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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi Moz Peoples! We have a small site with a simple site navigation, with only a few links on the nav bar. We have been doing some work to create a new page, which will eventually replace one of the links on the nav bar. The question we are having is, is it better to rename the existing page and replace its content and then wait for the great indexer to do its thing, or perm delete the page and replace it with the new page and content? Or is this a case where it really makes no difference as long as the redirects are set up correctly?

    | Parker818

  • I know that SEO uses H1 and H2 mainly and there should only be one H1 and there can be multiple H2 tags. But the site I’m reviewing generally has no H1 on a page and multiple H2 tags. The Page Title reflects the title of the page, so maybe this is okay as is? They have the styling down just so, so I don’t want to make them change it if it’s okay.

    | amybethmegjo

  • Hi, I'm currently adding alt tags to my images but the Yoast SEO plug in in Wordpress states on all my pages “No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.“ while I do have images on my pages. What could be the problem? Best, Rik

    | bbuildingbusiness

  • Hello Experts, Is there any tool available to check which website using Lazy Load? Thanks!

    | wright335

  • Hi, I have a question about the title tags and meta descriptions of my domain I've updated them about 5 days ago but the new versions don't show in the search engines. However it does show when you check with the facebook developers tool . Does anyone have an idea why they're not updated in the search engines and how I can resolve this? Best, Rik

    | bbuildingbusiness

  • Hi there, I am putting a proposal together for a client whose website has been optimised to include many dynamic links and so there are many pages with duplicate content: only the page title, h1 and URL is different. My client thinks this isn't an issue. What is the current consensus on this? Many thanks in advance.

    | lorraine.mcconechy

  • Hi, Currently, we having the following URL Structure o our product pages: All Products Pages: Category Page: Product Page: Since we are going to use another frontend system, we are thinking about re-working on this URL Structure, using something like this: All Products Pages: Category Page: Product Page: I understand this is better for SEO and user experience. However, we already have good traffic on the current URL Structure. Should we use same left-side filters on Category Pages as in All Products Page? Since we are using Faceted Navigation, when users filter the Category (e.g. Clothing) they will see same page as Clothing Category Page. Is that an issue for Duplicate Content? Since we are a wholesale company - I understand is using "/wholesale/products/" in URL for all product pages a good idea? If so, should we avoid word "wholesale" in product-title to avoid repeated word in URL? For us, SKU in URL helps the company employees and maybe some clients identify the link. However, what do you think of using the SEO-friendly product-title, and 301 redirect it to, so 1st link is only used by company members and Canonicalized 2nd is the only one seen by general public? Thank you,

    | viatrading1

  • One of our pages is currently ranking around the 11th position in Google. According to MOZ page grader its page optimization score is an A. I've manually checked the on page optimization and it's done properly. Our page speed is in the 20s according to google page speed insight tool and when I look at one of our top competitors their scores are in the 60s. So that may be an issue. Our DA is 70 and our top competitor's DA is 85. However we have more backlinks and social shares for our page. So do you think our page speed may be working against us? What else would you check or consider optimizing? I'm just trying to come up with other possible causes that would be working against us. Thanks.

    | eddys_kap

  • Hi all, Building a new page for a fairly competitive keyword. Need to make sure the on-page SEO is pretty top notch, because link building (including internal links) will be difficult. I've optimised the meta description, the alt tags and image names, and included the keyword in the Title Tags. Not a great deal I can do with regards to optimising for mobile or considering migrating to the AMP project because this is handled externally. What else would you suggest? Cheers in advance, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hi All, I hope this is something you can help me with. My website is running wordpress and I post frequently. However I do update a lot of my posts over time to keep them relevant. I would like to add in the last updated tag into my posts to clearly indicate this to the search engines. Is this best placed manually or does anyone know of a plugin which can take care of this is a smart manner. Thanks In Advance

    | pettreats

  • Hello! I am a little confused concerning canonical links. I have several URLs that all access my page, but I redirect them all. A lot of places I am told to redirect them or use canonicals. Other places, I read that I should always use canonicals. What is the right way for me? If I should use canonicals as well as redirects, which links should I do this on? I redirect my pages like this: http to https: -> www to non-www: -> Remove trailing slashes -> Would-be 404-requests to index.php?p=$1 -> ( show as ) Example: -> -> -> -> ( shows as ) Thank you!

    | hermanok

  • We have launched a website The website is not ranking well even if we search with the Domain name. The Domain authority of the website it 10. How to increase this?

    | AlliedTransport

  • I am currently removing all duplicate titles from my site via title tag changes, 301's, and in some instances, canonical tags. I'm confused about why the Moz report spit out pages with duplicate titles that are canonicalized to other pages. Does Google actually consider these pages as having duplicate titles? Or is Roger Mozbot not intuitive enough to to disregard those pages?

    | StevenLevine

  • I'm still trying to wrap my head around rel=canonical and its importance. Thanks to the community, I've been able to understand most of it. Still, I have a couple of very specific questions: I share certain blog posts on the Huffington Post. Here's an example: - Of course I post these on my blog as well. Here: - Obviously the HuffPo has a huge DA, and I'll never match it. However the original post is mine, on my blog, and not on the HuffPo. They wont - obviously - add a rel=canonical just for me and for the sake of it, they have a million other things to do. QUESTION: Should I add a rel=canonical to my own site pointing to the post on the HuffPost? What would be the advantage? Should I just leave this alone? I share blog posts on Go4TravelBlog too. Example: - but, once again, the original post is on one of my blogs. In this case, it's on another blog of mine: QUESTION: Well it's pretty much the same! Should I beg Go4TravelBlog to add a rel=canonical pointing to mine? If they refuse, what do I do? Would it be better to add a rel=canonical from my site to theirs, or do I fight it out and have a rel=canonical pointing to my own post? Why? Thanks a million for your help!

    | cedriklizotte

  • Hello All! In an international website, it is recommended to have a copy of every image for every language in the website (with translate filenames)? or it is better to use only one copy of each image and change only the alt attributes? Thanks for the help.

    | dMaLasp

  • So here's the deal. I write for many different outlets. I also have many different pages on my blog that have duplicates (authorized, of course). On my blog, I have many different pages that redirect to "the original" content. I've only recently discovered the existence of rel=canonical. However I don't understand how it works. I have very specific questions. Can anyone help? If, on my blog, I have a blog post that's the original. And another website has the same content, used with authorization. If I want to tell search engines that the original content is on MY blog, what can I do? Is the only solution to ask the owner of the other blog to add a rel=canonical in the header of the specific post? If, on my blog, I have a blog post that's NOT the original. Do I simply add rel=canonical to the header, then add a link to the original in the body? If, on my blog, I have THE FIRST 300 WORDS of a blog post, then add a link saying "to read the whole article, click here" with a link pointing to the original, do I need to have a rel=canonical tag somewhere? Does it HAVE to be in the header? Can rel=canonical be used in the - What penalties are included with having duplicate content of my work everywhere on the web? I've been trying to find specifics, but can't. Thanks for the help. I'm quite confused, as you can see.

    | cedriklizotte

  • My website targets few English speaking countries and includes Spanish & Turkish the current setting is two question Since I care about few english speaking countries I think I should remove the US part and add x-defualt. What are you thoughts? Should I add the country code for the Turkish hreflang line? Thanks

    | guyciz

  • Hello All, How to check code to text ratio of Mobile Site? Thanks!

    | adamjack

  • I have a website which talks about Yoga and GMAT classes (2,000 pages). It has blog posts, Faqs, discussions, videos etc.I am planning to fork GMAT content (1,000) pages into a niche website to rank better. Is this a good idea or bad idea? Will Google think niche new Yoga site as duplicate content was there on Dance site in the beginning. I am doing this with assumption that niche website will have higher authority so that I can beat the competitors. What is the best approach to beat your competitors? I am primarily concerned of what happens if I fork half of the website into a new one. Will Google treat new website as a duplicate content website because, this content WAS present in old website and Google will have archives of that. Please help

    | Avinash_1234

  • I recently went to a conference where a speaker strongly urged us to migrate to HTTPS before January 2017.  I don't see any other sites referencing to make the switch before January 2017.  whats the deal?  😉

    | millenniumsi

  • We have a very large glossary of over 1000 industry terms on our site with links to reference material, embedded video, etc. Is it better for SEO purposes to keep this on one page or should we break it up into multiple pages, a different page for each letter for example? Thanks.

    | KenW

  • We are a 10 year + small (1000 pages) niche ecommerce site (Magento) that has recently lost rankings to a competitor. We out perform them in every metric so I do not understand them leap frogging us to the top spot. This has forced me to look at my site structure, page authority (rank), and internal linking. After reviewing a moz crawl issues report, here are some of my observations: Root domain has a PA of 40 Top 3 $ Category pages have a PA of 22, 18, 18 Multiple meaningless blog posts and other category/product pages have PA’s of 30+ Here is a screenshot of the crawl report with internal links, links, etc showing. I need some help - thoughts, suggestions, next steps in analysis?

    | SammyT

  • According to What do you think?

    | nans

  • Hi All, This is a query regarding title tag.I have a listing page with list of hotels in each city. To improve CTR, I used "Top 10 hotels in Boston" as title even though I am showing 25 hotels per page. The page takes about "hotels" but I didn't use "top 10" term anywhere in the page. Is this called keyword stuffing? Should I use "top 10" somewhere in the page as my title says so? Thanks for your help!

    | Avinash_1234

  • When I type my company name on google "Navneet Gems", it shows a very different meta tag then what it actually is. How do I change this meta descrption when its non-existent on my homepage? The worst is, it is having a spelling mistake. We want to correct this.

    | Navneet.Agarwal2016

  • I have a product category page at which currently has 38 products on it. Problem is, all the product titles start with the name of the text: "bmw s1000rr" (because that's what they are) - so that means there are 38 anchored internal links on that page, all starting with the same keyword. You can see how that might look to the Google crawler. Recently that page dropped from around 15 to outside the top 100, and Moz tells me that the page is keyword stuffed with "bmw s1000rr" (no suprise) so I'm guessing that may be the reason the page has disappeared out of the SERPs. I don't really want to change all the product titles (then they wouldn't make sense) so I'm just wondering if there is any way around this? Is there some way of telling Google that this is a product category page and therefore to ignore the anchor text in all of those product links? Can/should the links have some kind of markup on them? Or is the page beyond help? Basically I'm looking at a way of keeping the product titles as they are, but avoiding a page penalty from Google somehow. I'm a bit of a newbie, any suggestions would be most appreciated. Cheers, Graeme

    | graeme72

  • I am rebuilding our existing website on a new platform and need advice on which URL structure would be the most ideal.  The following examples are of a product that we have with a very long page title.  Not all of our products have titles this long, but enough of them do to cause some concern.  I was also wondering if I should end the url with file type .html or if leaving it out is better.  Thanks in advance! OPTION 1. this example just uses the root domain and the entire product title separated by dashes OPTION 2. this example uses the crawl path as well as the entire product title OPTION 3. this example uses the crawl path and just the part number at the end since the folders already contain all the keywords necessary

    | elementmotor

  • We are a marketing agency and we have LOTS of blog posts still on our website from when we used to specialize in e-commerce services.  We've since shifted There are a lot of old and frankly irrelevant blog posts on our website.  My questions: Should we remove these from the website so better "shape" our content profile towards the services we actually offer? Should we attempt to update them so they are still relevant even though we don't offer those services? If we get rid of those pages, what should we redirect them to?  The main blog page?

    | WhittingtonConsulting

  • Hi, I'm a novice building a website (on wordpress with the plug-in Woocommerce) and would like some advice on how to optimise my online store for SEO. Does 'traditional' link building apply to e-commerce What else should I consider Should I write a blog/vlog/ Thanks, Lindsay

    | lindsayhopkins

  • Hey Guys N' Girls. What are the benefits of having live selectable text on your home page slider banners? I understand that as live text Google can read the text, so there are keyword and relevancy benefits. But the question is how much impact on ranking this will have? The reason I ask is our website solution can add live text but the fonts are limited to 9 basic fonts. We would like to use more jazzy fonts in the banner, but our only option then is to use a jpeg or png. Thanks for your responses. Owen

    | BrunelOne

  • Hi, What's you guys' policy on how much to internally link. I do it a lot - whenever it makes sense, but hold off if I just linked to the same page in the last paragraph, for instance. Would like to know your thoughts to see if I'm overdoing it. This is for Ecommerce blog posts, category descriptions, and product descriptions if that matters. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • What are the best ways to protect / deal with duplicate content? I've added an example scenario, Nike Trainer model 1 – has an overview page that also links to a sub-page about cushioning, one about Gore-Tex and one about breathability. Nike Trainer model 2,3,4,5 – have an overview page that also links to sub-pages page about cushioning , Gore-Tex and breathability. In each of the sub-pages the URL is a child of the parent so a distinct page from each other e.g. /nike-trainer/model-1/gore-tex /nike-trainer/model-2/gore-tex. There is some differences in material composition, some different images and of course the product name is referred multiple times. This makes the page in the region of 80% unique. Any suggestions welcome about the above example or any other ways you guys know of dealing with duplicate content.

    | punchseo

  • I have a hard time choosing whether to stream my videos from certain platforms like vimeo, youtube, etc. or embedding the videos into my site, and I'm not quite sure which one Google would like to see more of? And which style will save my page speed from plummeting too much. Any ideas? Thanks guys

    | Benavest

  • Hello Experts, For my website if I use use logo as h1 for homepage but that logo will not be actually h1 but hidden text ( text is my brand name or website name) behind will be h1 so it is okay to use in this way? Using hidden text as H1 is fine as per google? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • As an example - let's say that I have an online store that sells home accessories. Within my store, I have categories like "kitchen accessories", "bedroom accessories", and "bathroom accessories" among others. Naturally I would want my homepage to be the broadest keyword that best describes my store's offering (i.e. "Home Accessories"). Then, on my sub-category page, I would target "Kitchen Accessories". In this example - let's assume "Kitchen Accessories" has more search volume than "Home Accessories". Would it be better to focus on that keyword on my homepage instead? Example Current Homepage Title: "Beautiful Home Accessories - Crate + Feather" Alternate Homepage Title: "Bath, Bedroom, and Kitchen Accessories - Crate + Feather" Which one would you do assuming everything is equal aside from search volume?

    | clarasboutiqueusa

  • Hello All, My manufacturer hosted video's on his site now if I host same video on my ecommerce site will it be consider as duplicate? any penalty ? Any suggestion pls? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • We have a page on our website for our review of the "Voltage" shisha flavor by "Social Smoke" (Social Smoke is the brand). Voltage is one of their hookah tobacco flavors. When I search for "Social Smoke Voltage Review", our page is at the bottom of the first page result. We have a video, decent content on the page, and a review function. We've implemented correct Schema code too: When I use the page grade tool on Moz. Our page ranks B for that keyword but the results number 1 and 2 and 3 on Google all rank C or D. Our video and review schemas don't show up on Google search result either. We have a good community online. Our social media pages are popular. We share the blog posts on the social media accounts fairly regularly too. We have an old and established website. From what I understand we are following all of Google's standards and rules too. What does a website owner gotta do?

    | Heydarian

  • Hi All, I have a couple of e-commerce clients and have a question about URLs. When you perform a search on website all URLs contain a question mark, for example: /filter.aspx?search=blackout I'm not sure that I want these indexed. Could I be causing any harm/danger if I add this to the robots.txt file?  /*? Any suggestions welcome! Gavin

    | IcanAgency

  • Hi, I'm green when it comes to altering the htaccess file to remove non www and index.php. I think I've managed to redirect the urls to www however not sure if I've managed to remove the index.php. I'm pasting the contents of the htaccess file here maybe someone can identify if I have unwanted lines of code and if it is up to standard (there are a lot of comments in #) not sure if needed but I've left them as I don't want to screw up anything. Thanks 🙂 @package Joomla @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt READ THIS COMPLETELY IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE THIS FILE! The line 'Options +FollowSymLinks' may cause problems with some server configurations. It is required for the use of mod_rewrite, but it may have already been set by your server administrator in a way that disallows changing it in this .htaccess file. If using it causes your site to produce an error, comment it out (add # to the beginning of the line), reload your site in your browser and test your sef urls. If they work, then it has been set by your server administrator and you do not need to set it here. No directory listings IndexIgnore * Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above. Options +FollowSymlinks
    Options -Indexes Mod_rewrite in use. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index.php/
    RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*) /$1 [R,L] Begin - Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits. If you experience problems on your site then comment out the operations listed below by adding a # to the beginning of the line. This attempts to block the most common type of exploit attempts on Joomla! Block any script trying to base64_encode data within the URL. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode[^(]([^)]) [OR] Block any script that includes a

    | KeithBugeja

  • Hi, we have a site where user we know (cookie-based) is automatic redirected to private internal page. Unknown guests are staying on the page google search sent them. The redirect is done with a 302 to the private page. When I examine organic search and landing pages in analytics I see that more than 50% of the landing pages are private pages (inaccessible for the google-bot). This is because analytics does not register the redirecting page, just the target page. Is this harmful to SEO that so many users are redirected to other pages, or is this data not available to google-bot. The google bots is not redirect since they do not have the correct credentials. Do chrome or analytics send such data back to Google search? Is better to manipulate analytics page track call to use the address of the redirecting page? Or maybe skip to redirect, and just render the private content on the orginal page?

    | Morten.Berg

  • Hello All, I am really confused with my current architecture for Ecommerce site, can you please suggest any tool or software where I can analysis mine and competitors site architecture ? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • hello together, i think, that you read questions like this very often, but i hope someone has some good ideas for me. with the keyword "sophos sg 210" we rank very bad. But i don't know why 😞 We have trust elements, a very good "avergage time on page" unique content... But i don't know, what can we make better 😞 Thx you so much

    | enbitcon

  • Hi All, I have seen one tool - which give code quality score and if we go for pro version it's name is sitebeam  - Can anyone share experience of this tool? Also any other tool you can suggest to check code quality of ecommerce site? Pls don't suggest manual checking. Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hi, I have two similar headers on my site's homepage: H2: Inventory management made easy H1: Kitchen inventory management made easy Target keyword for the page: (kitchen inventory management) My question is are they too similar and would this be effecting my rankings? Should I change the H2 header to something totally different? Thank you Moz Peoples

    | vertigoventures

  • Hello there! I just want to check in before I do this. I am reducing a multi-page website to one page (temporarily, but for at least 4-6 months). I will be 301 redirecting all old pages to the one, new home page. The new home page has a lot more content, long and short keyword phrases. Aside from losing the benefit of internal links, will reducing the number of website pages hurt a ranking? Does having associated keywords on other website pages provide benefit to another (in this case Home) page? Thanks so much for your invaluable advice!

    | lulu71

  • Hi, Should the front page target a mixture of the most important keywords for the whole site (on page optimization)
    Or should we choose 1 or a few that are extra important/natural and optimize for this?
    Each important keyword already has it´s own dedicated page (single keyword optimized) either way the front page would "compete" against another internal page on a specific keyword, but maybe that´s the wrong way of looking at this?
    Almost all external backlinks are pointing to the front page so I guess that´s the real strength of the front page but it does not provide in depth good value for a specific keyword. Thanks!/Anders

    | Agguk

  • We have recently updated our website ( and created new pages  like "". we have internally linked all the pages, but when I check the crawl report from MOZ it shows internal links as 0 and these pages have the PA of 1 and not increasing. I am unable to find out the reason why is it happening?

    | payu_india

  • I have two businesses, one is my main bread and butter and the other is an invest and try to grow type of business. This second business is a nature / education related business, so I would like to have a repository of informative nature articles with some splashes of our experience with that particular plant or animal. I spend a lot of time on SEO and article writing on my main business, but I am running out of myself to go around. I would like to outsource article / blog writing on my second businesses, but I'm not sure where to start. If I use one of those work for hire sites in the Moz outsourced content article, can I get them to format the blog with photos as well.  I need to have a complete as possible final product.  Ideally, I'm thinking of this process: 1. Give the outsourced writer the subject matter (i.e. article about right whales) 2. I provide my own photography or photos I have purchased 3. Writer researches subject matter and writes an informative article 4. Writer logs into my blog and formats the article with interesting fonts and the photos I have provide 5. I edit the article to add my own experience with the subject matter 6. I publish the article I'm thinking I would do this twice a month.  Is this a reasonable thing to outsource?  Could it work this way?  Any idea what an article like this might cost me?  I'm doing some marketing budget planning. Thanks in advance!

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • Hi, Someone googled our brand name + category page name and our category page didn't showed up first so he says it's a bad job/thing. so help me to fix this. Googled "sepalika acid reflux" without quotes. Thank you.

    | Sepalika

  • I use a company that provides me with insurance related videos. However - these video's can not be shared on You Tube, for whatever reason. My question is; if I add these video's to my product pages on my website will it hurt me in any way? OR do I need to add the text underneath the video? Or do something else to optimize them? I don't want to hurt my pages in any way - but the videos are informative and good quality. Thoughts? and thanks 🙂

    | MissThumann

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