Content Marketing

Content forms the foundation of SEO. If you want to rank, you first need content. If you want to rank well in a competitive environment, you likely need an exceptional content strategy. Content can take many forms: blog posts, product pages, pdfs, videos, forums, and more. Almost anything you put on your website for your audience counts as "content."

Content Marketing is the practice of creating and marketing content for the purpose of driving traffic, increasing awareness, and/or supporting a brand.

In SEO, good content can also drive links to your website, which in turn helps to increase your search traffic from Google.

The Beginner's Guide to Content Marketing : If you’re brand new to content marketing, start here. We’ll explain the basics from A-Z.

Content Marketing Learning Center : Our free content marketing learning hub. Here, we’ve gathered our top resources in one place.

Thought Leadership : Chima Mmeje shows you how to craft a thought leadership strategy that complements your content marketing efforts and positions your brand as the source of truth.

How to Create 10x Content : Wondering just how to go about creating that ten-times-better content? We have a Whiteboard Friday for that.

How to Do a Content Audit : A thorough content audit can reveal your site's opportunities and pitfalls while providing actionable ideas for improvement. This comprehensive guide shows you how.

Most Recent Articles on Content Marketing

Sharing is Caring and the Real Costs of Being a Content Scrooge
Ryan Camomile

Sharing is Caring and the Real Costs of Being a Content Scrooge

The other day I was talking with an upper level manager who said his company does not publish, or give away, any of form of useful content. His reasoning was, in his own words, "we are stingy." I would like to take this time to share the costs of being content scrooge. The truth is business is evolving. We are getting to the point that not having a content strategy in place will push you farther and farther behind.

Repurposing Your Online Content: 10 Steps to Move From Whitepaper to Webinar
Jared Fabac

Repurposing Your Online Content: 10 Steps to Move From Whitepaper to Webinar

If you’re spending staff time or company resources to have content created, you may not see customers come streaming into your doors the next day. This can often lead to a "this stuff doesn't work" attitude. However, when done correctly, there should be a time when you can point to the positive and quantifiable results of your content marketing to say that it works.

When Google Was Not an Obsession, Content & Conversion Were Likely Better
Foster Web Marketing

When Google Was Not an Obsession, Content & Conversion Were Likely Better

Years ago, before I was constantly on the lookout for changes that might affect Internet marketing and had yet to develop my obsession with Google, I used to create content that was designed for people. Yes, you read that right...I used to write with the human being in mind not the search engines. The focus as a writer was to create content that was ...

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A Manifesto of Content Marketing
Rand Fishkin

A Manifesto of Content Marketing

Last month in Philadelphia, I gave a short presentation on content marketing to an audience at SEER Interactive's SearchChurch. Since the setting was so unique, I tried a unique format and style that I haven't done previously. It was a bit fun and silly, and also a little heavy-handed (but meant tongue-in-cheek). The fundamentals of what I tried to present, though, are things I solidl...

Oops, I Ruined the Facebook IPO!
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Oops, I Ruined the Facebook IPO!

Last week’s Facebook IPO may go down in financial infamy as being the biggest and most high profile IPO flop of the century – and this Internet Marketer's content marketing efforts may have inadvertently triggered the epic Facebook IPO meltdown. Sounds ridiculous and completely preposterous, right? Read to the end of the story and decide for yourself!

Modern Business and Content Guidance from Bell Labs

Modern Business and Content Guidance from Bell Labs

I've been reading The Idea Factory, the history of the innovation that came out of Bell Labs around WWII. Innovation, invention and ideas are things that we don't get to talk much about in SEO. It's all about keywords, links, and content, but I want you to take some time today to think about ideas, inventions and innovations. Why? Because we all want to be millionaires (oh hush, yes you do), and while that might not happen to all of us, idea generation is central to our jobs in search marketing.

#SocialSuccess - An Inbound Marketing Case Study for B2B
Kieran Flanagan

#SocialSuccess - An Inbound Marketing Case Study for B2B

There has been a lot of great discussion about the term “inbound marketing” of late and exactly what is covered by that phrase. For the purposes of this case study we are using the hubspot definition of inbound and outbound marketing. The following is a case study of how we ( used inbound marketing along with social advertising and great retargeting to grow both our traffic and leads in the UK.