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Rel Canonical: Impact on Analytics

Rel Canonical: Impact on Analytics

There is one topic that relates to the canonical tag that no one is talking about yet. It's impact on Google Analytics. I'm a numbers guy by nature. I check various stats in Analytics every day. I'm always looking for new ways to look at the numbers and new ways to figure out what they're telling me. Yes, they talk to me on occasion.

Beyond Good and Evil in SEO

Beyond Good and Evil in SEO

I recently heard a story about a local SEO shop whose customers, overnight, almost ALL lost ranking in Google. Apparently, the shop had been engaging in “black hat” techniques. I’m pretty sure the teller of the tale made a “tsk tsk” sound at the end to help emphasize this as another instance where people who do evil get their just desserts.

Getting Your Company Onboard with LPO
Joanna Lord

Getting Your Company Onboard with LPO

I don't like the word "optimization." It has surpassed the level of buzz word and has officially been overused in every which way. While the word itself annoys me, the process of improving what you have to get more from it still rings true. I think we can all get onboard with the concept, but what about the process behind it? I am constantly surprised by the number of people that tell me their boss or client simply doesn't want to spend time on landing page optimization.

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A Quick Approach To Keyword Research
Jonathan Walker

A Quick Approach To Keyword Research

Getting a starting point for your keywords is often very straight forward as they should relate to the area of business you are in, products you sell, or services you provide. For the purpose of the example, we’re conducting keyword research for a company that is selling....Halloween costumes! With that example, what keywords have you thought of? I imagine “Halloween Costumes” is one of them right? Perhaps “Halloween Costumes Shop” is another?

301 Redirect or Rel=Canonical - Which One Should You Use?
Paddy Moogan

301 Redirect or Rel=Canonical - Which One Should You Use?

There has been quite a lot of discussion lately about the use of rel=canonical and we've certainly seen a decent amount of Q&A from SEOmoz members on the subject. Dr. Pete of course blogged about his rel-canonical experiment which had somewhat interesting results and Lindsay wrote a great guide to rel=canonical. Additionally, there seem to be a few common problems that are along the following lines

Search Engines and Brand Entities
Aaron Wheeler

Search Engines and Brand Entities

Brands and company-specific brand name products have become much more important to search engines recently. Google tries to serve us with relevant content, so if it thinks we want to know more about Adidas or Puma, it's going to tell us about these brands rather than about the random online shoe stores that we'll probably click away from (you know the ones!). This might be great if you're...

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Link Building Tips for Personal Blogs
Rand Fishkin

Link Building Tips for Personal Blogs

I've gotten to spend some time recently with folks who run small, personal blogs (including my wife, friend Kim, and a travel blogging dinner meetup SEOmoz sponsored in Seattle this week), and many of them have asked me whether SEO, in particular link building, is an activity they can take on to help ...

A Philosophical Look at LDA
Ben Morel

A Philosophical Look at LDA

I’m going to make a comment here that may shock a lot of people. I hate to say it, but it may shock a lot of people who are very good at using statistics. Statistical models are not answers – they are models. Models are built in replica of a system. They may look similar, but they are not perfect and the resemblance can always b...

Competitor and Site Analysis Using OpenSiteExplorer and Other SEOmoz Tools
Susan Rust

Competitor and Site Analysis Using OpenSiteExplorer and Other SEOmoz Tools

A new potential client calls and starts talking about how they don't rank and what can be done to help. existing client calls and says they want to rank for a new set of keywords. These are all familiar situations. As a SEOer, what's the first thing you do? That's right - jump in and figure out what's going on with the client's site and how competitive is their online market. We...

Calculating and Improving Your Twitter Click-through-Rate
Rand Fishkin

Calculating and Improving Your Twitter Click-through-Rate

As marketers, many of us leverage Twitter as a direct traffic tool - sharing URLs via the service to encourage clicks and visits to help increase awareness, branding and possibly drive some direct actions (singups, sales, subscriptions, etc). But, from what I've seen and experienced, not many of us spend time thinking about how or taking action to improve the CTR we get from the links we t...