Link Building

Links on the Internet form a relationship between pages and sites that are hugely important to both search engines and marketers. Search engines, like Google, use links to crawl the web, discover new pages, calculate the popularity of those pages, and also determine the relevancy of results to a searcher's query.

If you are new to link building, we highly recommend starting out with our Beginner’s Guide to SEO with Growing Popularity and Links.

While link building can be hugely beneficial for SEO, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest practices. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

The Beginner's Guide to Link Building : Everything you need to get started with link building.

The Professional’s Guide to SEO : Professional’s guide to link building and link earning tactics written by SEO expert Paddy Moogan.

Link Building Tactics : There are lots of ways to get links. This guide shows you tactics applicable to almost all websites.

The Rules of Link Building : You need links, but building bad ones can mean trouble. You need to know the rules!

Link Building: The One Hour Guide to SEO : Learn the basics of link building for absolute beginners, all in 10 minutes!

Most Recent Articles on Link Building

Link & Ranking Strategies for Enterprise Sites
Rand Fishkin

Link & Ranking Strategies for Enterprise Sites

Tonight I'm back from Hong Kong and China, sitting at my computer in lovely, cool, wonderfully-clean-tap-water-spouting Seattle. There's a lot to come on Chinese search marketing from myself, Si and David Temple (who generously offered coverage of the conference for the blog), but, in the meantime, I know we need to get back to basics here at SEOmoz...

Inbound Link Penalties are Non-Existent

Inbound Link Penalties are Non-Existent

This post is in response to the idea that you should be afraid of who you buy links from. Inbound links cannot be penalized because there is not a reliable way for Google or any other search engine to verify that the target of the inbound links is responsible for placing them.Googlebowling doesn't exist here because if it did then everyone would be able to get their compe...

Stop Wanting Money and Start Wanting Traffic

Stop Wanting Money and Start Wanting Traffic

"I once had a farm in Africa" Meryll Streep told us in Out of Africa. Well Meryll, I had a house in Africa too and it was a nice sturdy house with an enormous patio that overlooked a landscape filled with trees of such shape that my eyes never became familiar with and which never failed to be lovely to the point of amazing me every morning I woke up. Beyond the t...

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I Love Being Wrong About Digg
Rand Fishkin

I Love Being Wrong About Digg

Brandon Hopkins, who runs a blog on search & webmastering, emailed me earlier this week to ask for my opinion on an article of his. Here's what I wrote back: I doubt you've got a shot at Digg-bait; it's too SEO focused and will get buried instantly. I'm not sure I'd even submit it as the ...

BlackLinking Part II
Pete Watson-Wailes

BlackLinking Part II

And here we go, diving into the other half of it! So, let's get cracking...Question Six: What are the top 3 over-rated and under-rated criteria for determining how valuable an individual link will potentially be to your site’s search engine rankings? Over-rated - PR, location in a site, and the content it's onUnder-rated - Where...

A Brief Review of the SEOmoz Professional Guide to Link Building

A Brief Review of the SEOmoz Professional Guide to Link Building

I thought I had already submitted this but after I hit 'publish' it lost formatting and I'm not sure if it actually went to you. If this is a duplicate then please accept my apologies... My little boy had a temperature on Friday so it was a day of sitting under blankets on the settee, playing Lego Star Wars and watching DVDs whilst the virus worked it's merry way thr...

The Power of the Phone in Linkbuilding

The Power of the Phone in Linkbuilding

First off I want to preface this post with a little warning. I’m by no means an SEO expert. In fact, I’m a newbie to the game. I only have about six months of real Internet marketing under my belt (although in online time I suppose that would equate to a few years of real world experience.) Many people might shrug me off because of my lack of experience but I think it’s actual...