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  • Unsolved

    moz pro

    Hello, We are currently a MozPro medium member and we are tracking but we have other sites we'd like to track as well. Wondering if we can track more sites with this subscription?

    Moz Pro | | KassandraSharr
  • Unsolved

    redirect 302 308

    Got a looooong list of redirect issues in my crawl for a new client, all reported as 302s but as far as I can see they are all 308s... which is perfectly fine, right, or have I missed a memo? They even confirm the 308 status in the moz detail.

    Moz Pro | | Algorhythm_jT
  • Unsolved

    not crawling anymore

    Moz is showing old results for site craw issues, the ondemand craw works but I can't fix these issues without knowing what causing them.

    Moz Pro | | paulwildweb
  • Unsolved

    moz pro seo optimization keyword density keywords

    In Mozbar, optimization factors
    "Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document"
    If a blog (or any other page) publishes an article, and that article attracts a considerable number of questions, it is inevitable to prevent repeating the keyword on that page. In other words, using keywords by users in comments should not be considered as "Keyword Stuffing". In my view, if this is true, you need to optimize the detection of "Keyword Stuffing".
    By the way, thanks for the valuable service and tools for SEO.
    Best regards,

    Moz Bar | | Seoman45

  • coursera udemy google videos

    I work for a website pretty much like Coursera, and google never brings up our videos in the SERP. It has been indexed and Search Console URL Inspection tool identifies it as a video object. is it a technical issue or just google doesn't like to show us in the SERP? Is there any way to fix this?

    Image & Video Optimization | | semrtaz
  • Unsolved

    crawl crawl errors

    hello moz . my site is papion shopping but when i start to add it an error appears that it cant gather any data in moz!! what can i do>???

    Moz Tools | | valigholami1386

  • seo seo audit

    hello . my website is but i cant make a site crawl for this . everytime i run crawling it stops and shows nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz helppp.

    Other SEO Tools | | valigholami1386

  • seo spam

    Do you know any good tips to reduce spam and if spams have an on google ranking?

    SEO Tactics | | easyjobber
  • Solved

    seo audit seo tactics

    hello . i am a user that runs parsp website . i really need to know how to run a site audit to keep my job clean and my site works well ! i need help and i am a newbie in this job . thanks moz !

    Moz Tools | | valigholami1386
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings reporting

    I'd like to build a report that provides me all of the ranking keywords (tracked and un-tracked) for about 100 specific webpages on the site. I can pull the keywords from Keyword Explorer using the exact page url, but I don't want to have to do that individually for all 100 or so pages.

    Keyword Explorer | | Dave_Hunt

  • migration transition planning rebrand

    Hello - my company is planning to transition to a new website domain sometime this year, probably about six months from now. Our current website does not currently get much organic traffic from unbranded search terms. I would really like to fix that by publishing lots of new blog posts and trying to get more backlinks. But with the website transition on the horizon, I'm wondering if I should hold off on posting new pages and getting backlinks for the time being. Then once the new website is live, I can start to ramp things up. What would you do in this situation? Also, does anyone know of any thorough guides or walk-throughs that cover all of the best practices (re: SEO) when migrating to a new website domain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | collinburkewg
  • Unsolved

    api urlmetrics google apps script error deserializing post body

    Hi, I'm trying to reproduce this Postman url_metrics request in Google Apps Script (GAS) : moz forum 2-2.jpg But in GAS, I get this error : moz-forum 2.jpg I suspect it's the body (line 90) that causes the issue, but can't figure out how to fix it. Any suggestion ?

    API | | adalako

  • site crawl technical seo

    Hi there, our website was revamped last year and Moz is unable to crawl the site since then. Could you please check what is the issue? @siteaudits @Crawlinfo

    Technical SEO | | helensohdg38
  • Solved

    titlepages titlepagestoolong help with title pages

    I have 598 Title Pages that are "too long." I've attached an Excel to take a look. I think I'll need to go through it one by one to make corrections but do not know the 1, 2, 3 steps to take. If you can help after taking a look. Thanks!

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes

  • shared hosting to vps www to non www

    Hi SEO gurus,
    I am trying to move my site from shared hosting to VPS hosting and also moving from www to non www version.
    What is the best possible way to avoid any issue and without losing the backlinks.
    Is it good or bad to do? URL:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SeoBlogs61
  • Unsolved

    charged help

    I forgot to cancel the trial period on time and my card is charged.
    I sent 2 emails to [email protected] with my account credentials. But I didn't get any reply yet. How can I get my money back?

    Product Support | | Pasindukw

  • url issue urlredirect optimization page rank optimization technical seo

    We are looking to change our blog structure which will help us with the organization of the topics but the url structure will change if we do this. Right now all of the blogs are under a general news blog, which we will be breaking out articles into several blog category topics Current:
    example of current structure
    current site: https://domain/blogs/news/blog article name Proposed Change:
    current site: https://domain/blogs/keyword-name-of-blog-category/blog article name We have ranked #1 for several keywords that we would like to preserve the ranking if we make this switch with 301 redirects. Looking for suggestion on the percentage of chance our ranking will be negatively affected and by how much? Also what everyones recommendation is if we should make this switch or not touch the urls. Your help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | theblueprints
  • This question is deleted!

  • Solved


    Re: Title Too Long - Seo importance 521bf443-0c95-46f7-b358-e8568a947a9e-image.png #titletoolong, #longtitlepages

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes

  • meta tags seo

    Hello, I am doing SEO for my business website. I am trying to generate Meta Tags here What should I enter for "Search engines should revisit this page after ". We are not going to change content on daily basis. 7 Days or 30 days are good enough?

    On-Page Optimization | | webdropyyc
  • Solved


    Is there a way to remove the Moz branding from automated PDF reports that are emailed to clients?

    Reporting & Analytics | | ArttiaCreative
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings keywords

    I've built new landing pages for a website, and have loaded them with researched keywords in the content, alt image attributes and metas etc - but, after a number of crawls, the keywords are currently being matched to other existing web pages on the website. Does anyone have any advice on 'unlatching' these keywords from these pages, and instead getting them to match with pages that have been optimised for them? Many thanks!

    Moz Pro | | Darkstarr666
  • Unsolved

    knowldege base

    Hi, I am looking to add a knowledgebase to our website. I would like it to be indexed by google to help with SEO. Does anyone know of a good knowledge base add on that works well with SEO. I have zoho knowledgebase, but I am not sure if would work well with SEO. Thanks !

    Web Design | | OrionPower

  • seo tactics mobile first indexing ecommerce

    When arranging content on a shop category page I place a descriptive optimized opening paragraph of text above products. On desktop this shows both the opening text and the products above the fold (visible here - also shown on the screen grab below). The text may well be ignored by most visitors (who will likely be drawn straight to product images) but it still serves a purpose. dekstop.png When it comes to smaller mobile screens I have started to disable the opening paragraph of text (above the products) and instead place a copy of it below the products, (screen grab below). This keeps the optimized text on the page, but it means that mobile users instantly see products rather than having to scroll past text that they may see as inconvenient. mobile.png I'm conscious of the fact that Google indexes mobile content first, and it also doesn't like duplicate content. I therefore have three questions relating to this: Will moving the optimized text content below all the products to the bottom of the page devalue it (I understand important content should be as near to the top of page as possible)? Although the optimized paragraph of text only displays once on desktop (at the top of the page) and once on mobile (at the bottom of the page) it is actually visible twice in the source code - does this count as duplication, and could it therefore hurt the performance of the page in SERPs? If this practice does cause issues, is there an ideal way to optimize content on pages (especially shop category pages) that doesn't require mobile users to scroll through text before seeing products? Lastly, on topic optimized landing pages that feature product promotions such as this one - - I wonder if it is best to lead with an optimized text introduction above product images, or better to place the products right at the top of the page for immediate impact, then follow this with the content/article/blog post? Many thanks for any advice offered.

    On-Page Optimization | | JCN-SBWD

  • keywords bold keywords keyword density

    Hi all, Recently I came cross an RV lifestyle blog named RVing Trends. The website features high-quality contents about handy RV camping tips & guides, and in-depth RV product reviews. They seem to spend a lot of effort on the content quality. I've followed this website for a few months and can see they've been producing 3,000-5,000 word length contents regularly. One thing I notice is that they emphasize the main keyword as bold in almost the posts. You can check 1 sample here about RV mattress reviews. Just want to ask for your opinions about the efficiency of this technique and is the keyword density still important for blog content to rank well in Google. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | TungNM193
  • Unsolved

    site crawl crawl stalled

    In my GreenSeed campaign, the site crawl continues to say "in progress." I can't figure out how to stop it or how to restart the site crawl. Can you please help?

    Moz Pro | | Winger

  • google analytics

    My company is building a new website with a new web development company. Our old website development company hosted our Google Analytics account on their account (this was done 13+ years ago, probably a good idea then, but we definitely would've done it differently knowing what we know now). I've been researching how we could move our GA property to a new account owned by us, but according to this article: "There are some circumstances in which you cannot move a property:
    -> The source account and the destination account are not in the same Google Marketing Platform organization. Contact an organization admin to make sure both accounts belong to the same organization." In our case, the source account and the destination account do not belong to the same organization. I may just have to accept that we are losing 13+ years of historical data about our website, and if that's the case, oh well. But, if anyone has an idea how we can export/import our GA data to our new analytics account, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Reporting & Analytics | | GreatLegalMarketing

  • seo tactics keywords

    Certain keywords are good choices for my website (high CTR, low difficulty, high volume), but they would be very awkward to use in my website content. For example, "therapist near me" is a popular search term, but it would be very strange for me to use those words in that order in my content (I am a therapist). Any thoughts about this are welcome.

    On-Page Optimization | | LPantell

  • seo tactics keywords

    Hello! Question: When I add chosen keywords to my site (in urls, title tags, meta description, page content, headers, etc), do I need to put the words on my webpage exactly as they appear in my keyword research? So if I searched "therapist bay area" and I want to include these keywords, for example, must I use those words in that order in a sentence or header on my homepage? Or is it enough to include each word somewhere on the page?

    On-Page Optimization | | LPantell
  • Unsolved

    local ranking factors landing pages local seo tactics

    We operate in multiple cities, and for a number of years, have (mostly successfully) targeted each city with its own landing page. But lately Im seeing these pages drop in rankings, If I ignored SEO tactics, and designed the site based on what I think would be most useful/helpful to people viewing the website, I would not have any location landing pages. I would have one strong page (eg, probably the home page), that says "and we operate in the following locations..." and then list them off. The thing is, I dont really think these location specific landing pages have ever offered any real value to someone searching, other than just making it clear that we operate in their area (which doesn't need a landing page to make that clear). They're basically variations of each other, key word adjusted for the location - done for the purpose of ranking locally. I mean, that sounds like spam. But all the research says that I need landing pages for each location. My question: What would happen if I built one new page, and listed all the locations clearly on that page, and then 301 redirect the existing location landing pages to the new, single page. Would I fall of the cliff?

    SEO Tactics | | blitzna101

  • schema schema markup serp features

    Hello Moz Team, I hope everyone is doing well & good, I need bit help regarding Schema Markup, I am facing issue in my schema markup specifically with my blog posts, In my majority of the posts I find error "Missing field "url" (optional)"
    As this schema is generated by Yoast plugin, I haven't applied any custom steps. Recently I published a post and I tested it at two platforms of schema test 1,
    2. So the validator generate results as follows and shows no error
    Schema without error.PNG It shows no error But where as Schema with error.PNG in search central results it gives me a warning "Missing field "url" (optional)". So is this really be going to issue for my ranking ? Please help thanks!

    Technical SEO | | JoeySolicitor
  • This question is deleted!


  • on page optimization technical seo

    Hello, Payday loan consolidation, debt settlement, credit card settlement, and debt consolidation are just a few of the pages I have. While walking through the search console dashboard, I noticed that while the position is improving, but impressions and traffic are decreasing, indicating a significant disparity. Please advise on how to resolve the issue.

    Link Building | | OVLG

  • subdomains optimization

    Hi all, I am currently evaluating areas for optimization on my main domain. When doing this, Moz has identified multiple titles and urls that should be shortened and missing meta descriptions on my subdomain (a help center of sorts). As far as I am aware, we have not set up any "no-index" rules for this subdomain. Are these items affecting SEO on my main domain? Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | annegretwidmer

  • urlredirect optimization

    Hi all, I am in the process of making small optimization changes to my site. I noticed Moz identified quite a few URLs that could be shortened. I intend to shorten these URLs and create 301 redirects to ensure website users land on the right page. My question is, will this change in URL damage rankings and engagement(assuming the URL remains content relevant)? I have read in some places that when creating URL redirects for a change in domain, people saw a dip in rankings and engagement. I, however, am not intending to change the main domain of the site, but rather the URL slug. Any thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | annegretwidmer

  • localsearch adwords

    I work work for a health care system in the Midwest. We have a doctor in our transplant division who whenever we're in a meeting pulls out his phone and types in "kidney transplant" and ridicules me when our hospital is not on the page. I've long since given up trying to explain search intent to him (all the SERP results are showing information about kidney transplants, not information on where to get a transplant) along with trying to explain all the reasons why our ads don't necessarily show up on his phone despite us having a daily budget for that keyword. Without trying to explain how SEO or advertising online works, what would you do? I've toyed with eliminating advertising from the hospital zipcode so that I can just say we don't advertise in this zipcode at all, so of course our ads wouldn't pop up. I've also toyed with creating more informational content just so perhaps we can show up on the page, even though it's largely irrelevant (but I doubt we'd ever outrank the national brands that have written extensively on this). If someone types in "kidney hospital" or "transplant center" or anything relevant, we're instantly at the top of SERPs. But none of that matters to him. He only cares about showing up for "kidney transplant."

    Paid Search Marketing | | Patrick_at_Nebraska_Medicine
  • Solved

    duplicate content

    Recently I noticed a new duplicate error notification.
    This page:
    is flagged as 'duplicate content' with 142 affected pages.
    Here's an example of one of the affected pages:
    This is not an ecommerce site. The affected pages are blog posts. We are pretty prolific writers and over the years we have produced nearly 300 articles. We are a consulting firm and the articles are about our area of expertise and cover a wide range of topics within that space.
    I just don't understand why this would be flagged as duplicate or what I'm supposed to do with this information!

    Product Support | | EISMarketing

  • Hi
    My website is not configured in AMP pages, but it is mobile-friendly.
    Last month, my website was ranked to 10 positions for this keyword (Magento Development Company).
    Sometimes it's showing on 25 positions but not in the top 5 positions. Here is my URL (for analysis):
    Would you please explain why my keyword rankings are often not showing in the search listings?
    Would you mind letting me know is there anything I need to change?

    Algorithm Updates | | rayabahadur

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