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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi Guys. A quick one about duplicate content... So we have a lot of pages that are very similar on our site, but are actually different products. e.g)  Our Fortnight view refills and our week to view refills. Our MOZ report defines this as duplicate content. Question:  Would a canonical tag be the way to go to 'remove' this duplicate content? And if so, which page should it point back to?  Just picking one of the products?  Or the higher level Landing page? Many thanks in advance... Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • A client currently has a site that ranks well for a number of queries. They recently created a new site for a spin-off brand/company that they now want to focus on ranking for some of the keywords their original site already ranked for. What would be the best way to go about this without throwing away the existing authority and traffic the original site has for those queries?

    | P1WS_Sully

  • Hi I would like to know if anyone has experience with trying to outrank an aggregator/comparitor website.  We are being beat by one that also includes our range of products in their comparisons and I was wondering if there was a smart way around this?

    | Discovery_SA

  • Hello, I'm new to SEO and until the last year I was not aware that creating content that target same keywords would make Google choose only one to rank better. Can I leave the best page (highest ranked one) as it is and change the rest that target the same keyword to target similar keywords ? Just a simple example: I have two pages targeting "best supplements to muscle gain" Leave the best one targeting that keyword and now I change the content of the other to target "best supplements for muscle size" This is the smartest move or I'm missing something here and will make things worse ? Ex: maybe some of tthose pages with same keyword arent ranking for the keyword I want but are ranking for another one that I dont know. I'm really insecure about making changes and end up getting worse results.. Thank you (sorry for my bad english)

    | Glinski

  • Hello Moz Community, I am designing my slider for 'SliderRevolution' on Illustrator. I wish to know the optimal resolution for a homepage slider - both for page speed and for resolution quality. I am using a full-width slider and would just like to know any SEO techniques you guys have used when designing your slider. Not reducing page speed is my main priority here. *Bonus points if you can help with SEO techniques and the slider.

    | camille1

  • Hey all! First post on here, forgive me for being an SEO newb. Are meta keywords still a thing? Here's why I ask, I read this article from back in 2009 that said they are absolutely not a ranking factor anymore: However, in doing some research on our competition, I found that the top result for "Financial Advisor in Colorado Springs" was this company: Honestly, the site seems to be doing everything opposite of what I read to do. It isn't even mobile responsive! With the Moz Bar, I found that no links pointing toward it. Not one video on the site (there is a link to a welcome video but the link is broken!!), no blog or regular content updates, no keywords in the H1 or H2 tags, page titles, etc. The website looks old and, frankly, terrible. Really I’m stumped how this can be ranking so high for so many competitive keywords. Then I realized that they stuffed tons of keywords in the meta description and meta keywords. From what I can tell, this is the ONLY intentional SEO strategy they used. Am I missing something? Are meta keywords still a ranking factor and THAT important?

    | otherside13

  • Hello, Moz Community! I am currently trying to replace a slider on our client's site. Sliders, in my opinion, are awful, they slow load times and just don't convey a solid message. I am using Wordpress and the visual composer plugin. Any ideas are really appreciated even they may seem a bit much, if I don't know how to do it I will figure it out. I apologize as well if this isn't the appropriate place for this type of question.

    | Striventa

  • When I say duplicate content, I don't mean that the content on a clients site is displaying on another site on the web or taken from a site on the web. A client has a few product pages and each product page has content on the bottom of the page (4-5 paragraphs) describing the product. Now, this content is also displaying on other pages, but re-worded so it's not 100% duplicate. Some pages show a duplicate content % ranging from 12% to 35% and maybe 40%. Just curious if I should suggest having each product page less than 10% duplicated. Thanks for your help.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • I am looking for some clarity on what exactly you need to spell out for google in the exact match and what google understands in terms of using keywords in your meta title which I am trying to rank for. For example if my category page is for women's top, with both printed and solid color options, would it be ok to write- "Women's Tops: Printed & Solid Shirts & Tunics" and be able to rank for women's tops, women's printed tops, women's solid shirts etc. or would I have to be more specific and use women's as the keyword modifier before each term and  write- "Women's Tops, Women's Printed & Solid Shirts, Women's Tunics"?

    | whiteonlySEO

  • Hello Fellow Mozzers! I am pretty new the SEO world and have been tasked with improving our companies SEO with no prior knowledge of anything to do with SEO as of about 5 months ago. So far, I have been fairly successful (May be luck). There is a product page on our website that has moved from Rank 8-9 all the way up to Rank 3, on a high volume keyword, which increased our traffic to that URL by 500%! I was very proud of this accomplishment until tragedy struck... We suddenly dropped to Rank 6. It doesn't look like we've lost any Backlinks to this URL. My suspicion is that we got penalized for Keyword Stuffing since we recently changed from have multiple pages for a specific product's reviews to having them all on one page (To decrease the number of URLs our Site has). Many of these product reviews have the Keyword in them making us have over 30 of this specific keyword on our page. Could this be a valid suspicion? Should we go back to having different URLs for reviews and Disallow them for Robots?

    | LaceyVapeWild

  • I understand some digital marketing companies have a list of relevant keywords that are high ranking. I'm just curious why might they need it? I'm thinking about adapting this process into my companies marketing department, but I can't justify it if it is necessary. Could somebody care to explain why its important and an example when needed?

    | petmkt

  • I was asked to do some SEO work for a website and learned that just 6 weeks ago, their webmaster added an HTTPS instance of the site. Their backlinks all point to HTTP and the 6 pages that are already ranking are all on the HTTP site. I'm afraid to rock the boat by redirecting the site from HTTP to HTTPS as we may lose rank. What are some suggestions? If I just pull down the HTTPS will that hurt us? Would you just go ahead and redirect it? IF so, would you do each page individually or as a whole?

    | dk8

  • Hi all, What is the best and easiest plugin to configure and implement on WordPress blog websites? And what is the specific markup recommended for blog/article sites? Thanks!

    | emojo

  • Hello, all! Does anyone know if redesigning a website's homepage affects search rankings? I'm considering redoing my website's homepage - including rewriting the copy, and perhaps in Leadpages - but I don't want to compromise search. I gather that SEO is a bit of a black box, but am curious to hear others' perspectives before moving ahead. Thanks in advance for sharing your time and thoughts!

    | lightsfilmschool

  • With generic product like screws, for example what is best practice when writing descriptions? It's tough writing unique content for something when the only difference is lengths

    | Jacksons_Fencing

  • Google ranking factors are increasingly more complex and less universal. Google is emphasizing different ranking factors for different scenarios. What tools are available that can help identify which ranking factors Google may be weighting for a given query or industry? For example, are there any tools that provide correlative analysis of Google's rankings for a given keyword?

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi everyone: I create a new version for a website, his DA was 38, but it was redirectioned (with search console and 301 redirection) for a new domain. The website with new domain is working two months ago and still have DA: 1 and PA: 1. How many time take to DA and PA to start to grow up? Thanks for the answers

    | diegodiaz85

  • Our business name is APVelocity. We are ranking when it is typed APVelocity, however we are finding many people are typing it AP Velocity. When it is typed with a space, we are not ranking. What is the best way to ensure we show up either way?

    | mbrowntci

  • I am looking for data in regards to Wordpress and blog tags and categories. Wordpress has these identifies in there tool, but I see them being used less and less. Wordpress also creates annoying pages and duplicate content errors when using tags. Should I remove these tags and categories to improve SEO? I am also wondering if anyone has noticed a difference in user experience and traffic when changing these.

    | JoeyGedgaud

  • I'm currently auditing my companies website, and we encountered thousands of 302 redirects. The 302 pages are products page, which is a question and answer module at the bottom of each products page.  What best practice should I do to get rid of the 302 redirects? add those pages to the .robots.txt? Or do individually and add a no index? This would help boost our rankings up correct?

    | petmkt

  • Hi there, what are your thoughts on word count for a content site vs. an ecommerce site. A lot of content sites have no problem pushing out 500+ words per page, which for me is a decent amount to help you get traction. However on ecommerce sites, a lot of the time the product description only needs to be sub-100 words and the total word count on the page comes in at under 300 words, a lot of that could be considered duplicate. So what are your views? Do ecommerce sites still need to have a high word count on the product description page to rank better?

    | Bee159

  • I've wanted to know the answer to this for a couple of years now and haven't found anyone ever talking about it. So here goes ... For markup on articles, there's an itemprop for keywords: keywords
    Canonical URL:
    Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas. What's that do? Like if I use that markup with an article I publish on my site, will that get those words given that property keyword value? Will that affect SEO value? Do those replace what metatag keywords used to be? Or are they just like what metatag keywords are these days, no real value?

    | SteveRDM

  • A plugin inserts H3 tags in sidebar 'read more' type links. They are tangentially related to the content (as the whole site is on ice hockey), but not directly related. Will Google think these are part of the content and be a little confused on the subject matter or is it smart enough to realize this is Sidebar material? Do I need to take action/be concerned? thanks

    | BrvceTHW

  • This is something I've been wondering for a while but can't seem to find any advice on. My website features ~60 different companies, each having their own profile page. When optimizing for SEO, how unique should each page's meta description be? Put another way, can I be penalized if the descriptions are all identical except for the company name I include? Any thoughts, resources, or best practices are appreciated!

    | ericstites

  • Hello! I just read the "15 SEO Best Practices for Structuring URLs" but I have still a question: My A version bellow "20 accessoires" has no meaning in french. If I add "voyage" (version B), then is it considered as spammy? I mean the "voyage" keyword repetition? A) B) Thanks for advices! Sylvain

    | lytcheetv

  • Hello i believe a lot of us use tags in our blogs as a way to categorize content and make it easy searchable but this usually (at lease in my case) cause duplicate content creation. For example, if one article has 2 tags like "SEO" & "Marketing", then this article will be visible and listed in 2 urls inside the blog like this and In case of a blog with 300+ posts and dozens of different tags this is creating a huge issue. My question is 1. Is this really bad? 2. If yes how to fix it without removing tags?

    | Lakiscy

  • For example, the article is titled ' गर्मी में त्वचा की देखभाल कुछ यूँ करें' (English Meaning: Skin Care Tips for Summer), which one of these three URLs is best for SEO purpose? 1. गर्मी-में-त्वचा-की-देखभाल/  (URL in local language, Hindi in this case) 2. (URL uses English words with English translation) 3.  (Hindi words, but written in Roman English) A response will be much appreciated, Amit

    | DusBus

  • Moz reports show duplicate content for my and How do I format the canonical ref to put on the default.html page?

    | bhsiao

  • Hello. Wanted to reach out see what the consensus is re-keyword separators So just taken on a new client and all their urls are structured like /buybbqpacks rather than buy-bbq-packs - my understanding is that it comes down to readability, which influences click through, rather than search impact on the keyword. So we usually advise on a hyphen, but the guy's going to have to change ALLOT of pages & setup redirects to change it all wasn't sure if it was worth it? Thanks! Stu

    | bloomletsgrow

  • Hi All, My client's website have two urls like: and ** ** Will it hurt google rankings for this website because there are version of a website? Please help!

    | binhlai

  • So my question is... I have a adopted a site which currently ranks quite well for some industry competitive keywords with a number of poor quality landing pages which specifically target a singular keyword. I am wondering if its worth merging some of these pages together into one authoritative, better quality landing page targeting multiple keywords (as the intent for some of these keywords are largely the same). What i don't want to do is jeopardise the existing rankings in doing so. The alternative option would just be to improve the content on the existing landing pages without merging. What are peoples thoughts on this? Are there any positive case studies out there where merging has had a positive effect? Any help would be great. Regards,

    | NickG-123

  • Hi folks, This is something I've pondered for a while. I've ask a couple of Googlers but no reponse yet and I don't I'll get one! In your opinion, do you think Google looks at on page metrics like bounce rate for example from all traffic mediums (organic, paid, email, social  referral etc etc) or they only look at on page metrics from organic traffic? I'm not talking about direct correlations from other mediums. I'm only talking about when a user lands on a website, do the actions they take matter with regards to Google's search algo no matter of the referring medium, or do Google only look at onpage metrics on visits which came to the site via organic search as a medium. Option 1 As a very simplified example: Google gives extra weight in the SERPs to website A which has an average bounce rate of 30% from all mediums compared to website B which has a bounce rate of 50% from all mediums. Option 2 Google gives extra weight in the SERPs to website A which has an average bounce rate of 30% from organic traffic only compared to website B which has a bounce rate of 50% from organic traffic only. I'm not sure if anyone outside Google has the answer/proof of this but was keen to get other people's thoughts. If you think the also uses one or the other, can you give an insights/proof of one or the other? For me it would make sense for them only to use onpage metrics from sessions which came from organic seach traffic, but who knows! Merci buckets, Gill.

    | Cannetastic

  • Hi all, WordPress isn't my area of specialty in terms of themes and identifying what a blog might currently be using. Here's the link: I've had one developer tell me this blog is on the Genesis framework and another one told me it is not. Can someone weigh in here and also give me some tips on how to know one way or the other? If it is not on the Genesis Framework, can you provide any helpful links/tutorials on how to get this blog onto the Genesis Framework? We want to be able to use Yoast SEO and apparently our current theme will not allow us to do so. Thanks in advance! Dana

    | danatanseo

  • Hello, It seems that my shopify website needs to eliminate render-blocking CSS in above the fold content to get better mobile speed and I don't see or find anything about how this could be done. I have succeeded with a wordpress site but the way things are restricted with shopify, I have not been able to do the same. The other thing would be to leverage browser caching which I have no clue how it can be done with shopify either. Thanks!

    | Mabo32

  • is it like: html> <head> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> head> <body> ...<ref>sdfdfref> or like:

    | dubraverd

  • I'm curious what some of your thoughts are on the best way to handle the separation of blog posts, from press releases stories, from media coverage.  With 1 WordPress installation, we're obviously utilizing the Posts for these types of content. It seems obvious to put press releases into a "press release" category and media coverage into a "media coverage" category.... but then what about blog posts?  We could put blog posts into a "blog" category, but I hate that.  And what about actual blog categories?  I tried making sub-categories for the blog category which seemed like it was going to work, until the breadcrumbs looked all crazy. Example: Homepage > Blog > Blog > Sub-Category Homepage = First 'Blog' = Second 'Blog' = Sub-Category = This just doesn't seem very clean and I feel like there has to be a better solution to this.  What about post types?  I've never really worked with them.  Is that the solution to my woes? All suggestions are welcome! EDIT: I should add that we would like the URL to contain /blog/ for blog posts /media-coverage/ for media coverage, and /press-releases/ for press releases.  For blog posts, we don't want the sub-category to be in the URL.

    | Philip-DiPatrizio

  • We just started our trial account and have the results from our first Moz Pro Site Crawl. It's showing that we have a large portion of our pages have 'Too Many Links' and I'm trying to determine exactly what this means and how to fix it. The article referenced is from 2011 and doesn't fully address what I'm looking for. Here are a few questions: 1. Can we lower the 'link count' by adding a 'no follow' or does too many links, count links regardless? The question being, is the only way to solve this by removing links or are their no follow or no index options that will prevent us from having this issue moving forward? 2. Comment Links: Our site is in Wordpress and I just recognized that each of the comment links are followed: These aren't links from our users, rather these are links within Wordpress and are structured like this: From my screenshot you can see they are highlighted as 'followed links'. Is there a setting within Wordpress to turn this off or is there another option I should consider? Should we just make these no index, no follow links? Will that solve the 'Too many links' problem? I searched through the Q&A's and couldn't find an answer directly to my question. Most were around people leaving links in the comments section, which isn't what I'm looking for. Thank you for any help you can provide.

    | FabulesslyFrugal

  • I updated my page title and description along time ago, the title updated but not the description. I updated it in google search console, but it keeps pulling the first few lines from the page content instead, which isn't really an attention grabbing sentence?? Any ideas? Here's the page This is what my Title/ description comes up as... Homeowners Insurance Quotes Dallas TX | Thumann Agency <cite class="_Rm"></cite>When shopping for homeowners insurance in Dallas, TX our local agents will provide you with home insurance quotes from highly rated home insurance ...

    | MissThumann

  • Ok. So I know that you should have your company name in the site title, but is it all that important in the site description? The reason I ask is because I am competing with another company for the #1 position (I was number 1, now #2) that has an 8 character name and mine is 22 taking away from a great deal of real estate in my 150-160 character site description in which I could provide additional information describing my company. Should I remove my name in the site description enabling me to use more descriptive keywords and actionable text such as (Find, research, contact, professional, info) etc. Thanks,

    | photoseo1

  • Do product tags for ecommerce sites have any benefit to SEO? Or are they redundant? i.e. (tags appear below the product name on the right)

    | moon-boots

  • Hello there guys! My website is dropping comparing to my competitors. My main keyword is: geotextil 
    And my main competitor is: We have better and original content. We have better structure website with better SEO practice (so a i thought). I'm not able to find out what's making the difference between my website dropping and my competitors raking first. This is in google Brazil If anyone could give me any direction i would appreciate. Thanks a lot!! Bruno Nunes

    | ffbrunoff

  • Hi, Im new to this whole duplicate content issue. I have a website, that I use the portofolio feature in Wordpress as my gallery for all my wedding invitations.  I have a ton of duplicate content issues from this. I don't understand at all how to fix this. I'd appreciate any help! Below is an example of one duplicate content issue. They have slightly different names, different urls, different images and all have no text. But are coming up as duplicates. Would it be as easy as putting a different metadescription for each?? Thanks for the help! Rena | "Treasure" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie 1 0 0 0 200 3 duplicates "Perennial" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie 1 0 0 0 200 1 of 3 duplicates "Primrose" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie 1 0 0 0 200 2 of 3 duplicates "Catalina" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie |

    | HonestSEOStudio

  • Hello, My website is and is a University project. I need to optimise the website for speed as the bounce rate is fairly quick - I feel this could be due to how long it takes web site to load? Any tips in increasing internet speed. I am willing to higher someone if they feel they can help! Thanks, L

    | xlucax

  • My site redirects to So I guess I have to do it like this Is that correct? Big thanks for your time.

    | MichaelJanik

  • Hello.  I'm running a CMS that cannot currently support both CDN and Google AMP.  I would have to choose one or the other. Does anyone have any insight on which may be the better choice until I can figure out how to have both?  I installed CDN first to reduce the time it took for my pages/images to load. I'd like to have AMP because it can do the same, and perhaps be a little more Google friendly (their product). I would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks! Steve

    | recoil

  • Many bloggers use a wysiwyg editor to write posts. Are there any drawbacks to wysiwyg vs plain text? When I write blogs I prefer to hand code my text to be sure everything is optimized. My feeling is that wysiwyg leads to code bloat and generally fewer optimization opportunities. I have no real evidence. Is there any reason not to use the wysiwyg editor?

    | Jason-Rogers

  • Hi, All of our outbound links are currently follow.I've read that the only case where nofollow should be used, according to Google, is for paid links, crawl prioritization & untrustworthy sites.The kinds of websites we are linking to from our blog include:- Websites with great content & high authority that is relevant to the topic we've written about that would enhance the user experience- Partners/companies we have a strong relationship with who also have decent authority- Social media profiles of industry people not within our organisation - Websites with definitions/wikipedia/soundcloud/published statistics/news sites and other large well known sites. I am wondering if we should put the nofollow attribute on the last 2 points (social media profiles of people we've referenced, websites with definitions/wikipedia/soundcloud/published statistics/news sites and other large well known sites.)Or do you think it's totally fine that all our links are follow provided the websites are legitimate, trustworthy and have some authority?Thanks in advance!

    | PGAUE

  • Hi all, I have been collecting reviews for a little while now. Ofcourse im hoping to cross the 150 reviews border soon 🙂 But i also added the review markup to my website to show up in organic results. This was working fine for a while. I did not added the markup to my homepage. But now for somehow google is not showing this review markup anymore in search results. So i decided to give the company that is hosting the review tool (google partner also) a call. The informed me that they had a lot of calls and e-mails since 2 weeks from their customers. All with the same problem that review markup is not used in search results anymore. Anyone else had this, or know about this issue?

    | J05B

  • Hi, I have a question on the usage of schema structure for reviews and especially for the “description” part. Most of the reviews have feedback included, which is used as “description” in the schema. But what should be done if there is no feedback thus no “description” available? Leave “description” in the schema, without value ("description": "",) or remove “description” from the schema? André

    | ConclusionDigital

  • Hi Moz community, May be this is an obvious question but as i am not sure about the answer.... I prefer to ask you! If yes, is "keywords" - "BRAND NAME " the good option? If not, is there any rule? Thanks a lot, Amaury

    | adbds1973

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