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New Keyword Tool for Adwords

New Keyword Tool for Adwords

I just spent an hour or so at the new keyword tool for adwords. It gives you a nice list of variants for any search term that you type in. Different from the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool and similar to the Wordtracker related terms list. To find this tool, log into you...

SEM Campaign Tips & Tricks
Rand Fishkin

SEM Campaign Tips & Tricks

Let's say I was training a new employee on AdSense and Overture SEM campaigns, and I'd like to have some good online resources to point them to. What would you recommend? Yes, I know it's not technically a post, but it's a chance to use your hand coding HTML skills in the comment boxes ;)...

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Screw the Sandbox the Jim Boykin Way
Rand Fishkin

Screw the Sandbox the Jim Boykin Way

Google has been asking for this. SEO has a new angle and Jim (of Webuilpages) is the pioneer. No longer is domain registration part of smart SEO - it's all about buying an old domain and changing as little whois info as possible - preferrably just getting the login info for the registrar. Jim's got a post on the&nbsp... - What are they Doing?
Rand Fishkin - What are they Doing?

It has been brought to my attention that a server that maps to is doing some unseemly bandwidth hogging. A friend (whose name will remain anonymous) clued me in to the following: Recently a series of bots from have been targetting websites with the sole purpose of accessing files simply to increase the bandwidth u...

Search Spies
Rand Fishkin

Search Spies

If you like watching what the world is searching for, search spies (programs that output the searches that are being performed on the site in real time) are a fun resource. Over at SEOChat, Mick's asked the question and Jammer & Skipsel have provided very nice lists. There's quite a few: ...

Delicious and Digg
Rand Fishkin

Delicious and Digg

Although I rarely point to TW, as everyone here has already read their posts twice, there's an excellent comment on the thread about Digg that I felt worth publicizing. It comes from John Resig, who writes: The two 'Web 2.0' traffic b...

5 Tips for SEO Businesses
Rand Fishkin

5 Tips for SEO Businesses

Todd has some good references on operating your SEO business and I thought, in the spirit of teamwork, I'd address the same topic today with some recommendations of my own. Below is my own list of suggestions, based on experience (in both failure and success): Don't Underestimate your Value...