Content Marketing

Content forms the foundation of SEO. If you want to rank, you first need content. If you want to rank well in a competitive environment, you likely need an exceptional content strategy. Content can take many forms: blog posts, product pages, pdfs, videos, forums, and more. Almost anything you put on your website for your audience counts as "content."

Content Marketing is the practice of creating and marketing content for the purpose of driving traffic, increasing awareness, and/or supporting a brand.

In SEO, good content can also drive links to your website, which in turn helps to increase your search traffic from Google.

The Beginner's Guide to Content Marketing : If you’re brand new to content marketing, start here. We’ll explain the basics from A-Z.

Content Marketing Learning Center : Our free content marketing learning hub. Here, we’ve gathered our top resources in one place.

Thought Leadership : Chima Mmeje shows you how to craft a thought leadership strategy that complements your content marketing efforts and positions your brand as the source of truth.

How to Create 10x Content : Wondering just how to go about creating that ten-times-better content? We have a Whiteboard Friday for that.

How to Do a Content Audit : A thorough content audit can reveal your site's opportunities and pitfalls while providing actionable ideas for improvement. This comprehensive guide shows you how.

Most Recent Articles on Content Marketing

An Analysis of Great YOUmoz Post Aesthetics

An Analysis of Great YOUmoz Post Aesthetics

For a long time now I have wondered what sets apart great search marketing articles (namely, YOUmoz posts) from not so great ones. Unfortunately, there is no short answer to this question. Extensive discourse both online and off makes search marketing a tough subject to get a definite answer on. Fortunately, the YOUmoz thumbs/comment system provides a great place for us to start, and by limiting ourselves to tangible factors, we can draw safe conclusions from its data. I will follow up with another post examining this information from a content-based viewpoint, but for today our discussion points will be strictly visual.

Five Web Writing Tips That Pay My Bills
Paul Lalley

Five Web Writing Tips That Pay My Bills

Whether you work from home as a web writer, or you go to the big corner office each day, web writers need to understand the science of search engine optimization and the art of writing to attract the attention of a human being – in 6.4 seconds, the average time a site visitor takes to evaluate the usefulness or interest of your client’s website.

Lessons Learned from 3 Years of Blogging
Rebecca Kelley

Lessons Learned from 3 Years of Blogging

The beginning of this month (May 2nd, to be exact) marked my 3 year anniversary as a blogger. My first post on SEOmoz was a paragraph long and consisted of asking our readers if they know of any Spanish-language SEO blogs. It attracted 18 comments. Huzzah! Since then, I've published 241 more posts, with this one being #243. I thought I'd reflect back on my three years of blogging and share the good, the bad, the downright ugly, and the lessons I've learned along the way.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Company Blogging

The Seven Deadly Sins of Company Blogging

We all know that blogs, when used properly, can be excellent tools for promoting your organization and expanding your client base while providing insight into the interworking of your company. They are also an effective way to generate organic search engine exposure, and, with the right content, quality inbound links for your website.

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Lost in the Ocean of Ghost Writers

Lost in the Ocean of Ghost Writers

Hello, my name is Gabriel, like the angel, but not quite the same. I've been studying SEO trends for over 10 years now. I started learning back when I was a Quality Engineering Intern for EarthLink, Inc. Which basically means I stuck the 'ISP Service" marketing CD into a Mac and PC and checked the database integration for typos. Translation. I was bored out of my adventurous mind. So, I studied any and everything written about Google search engine algorithms I could find.

Blog Launch Check List

Blog Launch Check List

Although a lot of a blog's success comes from the ongoing effort you put into growing and nurturing it, there are a few things you can do to give it the best possible chance from day one. The checklist below varies from very simple actions through to big decisions and longer term strategies.

21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post
Rand Fishkin

21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post

It's been a long time since I've covered blogging strategies, and my recent panel with one of the world's foremost authorities got me thinking that given our success, both with the SEOmoz blog and with blogs for clients, it's time to share a bit more. Today, I'd like to cover how to make that single post you're composing more likely to earn the attention it deserves. Let's dive into the list:

Review of the Thumb Up/Down Judicial System w/ Suggestions

Review of the Thumb Up/Down Judicial System w/ Suggestions

It's pretty easy to thumb someone's comments up or down here at SEOmoz. You just register and away you go. Notice: Reading a post or its comments is NOT a requirement for contributing your opinion via thumb. This is not a situation that is unique to SEOmoz, nor is it something that they can do much about. There’s just no way to enforce the “reading before thumbing rule,” at least not now, but don’t be surprised if some offshoot of iris scanning makes this possible in the future.

Content Spam 2.0: What This Means to SEO
Paul Lalley

Content Spam 2.0: What This Means to SEO

Weird email requests lately. One guy wanted a bid on 1,000 articles – all about apartments. I doubt there are 1,000 things you could even say about apartments, much less write 1,000 articles on the subject. And if tasked with such an assignment, any self-respecting copywriter would gouge out her eyes with a spork after a day or two. Tops.