Marketing Industry

Offline Reading List: Magazines and Books for SEOs
Rob Ousbey

Offline Reading List: Magazines and Books for SEOs

This week, I'd like to make suggestions for a 'reading list' to help SEOs, and others who work online, particularly with website strategies. But this list isn't going to be blogs, post and online articles, oh no. These suggestions are entirely offline. We're going into dead tree mode with eleven books and two magazines. Some of these suggestions you may want to flick through, some you may want to read cover to cover. Others will be suitable for suggesting to other people within your organisation.

SEO Guide: How to Properly Move Domains
Danny Dover

SEO Guide: How to Properly Move Domains

Moving domains makes a tremendous impact on search engine rankings and usually leads to a temporary loss in traffic. But Why? This is because the major search engines use metrics on both the domain level and the page level to determine rankings. When a webmaster decides to switch to a brand new domain, they are resetting their domain metrics to zero whether they know it or not. Luckily, there are steps one can take to minimize the affects of this.

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Nudge: Lessons for SEO and Business
Will Critchlow

Nudge: Lessons for SEO and Business

I recently read Nudge, a book that got quite a bit of press coverage here in the UK after inspiring some political decisions on both sides of the floor. Its core premise is that human decisions are not taken on pure economic terms but rather are susceptible to 'Nudges' or changes in what they call 'choice architecture'. I wanted to present a few ways the core subjects of the book can be applied to SEO and business.

The Layman's Personal Branding Platform
Danny Dover

The Layman's Personal Branding Platform

Personal branding is the art of showcasing your experiences, accomplishments and perspectives. Like many of you, I knew the importance of this but had always put building a personal branding website on the back burner because I didn't think it was very important and because I felt uncomfortable talking about my accomplishments in such an obvious and self-serving fashion. Recently, my view co...

Ten Resources That Changed How I View the Internet
Danny Dover

Ten Resources That Changed How I View the Internet

I can always pick out a fool when I hear someone claim they fully get the internet, whether it be a social media snake-oil salesman or a Twitter user with too many followers. The fact of the matter is that while it’s possible (and exciting) to understand one sub-sphere of the internet, there are simply too many spheres for one person to really understand all of them. I simply don’t think it is possible.

What Digital Experience Does Your CEO Need?
Will Critchlow

What Digital Experience Does Your CEO Need?

One of my strategic objectives this year is to get Distilled access to decision-makers closer to the boards of some of our large clients. It should be clear to all of us in search that the companies winning the search game are those prepared to think about it most strategically. I believe that in 30 years' time, the people running large companies will those who understand the unchecked flow of information - the marketers - and more specifically that technically-inclined breed of marketers currently only found in search.

How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline
Danny Dover

How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline

This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...

10 Tips for When Startup Life Gives You Lemons...
Rand Fishkin

10 Tips for When Startup Life Gives You Lemons...

There's no doubt about it - being a startup in any economic condition is rough, and in the current tumult, mind-bending challenges aren't out of the ordinary. However, I, like most other entrepreneurs I've encountered, am a staunch optimist and thus, even in the face of hardship, seek the silver lining. Tonight, I'd like to share a few of the diamonds in the dung pile that are closest to my heart.

10 Irrational Human Behaviors and How to Leverage Them to Improve Web Marketing
Rand Fishkin

10 Irrational Human Behaviors and How to Leverage Them to Improve Web Marketing

I couldn't help but love Chris Yeh's Outline of Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions. It's a fascinating look into the surprisingly predictable psychology that powers human actions and reactions, and I think there are some definitive lessons we can take away from the piece and apply to web marketing. Let's run through the list: