keep getting alert for duplicate content. It seems Wordpress is creating it through a /tag Something in the way we've got Wordpress set up?

    Technical SEO | | curveballmedia

  • indexation indexed urls

    Over the past 5 months many of our clients are having indexing issues for their blog posts.
    A blog from 5 months ago could be indexed, and a blog from 1 month ago could be indexed but blogs from 4, 3 and 2 months ago aren't indexed. It isn't consistent and there is not commonality across all of these clients that would point to why this is happening. We've checked sitemap, robots, canonical issues, internal linking, combed through Search Console, run Moz reports, run SEM Rush reports (sorry Moz), but can't find anything. We are now manually submitting URLs to be indexed to try and ensure they get into the index. Search console reports for many of the URLs will show that the blog has been fetched and crawled, but not indexed (with no errors). In some cases we find that the blog paginated pages (i.e. blog/page/2 , blog/page/3 , etc.) are getting indexed but not the blogs themselves. There aren't any nofollow tags on the links going to the blogs either. Any ideas? *I've added a screenshot of one of the URL inspection reports from Search Console alt text

    Technical SEO | | JohnBracamontes
  • Unsolved

    moz pro crawl errors wrong insight canonical

    I'm trying MozPro considering using it.
    One of the tool which is appealing is the crawl and insights.
    After quick use, I really question many of the alerts, for instance, I got a "missing canonical tag" on this url: but when I check my markup, there's clearly a canonical tag: <link rel="canonical" href=""> Anybody can explain?
    I asked Moz Pro staff when being onboarded but didn't get an answer...
    Honestly, I'm questioning the value of these crawls, or may be I miss something?

    Moz Pro | | rolandvintners

  • seo tactic indexation optimization core web vitals crawl

    Hi there, I am having issues getting our new site, indexed by Google although it seems all technical and content requirements are well in place for it. In the past, I had way poorer websites running with very bad setups and performance indexed faster. What's concerning me, among others, is that the crawler of Google comes from time to time when looking on Google Search Console but does not seem to make progress or to even follow any link and the evolution does not seem to do what google says in GSC help. For instance, our sitemap.xml was submitted, for a few days, it seemed like it had an impact as many pages were then visible in the coverage report, showing them as "detected but not yet indexed" and now, they disappeared from the coverage report, it's like if it was not detected any more. Anybody has any advice to speed up or accelerate the indexing of a new website like ours? It's been launched since now almost two months and I was expected, at least on some core keywords, to quickly get indexed.

    Technical SEO | | rolandvintners
  • Unsolved

    labels keywords upload

    Hi, I would like to update all my keyword labels via a .csv upload, however, when I try to upload the keyword file with the updated labels, I'm advised I don't have enough keywords left for the import. Am I using the correct upload tool or is there a way around this, please?

    Keyword Research | | Rich-H
  • Unsolved

    labels csv upload keywords

    Hi, I'd like to update all my keyword labels in one go and I thought it would be easier to do this via a csv upload) however, when I try to upload the keyword file with all my existing keywords and the labels, it says I can't due to me reaching my keyword limit.
    Am I trying to upload the labels with the wrong tool, or is there another way around this, please?

    Moz Pro | | Rich-H

  • digital marketing content marketing

    Hi! I've recently put together a website that compares credit cards: the work has been going quite smoothly up until now, I've known what to do and I've known what I wanted to achieve, but regarding how to get people to the site I'm at a loss as to where I should spend my resources... inbound marketing or content marketing - which of these would be best for a credit card comparison website? appreciate any thoughts

    Digital Marketing | | issselin
  • Unsolved

    seo seo tactics seo training digital marketing training

    Hi Everyone, I have a basic SEO and Digital Marketing knowledge and looking for a course /training which will teach me step by step SEO and tools need to use with hand on training. I have a website ( which I need bring in Google Packs and on the first page of Google. I have attended a few courses but none of them offered in depth knowledge with hands on training so whatever I do it is not producing results. Thanks

    SEO Tactics | | fslpso

  • seo

    Will skipping <H> tags on a page have any impact on your SEO, e.g. skipping a <H2> so your page has a <H1> and then goes to a <H3>? Obviously a page must have a <H1>, but does it matter if you skip other headings?

    Technical SEO | | ciehmoz
  • Unsolved

    local seo google my business seo tactics

    Our company has been purchased. As part of the rollup, our company name will change to theirs and our website will be removed with all web presence being a basic landing page. I am looking for ideas on how to minizine the huge SEO losses we will have soon. I plan to focus on local SEO starting with GMB. Any other tips or direction?

    Moz Local | | jgoethert
  • Unsolved

    spam score white hat

    How can I reduce the spamscore on my website?
    All the activities I did on my website were completely white hat and I did not do any spam jobs, but my spam score is 2%
    This is my site address
    Please help me how can I reduce the spamscore in my account?

    Moz Tools | | serktba

  • www to non www ssl

    Hello, when I try to access my website using www i would like it to redirect to non www but instead it shows a sal error message.

    On-Page Optimization | | Voopoo
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings keyword explorer

    I have already talked to Moz support and it was unhelpful. A large part of why I am paying for this membership is to track my company's overall rankings and keyword data. It has been well over a month since the last update when I search my company's name under "keyword research" and search by site. It hasn't budged yet it says it updates every two weeks. What gives? What value is Moz even providing to me?

    Keyword Explorer | | mwolfer
  • Unsolved

    site crawl

    Hi, we have some 308 redirects on our website, which are permanent redirects, but the site crawler is flagging them as temporary currently. Screenshot 2022-02-10 14.24.26.png

    Moz Pro | | pm-mbc
  • Unsolved

    moz pro keywords

    Hi, I'm just digging through Moz pro at the moment, and really like the true competitor feature, but would like to be able to see the keywords our competitors rank for and we don't, rather than just the overlapping ones. Is this possible at all? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | pm-mbc

  • seo 301 redirect rankings

    Hi, Our website is 10 years old, but I only noticed last night we had a page which has some badly formatted copy on. I redirected (301) to the home page Then I had a slight panic that maybe this was the wrong thing to do and it should be like it was with the home page and the /main page. Should I have left it or did I do the right thing?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | curveballmedia
  • Unsolved

    moz pro moz academy

    Hi Fans of MOZ, is there anyone out there that knows MOZ like an uber user and understands the details on crawl reports and what they mean? I'm looking for someone to review my MOZ results and give me some practical suggestions to work on with my SEO and web teams. Any takers?
    Bob Preston,

    Moz Pro | | NCPG
  • Unsolved

    keywords keyword density

    I am using MOZ keyword explorer for quite some time. Yesterday I was checking KD for a keyword of my new tech-related website but it showed a different KD every time for the same keyword. The keyword is "NEW JERSEY IT SUPPORT", the first time it showed 29, and 2nd time it showed 33. Why is this happening?

    Keyword Explorer | | beuiakahaha421

  • google analytics google tag manager bounce rate

    My client's site that is reporting an under 10% bounce rate for all sources. Direct is the highest at 8%. I'm no expert in GA but wondering if there is a problem with the analytics/tag manager code on the site. I'm especially concerned about the GTM body script being in an iframe which I read could be trouble. <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
    <noscript><iframe src=""
    height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
    <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> You can see all the source code here:

    Reporting & Analytics | | bradsimonis

  • 403 errors technical seo

    Hi, all! I've been working with a Wordpress site that I inherited that gets little to no organic traffic, despite being content rich, optimized, etc. I know there's something wrong on the backend but can't find a satisfactory culprit. When I emulate googlebot, most pages give me a 403 error. Also, google will not index many urls which makes sense and is a massive headache. All advice appreciated! The site is It is specific to WP Engine, using GES (Global Edge Security) and WPWAF

    Technical SEO | | SimpleSearch
  • Unsolved


    The domain authority has not changed for a few months; even I got some high-quality links from authority sites, and Moz has not crawled them yet? Can someone tell me how much time it generally Moz takes to crawl new links for a domain and update DA?
    My domain is

    Moz Tools | | peaceforchange00

  • 404 error

    Hello everyone! I have always known enough about Google Analytics and SEO to be dangerous, but was not a focus for me. I am working on a project were I am looking at stuff where my knowledge is limited. The scenario is that the domain I am looking at will serve a 404 error, but keeps the url, I guess for tracking purposes. At the same time, there is a page "Page_Not_Found" that has elevated visits. I am not sure how to tell where the visits are coming from to the PNF since the Previous Page is mostly identified as "(entrance)" Is the PNF correlated to the process of serving an error page but not changing the URL? Ideally, I am looking to identify and improve the 404 visits. I hope that I provided clear enough information. Happy to provide more as needed.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HankHoffmeier
  • Unsolved This question is deleted!


  • google analytics direct traffic

    Hello, I work for an agency and we have seen a big rise in bounce rate for 4 of our clients which happened on the exact same day. This rise on bounce rate is across all traffic sources. We are also seeing a big increase in direct traffic, starting on the same day. Is it possible for bot traffic to affect the bounce rate of all other traffic sources? We have ruled out double reporting in GA but can explain how the bounce rate has increased for all traffic sources. How is this linked to the rise in direct traffic (in some cases as high as 500%)? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | jenallen

  • wordpress subdirectory domain authority

    Hi There, I'm working on a WordPress site that includes a premium content blog with approx 900 posts. As part of the project, those 900 posts and other membership functionality will be moved from the main site to another site built specifically for content/membership. Ideally, we want the existing posts to remain on the root domain to avoid a loss in link juice/domain authority. We initially began setting up a WordPress Multisite using the sub-directory option. This allows for the main site to be at and the secondary site to be at Unfortunately, the themes and plugins we need for the platform do not play nicely with WordPress Multisite, so we started seeking a new solution, and, discovered that a second instance of WordPress can be installed in a subdirectory on the server. This would give us the same subdirectory structure while bypassing WordPress Multisite and instead, having two separate single-site installs. Do you foresee any issues with this WordPress subdirectory install? Does Google care/know these are two separate WordPress installs and do we risk losing any link juice/domain authority?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HimalayanInstitute
  • Unsolved

    keywords keyword rankings

    I've been doing SEO on a clients site, for a back page for 6 months now. Good amount of backlinks, has a PA/DA of 34/32, it's indexed by Google (via Console)...but it's not getting picked up for a single keyword (same in Ahrefs). Haven't had this happen before, what am I missing?

    Keyword Explorer | | AdkinsDigital

  • seo rankings spam plagiarism duplicate content

    Can someone provides insights on a de-indexing example? I have gone through the depths of Google lack of support and requesting duplicate content flags, so no avail. Here's the scenario: Client had a competing SEO provider try to earn his business. In doing so, he copied word for word our blog that we have been producing content on over the last 5 years. He also integrated Google reviews in the structured data on this new URL. Well, fast forward 1-2 months later, our rankings started to drop. We found this 100% plagiarized site is taking away from our keyword rankings on GMB, and is no and Google search, and our site GMB is now only displaying on a branded name search as well as our search traffic has dropped. I have identified the plagiarized, duplicated content, being tied to our GMB as well, as the source of the problem. Well, I finally obtain ed control of the plagarized domain and shut down the hosted, and forwarded the URL to our URL. Well, Google still has the HTTS version of the site indexed. And it is in my professional opinion, that since the site is still indexed and is associated with the physician GMB that was ranking for our target keyword and no longer does, that this is the barrier to ranking again. Since its the HTTPS version, it is not forwarded to our domain. Its a 504 error but is still ranking in the google index. The hosting and SSL was canceled circa December 10th. I have been waiting for Google to de-index this site, therefore allowing our primary site to climb the rankings and GMB rankings once again. But it has been 6 weeks and Google is still indexing this spam site. I am incredibly frustrated with google support (as a google partner) and disappointed that this spam site is still indexed. Again, my conclusion that when this SPAM site is de-indexed, we will return back to #1. But when? and at this point, ever? Highlighted below is the spam site. Any suggestions? Capture.PNG

    SEO Tactics | | WebMarkets

  • seo domain authority domain

    I am working on a new content website. Before I decide of the name and buy the domain name, I wonder if it's still worth buying an expired domain name with high(ish) DA instead of starting from scratch.
    Any opinion?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SolenneGINX
  • Unsolved

    share addresses same address how to list same address

    I have a two businesses with same address. Should I differentiate them with a different suite number?

    Getting Started | | jw3333
  • Unsolved

    crawl speed

    I know it can take time to crawl large website, but it's been well over 48 hrs and it would appear Moz just stopped crawling. How can I get Moz to crawl everything? (There are 9.5K pages).

    Support | | MarcoIMAGA

  • google knowledge panel answer box

    My organization is lucky enough to have a knowledge panel associated with our brand search: IEEE
    And, I "own" the panel e.g. Google knows that I am associated with the brand and multiple web properties related to it. (IEEE has many hundreds of related websites, and the domain is one of the oldest on the internet.) However, Google consistently displays incorrect information in the panel.
    I have spent much time "suggesting edits" for these data points, with some success over time. But, there are some things that they just won't fix. If you do that search for "ieee" you can see in the panel the Executives datapoint. The two individuals listed there are not executives of the IEEE organization. (IEEE is a professional membership organization with over 400K members around the world.) Those two guys are in fact members of IEEE, but they are not associated with the central organization. The actual principals are listed on the Wikipedia page that Google is using to populate other data points since it is a "trusted source":
    Despite my contacting Google over and over with the correct data, and proffering references to multiple pages that contain that data, including our own organizational pages:
    the Google team the "owns" the Knowledge Panels tells me: "We’ve reviewed your feedback, and unfortunately, the change you want to make to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers isn’t supported at the moment. There are parts of Google Search that can’t be edited or removed, such as content that is found on publicly available websites, unless that information is inaccurate." I had a couple of messages from actual signed individuals on that team telling me that they could not make such a change, because, in effect, the algorithm was populating the Panel and it was out of their control.
    This seems crazy to me. They are letting incorrect info stand for months at a time, despite a "trusted source" at the organization in question providing the correct data.
    I have had similar experiences with info in Answer Box sections of the SERP, for various other organization-related data points. This is becoming internally awkward, in that members and staff see this incorrect info and come to me to get it corrected. Not to mention that it harms the organization by misrepresenting it. Thoughts? Suggestions? Have others had success in effecting such corrections?

    Research & Trends | | SledDawg

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