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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Do Sweat the Small Stuff
Kieran Daly

Do Sweat the Small Stuff

The book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff was smash hit as it appealed to peoples sensibilities with its premise that life was too short to worry about the unimportant items. I must admit I purchased a copy and the short pithy one page stories appealed to me. People like quick digestible fixes. Attention spans are down the toilet these days as people Tweet, Facebook and send SMS to...

How to Read and Review Resumes

How to Read and Review Resumes

And now for a little departure from your regularly scheduled SEO posts - for a foray into hiring and recruiting. We have been doing a lot of hiring recently at SEOmoz and lots of people have inquired what we look for in candidates. The truth is, we really try to give everyone a chance, but this blog covers some of the tips and tricks we use to make the process as efficient as possible. If you are hiring, this blog will give you some ideas to add to your screening process, and if you are looking for a job, then you will also find some dos and don'ts to help you secure you next big opportunity. To infinity and beyond!

Top Befuddling SEO Questions to Ask SEO Experts

Top Befuddling SEO Questions to Ask SEO Experts

As SEOs, we sometimes come across situations that make us scratch our head and go “why is this ranking?” If we are lucky, it challenges our preconceived notions that force us to expand our SEO knowledge or to dive deeper and learn more about SEO. The curiosity about what is going on within the search engines' algorithm truly defines the difference between a mediocre SEO and an...

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How to Build Your Own Thumbdrive SEO Browser
Jesse Avshalomov

How to Build Your Own Thumbdrive SEO Browser

Recently Firefox automatically updated to version 5, and with that update came a nightmarish scenario: virtually every Firefox SEO add-on suddenly ceased to function. By now many of these add-ons have been repaired, but at the time I was rescued by a side project of mine – a portable SEO Browser designed to run from a thumbdrive, complete...

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The Best Kept Secret in the SEOmoz Toolset
Rand Fishkin

The Best Kept Secret in the SEOmoz Toolset

I'm embarrassed to say that sometimes, I really don't do a good job of putting SEOmoz's best foot forward. Case-in-point: this past week, our SERPs Analysis Tool, one of the most requested, most exciting and most useful projects we've ever crafted had a new release that now includes social data in the report. ...

Is External Linking Good For SEO?
Cyrus Shepard

Is External Linking Good For SEO?

External linking doesn't sound like it's that difficult of a situation but for many SEOs there's an ongoing debate about how you should do external linking on your website. This week Cyrus, our web strategist, goes over two very different methods of handling external linking on your website. While there are benefits and problems with each strategy, we want to know what method you use and why! Feel free to leave you comments below and discuss what method you use.