The State of Social Media in 2012: An Interview With The Speakers of #MozCon
The world has changed a lot. I don't mean compared to last year (while it is true that many things have change...
The world has changed a lot. I don't mean compared to last year (while it is true that many things have change...
Discover what is the State of SEO in 2012 accordingly to some of the most renown SEOs and Web Marketers. Google Updates, Knowledge Graph, Author Rank, Schema.org, Google+ and the Plus-ification of G. And then Bing and its teasing to the SEO community or the definitive explosion of Mobile Search. So much as changed in one year. But one thing stays firm: MozCon is coming.
Last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend the Big Boulder conference put on by GNIP in Boulder, Colorado. Around 200 attendees joined together in the St. Julien Hotel to attend what was billed as the world's first social media data conference. GNIP, a company focused on aggregating and providing social data, assembled a great lineup of speakers, the majority of whom provide or consume social data.
We're accepting community speaker submissions for MozCon 2012! Submit your brilliant idea by 5pm on Wednesday, June 27th. We're looking to hear from 4 different amazing people.
Every year, our annual summer customer conference, Mozcon, sells out to capacity, and this year is shaping up to be no different. In my opinion this is largely due to the speakers and the format. The content is among the best I see each year because the conference has developed a reputation as a forcing function for "upping one's game" on quality of tactics and presentation delivery.
Hey party people! We are really excited to announce that the Mozzers are headed to Philadelphia. That's right! On May 10th we're having a meetup at the infamous SEER Search Church. You'll get a chance to see both Rand Fishkin and Wil Reynolds speak (for free even) and network with other l...
MozCon 2012 tickets are here! Join us for a three day deep-dive into advanced search engine optimization, social media, conversion rate optimization, content marketing, analytics, and more. Early birds get the best priced worm! "MozCon is like Disneyland for SEOs, jampacked with super-geeky SEO Magic Tricks, and great chances to meet and say hello to others in the search industry." -- Pete Campbell
Conferences are always a great way to get out and meet the SEOmoz community. Luckily we have SMX West coming up next week and quite a few Mozzers will be attending, speaking, live blogging and tweeting. We want to get a chance to meet as many of you as possible so I forced everyone to decide on a schedule so you’ll know where to find us! Before I get into talkin...
This is the third time, I've been to an SEOmoz / Distilled SEO conference. Yet again, it proved to be a great opportunity to learn new SEO stuff, our refresh knowledge, and have a chance to network with people from all over the world.
About a year ago, we started talking about how we wanted to find a way to meet more people from the community in person. Sure we all get to know each other online through the blog, on Twitter or maybe in Q&A, but it's nothing like getting to meet people face-to-face. There becomes a bond or friendship once you actually know each other that helps to build a community. ...
For the last few years, our partners at Distilled have run some incredible conferences in London, New Orleans and Boston. This year, for the first time, they're coming to New York City and it's going to be an incredible experience.Rather than pour over details of the event, I'll let some photos, images and screenshots do...
Back at Blue Tent Marketing (@blue_tent) WHQ sifting though my notes, reviewing PowerPoints, and trying to determine what path I want to head down for a recap of MozCon 2011, I realize that the overall theme of MozCon is about getting together as a community. A community of SEOs and online marketers! As I set foot in Seattle for the fi...
Over the past couple months, we've had lots of people asking about the full agenda for MozCon. Well my friends, I'm super excited to announce that the agenda is complete! As Rand ...
Imagine this if you will… you're sitting in your office in Denver, working away and see a tweet come through your stream about an SEOmoz meetup in New York City. You think to yourself, "self… why do they always have these meetups so far away? It'd be cool if they came to Denver, we have lots of SEOs here too, yo." [that's at least how I talk to myself] Ok… ok so p...