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Online Reputation Tips - My Ad:Tech London 2009 Presentation
Will Critchlow

Online Reputation Tips - My Ad:Tech London 2009 Presentation

Last week I spent Wednesday at ad:tech in London where I spoke about advanced analytics and online reputation management. I thought the online reputation stuff would make a good Monday morning post. The audience was mainly brand and advertising people so I didn't assume too much knowledge of SEO or ORM, but instead ran through why you would want to monitor for your brand, how to determine if something is going to be a problem and some tips and tricks we've picked up along the way. I wanted to start with something topical so I used some examples from London Fashion Week (including brands and models) to demonstrate the impact of news events (interestingly, I found no significant correlation between spikes in search volume for the brands or models during fashion week).

Why Linkbait is a Tactic the Search Engines Will Always Value
Rand Fishkin

Why Linkbait is a Tactic the Search Engines Will Always Value

There have been more than a few debates and suppositions over the years about the potential value of linkbait/viral content strategies and whether search engines will always reward these practices. Tonight (actually, it's early morning here in Oslo), I wanted to tackle this debate and succinctly present reasons why I believe this methodology will remain powerful and effective in the long r...

Studying for a Postgrad Education in Social Media

Studying for a Postgrad Education in Social Media

I have seen no articles on where its possible to get a postgrad Education in SEO or associated fields. And as im about to get such an education, I thought Id share what Ive found. For some time, has been the only new media education player but now there are some traditional teaching institutions picking up online social media. I have given up my day job and will...

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Whiteboard Friday Interview: The Bing Team
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday Interview: The Bing Team

This week Rand and I had a chance to head over to Microsoft headquarters and sit down with Eric, Rajesh, and Alessandro from Bing, everyone's favorite new search upstart. The guys were gracious enough to let us into their lair and share their insights on the search landscape and what we can expect from Bing in the future. Tune in and watch the video to learn what the Bing team has to s...

Oslo's SEM Konferansen in Fourteen Photos
Rand Fishkin

Oslo's SEM Konferansen in Fourteen Photos

It's day two of SEM Konferansen in Oslo, Norway, and rather than try to share content from the conference (which I'll attempt to do in a more formal post next week), I thought we'd return to some SEOmoz roots and do a photo mashup combined with my terrible sense of humor. Remember kids, no sleep + traveling to foreign countries = weird posts from Rand. ...

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Followed Links from Four Unexpected Sources
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Followed Links from Four Unexpected Sources

We receive many questions every day in our Q & A section. Every question is answered by a different person and is handled personally. Often times we will run across a specific question being asked various times. Although the question is usually never exactly the same, the answer is often fairly similar. One question that has been popping up lately is whether it is really worth it, from an SEO ...

Startup or Corporation? The Life Changing Decision

Startup or Corporation? The Life Changing Decision

A few months ago, I made the dreaded transition from working for a small startup which composed of roughly 7 people to a major corporation which employs over 20,000 people nationwide. This particular corporation had absolutely 0 SEO or SEM initiatives set in place and were looking to get a good jump start on boosting up their online presence. I found that there are many pros and cons to wor...

Step 1: Analytics.  Step 2: ???  Step 3: Profit

Step 1: Analytics. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit

To invoke the parlance of the Interwebs, "teh internets are srs bsns." And it's true - after all of the analyzing, optimization, and long-tail research is done, doing business online still carries with it the same credo held by traditional businesses: "make money." The theories, the hot trends, the Internet superstar programs and toolkits all exist to do...

How to Export Google Analytics Data to Excel via the API

How to Export Google Analytics Data to Excel via the API

Howdy Folks, Unlike most of the posts that I've put out recently which are more strategy based this post is a from-the-trenches-tip which I've recently come across that I thought I'd share. I'm going to talk all about using the Google Analytics API but I'll show you how anyone can do it, you don't need to be a developer! All you need is a Google Analyics account and Excel.... ...