Marketing Industry

Is SEO the Answer for Start-up Marketing?
Benjamin Estes

Is SEO the Answer for Start-up Marketing?

Lately I’ve seen that a tight relationship between SEO and startups has been something of a foregone conclusion within the SEO industry: “Of course startups should be engaged in SEO!” Perhaps, and perhaps not. In fact, some start-up communities have taken up a stance in direct opposition to this, stigmatizing SEO as manipulative. Personally I’m just a humble consu...

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The New SEO Process (Quit Being Kanye)

The New SEO Process (Quit Being Kanye)

The responsibilities of SEO practitioners have changed to include far more of the digital ecosystem, yet for so many, much of the SEO process remains the same. Currently there are several segments of SEO strategy seen as optional that are actually absolutely imperative to the success of an SEO campaign, as well as to the synergy of other initiatives within the marketing mix. In other words, SEO must adopt and adapt in order to be taken seriously and command the type of influence required to drive change. As it stands, SEO looks to disrupt the symphony (or cacophony) that is a brand’s marketing mix. Let’s discuss a new process that allows SEO to improve the effectiveness of all digital marketing channels – not just inbound.

Lessons I Learned from My SEO Manager Position

Lessons I Learned from My SEO Manager Position

During the last three years I have been the search engine optimisation (SEO) manager of a leading Ecommerce agency based in Paris. I had the opportunity to deal with top fashion brands and with a bunch of big pure-players due to my position and SEO knowledge. As you might know, SEO is not an exact science; and sometimes when you drive an SEO strategy, it's not always easy to explain how Google works to a marketing director or to someone else in the board of government.

The SEOmoz Help Team: How We Do Customer Service
Aaron Wheeler

The SEOmoz Help Team: How We Do Customer Service

Have you ever wondered how SEOmoz supports 15,000 PRO members and over 250,000 free members and blog readers? The six mozzers that make up the Help Team answer all of the emails, phone calls, and chat requests we get every day. This post is going to talk a little bit about them and give you a look at the way we've built the SEOmoz support channels to meet our overall goal: to provide the best customer service on the planet. It's a hard goal to reach, but I can't think of any more worthwhile endeavor.

SEO Pricing: 600+ Agencies Share Costs of Services & Pricing Models
Rand Fishkin

SEO Pricing: 600+ Agencies Share Costs of Services & Pricing Models

Near the end of December 2011, we ran a survey on this blog asking consultants and agencies of all sizes and geographies to contribute their pricing models and cost structures. I'm pleased to share the results of that survey in the hopes that it will give everyone in the search industry a better idea of the range of fees and the services provided. Obviously, this data is imperfec...

8 Predictions for SEO in 2012
Rand Fishkin

8 Predictions for SEO in 2012

It's nearly 2012, and that means we get to revisit our expectations for 2011 and prognosticate for the year ahead. In keeping with tradition, I'm first going to evaluate my predictions from last December before determining if I've got the cred to make some for 2012. Here's the rules: For each prediction, we'll grade using the following points system: ...

Search Industry Surprises of 2011
Phil Nottingham

Search Industry Surprises of 2011

It’s the 1st January 2012. You've been inundated with well-wishing SMS messages from numbers you don't have saved. You got up late and have only just showered. More than likely, you’re unbearably hungover. Like many others you have just begrudgingly thought about remedying the sour taste in your mouth...

Be the CEO of More Than Just Your Job
Rand Fishkin

Be the CEO of More Than Just Your Job

Almost two years ago, Brad Feld put up an excellent blog post called "Be the CEO of Your Job" based on an interview with Mark Pincus of Zynga by the NYTimes. I loved the concept and have tried to apply it even since before I had a name for the attitude of independence that great companies tend to grant their team.