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  • Hi, We have an ecommerce store and currently have topic pages setup for each category/location combination, each topic page lists relevant products available for sale, so for example Most Popular Birthday Party products in UK
    Most Popular Birthday Party products in London
    Most Popular Birthday Party products in Manchester We are now looking at ways of capitalising on longtail keyword searches and a potential solution is to expand the number of Topic Pages/Location combinations so for example Most Popular Birthday Party products in UK
    Cheapest Birthday Party products in UK
    Birthday Party products for small groups in UK
    Birthday Party products for large groups in UK
    Children Birthday Party products for in UK
    etc In general would this be a positive or negative thing to do for our site to give each longtail keyword its own dedicated topic page (given that our crawl budget is not necessarily high). Or should we just try to add longtail keyword to the original topic page itself and make that one rank better? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cmavroudisyahoocom

  • Hi Moz family i have a website relate to air purifier and i purchased 5 to 10 gigs for different sort of backlinks but 4 weeks gone still i have not seen any backlinks are indexed in moz but 40% are indexed in ahref Any body can please explain how can they will indexed? Any best indexing method? Thanks

    Link Building | | bradyknaus

  • Hi, I am trying to track a page optimization feature for one of my project, but i keep getting this below error: "PAGE OPTIMIZATION ERROR
    There was a problem loading this page. Please make sure the page is loading properly and that our user-agent, rogerbot, is not blocked from accessing this page." I checked robots.txt file, it all looks fine. Not sure what is the problem? Is it a problem with Moz or the website?

    On-Page Optimization | | shinawebnavid
  • This question is deleted!


  • Absolutely no idea what is going on. All of our category / subcategory and other support pages are indexed and cached as normal, but suddenly none of our product pages are cached, and all of the product / offer schema snippets have been dropped from the serps as well (price, review count, average rating etc). When I inspect a product detail page url in GSC, I am either getting errors or it is returned as a soft 404. There have been no recent changes to our website that are obvious culprits. When I request indexing, it works fine for non-product pages, but generates the "Something went wrong
    If the issue persists, try again in a few hours" message for any product page submitted. We are not SEO novices. This is an Angular 7 site with a Universal version launched back in October (new site, same domain), and until this strange issue cropped up we'd enjoyed steady improvement of rankings and GSC technical issues. Has anyone seen anything like this? We are seeing rapid deterioration in rankings overnight for all product detail pages due to this issue. A term / page combination that ranked for over a decade in the top 10 lost 10 places overnight... There's just no obvious culprit. Using chrome dev tools to view as googlebot, everything is kosher. No weird redirects, no errors, returns 200 and page loads. Thank You

    Technical SEO | | jamestown

  • Hey Mozzers! I received a duplicate content notice from my Cycle7 Communications campaign today. I understand the concept of duplicate content, but none of the suggested fixes quite seems to fit. I have four pages with HubSpot forms embedded in them. (Only two of these pages have showed up so far in my campaign.) Each page contains a title (Content Marketing Consultation, Copywriting Consultation, etc), plus an embedded HubSpot form. The forms are all outwardly identical, but I use a separate form for each service that I offer. I’m not sure how to respond to this crawl issue: Using a 301 redirect doesn’t seem right, because each page/form combo is independent and serves a separate purpose. Using a rel=canonical link doesn’t seem right for the same reason that a 301 redirect doesn’t seem right. Using the Google Search Console URL Parameters tool is clearly contraindicated by Google’s documentation (I don’t have enough pages on my site). Is a meta robots noindex the best way to deal with duplicate content in this case? Thanks in advance for your help. AK

    Technical SEO | | AndyKubrin

  • Hi,
    I'm wondering will my site be impacted with some of the primary links in our primary menu being moved into a burger Menu? Many Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | robhough909

  • Hoping someone can help us with Moz Pro reporting issues that we can't see on a client page. Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 11.36.58.png Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 12.54.48.png The mobile performance metrics are awful (apparently) but we aren't seeing this at all. Both mobile and desktop sites are very fast and pages are loading in under 1s. I have attached the Moz Pro report and a google page speed screenshot to see if any can shine any light on this issue. Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | jeffriley

  • Hi, One of my GMB listing suddenly stopped ranking in the 3Pack Results. It used to always rank in 1st or 2nd position in the 3Pack results, Suddenly since 24th May it completely Flatlined, I don't know why but It doesn't show up in the results, or when I click see more. It completely vanished for that term locally. My Listing is based in Brisbane, QLD, Australia and it doesn't show up for that term in The Brisbane area. But when the Location info is Australia and not Brisbane, Australia it shows up again. I don't know what is the problem in this case... Any Suggestions will be much appreciated.

    Local Listings | | Moxoms1

  • Exciting news, Moz fans! We are thrilled to announce that Moz has been acquired by iContact Marketing Corp! Check out Sarah and Michael's chat discussing the details in our blog post here, and please celebrate with us as we chart the future of Moz together.

    Moz News | | KristinaKeyser

  • When I create a website for my clients, I always put our website link in the footer of the description, just to say 'powered by ieatdoorframes' with a link to our website. On SEMrush, its showing as a negative backlink with the reason 'compound', suggesting its a 'money term'. I add this link as I've had success getting new work from clients who like the site we built. I'm new to these terminologies and wondering what I should do?

    Link Building | | chrisjordan0i1

  • A new article on Search Engine Journal asks even though anchor Text Ratios are considered important by many SEOs for ranking in Google, are they really something to worry about?

    Link Building | | mary31

  • seo international

    Hello, rankings.jpg I am becoming a bit clueless with our business website. Our site is doing really well in Finland and with Finnish language. Even though our business is fairly new, we have been able to pass many of our competitors in the search only after about year of operating. What confuses and worries me though is the fact that our English content is not ranking at all. The aim for the English content is to be general and reaching audiences worldwide. But as you can see in the image attached, we are doing really bad for example in UK, which is one of our main markets. I've been doing active keyword research, built high quality and natural links and writing long and keyword rich content on our blog but still our rankings don't seem to change outside Finland. I would be interested in knowing, what I am doing wrong and what would be the right steps to start improving the situation?

    International SEO | | tuomashaapala

  • A new article on Search Engine Journal asks even though anchor Text Ratios are considered important by many SEOs for ranking in Google, are they really something to worry about?

    Link Building | | akhter8761

  • Is it possible for a blog to rank only with fantastic content without any purchasing of backlinks... And how long does it take (on average) to get for example 500 active readers daily?

    Link Building | | ImeuOkou

  • Our company site is, in general, performing great in organic search, but we've lost about 10 featured snippets throughout the last 5-6 months, and I'd like to know how to best approach analyzing this.

    Algorithm Updates | | vibelingo

  • Let's say I want to write a guest post for a website that is relevant to my website. Should i guest post on a website with high traffic but the traffic country is not mine? (eg// My website sells products in Canada only, should i guest post on a high traffic site from India?) Or would it be better to find a lower traffic website to guest post on but their organic traffic comes from Canada? Thanks!

    Link Building | | chrisjordan0i1

  • Hi all, i own a small business in an extremely competitive marketplace. I have also educated myself greatly about seo over the past 3 years and currently do my own. The one thing I cannot figure out, for the life of me, is how my two competitors keep beating me in rankings without backlinks. I mean, I have about 3K solid backlinks, mostly do follow, from top notch publications, sites, citations ect. In ahref, it shows that he has almost no backlinks. I cannot crack th third spot, but they dominate with zero backlinks, and the domains are only a bit older than mine. Thoughts on this?

    Link Building | | ImeuOkou

  • Hey everyone, I run a website that publish articles about pets. I have read some great things about Google Discover and the potential traffic it can bring to publishers (Condé Nast reported up to 20% of traffic coming from Discover in the US, at a certain point). I am currently trying to get indexed and after reading Google guidelines and a Ahrefs guide, I have made many optimizations to my site: structured data, creating an author page, fixing image size and publishing date... so far, it's not working. I feel the lack of a knowledge graph for my business may affect my chances. I'm currently building a GMB page to fix this. Do you have other recommendations or success stories of your own experiments with Discover? An example of an article I tried to get indexed was Obviously, I'm not expecting feedback on the quality of the content since it's in French, but I'm curious if you see anything from a technical perspective that doesn't work. Thanks a lot for your help! Charles

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cheebee124

  • In the toolbar I see there is a Subdomain section. What is it? What does it mean in SEO?

    Moz Pro | | judieboscopqk78

  • I am moving my website to WordPress after years. I am curious to know what the best route to maintain as much SEO value as possible would be. We have a lot of 301 redirects currently, and we will maintain those, but what else should we do or know? Thanks for any help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hwade
  • Solved

    Hi Moz team, I forgot to cancel my 30 days trial and I have never used it and I do not intend to use it.
    I just got an email from your side about charging 179 USD just realized after 20 hours.
    I would appreciate if you can refund the money and help me out. Please kindly consider 😞 Thanks a lot for your understanding.

    Product Support | | GBY91

  • I work on education websites, and our sites are being flagged by SEO and accessibility checkers for having multiple H1s. The home pages have the site name as an h3 in the hero image, and an aspirational headline (think: Be Like Mike) as an H1. The sub-pages have two H1s: one on the site name in the banner image, and the other on the page title. Note that the site name is very keyword-rich. If we were to remove the H1 and H3 tags from the hero/banner images, would it do any SEO harm? At the same time, we’d rewrite the H1 on the home page to be more keyword-focused. Any other options? I also read that it’s OK to have multiple H1s as long as it’s clear which H1 belongs to the heading area and which one belongs to the body area of the page. Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | UWPCE

  • I have a very high spam score in my website (61% in MOZ) caused by bad backlinks.
    i want to know how to deal with that?
    What's the maximum spam score allowed to get not affected in google ranking?

    Link Building | | jaanmuhammad

  • Here’s a situation I’ve been puzzling with for some time: The situation
    Please consider an international website targeting 3 regions. The real site has more regions, but I simplified the case for this question. screenshot1.png There is no default language. The content for each regional version is meant for that region only. The page is dynamic. When there is no region cookie, the page is identical to (because Netherlands is the most important region) When there is a region cookie (set by a modal), there is a 302 redirect to the corresponding regional homepage What we want
    We want regional Google to index the correct regional homepages (eg. on, instead of
    Why? Because visitors surfing to sometimes tend to ignore the region modal and therefor browse the wrong version.
    For this, I set up canonicals and hreflangs as described below: screenshot2.png The problem
    It’s 40 days now since the above hreflangs and canonicals have been setup, but Google is still ranking instead of the regional homepages.
    Search console’s report for screenshot3.png Any ideas why Google doesn’t respect our canonical? Maybe I’m overlooking something in this setup (combination of hreflangs and canonicals might be confusing)? Should I remove the hreflangs on the dynamic page, because there is no self-referencing hreflang? Or maybe it’s because has gathered a lot of backlinks over the years, whereas the regional homepages have much less, which might be why Google chooses to ig nore the canonical signals? Or maybe it’s a matter of time and I just need to wait longer? Note: I’m aware the language subfolders (eg. /be_nl) are not according to Google’s recommendations. But I’ve seen similar setups (like and where the regional homepage is showing ok. Any help appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | dmduco

  • Hi there, If I put download pages and thank you pages on my blog, will it harm the SEO rankings? As these pages will be pretty thin and will have no links to them internally for obvious reasons, it has me concerned about the effect it could have on my blog. I want to build my blog up to drive traffic, so it's not just a case of throwing the pages up. What is the best solution? No index the pages -- will that be enough? Warm regards Colin

    Link Building | | username67

  • Hi Everyone, I have a couple of articles on which I have some internal links towards other articles. My questions are the following:
    Are the links in the header menu or the footer of the page take away from the juice of the article by spreading it?
    Do the outbound links coming out of my article, do they have any impact on spreading the link juice of my internal links? Thank you in advance for your valuable inputs.

    Link Building | | anwarjutt90

  • I have some sites with a lot of categories (category, sub-category, sub-subcategory) and locations (country, state/territory, city). To avoid listing pages really deep in my hierarchy I used wildcard subdomains for the locations, but lately I have been told that might be hurting my overall SEO efforts. I have a lot of URLs like on one side of the domain and on the other. In the middle you see stuff like and everything in between. Would I be better off moving the locations to the right side of the domain name? Then you might find stuff like and everything in between. I think I could do the new rewrite rules fairly easily since every country slug is just two characters long.

    On-Page Optimization | | PostAlmostAnything

  • Hello everyone
    I am not sure about the way Moz rank websites but sometimes I think it's a bit confusing. As an example, it kept changing in 3 days by going up and down. In addition, It is not compatible with my Ahrefs ranking. Would you please tell me which one is more correct and accurate in terms of my website authority?
    It would be my pleasure if you take look at it first. Thank you in advance.

    Link Building | | mkeshavarzmozprodt

  • interview brand large company marketing brand magazine

    Hi all, I have a second round of an interview on Tuesday for a large / internationally well known electronics & household appliances company. They are producing an online brand magazine (target group: millennials) with tips on how to use their products, among other things (e.g., how tech makes life easier). I'm not new to writing / content/copy writing, but new to SEO in the grand scheme of things - I have experience in writing blog posts, social media posts, and articles with an SEO focus, and I'm taking a course currently. But the scale on which this would be SEO focused writing is something I don't have direct experience in. The person I interviewed with is the person I'd be working with, and we got along very well - the second interview is with them and their higher up, who I need to convince. However, they did originally want someone SEO focused, so the interviewer asked me to prepare to talk about a variety of things to see my knowledge / what I could research. They include the brand magazine, using SEO with their brand / brand-focused SEO, how the brand can support their magazine, and keeping the SEO organic so the traffic goes there naturally - there isn't a plan to market the magazine on social media. Do you have any tips or resources for this so I can read / watch / learn and speak intelligently on this topic? I have a trial of Moz's pro search bar - anything there that could give me advice on tips to give them? Thanks in advance!

    Jobs and Opportunities | | bernrc

  • My website Spam score is showing me 78% with MOZ Pro Does it mean it Okay!! Please Explain More to meSPAM2.jpg

    Content Development | | Stephen52525252

  • Hi, I am migrating my e-commerce to another platform of a internet company in Brazil (Tray) that has no way to redirect 301 urls in batch, I also do not have access to files and ftp of it. Anyway, as I have hundreds of urls, I would like to know if there is any way to do batch redirects with an external platform tool? Thank you very much in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | didi09

  • Hi Does anybody know if there are tools to track keywords ranking back for the last 6 months? Our existing software was malfunctioning, and we lost all kws ranking data for the last 6 months(( Thank you

    Other SEO Tools | | AlexBiertones
  • This question is deleted!


  • If I place video testimonials as embedded youtube iframes into my webpage - will it improve my visitor retention rate for that page?

    Image & Video Optimization | | Lana940

  • I've been seeing a large decline in internal followed links over the past couple of months and am trying to figure out the cause. My developer says there have been no changes to the site that would cause this. Is there a way to find what internal links have been lost?

    Link Explorer | | rgibson100

  • Howdy all, We have a few pages being hailed as copies by the google search comfort. Notwithstanding, we accept the substance on these pages is unmistakably extraordinary (for instance, they have totally unique list items returned, various headings and so on) An illustration of two pages google discover to be copies is underneath. in the event that anybody can spot what may be causing the copy issue here, would especially see the value in ideas! Much appreciated ahead of time.

    Technical SEO | | camerpon09

  • We are getting ready to launch our redesigned WP site and were considering using NitroPack performance optimization plugin, until some of our developers started ringing the alarm. Here is what some in the SEO community are saying about the tool. The rendering of the website made with the NitroPack plugin in the Page Metric Test Tools is based entirely on the inline CSS and JS in the HTML file without taking into account additional numerous CSS or JS files loaded on the page. As a result, the final metric score does not include CSS and JavaScript files evaluation and parsing. So what they are saying is that a lot of websites with the NitroPack plugin never become interactive in the Page Metric Tools because all interactivity is derived from JavaScript and CSS execution. So, their "Time to Interactive" and "Speed Index" should be reported as equal to infinity. Would Google consider this Black Hat SEO and start serving manual actions to sites using NitroPack? We are not ready to lose our hard-earned Google ranking. Please, let me know your thoughts on the plugin. Is it simply JS and CSS "lazy loading" that magically offers the first real-world implementation that works magic and yields fantastic results, or is it truly a Black Hat attempt at cheating Google PageSpeed Insights numbers? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | opiates

  • Hi: I manage nearly 50 locations. Basically all of the information other than contact information is the same across all locations. Is there a way to manage information across multiple listings? -- Chase

    Moz Local | | chasepattison

  • We would like to set up a website in English language only and promote this in various European countries. As said the website will only be available in English language, but we will keep translations (google translate) in backend. When a user in France then enters search query in French language in browser, a search can be done in French content, but we will present relevant content in English. Does anyone have any experience with that? Will it be allowed given the fact that the result (in English language) will probably not include any of the terms that was searched on (in French language).

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hansdef

  • subdomains redirect

    I have a client site that is getting redesigned. Its a multi location service provider. Currently (for whatever reason) the location pages are sub domains. https://<location-name> In the new design the locations will be on the main domain.<location-name> We are considering using 301 redirects from the current sub domains to the new location pages on the main domain. The current sub domains are setup on a multi-site with A records for each one in our GoDaddy account. Would like to get feedback on any unforeseen SEO issues that anyone might have input on.

    Technical SEO | | ColeBField1221

  • One of our clients ran a crawl report via Moz. These are the results. Can you please help us make sense of this? (I am a SCORE volunteer and we are working with a company that is trying to decide on how to proceed with an SEO company but would like to understand the process somewhat so they can make a better decision on who to hire. ) Can someone breakdown the importance missing description- 934 total missing canonical tags- 574 total title too long - 199 total duplicate content 74 total url too long - 63 total missing or invalid h1- 55 total duplicate titles- 21 total redirect chain- 1 total

    Content Development | | ImeuOkou

  • I see that Moz recommends not to use UTM codes as some directories will not allow a listing with a UTM code. I like to use tracking codes for my Google My Business (GMB) links so I can differentiate traffic/conversions from organic/google. Does anyone have a solution to measure the two in Google Analytics?

    Local SEO | | RichardDantas

  • Hi All, Sorry for what's about to be a long-ish question, but tl;dr: Has anyone else had experience with a 301 redirect at the server level between HTTP and HTTPS versions of a site in order to maintain accurate social media share counts? This is new to me and I'm wondering how common it is. I'm having issues with this forced redirect between HTTP/HTTPS as outlined below and am struggling to find any information that will help me to troubleshoot this or better understand the situation. If anyone has any recommendations for things to try or sources to read up on, I'd appreciate it. I'm especially concerned about any issues that this may be causing at the SEO level and the known-unknowns. A magazine I work for recently relaunched after switching platforms from Atavist to Newspack (which is run via WordPress). Since then, we've been having some issues with 301s, but they relate to new stories that are native to our new platform/CMS and have had zero URL changes. We've always used HTTPS. Basically, the preview for any post we make linking to the new site, including these new (non-migrated pages) on Facebook previews as a 301 in the title and with no image. This also overrides the social media metadata we set through Yoast Premium. I ran some of the links through the Facebook debugger and it appears that Facebook is reading these links to our site (using https) as redirects to http that then redirect to https. I was told by our tech support person on Newspack's team that this is intentional, so that Facebook will maintain accurate share counts versus separate share counts for http/https, however this forced redirect seems to be failing if we can't post our links with any metadata. (The only way to reliably fix is by adding a query parameter to each URL which, obviously, still gives us inaccurate share counts.) This is the first time I've encountered this intentional redirect thing and I've asked a few times for more information about how it's set up just for my own edification, but all I can get is that it’s something managed at the server level and is designed to prevent separate share counts for HTTP and HTTPS. Has anyone encountered this method before, and can anyone either explain it to me or point me in the direction of a resource where I can learn more about how it's configured as well as the pros and cons? I'm especially concerned about our SEO with this and how this may impact the way search engines read our site. So far, nothing's come up on scans, but I'd like to stay one step ahead of this. Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | ogiovetti

  • I have noticed a popular trend in web design which involves sections of content being started with what looks to be smaller sub heading something like <h3>, <h4> or <h5> and then followed by a bigger heading <h2>. My question is, what is the best way to deal with this visual structure and will having a structure like this hurt your SEO? <h5>Contact Us</h5> <h2>Get started with your next project in minutes!<h2> <p>Some text here ...</p> Here are some examples where the header structure is similar to above (smaller before bigger): If that structure is bad for SEO, then it seems like a simple solution is to make it purely visual, mimicking a sub header with styling on a span or paragraph like these sites do: My only concern with that approach is because your section sub heading is no longer an actual header you will miss out on ranking important and relevant keyword information for that section. Is this correct something to be worried about? There is one last solution I stumbled upon that involves using headings for both but in reverse hierarchy so a <h3> is first but styled to be smaller, followed by a visually bigger <h4> which provides the addition context. Anyone have thoughts, expertise or resources on the matter?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Is there any benefit or negative impact to including schema for both @type WebPage and NewsArticle on the same page? The websites I work on are editorial news sites. Our CMS automatically outputs WebPage schema to every article we publish. I want my dev to set up auto-generated NewsArticle schema. The are pretty much identical with a few different attributes. I just want to make sure I make the right choice about adding both or removing one.

    Technical SEO | | DJBKBU

  • I have a couple sites that were penalized by Google for hosting content that made Google look bad. After a major newspaper showcased what was going on they suddenly took a major hit as if someone at Google flipped a switch and told their system not to rank the content for anything other than their brand names. The article made Google look bad because the newspaper highlighted a lot of unverified user generated accusations the reporters assumed not to be true in the context of "these accusations are mostly false, but they still show up on the first page when people search Google." I was thinking one way to fight this would simply be to host the content at a different domain, but I am concerned about the new domain being penalized as well. I don't want to completely shut down all of the original sites because some of them have brand recognition. The oldest domain is 12 years old with backlinks from several news outlets which is why the content ranked so well, but after the penalty that is only the case on Bing. I've read various articles about this tactic. Some say that you will almost always pass the penalty to the new domain if you do a 301 redirect, but the penalties at issue in those articles were for things like buying links or other black hat tactics. This is somewhat different in that I wasn't doing anything black hat, they just decided not to let the site rank for political reasons. I was hoping that maybe that type of penalty wouldn't follow it, but right now I am leaning towards simply creating a second site to syndicate articles. It will need to attribute the articles to their sources though, so they will need either no followed links or possibly a redirection script that bots cannot follow. I would really like it if I could simply change the first site to its .net or .org equivalent and 301 everything though.

    Technical SEO | | PostAlmostAnything

  • Hi community, I have moved to a new address and I purchased my Moz Local for that address, but there are some listings still popping up with my old address, what can I do?

    Moz Local | | FBDOORS

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