Link Building

Links on the Internet form a relationship between pages and sites that are hugely important to both search engines and marketers. Search engines, like Google, use links to crawl the web, discover new pages, calculate the popularity of those pages, and also determine the relevancy of results to a searcher's query.

If you are new to link building, we highly recommend starting out with our Beginner’s Guide to SEO with Growing Popularity and Links.

While link building can be hugely beneficial for SEO, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest practices. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

The Beginner's Guide to Link Building : Everything you need to get started with link building.

The Professional’s Guide to SEO : Professional’s guide to link building and link earning tactics written by SEO expert Paddy Moogan.

Link Building Tactics : There are lots of ways to get links. This guide shows you tactics applicable to almost all websites.

The Rules of Link Building : You need links, but building bad ones can mean trouble. You need to know the rules!

Link Building: The One Hour Guide to SEO : Learn the basics of link building for absolute beginners, all in 10 minutes!

Most Recent Articles on Link Building

Using Small Websites to Create a Bigger Impact
Rob Ousbey

Using Small Websites to Create a Bigger Impact

We all like links from big sites right? Whether it's in an editorial article, a guest post, etc, it's great for sending some strength and trust to your site. However, the drawback of links from big sites, is that you might find it's on a small page. The newly published page will take some time to get indexed, much of it's strength (certainly initially) is likely to come from internal links, and it's unlikely to have a great crawl rate.

Revisiting Themed Links
Rand Fishkin

Revisiting Themed Links

Many years ago, when I first started in the search marketing industry, several instances of the debate around "themed links" flared up, cooled off and reared their head again. Nowadays, it makes infrequent, though periodic appearances in the thinking, recommendations and forums of the SEO world, and I thought it would be wise to revist the issue, lay out the discussion points and get ...

Unique Content for Text Links
jamie hands

Unique Content for Text Links

Background I’m pretty sure that many of us on here are aware of the recent Go Compare case where Go Compare dropped in the SERP’s for their brand name for a few days. There was talk at the time that they were penalised for violating Google’s Terms and Conditions (TOC’s).

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Piggybacking Off Of Survivor

Piggybacking Off Of Survivor

Fortunately, Coach Wade wasn’t voted off of Survivor this past week. I’m happy about this not just because I’m a fan of his, which I admit I am, but because it means I’ll still get some more traffic from his hilarious turn on the show. The things he says and his sort of delusional ideas and stories start to grow on you, along with his kid-like passion and earnestness. He just wants to be part of the team.

Link Building from A to Z

Link Building from A to Z

Although you can easily find lists with 21, 66, 69, 75, 101 or even 131 link building strategies, numbered (link building) tip lists remain very popular. Not because these articles provide shocking new insights - most of the aforementioned mentioned lists mention pretty much the same tactics - but because they remind people of how work intensive the ongoing process of link building can be, and because they make people think due to their in-depth nature. "How can I use these tactics for our website?" "Which of the listed tactics are relevant for our company?" Or, even better, "What strategies would I have added to this list?"

Want to Get Listed in DMOZ?  Become an Editor

Want to Get Listed in DMOZ? Become an Editor

Getting your website listed in the DMOZ directory in anything less than geologic time frames is next to impossible. Most SEOs submit their sites and then forget about ever getting listed. However, there is a way to guarantee that your site will be included in the DMOZ directory quickly: become a DMOZ editor for the category in which you have applied to have your website listed.

Abstract Link Building Ideas: Desktop Customization Sites

Abstract Link Building Ideas: Desktop Customization Sites

It seems every web developer's biggest concern, excluding keyword density/research, is finding new and innovative ways to create quality inbound links back to your website. While there is no easy-button to begin generating inbound links, there are certainly many abstract approaches and techniques a developer can utilize to make inbound link generation a bit less tedious.

How NOT to Request a Link Via Email
Rebecca Kelley

How NOT to Request a Link Via Email

I still have my first ever email account, a Hotmail account that's older than most of the kids on Digg nowadays. Today I logged in to retrieve a lost password and saw that I had over 600 new emails. All of them are spam, newsletters, shopping deals, etc--I rarely get "legit" emails sent to that account since the vast majority of my contacts know to reach me at my Gmail or SEOmoz email address. So it was with great amusement that I saw an email from 1/29/09 titled "Link Exchange Request" from some dude named Scott (not our Scott, don't worry). I've shared the email below:

An Impressive Case Study in Link Acquisition:
Rand Fishkin

An Impressive Case Study in Link Acquisition:

Short post tonight, as demands on my time are in excess of even their normally overwhelming quantities. Hopefully I'll make a bigger return to the blog with the last piece of the beginner's guide (on analytics), a post on my recent, amazing trip to Iceland for RIMC and more depth and detail on using Nick's phenomenal new Top Pages Tool (seriously, it's a game changer). One search result...