The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.
Google has been keeping new websites out of its top rankings positions for nearly 1 year. Sadly, this has made the results far less relevant for ordinary users. Google probably assumes (hopefully incorrectly) that their brand loyalty will never die and that the prevention of SEO t...
For search engines, keyword density has long been held to be a reliable measure of the concentration of a particular keyword or phrase on a specific page. However, this method of mesurement has long been known in the scientific community to be a poor repres...
Despite the possible duplicate content penalty, I'm going to reproduce (yes, word for word) a post I made earlier today on SEW to try to clear up some confusion about the relationship and mea...
As Google, Yahoo! & the major engines dive into rich media and alternative data sources (news, video, images, etc.), it's important for SEOs to keep on top of the changes and how best to optimize for them. Image searches are already a great source of traffic for sites t...
Every request that comes into Google's search is sent to a specific datacenter where the results are returned. As of today, there are more than 50 unique IP addresses known to the SEO world that are returning slight variations of search results. A...
An incredible research paper from Microsoft highlights the advancements in search engine link detection technology. The paper, VIPS: a Vision-based Page Segmentation Algor...
Manual manipulation of the search engine results was first publicized by Yahoo!'s use of the H=0/1/2/3 phenomenon. This surprising discovery alerted SEOs to the fact that for very popular k...
An excellent, in-depth article from the Scientific American was published earlier this week. The article goes deep inside the search industry and discusses many of the cutting edge technologies and ideas that are propelling the growth and innovatio...
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A recent thread at SEW takes a poll asking whether anyone still cares about PageRank. The important thing for SEOs to remember, whether they are experienced or new to the optimization process is that P...
SEOmoz has put together a small chart analyzing the top 20 results for two searches at Google, one a normal 2-word phrase, and the other with much discussed -asdf filter (done by appending 15 -asdf onto the back of the query). The two unique results sets have been a...
Many in the SEO world have long questioned the neccessity of re-writing dynamic URLs - those that pull content from databases - into static URLs that appear to end with a finite .php/.asp/.html/etc. A dynamic URL is often criticized by search optimizers because of the difficulties search ...
Even the great and powerful Google is limited in the number of operations and complexity of calculations in the algorithm. Many SEOs often attribute far more power and subtlety to Google's ranking criteria and filtering technology than is technologically p...
The use of RSS has greatly expanded over the last 18 months, with every blogger on the web expounding on the virtues of subscribing to feeds. This process may seem daunting to the SEO & web reading neophyte, but luckily, this system is actually quite easy to ...