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  • Hi, our e-commerce website has just over 900 products. A vast majority are very unique and not similar to one another. However, early in our development, we listed similar variations separately. For example, we had a separate product listing for different color options: Black, Tan, and Green. They do not rank too great by themselves. However, the product is very popular and the search volume is near 9k a month. Our competitors have one listing with several color options, which is what we are proposing. We would enable 301 redirects from the Tan and Green options, which would redirect to the new variation listing. Is this wise? We want to capitalize on this opportunity, and apply this practice for other product listings.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndrewColvin

  • I have two sites that are facilitated hosting in similar CMS. Maybe than having two separate robots.txt records (one for every space), my web office has made one which records the sitemaps for the two sites, similar to this:

    Technical SEO | | eulabrant

  • hey guy, can anyone help me in finding broken outbound link on my website by using moz ? does Moz has this function ?

    Technical SEO | | rogerdam

  • I use Moz Local to sync my Endocrinology medical clinic website to search engines and directories and it has helped me a lot. However, I want to start a blog that deep dives into Endocrine based issues like diseases and conditions. The issue is I am not sure if I should just add the blog to my Endocrinology Medical Clinic website or Start the blog off on a completely new domain because one day I might want to sell my Endocrinology Medical Clinic but keep my Endocrine based blog. What do you suggest? Also do any of your services help submit blogs without a physical address to search engines and directories like Moz Local?

    Content Development | | Viewpoint-Endocrinology

  • Hi Mozers. I blog about our son with Down syndrome ( and you may remember me from this case study here on Moz. I was getting close to 100,000k a month in organic traffic to our blog, then it slowly started to decline to the point where I am not only getting 3k in organic traffic a month. So basically I lost all of my traffic. I honestly have no idea what is going on or why this happened. I know everyone is busy but would anyone be up for taking a peak into my GA and search console and seeing if you can figure out what may have changed and why my traffic dropped off so much. Our website helps a lot of people so you'd be doing some good and it may even be a good case study post! Thanks so much!

    Content Development | | NoahsDad

  • Can anyone recommend a tool for generating/comparing hashtags for LinkedIn? Other than Inlytics

    Social Media | | Boasty

  • Hi Everyone! I just transitioned into SEO in the medical spectrum and have never come across such long names. In terms of recommendations for character counts in title tags, what would be the recommendation? Write until it gets truncated (which is current state)? Use the abbreviation? Try to ensure the "plain language" words appear towards the front? Any viewpoints would be appreciated!

    Keyword Research | | yaelslater

  • I have two websites that are hosted in the same CMS. Rather than having two separate robots.txt files (one for each domain), my web agency has created one which lists the sitemaps for both websites, like this: User-agent: * Disallow: Sitemap: Sitemap: Is this ok? I thought you needed one robots.txt per website which provides the URL for the sitemap. Will having both sitemap URLs listed in one robots.txt confuse the search engines?

    Technical SEO | | ciehmoz

  • Anyone else experiencing a huge drop in impressions/clicks? we noticed on Friday a sudden drop with impressions/clicks on multiple shopping campaigns which have been running very successfully for a number of years, we have checked merchant centre for any errors or warnings, also checked our feed everything looks OK apart from the extreme sudden drop. All our search campaigns are performing as normal, our natural rankings are also perfectly normal, just affecting shopping campaigns, we cannot figure out why. Anyone else seen any extreme changes with shopping campaigns recently? We are based in the UK

    Paid Search Marketing | | Haz

  • Our website for my olansi company in London, China has hundreds of pages dedicated to every service we provide to China local areas. The total number of pages is approximately 100. Google caters pretty well for long-tail searches when it indexes all these pages, so we usually get a fair amount of traffic when this happens. However, Google occasionally drops most of our indexed pages from search engine results for a few days or weeks at a time - for example, Google is currently indexing 60 pages while last week it was back at 100. Can you tell me why this happens? When these pages don't display, we lose a lot of organic traffic. What are we doing wrong? Site url:

    Technical SEO | | sesahoda

  • Hi, if I have a page that unintentionally ranks for a term that I want to create a page for - say "atlanta apartments" - should I still create a page specifically intended to rank for "atlanta apartments"? Will canonical tags be crucial in this case? Hoping to avoid creating duplicate content and instead create the correct content for a specific term.

    Content Development | | smiller76

  • Curious if anyone else is having this problem. I have, for example, a page that is listed in Search Console as having a CLS of .44 - it is listed as a "CLS issue." The same page rendered in LightHouse shows 0 for field data CLS and 0.02 for lab data (both in the "green"). It has been over a month since I made updates to the page to improve CLS. I tried to submit a validation in Search Console, but "validation failed." I'm not sure what else to fix on the page when LightHouse data shows it as in the green! I have the same issue with other pages as well.

    Technical SEO | | LivDetrick

  • How do I pull the crawl depth across my site in Moz?

    Moz Pro | | Gabrielle.Schneier

  • I'm working on a new website and attempting to make it as efficient as possible. I've put it through a few scanners and have a few concerns. Is it true that having long titles is beneficial? My contact page, for example, is just titled contact, while my FAQ page is simply titled commonly asked questions. What about meta descriptions for each page? Do they still serve a purpose nowadays? Because my site title is a graphic header, having a big text title doesn't really suit with the style, the H1 tag is missing on a few pages. Is there any way to get around this?

    Content Development | | markellw9

  • seo 4xx error 4xx error error fix error

    Hello! I have a new blog that is only 1 month old and I already have over 3000 4xx errors which I've never had on my previous blogs. I ran a crawl on my site and it's showing as my social media links as being indexed as pages. For example, my blog post link is:
    My site is then creating a link like the below:
    But these are not real pages and I have no idea how they got created. I then paid someone to index the links because I was advised by Moz, but it's still not working. All the errors are the same, it's indexing my Twitter account and my Pinterest. Can someone please help, I'm really at a loss with it.

    Technical SEO | | thebloggersi

  • I have tons of links that I have had added a redirect to after creating my companies new website. Is it bad to have all these 301s? How do I permanently redirect those links? Also, on Google Search Console it's telling me I have 1,000+ excluded links. Is this bad? Will it negatively affect me? Is this something to do with my sitemap? Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Technical SEO | | sammecooper

  • So I have a page that sells say hockey sticks and the site is situated in Australia. My Keyword focus for the page would be hockey sticks Australia.

    Keyword Research | | eulabrant
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello. So, I am aware that it is in violation of Google My Bussiness's terms of service to use register a PO box/virtual address with GMB, but is it problematic to use such addresses for general link building with local citations, such as local directories and resource pages? Would the cons outweigh the pros (more backlinks)? And what about using one of these kinds of addresses on my website, but not GMB? Is it all so interrelated nowadays that I should steer clear of publishing a virtual address anywhere? That just seems hard to wrap my head around as PO Boxes have served a valuable function for small businesses for some 150 years. Thank you, Jon

    Local Listings | | custardextract

  • I have noticed in the past month(s) or so that when I delve into a domain to see what it ranks for, many keywords are listed as #51+ and they clearly rank high for them. Is this a bug? Or is there some other explanation? It makes it difficult to show prospects their current standings. 383540c2-352f-4aac-8c6c-e715e8b4038d-image.png

    Keyword Explorer | | bizmarquee

  • seo rankings

    Hi Guys,
    We had a consistent page ranking for a specific keyword between 5 and 8 positions on google. This week all of a sudden the page which was ranking for that keyword no longer ranks for it and another page has started ranking for that keyword that too at 20th position. I am so confused why has this happened? I didn't do any changes to that page or to the now ranking page. Can anyone help why could this be happening?

    On-Page Optimization | | Slideuplift123

  • Hi. I am a solo practitioner in a healthcare field. I have had a traditional office for 4 years but have been working virtually since March 2020 . I have decided to give up my office space completely and make an attempt at running my practice virtually. Can anyone share the best practices for making this transition from an SEO perspective? I currently rank between 2nd to 4th for most of my local keywords (so, in the GMB 3-pack). I will be competing against brick and mortar businesses. Is it even realistic to think I can hang onto my current rankings? I have researched virtual addresses and ruled them out. I have considered searching for someone in my industry and/or a landlord who will accept a small fee in exchange for allowing me to use their address on my website and in GMB, but I'm unsure about this as it seems like a rather unstable arrangement and the shared office space aspect may present a problem with google As of now my plan is to change my address in GMB to my home address, which I will hide, and remove the street address from my website, but maintain the rest of the NAP. I will then create targeted pages for the three primary counties I serve. I have also decided to advertise a limited number of home visit options for clients in my home county in order to maintain an in-person component to the business. Does anyone have any suggestions to improve upon this course of action? As for my current local citations, should I just leave them as is (with outdated address), attempt to remove the street address but retain the rest of the NAP, or something else? Any feedback is appreciated.

    Local SEO | | custardextract

  • MOZ Community, I am trying to gauge both the potential upside and downside of buying a few (relatively long) URLs that encompass some new keywords that are surfacing in our industry and creating permanent redirects to our branded website. [This wasn't my idea!] These URLs haven't previously had any content or owners so their domain authority is low. Will Google still ding us for this behavior? I hope not but I worry that there might be some penalty for having a bunch of redirects pointing at our site. I have read that google will penalize you for buying content-rich sites with high DA and redirecting those URLs to your site but I am unclear about this other approach. It seems like a fairly mundane (and fruitless) play. I tried to explain that we won't reap any SEO rewards for owning these URLS (if there is no content) but that wasn't really heard. Thanks for any resources or information you can share! I would appreciate any resources.

    Technical SEO | | ColleenHeadLight

  • google my business local listings google my business phone numbers

    A client in the skip hire sector contacted me to say that someone is submitting edits to multiple competitors' GMB accounts changing the phone numbers to theirs. It has caused a huge row and legal ruckus as the competitors naturally assume it is them diverting calls. It definitely is not them but could be lead generation companies they use or other competitors trying to discredit them. They are growing fast and are upsetting longstanding players. Has anyone come across this before? If so how did you handle it and is there any chance of Google listening to them and assisting in the situation. Any advice is gratefully received. PS these guys are very ethical and are mortified at the situation they find themselves in.

    Local Listings | | KarenJames

  • Hello,
    I am having a problem while I am searching for keywords - it just says "Getting serp analysis failed. Please retry your search or refresh this page" on all browsers I try it on. Hard reloaded too and still not working. Could you help me with this?
    Best regards, Gabija

    Keyword Research | | Gabijaurbs

  • As in the title, we have a site with around 40k pages, but around a third of them are showing as "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap" in Google Search Console. We've double-checked the sitemaps we have submitted and the URLs are definitely in the sitemap. Any idea why this might be happening? Example URL with the error: Sitemap it is located on:

    Technical SEO | | TTYH

  • Dear master,
    I can not get the results from API now. And also yesterday. My id is [email protected].

    API | | Feipo

  • I'm switching my hosting over from AWS to google cloud, will changing the CNAME record to point to the google cloud server effect my Domain Authority score?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Moeealii

  • serp favicon

    Hi, I have a website where the favicon is not showing in the google mobile serps. It's appearing the default icon instead (world icon). This is the tag I have place in the head section of the website: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> The size of the favicon is 48x48 and it's appearing correctly in the browser tag. I've checked that the google robot can crawl it and in the server logs I can see requests from the "Google Favicon" user-agent. Has anyone had this same problem? Any advice?

    Technical SEO | | dMaLasp

  • I need to restructure a section of my website, changing some page titles and moving some pages to other sections. This will then change the URLs but the CMS I use will automatically create 301 redirects so the old URLs still work. The question is, will this have any negative impacts on page authority/page rank? From what I've read, it seems having 301's used to have a negative impact but doesn't anymore?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ciehmoz
  • This question is deleted!


  • Why our backlinks do not show up? Even GSC shows a good amount of our backlinks and other applications show too. But in the case of MOZ, it still shows 0 backlinks and 0 organic visibility. Don't you guys think this puts a user of your software way behind in terms of competition and real data? If my backlinks will be considered by MOZ, when will it be❓

    Link Building | | MariApps

  • wordpress

    I'm facing a issue with our website. Our site is on WordPress, We are using Elementor Pro & Elementor Hello Theme for our website!
    The problem is, with desktop it's totally fine but but in Mobile Device it's showing Error. "Largest Contentful Paint" 2021-07-27_111351.png

    On-Page Optimization | | kacey.meier

  • Hi all, I have got a specific SEO challenge. 6 months ago, we started to build an eCommerce site (located in the UK). In order to speed up the site launch, we copied the entire site over from an existing site based in Ireland. Now, the new UK site has been running for 5 months. Google has indexed many pages, which is good, but we can't rank high (position: between 20-30 for most pages). We thought it was because of content duplication in spite of different regions. So we tried to optimize the pages for the UK site to make them more UK-related and avoid content duplication. I've also used schema to tell google it's a UK-based site and set up Google my business and got more local citations. Besides, If you could give me any suggestions, it'd be perfect.
    Thank you so much for your time and advice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Insightful_Media

  • Hi all, I have got a specific SEO challenge. 6 months ago, we started to build an eCommerce site (located in the UK). In order to speed up the site launch, we copied the entire site over from an existing site based in Ireland. Now, the new UK site has been running for 5 months. Google has indexed many pages, which is good, but we can't rank high (position: between 20-30 for most pages). We thought it was because of content duplication in spite of different regions. So we tried to optimize the pages for the UK site to make them more UK-related and avoid content duplication. I've also used schema to tell google it's a UK-based site and set up Google my business and got more local citations. Besides, If you could give me any suggestions, it'd be perfect.
    Thank you so much for your time and advice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Insightful_Media

  • How can a Facebook page get domain authority of 96, page authority of 59 and have 50million linking domains? I come across websites that feature crappy video clips in serp features in google searches, the website.
    It's surely black hat tactics. How do they get away with this? The website has zero content beyond light brochureware.
    Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 06.59.45.png

    Link Building | | DavidLandManager

  • For our product page, we want to be able to show the pricing in the local currency of the visitor. I discussed this with our web developer and he said that we can create country-specific pages, so one for UK, Australia, etc. I am afraid that this solution might hurt our SEO as Google might see this as duplicated content. What are your thoughts about this? The website runs on WordPress.

    Technical SEO | | Maggie.Casas

  • I was brought on to a project where the network admin has set up a load balancer to distribute traffic but somehow has incorrectly deployed the strategy. Now the site is listed 4 times as links to the primary domain in search console. How can I remove these from the index? I have already requested he no-index them, but they still remain in search console. What else can I do to ensure Google only sees this as a single site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DonFerrari2169

  • The top linked domains in search console are coming from our load balancer setup. Does anyone know how to remove these as unique sites pointing back to our primary domain? I was told Google is smart enough to ignore these as duplicate domains but if that was the case, why would they be listed as the top linked domains in search console? Most concerned....

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DonFerrari2169

  • It's installed, I can see links etc as highlighted - but it won' t let me "sign in". This 20 second video explains: Suggestions? Or shall I just ignore? Paul Barrs

    Moz Bar | | PaulBarrs

  • It's installed, I can see links etc as highlighted - but it won' t let me "sign in". This 20 second video explains: Suggestions? Or shall I just ignore? Paul Barrs

    Moz Bar | | PaulBarrs

  • For our domain, Semrush is reporting 46 linking domains, and Moz is reporting 7. Does anyone know where there is such a large discrepancy?

    Link Building | | shelbythomas

  • Suppose two of my webpages from the same site are having 30% to 35% common content. The reason behind this common content is that I put same data and images (in the main content area) since both pages are partially related. But, title tag, meta description, h1 tag, urls are different.
    My questions are Can Google consider it as duplicate content?
    Can it hamper the ranking of my pages ?
    How can I deal with it?

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • I used http status code as 410 for some low quality pages in my site to Redirect to homepage. is this useful to improve my homepage authority?
    my website is:

    Technical SEO | | ghorbanimahan

  • OK, been trying to piece together what is best practice for someone I'm working with, so here goes; Website was redesigned, changed urls from url a to url b. 301's put in place. However, the new url structure is not optimal. It's an e-commerce store, and all products are put in the root folder now: A better, more organized url structure would be: I think we can all agree on that. However, I'm torn on whether it's worth changing everything again, and how to handle things in terms of redirects. The way I see things, it would result in a redirect chain, which is not great and would reduce link equity. Keeping the products in the root moving forward with a poor structure doesn't feel great either. What to do? Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | Tomasvdw

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