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Why Remarketing?

Why Remarketing?

Many brands are using remarketing to bridge the gap from visitor to customer. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Brian Rauschenbach and Nora Park share their tips for leveraging remarketing to target your audience and turn those visits into conversions!

Content Outreach 'Reverse Audience Sourcing'
Jeremy McDonald

Content Outreach 'Reverse Audience Sourcing'

Last year I attended Search Love Conference and was inspired by Guy Levine's and Richard Baxter's excellent presentations and their ideas of sourcing your audience from competitor's content and finding platforms your ideal audience will engage with. I then came back to the office and had the difficulty of trying to explain the idea to my colleagues. Without having a term for the practice, I found it very difficult indeed.

Ensuring Your International Domains Don't Cannibalize Your Domestic Rankings
Malcolm Gibb

Ensuring Your International Domains Don't Cannibalize Your Domestic Rankings

I came in one Monday morning to find the most awful thing an SEO can experience... rankings suddenly switching from to international domains across every major generic and brand term in Google UK. This particular client had dominated their own brand and major generic terms in the UK for as long as I can remember and now, somehow their Irish, US (.com) and New Zealand sites were ranking in Google UK, and the was nowhere in sight... WTF?!

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7 Fiverr Gigs for In-house SEOs
Martijn Oud

7 Fiverr Gigs for In-house SEOs

Fiverr has a bad reputation in the online marketing community. Because, you know, that's not how it works. I would definitely not recommend many of the SEO/Marketing related gigs being sold there. However, Fiverr can be a really useful asset for inbound marketeers who may have a smaller budget, not have as many resources or connections that larger companies would. Here are seven gigs that may help you.

Tracking SEO 'Broad Match' Keywords in Google Analytics
Tracy Mu Sung

Tracking SEO 'Broad Match' Keywords in Google Analytics

Tracking keyword performance in Google Analytics is, in theory, easy to do and very flexible. Using customised reports and filters, you can drill down into data, filter items, create custom variables and present the information in ways which will usually be sufficient to answer your questions. But what about producing reports to compare groups of very similar keywords? The term ‘broad match’ is usually reserved for paid search, but as SEO managers, we often want to track the performance of terms we are optimising, including their close variations. There is no default report in Google Analytics to help you with this, but you can use existing features to help you build it yourself.

Competitive Linking: Nine Simple Steps for Sucking Your Competitors Link Profiles Dry

Competitive Linking: Nine Simple Steps for Sucking Your Competitors Link Profiles Dry

What do you think of when you hear the term “competitive link building”? Do you grin with excitement at the thought of poaching linking opportunities from your competitors? Or do you shudder at the thought of picking through hundreds of low quality links for that one needle in the haystack? For too many SEOs, competitive link analysis is worse than simply not productive, it is a tedious, soul-sucking task that can derail your linking campaign, waste your time, and even get your site sent to Penguin jail. How do you keep this from happening?