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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Whiteboard Friday - Link Building with Nudges
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Link Building with Nudges

Is it better to practically force your users to make the desired conversion action, or is it better to give them a choice? How about a choice between two desired conversion actions? How about giving them choice, but making the more preferred one easier as well as anchoring it in social proof that makes it still more compelling? It's a powerful way to increase conversion rates and fu...

Feedback on the SEOmoz Blog: What Can We Do For You?
Rand Fishkin

Feedback on the SEOmoz Blog: What Can We Do For You?

I'm feeling a bit guilty. Over the past 10 weeks, I've been on the road almost constantly, and possibly neglecting the blog a bit more than usual. To atone, I'm hoping to gather some feedback from you - our readers and members - about what you'd like to see more/less of in the weeks and months to come. While we've certainly been inspired by our traffic and readership growth this year... ...

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How My List of Followers on Twitter Has Increased by More Than 200 in One Day (And Why I Don't Like It)

How My List of Followers on Twitter Has Increased by More Than 200 in One Day (And Why I Don't Like It)

For almost one year I had a Twitter account and never used it. Last month I became active on twitter and after tweeting, retweeting, socializing and exchanging information my list grew from my 14 friends to 144 followers. Every day I would receive one or two “Someone is now following you on Twitter” notifications. It was nice; I really enjoyed visiting my new follo...

The Best Way to Find Undervalued Websites

The Best Way to Find Undervalued Websites

Warren Buffett, myself and many other very successful people are buying undervalued businesses every day. For someone who does not have a strong education in acquisitions or has stumbled into the industry it is very hard to figure where to start or where to find these businesses.Many things could make a business undervalued, but as we are talking about websites and I will ke...

The 8-Step SEO Strategy

The 8-Step SEO Strategy

Enjoy this SEO Strategy Plan. Step 1: Define your target audience & their interests --This is the first step in most marketing campaigns, define your target audience. Your target audience is a defined set of people who you are marketing your product to.

Leveraging Mechanical Turk, oDesk, ELance & Craigslist for SEO
Rand Fishkin

Leveraging Mechanical Turk, oDesk, ELance & Craigslist for SEO

Web services that connect job seekers with paid employment have become powerful tools in the arsenals of those that know how to leverage them. Unfortunately, the services themselves and the concepts of how to apply them have often been overshadowed by fear, uncertainty and lack of knowledge about how to apply. No more. In this post, I'm going to walk you through how to use these web ser...

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Video Search Optimisation or Marketing?

Video Search Optimisation or Marketing?

It seems that video search is something many brands are including within their marketing mix, and for good reason. You only have to look at YouTube and Facebook to see the reasons why it’s imperative not to exclude video from your social marketing strategy. On the 2nd March 2010, the traffic stats for Y...

CRO and SEO: SEM Civil War

CRO and SEO: SEM Civil War

civil war n. A state of hostility or conflict between elements within an organization. Alright, so search marketing isn't really an "organization" but there is a certain hostility within its ranks. It's the war of the acronyms and funding. For years there have been articles, studies, and conference panels surrounding the debate of paid search versus organic search. That rivalry is rather ancient now considering the new kids on the block: CRO, SMO, and LPO. Who will win the war? Simple. If any one side wins the war in your organization, you are the loser.

Are Specific Keywords the Most Valuable?

Are Specific Keywords the Most Valuable?

One thing I've noticed in both my SEO efforts and in PPC advertising is the difference between general and specific keywords. By getting a feel for the value of different keywords, you can make better judgments about how much to bid for them on AdWords. To make this as concrete as possible, I'll describe it in the context of my own business.I'm a lawyer. My law firm, based in...

Dear Internet, Meet Facebook Status Optimizer (Boom, Mind Explodes)
Danny Dover

Dear Internet, Meet Facebook Status Optimizer (Boom, Mind Explodes)

At SEOmoz, we have always striven to be at the forefront of understanding digital search. As web search has become an increasingly solved problem, some of our researchers have begun to switch their focus from Google to Facebook. Facebook is unique in that it is able to data mine social patterns between real life friends. This is increasingly critical data because as our lives become more busy, ...