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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I'm working on a site that has hidden H1 content.  So for example: Video/Film Production with the page using the following codeVideo/Film Productionas the title.  there are no other H1 tags on the page. I have taken this up with their dev and they have suggested this has to be implemented this way due to some issues with displaying in iOS.  They are digging their heels in and suggesting it stays as is. How much of a risk would you say this is?  Well i'm actually looking for a bit of a back-up here.

    | MickEdwards

  • I all, I have recently taken over a fairly large e-commerce site that I am trying to "fix" and have come across something that I need a second opinion on. A Semrush audit has revealed that there are a heck of a lot of internal nofollow links (over 90 000) that point to predominantly 4 pages from the Header of each page in the site, these are change currency pages to show clients different currencies and a members login page. The pages are: /?action=changecurrency¤cy=EUR /?action=changecurrency¤cy=USD /?action=changecurrency¤cy=GBP /members/ My opinion is that these pages should just be no index pages and they should be followed. instead of being indexed and no followed? Any thoughts on this out there?

    | cradut

  • Hi There, I am currently struggling with the ranking of my website. No matter how many initiatives I try (backlinking, blog commenting, social posting, etc.) I can't seem to make any progression in Google Search. I've done competitive metrics through Open Site Explorer and can't seem to really find the reason why my site is not ranking as well as my competitors. The only one possible glaring element I've thought about is my website URL. This company is in the heating and cooling industry and majority of my competitors have either "heating" or "cooling" or both in their website URL's but mine does not. Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations on if changing my URL and then redirecting my current URL would be a step in the right direction help me to climb the rankings in Google Search? Thanks!

    | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi all, Custom site to Wordpress transfer was done a week back. Exact same folder paths and URL's, Analytics/adsense/webmaster etc should be added right? Webmaster where can i get the new code and will all old history be gone from webmaster? Thanks

    | klambimut2

  • Hi, We've build a lawyer directory website ( which already has good Google rankings for related terms (Ex. Iranian lawyers, Iranian lawyers california, etc). About 1.5 months ago we translated the site to Farsi and published it online: However we have yet to see any new traffic generated from those pages. The website has a decent back-link profile and there are no almost no competitors in our space with translated pages. Would someone please take a look at our translated pages and let me know if there are any major on-site issues that you see that we need to address? I've checked for noindex or nofollow tags but they dont seem to be an issue. Not sure if I'm missing something here. Thank you very much

    | Heydarian

  • Hi All, I hope someone might be able to help me with this. I am looking at implementing AMP on a website. I have been doing a stack of research into advantages of using AMP etc. However I am struggling to find an answer to when I should not / where not to be implementing AMP. More specifically I see large sites that are running AMP but it does not seem to be on all pages, how is the best way to determine when or when not I should be using AMP. Thanks In Advance, Mark

    | amevamark

  • Hello friends, I have this doubt for a long and i want to share it with you. In our agency many clients have a PHP template for the home page of their sites, and also have a blog with wordpress as CMS. When i am optimizing sitemaps, I have two separate files, an index of Sitemaps created with Wordpress SEO by Yoast (which inside has separate Sitemaps tags, categories, posts, pages, authors, etc.) and on the other hand the home page sitemap with the subsections. As you know the sitemap generated by "Wordpress SEO by Yoast" is dynamic as it creates the sitemap according to current site content, and is updated every time a new entry is raised or modify any URL. This makes it very practical. I can not have a unique index sitemap sitemaps nesting inside another, as it is not allowed by Google or Sitemap protocol. I read in the Google Support you can upload multiple sitemaps to Search Console but does not say anywhere on upload multiple sitemaps index, or a combination thereof. In my case, I would have to upload two separately files, the dynamically generated with wordpress and the manual created for the PHP template. In my opinion there is no problem and Google will index everything properly performing it this way, but I wanted to share it with you to see how you solve this problem and what experiences had. Thanks and best regards.

    | NachoRetta

  • At the moment my site suffers from a flat product category structure where over 600 items fall into one category alone. This category is then filtered using a faceted search which appends query strings to the category URL and changes the products displayed on the page. At the moment our product category URL is as follows, and this holds all cards including occasions such as anniversary, birthdays etc and also themes such as animal cards, contemporary cards etc I have proposed changes to my developer to change this structure to include subcategories. I can now go two subcategories deep. For example, "greeting cards > occasions > birthday cards" or "greeting cards > themes > animals". This is reflected in the new URL structure, which has been proposed, In this URL do I need "occasions" in the URL as I don't think it adds much value to the user? Would I be better of having If a user searches for "birthday cards" then I think this would be more relevant?

    | joe-ainswoth

  • One of the main pages on my site,, I have been having a hard time getting google to index it correctly or at all.  It is one of the top pages on my site and should be in my sub links in google, but it is not even showing up in searches.  Any input would be appreciated. The only red flap issue is the number of outgoing links, but that is the way the page is supposed to be.  I would assume most real estate listing pages are very similar. Ultimately when you look at traffic, time on page, inbound links, etc. it is one of the top pages on my site in all those categories. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    | RobDalton

  • I'm currently reauthoring all of the product pages on our site. Within the redesign of all the pages is a set of "why choose us?" bullet points and "what our customers say" bullet points. On every page these bullet points are the same. We currently have 18% duplicate content sitewide and I'm reluctant to push this. The products are similar but targeted at different professions, so I'm not sure whether to alter the text slightly for the bullet points on each page, remove the bullet points entirely or implement some form of canonicalisation that won't impact the profession-specific pages' ability to rank well.

    | EdLongley

  • One of my clients' run a hyperlocal marketplace (have different pages for each city) to hire music teachers. Should the title be "Hire Violin Teachers, Tutors from Boston"? or "Top 10 Violin Teachers of Boston". I prefer former title as it has 2 keywords - "violin teachers", "violin tutors" than latter. But my client argues that "Top 10" has a strong affinity to attract users that would increase CTR. Am I right? or Is he right? and Why?

    | Avin123

  • We run an ecommerce website... approx 8K products. When using the page grader, MOZ tools consistently tell me that I have too many Internal Links on the page.
    These are caused from our fairly large menu system, and probably from the sub-category links on the category landing pages as well. I was reading an article that mentioned a no-follow on these Internal links would not really solve the "Too many internal links issue", so wanted to check if anyone has ideas or should I just dis-regard this MOZ suggestion that there are too many in this type of environment?

    | Ampweb

  • Hi I’ve got a query around optimising websites for keywords. The organisation I work for has 3 websites that all sell aluminium joinery. Each website site represents a separate brand but the product is essentially the same across all three. In terms of optimising these sites for key words should I use different keywords for each site so as too not to make the brand compete with each other. Any advice would be great

    | APLNZ1

  • Hi all, first question (eek) Could I pick the brains of fellow users around an issue we are having with canonical urls on a magento website. At the moment we do not have these enabled as it seems to break our indexing. Cut a long story short, we have thousands of products but haven't rewritten many of the descriptions from the manufacturers yet and so have noindexed all the product pages (freeing them as we go). The goal, for now, is to pull in traffic via the filtering options we have on the site The goal, for now, is to pull in traffic via the filtering options we have on the site. For example, if you go to Dresses, there then are several filtering options which would allow you to choose a colour, shape and material - if you wished to filter that precisely.  These filtering options are all crawlable and so we would then have a page that google could index for, for example,  Green Lace Maxi Dress. All good there, few people search for specific products and a lot search for types of products so we are covered. To get back to the issue at hand. If we enable the canonical option on our magento plugin it will stop us from being able to target these terms. Whereas the filtering option would create with the page title of Green Lace Maxi Dress, if we enable the canonical part of the seo plugin the canonical link which would be added to the page would be  - instantly removing our ability to rank for longer tail dress related searches (we are not going to compete with the big players on the premium terms, yet!). There are alternative plugins we can buy for magento to add the correct  tag, however, if every page's canonical just points back it itself like this, is there really much point spending nearly $1000 on the 4 licences we would need to cover our range of sites.  Is it really necessary, in this case, that we have a canonical for the product filtering? Sorry for the long post, hope it made sense. Thanks for any assistance.

    | DSCarl

  • So Opencart allows the use of product tags (please note, this are NOT meta tags) which I believe are used for when customers want to search for a product using the search function. So one of my tags could be ''star wars socks'', and when a customer types this into the search it brings up every product containing the tag for socks. This is all good and well, however, these tags appear on the product page itself, right below the Manufacturer/Brand, and above the price. Will Google look kindly on this or could it be considered as keyword stuffing? Or will Google know they're for search and ignore them? I just need to know whether or not removing them entirely will be a good or bad idea.

    | moon-boots

  • Hi All, This is a query regarding what keyword should be placed in URL. Below is the scenario. I have marketplace website where I can service providers with users. I have a page with a list of Dance providers and want to rank it for Dance Classes, Dance Coaching Classes keywords. Since these keywords represent same business purpose for us, should I keep the URL as or What is SEO best practice in this scenario? Kindly suggest.

    | Avin123

  • I am suspecting that Google often hesitates to index pages that have registered trademarks on them that are marked with a ®.   For example EGOL® used in the title tag or in the tag at the top of the page. Registered trademarks are everywhere and most retail product pages contain at least one of them.  However, most people use the registered trademark names as text in their writing without adding the registered trademark sign of ®. Have you experienced a problem getting such pages indexed or have you read any articles about how Google treats registered trademarks?

    | EGOL

  • Hi Everyone I am wondering how Google handles the read more tag in Wordpress. I pasted the link to a blog post on Google and found nothing ( Then I paste the version without #readmore ( and found that Google indexed the page but with the option to click "read more" to read it. The full blog post is not in their index, just the version asking you to read more. Is this because Google hasn't gotten to it or is Google ignoring it. I am not sure but ideally I rather have the full blog post indexed, not the read more version. I am curious to whether this will cause duplicate content issues. What are your experience with this and is it advisable to use an alternate method for read more. Maybe with a Wordpress plugin. Thanks in advance.

    | gaben

  • Hi, Our company has a .com website which we target various countries from. Its a young company with little or no SEO pedigree, and under 50 external links. We dont rank highly for anything except the company name. Here is the company website: We are now expanding in the UK and I was wondering if we should be owning the website and targeting that or should we continue with a .com url and try and localise it (UK address, phone number, etc). Finally, if you do suggest that we stick to .com, would you recommend we buy the local urls (, .de, etc) and then put a redirect 301? Please suggest. Thanks!

    | ShishirPulse

  • I'm getting reports of duplicate content for pages that have different sorting options applied, e.g: /trips/dest/africa-and-middle-east/
    /trips/dest/africa-and-middle-east/?sort=title&direction=des&page=1 I have the added complication of having pagination combined with these sorting options. I also don't have the option of a view all page. I'm considering adding rel="nofollow" to the sorting controls so they are just taken out of the equation, then using rel="next" and rel="prev" to handle the pagination as per Google recommendations(using the default sorting options). Has anyone tried this approach, or have an opinion on whether it would work?

    | benbrowning

  • Hi All, For my ecommerce site I have optimized my product pages very nicely like good images, detailed information about products, good reviews, implemented schema for my product and reviews and very perfect onpage. Now my query is if my products pages performing well in google then there are chances that my category page rank well in google too? Thanks!

    | wright335

  • Hi, We are updating a site and creating new separate pages for each coworker (app. 50 coworkers). Each page will include picture, short description, cv and also a subtitle/"keyword list" called: "areas of expertise". Each keyword (area of expertise) has it´s own in depth page on the subject, would it be wise to anchor text -link these? or is this something that is likely to be picked up by google as spam? Thanks!

    | Agguk

  • Our business is a contract packager/manufacturer of products sold to very prominent brands who sell through retail. For example, we make the sunscreen under a brand’s name, which you might then find on the shelf in Target or CVS. As I’ve optimized our pages, I’ve attempted to go long-tail, which has been simply to add “…contract packaging” or a variation after the particular product. So, instead of trying to compete in “sunscreen”, which would pit me against big-box distributors and prominent brands and sellers of sunscreen, I’ve optimized for “sunscreen manufacturers.” “Sunscreen” has 31K – 72K searches, with an 81 Difficulty and 67 Potential. “Sunscreen manufacturers” has a low 13 Difficulty and a decent 54 Potential, but only 51 – 100 searches. Some of my terms have only 0 – 10 searches, but I’ve been thinking that it’s better to compete for fewer but more qualified / buyer-intent searches and have generally lower Difficulty. Can you please tell me if this is a smart strategy, or if I should instead try to compete in higher-volume terms but much greater Difficulty? Thanks a lot for everyone's help.

    | Beau_W

  • We recently built a page for a client which consisted of a one paragraph of about 30-40 words, We weren't expecting this to rank, but it has ranked at #3 on UK Google. So, we are now trying to work out the likely reason for this, as pages which we have optimised do not rank this well. We realise there are a number of factors which influence ranking, but on this particular page we have a news module at the bottom of the page containing 8 short intros to other related content. Could it be that  search engines are ranking for the main content shown by the menu link and the 8 short intros associated with that main content? Hope that makes sense. Thanks Ian

    | Substance-create

  • Hi community friends. Ive have started to work on our 2.0 e-commerce store mostly when it comes to design and the ux.  Its a woocommerce setup and in total we have 34 products! We have e niche site where we sell products as a system towards the building industry. Each product served its purpose within a construction detail and needs some explanation for a first time user/customer. So, first thing  we did now was to ad the short description to our loop to bring some more info to the user and guide them in the right direction quick. Now the products are divided in to four categories. We actually gain a lot of traffic from those category landing pages and i am not so eager to change the way the products are categorised. The old menu where built up by a sidebar with links to the different categories and to tags pages. Where the category where for example "Adhesive" and the Tag "Seal a window from the outside". The category gives the broader direction, and the tag gives the final usage/solution/purpose with the product. In the 2.0 we would like to remove the sidebar in the product pages in favor for a full widht product page with more focus on the product and the specs. This leads us to put our navigation up in the main menu part for the desktop version. Now to the questions. 1. Do you think that we are doing it the right way, to niche and set the final usage/path to our products with tags, or should it be done in another way? 2. For the UX, do you think that removing the sidebar navigation on the product pages will lead to a worse user/shopping experience? Attached you can see some pics from our dev server where the new menu are being built up, and also the new product page layout. Please give me some feedback! 🙂 // J open?id=0BzS3SfsD0lmcSFR4a21rRlVBcjA open?id=0BzS3SfsD0lmcM0djUi1pcXdrOWM

    | knubbz

  • Hi, Would you say that based only on the "folder structure" that "" has better conditions to rank well than "" ? Using Yoast SEO for WordPress when creating automatic XML sitemaps, URLS with subfolders seems to be getting lower priority. Thanks!

    | Agguk

  • I am showing a duplicate content error in moz. I have and How can I fix that? Should I use a canonical tag? If so, how would i do that?

    | bhsiao

  • Search "Venturize", the first result is Venturize with the
    description "Get help on finding the right loan for your small business
    and learn what to look for when comparing your options." However, if you Google "Venturize opportunity finance network", the
    first result is Venturize with the description "Playing:360p@30. Embed
    size: CDN:fastly. Open link. Twitter · Facebook · About Venturize ·
    Contact · About OFN · Mission-Driven Lenders: Locator Map." Why is Google not taking the meta description in the longer tail search? I have checked: All of google's indexed pages for the website- A 3rd party crawl of the website- Multiple other keyword combinations Nothing produced the same result or indicated a reason why "Venturize opportunity finance network" has the incorrect meta description in the SERP.any ideas?

    | WWWade

  • We have reviews on our product pages and we are considering averaging those reviews out and putting them on specific category pages in order for the average product ratings to be displayed in search results. Each averaged category review would be only for the products within it's category, and all reviews are from users of the site, no 3rd party reviews. For example, averaging the reviews from all of our boxes products pages, and listing that average review on the boxes category page. My question is, will this be doing anything wrong in the eyes of Google, and if so how so? -Derick

    | Deluxe

  • I'm working on a resources section for our website and I'm wondering the best way to handle my sites information architecture. The resources section houses things like webinars (both upcoming and recorded), case studies, ebooks, etc. Should things like webinars and case studies be considered supporting content to our main topics? For example we have a product that manages Rebates. So we have a page on our site dedicated to "Rebates". Would a webinar or case study about our Rebates software be grouped with "Rebates" or would it be grouped by content/resource type? So for example a breadcrumb could look like this: Home > Rebates > Rebates Webinar or Home > Webinars > Rebates Webinar Thanks in advance!

    | Brando16

  • Hello there, I know that content in the footer of sites are safe from duplication penalisation; however, what if the footers where replicated across different subdomains? For instance, the footer was duplicated across: I don't see it as a big issue personally; however, outsourced "specialists" seem to think that this is causing duplication problems and therefore negatively affecting the ranking power of "lesser" subdomains i.e. not the www version, which is by far the strongest subdomain. Would be good to get some insight if anybody has any. Thanks.

    | SEONOW123

  • I have two internet stores for two different markets but in the same language (English), the same content and the same url (only domains different). They are in different servers one in USA another in UK. Example: (global) and (for UK).
    Currently (7 years old) is doing better but not very very well, (2 years old) is rated poorly. My question is if it's possible that google will rank both stores well in the future ? Thanks Vaidas

    | VaidasLinen

  • Hello Experts, If I am using Lazy Load & Ajax Technology then how "" will consider website performance? I am not using this technology but few of my competitors are using this technology but still there performance in pingdom tool worst than my ecommerce site Little bit confuse please help. Thanks! Wrights

    | wright335

  • We use Disqus for our comments. However, one of the issues we notice from time to time is that it takes some time to load. So we were thinking of using the Disqus Conditional Load plugin ( so that only readers who are interested in comments can click on a "View Comments" button to load the comments. However, I wanted to know if disabling the auto loading of comments is a good idea from an SEO point of view. On one hand, it should reduce the page load times which should help, but just want to know if there are any issues I should be aware of before using the plugin.

    | Gautam

  • I am trying to diagnose a massive drop in Google rankings for my website and noticed that the date of the ranking and traffic drop coincides with Google suddenly only indexing about 10% of my images, whereas previously it was indexing about 95% of them. Wondering if addition of lazy load script to images (so they don't load from the server until visible in the browser) could cause this index blocking?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • Hello, I was wondering why this is happening? In html for example the title tag is something like this: keyword 1 | keyword 2 | Brand name. Title is 67 characters.. When I search in google, I see the site but it shows brandname: keyword 1 | keyword 2 Is this bad? does this mean that google doesn't like the title tag that is in the html? I tried looking it up on google, but they were outdated and I honestly didn't really see an answer to what it means when this happens. Does the brandname: affect rankings?? Have any of you dealt with this, or noticed this?

    | donnieath

  • Hey Mozzers! I have a question that I haven't found a perfect answer to yet. The company I work for has built a press/awards/news article page and I'm trying to determine the best format to showcase the information in. (You can take a look at the page here: Should I have our team copy and paste the press releases onto our site and rel canonical that post to the original article? Or would it be better to just have a short intro paragraph and then have a read full story link at the bottom of that paragraph. Final question--should I make these pages noindex, nofollow? Looking forward to hearing everyone's answers!

    | WebPT

  • As we all know, Google decided to give some weight in rankings to encrypted sites. SSL certificate providers are quite a lot out there, but there is also a free alternative (Let’s Encrypt). I've been going over some of these services and compared Godaddy's and the above certificates, and there isn't much of a difference. The question is: using a free certificate would have the same effect as a paid one? I would rather pay for one than be punished for using a free one, but free would be good too.
    What's your take on this? Thank you

    | anitawapa

  • Hi, I am implementing the rich snippets on an e coomerce site. Should we implement or As i feel data vocabulary is more used by google in showing rich snippets.

    | rahijain

  • We're looking to rank for competitor brand terms and have created competitor brand pages for some of our main competitors. My question is where would be most effective to place these pages on our site? Also, would this be classed as grey hat?

    | Sayers

  • Hi all, I have a question (duh): I have like 10 colours of the same product. I will make one colour the canonical, do I still need to write unique meta titles for the others? I am almost certain it doesn't add value at all, but wanted to double check since I couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks a lot in advance and have a great day!

    | TheOnlineWarp

  • Hello Guys, Thanks in advance for all who can help me with this I am helping a dinnerware company with their SEO. I told them to change their ambiguous  title tags for more specific ones. However, they opted to create some title tags with 2 or three keywords separated by commas. I have attached an excel image illustrating their new title tags.. My question is, will this format be a problem with Google--penalties? The questionable title tags are highlighted in light orange. Thanks! lHH92

    | HectorCortes

  • Is it ok for website optimization to use prepositions and separate letters in URL ? Examples: -i-series ; -salad-with-avocado etc.

    | adrecom

  • Does anyone have any experience with SVG image files and on-page SEO? A client is using them and it seems they use the title tag in the same way a regular image (JPG/PNG) would use an image ALT tag. I'm concerned that search engines will see the multiple title tags on the page and that this will cause SEO issues. Regular crawlers like Moz flag it as a second title tag, however it's outside the header and in a SVG wrap so the crawlers really should understand that this is a SVG title rather than a second page title. But is this the case? If anyone has experience with this, I'd love to hear about it.

    | mrdavidingram

  • I believe that one of my clients has poor copy on their site. Convincing them seems to be impossible, have you any thoughts on how I can turn this around? I've tried writing alternative text, but they believe their text is better.  I'm not claiming to be the best copywriter in the World so maybe my skills fall too short to convince them. I have suggested that they read The Copywriting Sourcebook by Andy Maslen.  They tell me their copy follows this thinking, but I see little evidence of this. I wonder if hiring a third party might be a good move. If so I will only have 1 shot at convincing them, so I need to hire someone who's fantastic. Any thoughts?

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hello everyone! I'm going through a large list of old 404 links that search console has given me and a lot of these links need to be 301'd. My question is, should I 410 some of these links if I can't find a good place to 301 to? Or is there another thing I should do that is better practice. Thanks!

    | KathleenDC

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a question about the URL structure on our website ( We now have a main category with "zitzakken" (beanbags). We also have different brands, types and colours. Now we have URL's like this: <a></a> which seems long and not clean. Please don't look at the query at the end, we can't do anything about that in our CMS. In english this would be: How would you optimise this? We do have good rankings (this one ranks #1 for example), but I think our overall structure could be way better. Would love your thoughts about this.

    | TheOnlineWarp

  • I'm aware of the advice to add internal links between pages and so I always add links as and when appropriate. However, my website builder allows me the option to open the link in a new window or in the originator.  I invariably choose the former but don't know if this is best practice. Could anyone advise?

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Realistically - what's a "good" search visibility score?  I'm working on a site that has been around less than a year. We are doing 3 blogs a week with carefully selected keywords. I know it will take time and lots of SEO work - but I'm interested in any ideas on what I should shoot for.  Thanks for any thoughts!  (Also not a local listing or anything - national search.)

    | mm1980

  • Hi I have a URL that produced page 1, number 1 to 3 for most of our industries top phrases. Then we received a google penalty, (as did several of our competitors on the same day). We were effectively wiped from google. After much disavowing we were allowed back into the search results, this took about 3 months. I have employed the services of a top London SEO company for over a year now and have seen no significant improvement. I believe they are doing there best, however there results are VERY poor. According to the various tools, (searchmetrics, woorank, semrush) to name but a few, our site scores very well, yet we are not getting the results. Page one seems to be full of totally new websites, most of which I have never heard of, and have appeared from nowhere. Should I scrap our URL and put up a completely new one, and put a redirect from the original one? This would be a biggy since our url has been around for 20 years. Thanks for reading. Andy

    | First-VehicleLeasing

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