Marketing Industry

Why Companies Are Investing in SEO During the Economic Downturn
Rand Fishkin

Why Companies Are Investing in SEO During the Economic Downturn

There's no two ways about it - SEO is hot again. In the last 6 weeks, SEOmoz has received a considerably higher than normal volume of requests for consulting. Alongside that, we've been getting calls from venture capital firms out of the blue - 7 to date - asking either about investments they're considering in the SEO sphere (and requesting insight) or literally asking whether SEOmoz would like...

The Internet Marketer's Handbook
Danny Dover

The Internet Marketer's Handbook

This month marks the end of my first year at SEOmoz. I have spent literally hundreds of hours learning and trying to perfect my SEO and marketing skills. Although, I still have a ways to go to catch up with my expert co-workers, I have made a lot of progress. I credit this to the people I have relied on and the many tools that have helped me along the way. The following is a c...

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What Does the Stock Market Implosion Mean for Your Online Business?
Rand Fishkin

What Does the Stock Market Implosion Mean for Your Online Business?

The news this week is pretty dire. On the heels of the US Government's bailout of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG Financial, stock markets in the US, Russia, Japan and elsewhere are suffering tremendous losses. The NYTimes paints a linkbait-worthy, interactive picture of the financial industries collapse. If you're anything like me, this news brings on some anxiety and fear - neither of which a...

How to Grow Your SEO Firm
Will Critchlow

How to Grow Your SEO Firm

Another business-focussed post from me today (with a little SEO at the end). I was answering a Q&A the other day in a kind of tag-team formation with Rand when I realised that some of my thinking would make a good blog post. The question was about how to grow a new agency and asked whether we thought that contacting site owners and pointing out flaws / suggesting improvements was a good way to win new business. Rand and I sung with one voice to say (paraphrased) that we weren't big fans of the cold approach and that networking (both online and offline) was one of the keys to success. I wanted to elaborate on that a little bit.

The Most Valuable Lesson I Learned When Pursuing a Finance Major
Rand Fishkin

The Most Valuable Lesson I Learned When Pursuing a Finance Major

Not many people know that I actually attended the University of Washington in Seattle and worked, briefly, towards a degree in finance, thinking that I might join the ranks of Wall Street. It was a long time ago (in web years), and I dropped out of the program two classes away from graduation to pursue the company that would become SEOmoz full time (in 2001). Before I did, though, I met a ...

Tool of the Week - Musings on SOA/Micro-Services

Tool of the Week - Musings on SOA/Micro-Services

Frank Costello: [while eating crab] Do you know John Lennon? Billy Costigan: Yeah, sure, he was the president before Lincoln. Frank Costello: Lennon said, "I'm an artist. You give me a fucking tuba, I'll get you something out of it." Billy Costigan: [sarcastically] Well I tell you Mr. Costello, I'd like to squeeze some fucking money out of it. ...

Know Your Playing Field: The Real Top 100 Domains
Danny Dover

Know Your Playing Field: The Real Top 100 Domains

You would think that if someone didn’t know what they were searching for, they would stop looking. Yet everyday, I talk to people who aimlessly spend their time and energy looking for some far away holy grail. As a SEO my quest for success is a little better defined. I want to work on websites that drive immense traffic, be at the top of competitive SERPs and most of all, I wa...

Web Design for ROI: Chapters 1 and 2
Rebecca Kelley

Web Design for ROI: Chapters 1 and 2

Every time Rand receives a marketing book, he puts in on my desk. I don't know if it's a gesture of "Here, you read stuff..." or if it's a more direct "Read this or you're fired" (which is clearly how Rand operates, for those of you who know him well), but I've got a stack of books at home that are one giant "Read these" list. During my flights to and from Sa...