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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Adding Value to Website Content
Paul Lalley

Adding Value to Website Content

I recently finished a job that changed the way I view what I do. The assignment was to revise operating manuals for a mainframe computer software company. For resource material, I was given the old manual and a summary of updates, upgrades, new procedures, and all of the new information that had to be included in the revised manuals. (Stay with me, this does have a point.) I mean, ...

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Holy Sh*t, I Joined Twitter
Rebecca Kelley

Holy Sh*t, I Joined Twitter

Sigh. After much badgering, cajoling, nudging, and subtle threatening from my coworkers, colleagues, friends, and Jane (yes, Jane gets her own category--she badgered me a lot), I finally joined the Twitter. Much like Jane did when she begrudgingly joined, I'll take you through the terrifying process of nervously dipping a toe i...

SEOmoz Expert Training: Global Search
435 Digital

SEOmoz Expert Training: Global Search

On day 1 of SEOmoz' expert training last week, Will Critchlow & Duncan Morris of Distilled asked a bit of a trick question: what is the 2nd most popular search engine in the UK? The answer: The first most popular being of course barrier they broke down here is that ...

Hidden Data in Google's Keyword Tool
Chris Goulet

Hidden Data in Google's Keyword Tool

<p>After <a href="">reading about</a> how posting in the main blog would be a bit flaccid this week, I figured I would give YOUmoz blog a test run with something that I noticed a few months back. This might be of interest to you and get the blood rushing to your head or it mi...

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Another Look at Meta Geo
Marion Jacobson

Another Look at Meta Geo

Some months ago there was a little discussion about meta geo tags following one of Rand's Whiteboard Friday presentations. It seemed like the tags were dismissed as being open to exploitation and probably ignored by the search engines. Lately, though, we've been having a lot of success with helping our smal...

A Reputation 2.0 Problem - Wiki-Circularity
Will Critchlow

A Reputation 2.0 Problem - Wiki-Circularity

What with it being Labor day in the US yesterday, it should have fallen on the trusty global associates to put together something for the SEOmoz blog. Unfortunately we were working instead :( Waiting for the bus in the rain this morning was a fairly miserable start to the day, but what if it had started worse? What if I had woken up this morning to find bad things written about me or my company on the internet?

The X-Files of Google: 10 Inexplicably Weird Search Results
Rand Fishkin

The X-Files of Google: 10 Inexplicably Weird Search Results

Sometimes you come across a set of search results that just don't make any sense. For most ordinary users, I suspect they probably just move on to the next query, but for those of us deeply embedded in the world of search and SEO, these noggin'-scratchers just keep on itchin'. I've collected these ten over the past couple months and figured I'd share them on the blog with the hopes of g...

Large Corporate SEO Survival Tips

Large Corporate SEO Survival Tips

Working as an in-house SEO for a large corporate site can be fun. However, if you happen to land such a job I encourage you to focus on the fun, as the non-fun bits could wear you down. I had previously worked on nearly 2000 small-to-medium websites each of which was probably small enough to fit on a portable hard drive. Most SEOs would have worked on a similar mix of sites.Large compani...

Applying On-Site SEO to Website Templates (Or Why Separation of Code and Content is a Good Thing)

Applying On-Site SEO to Website Templates (Or Why Separation of Code and Content is a Good Thing)

There are lots of people who would class themselves as a developer and would say they can code in any given language. Often the difference between a good developer and a great developer isn't anything to do with the program, how well it works, and how few bugs there are. The great developers make programs that work but they make them in a way that isolates the various components from each other...