Public Relations

Rebecca and Jane on WebProNews
Jane Copland

Rebecca and Jane on WebProNews

While Rebecca and I were in New York this past week, we sat down with Michael McDonald of WebProNews to discuss some social media issues. While Rebecca is upset that she has a large strand of hair partially covering her face, and I'm amused at the awful look on my face in the embedded player, we didn't come across too badly on the film so we decided to post it here.

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Personality Analysis: The Makings of an SEO
Dan Tynski

Personality Analysis: The Makings of an SEO

A look at the unique and rare personality combinations that drive the best in the industry. Ok, lets face it…people love to read these kinds of things to get the ego boost that can come out of them. Invariably, any online personality analysis pumps you up by going into great detail your many unique strengths, while glossing over or playing down, or even spinnin...

How Did You Learn SEO?
Rand Fishkin

How Did You Learn SEO?

No April's Fools stuff from us this year - the search world is overrun with pranks. I do have have an important question that I'd love to get answers to. I'll start by providing my own. In 2001, the company that would become SEOmoz (at the time just Gillian, Matt & myself) began taking on some e-commerce development projects. Previously, we had designed static websites in Flash &amp...

Semantic Search: A New Context

Semantic Search: A New Context

Semantic search is actually just one facet of what’s possible using semantic technology. There are many more uses and implementations that are generally not discussed and frequently passed over altogether. This doesn’t mean that they are any less valid, it’s just that the companies that are developing these technologies for the most part are primarily search engine comp...

A-List vs. Blue Collar Blogging
Rebecca Kelley

A-List vs. Blue Collar Blogging

Poor Jason Calacanis. He seems to want to be the Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly of the SEO sphere, where he'll say stupid, outrageous things just to get noticed and blogged about. (And yes, I'm blogging about him...shut up.) In a recent post he authored (I'm not going to link to it because I think he's an idiot), he talks about how there is no such thing as "blue collar blogging" and &quot...

Top Five SEO Excuses
Melanie Nathan

Top Five SEO Excuses

Having been an active participant at various website forums over the years, I’ve come across many a new site owner who makes one excuse or another about why they can’t or won’t search engine optimize their site. If there IS a legitimate reason not to optimize a site... I’m definitely not aware of it. Therefore, here are my picks for the top five SEO excuse...