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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi ! I need to incorporate a password in a H1 Headline that is "Photography Freiburg" As "The best Photography Freiburg" would sound strange and would be grammatically incorrect I would write "The best Photography in Freiburg". Is this much worse concerning SEO? Or will Google still put a high correlation to the Searchterm "Photography Freiburg" ? Thanks!

    | RWW

  • I am working on a project right now and I am looking for some advice on the SEO implications. The site is an e-commerce site and on the category pages it is using an external call to retrieve the products after the page is loaded. How it works is all content on the site is loaded, then after that a js script appends an ID and loads all of the product information. I am unsure how Google will see this, anyone have any insights?

    | LesleyPaone

  • The traffic on my site ( has been stagnant over the last few months. We're a news posting site and posting a good 4-8 posts per day and using Yoast plugin to make sure they are optimized, but traffic has not grown at all. What could be the reason for that?


  • I am working with a company that sells high-priced automobiles. Each Unit has its own URL We currently leave most sold inventory live on the site as it draws in many leads (the units are visually shown as sold, so it shouldn't be a UX issue in most cases). We are wanting to start pruning some old units (this is in WordPress - custom post type) and I'm not quite sure what the best solution for this site is with removed units. Some ideas: Remove the units pages that are no longer needed, resulting in any links 404'ing to a useful 404 page. Remove the units pages, and 301 them to the Homepage (I don't really want to do this, as it seems like really poor UX) Remove the units page, and 301 the user to a specific "This item has sold" page that is shared by all sold units, but may not be the sites full 404. another option I haven't thought of? I dont' want to do anything that would confuse or get search engines upset, and I'm not sure how bad 404's are, I see some info on how bad they are, some that say they aren't bad. I'm guessing it is as usual, some gray area in the middle.

    | Andy_Staple

  • Hi All, Does anyone know the official best practice use of bold and italic fonts? If I have a long page of text- 800 words + I usually bold a few sentences to allow the user to be able to read only the bold on the page, and still make sense of the article. By reading all the bold it will kind of make sense and the user gets the point of the article. This wasn't really done for SEO purposes, but so the reader gets to the bottom of the page in a reasonable amount of time, and gets all the key points and facts of the article. I was advised not to do this and to just bold/italic the keyword/phrases the article was written to rank for. I would like to know anyone else's opinion/strategy on using bold/italics effectively and within best practices. What's the official word? Thank you for your help. Ian

    | cookie777

  • We've made a LOT of improvements to our on page SEO and we've been on the right track, but since about 26/7 our rankings appears to have gone down. Since early 2015 we've reworked a lot of the copy on our site to improve the unique/duplicate ratio, we've redone a lot of urls that didn't make any sense. We've improved image alt-text and file names. We've reduced image size on most of the site and we have disavowed spam links (obvious ones like nike shoes and oakley glasses). We've basically improved on-site SEO as much as we can with headers and whatnot. We've been hacked 4 times since January and we had two partial manual penalties from Google, but they were quickly dealt with and we've switched server to one that is both safer and a lot faster. Most of the hacked content seems to have disappeared from Googles index but not all of it. We have also tried our best to deal with URL parameters and we've made 301's out of hundreds of URLs with duplicate content from old slideshows that basically only had an image. And there's even more things we've done like working a lot more with social media, but despite all that were loosing ranking every week and our SEOlytics SVR is at its lowest since early 2014. And we've never (afaik) bought links or anything like that. Obviously we're doing something wrong but frankly we're running out of ideas. We've lost rankings on individual important phrases but there's site-wide general drop.

    | Emil_78

  • Hi, We are a bit confused. Recently we saw a drop in Domain Authority Our organic search is increased but DA decreased By 1 what cause in decrements of DA?
    We made all the changes suggested by MOZ for improving Domain Authority. We are confused because our organic search is increased but Domain Authority Goes Down. What should we do to improve domain authority?

    | torbett

  • How does make it to the top of every single search despite of having duplicate content. I mean somewhere google says they will prefer original content & will give preference to them who have original content but this statement contradict when I see as they aggregate content from other sites but still rank higher than original content provider side. How does make it to the top of every single search despite of having aggregated content or duplicate content

    | vivekrathore

  • Hello, I have a main domain where I have my main content and then I created 3 subdomains, and I think the low ranking of my subdomains is affecting the ranking of my main domain, the one I care the most. So, I decided to get rid of the subdomains. The thing is that only for I could transfer the content to my main domain and create 301 redirects. For the other two subdomains I cannot integrate the content in my main domain as it doesn't make sense. Whats the cleanest way to make them dissapear? (just put a redirect to my main domain even if the content is not the same) or just change the robots to "noindex" and put a 404 page in the index of each subdomain. I want to use the way that will harm the least the performance with Google. Regards!

    | Gaolga

  • For all queries that return the home page, Google is not showing my meta title. Instead it replaced it with the official business name which of course makes it harder to rank for key terms since they don't exist now in the meta title. You can see this is you search on "mt view estate planning attorney". The site in question is and the title showing is "The Law Office of Daniel L. DuRee." View the source and you'll see my meta title. Why is Google substituting it?

    | katandmouse

  • Hi, I am running my client's e-store. The store sells different products from various vendors. Vendors provide us product descriptions. The problem is that these vendors also give these description to display their products on other similar sites and hence creating duplicate content issue. Thanks.

    | Kashif-Amin

  • I got another small question for my price comparison website that I run 🙂 An example product from my site, to which this question relates I have about 600 products which I track, and the product description I have for each is as follows; Paragraph 1 - Standard copy which is contained on all products, only the product name / keyword is changed "Easily compare prices below on a XXX" Paragraph 2 = Blatant, 100% copy of the product description from Amazon Paragraph 3 - Standard copy which is contained on all products, only the product name / keyword is changed "Always read your chosen stores product description before buying your XXX" Firstly, I am now on a mission to create unique descriptions instead of the Amazon ones I foolishly copied. My question is, are the standard paragraph 1 and 3 which are in all my product ok? Or should this be avoided? Should my unique description be paragraph 1, or can it remain in the middle? The reason for the three separate paragraphs was so I could mention to keyword 3 times, which is what is suggested on the Moz page grader. Thanks so much!

    | MrPenguin

  • We have had an interesting question from a client. They have asked if removing their phone number from their website would have an affect on their rankings. Our immediate answer was 'No' but it may affect the Brand, Usability and Customer experience by restricting the methods of contact. This then made us think that perhaps then it could have an effect in the long term. This situation is also complicated by the fact that they do not have a Google Local Plus account for operational, sensitivity reasons (they don't want to openly publicise their address) We believe that there shouldn't be any negative affect but thought we would open a discussion. Thanks in advance for any comments/ideas.

    | vital_hike

  • I am working on some pages on my site ( and am curious as to the pros/cons of subpages/submenus.  The challenge I face is that I feel like I am creating too many pages that are nearly the same which may result in way too many submenus/subpages. Is it better to make a main page heading and hyperlink to related service page vs creating a subpage for it? (OR) Have the main page heading and multiple subpages even if the copy is very close to other pages. This is the area I am having trouble with: Services > Office Automation>Workflow>Electronic Document Management>AP Processing>HR Onboarding Thanks, I hope this makes sense.

    | CRMI

  • Hi community, I just realized that my indexed pages dropped from the amount of 95 to 75 and I don't know why. I did some title tag arrangements because we are launching with our first product (before that it was just a blog). I did these changes 1 week ago and fetched to google the homepage and some subdomains. Thanks for your help. Kind regards Marco

    | Marc1987

  • Is there any benefits in using 'Fetch as Google' in WMT and then submitting for indexing? I have a page which I'm trying to get to rank so far with no luck is it likely to help or could it hinder? Please speak from experience not hearsay 🙂 Many Thanks

    | seoman10

  • Hi, A client I'm dealing with has the following H tags on their homepage: H1: Online POP & POS Printing for Businesses & Events H2: Design & Advertising Agencies? Use Your Own Custom Artwork!
    H2: Small Businesses & Events? Create Marketing Products Online!
    H2: Quicker, Easier & up to 80% Cheaper than Traditional Printing
    H2: Customise one of our free themes
    H2: Upload your own custom artwork
    H2: Commission a bespoke design
    H2: Featured Products
    H2: Display Printing
    H2: Dump Bins
    H2: Flyer Display
    H2: FSDUs
    H2: Hanging Signs
    H2: Posters
    H2: Shelf Edge
    H2: Show Cards
    H2: Tent Cards
    H2: Window Clings H3: Look How Easy It Is
    H3: Look How Easy It Is
    H3: Big brand printing for every budget
    H3: Newsletter Sign Up
    H3: Available payment methods H4: Thank You, You have been added to our mailing list
    H4: Follow Us As you can see, there are a lot. I feel the H3 and H4 tags do not really add any value or explain what the site is about, so I'll probably remove these. In relation to the H2s, do you think I should demote some of these to H3 or even H4 tags? Also, terms like 'Posters' is very vague, would this be better as 'Poster Printing'? Thanks, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • So i have been implementing rich snippets for work and all has been good until now, As you can see below the meta description has all of a sudden included the review date. The review date is the only date on the page. Any ideas what could be causing this? Thanks wqLKKl9

    | David-McGawn

  • To preserve link juice should I "nofollow" links to about us and contact us pages that appear at the top of our navigation? I read this article - but I am not familiar with the authenticity: Thanks Mike

    | henandstag

  • Hi everybody, I'm working on my new website, and I have a few questions about the Headers (<h 1="" 2="" 3="">)
    please see the attached image, I create a mock-up for you, please tell me which H I have to put on the title.
    (** most of the articles will be without sub-titles will be dynamic, but try to take a look on the "sidebar" and "menu link".</h> 6ER0EpK

    | JohnPalmer

  • I am in the process of implementing Zendesk and will have two separate Zendesk sites with the same content to serve two separate user groups (for the same product-- B2B and B2C). Zendesk does not allow me the option to changed canonicals (nor meta tags). If I robots.txt one of the Zendesk sites, will that cover me for duplicate content with Google? Is that a good option? Is there a better option. I will also have to change some of the canonicals on my site ( to use the zendesk canonicals ( to avoid duplicate content. Will I lose ranking by changing the established page canonicals on my site go to the new subdomain (only option offered through Zendesk)? Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • A client of mine migrated their website from one platform to another.  The site is primarily about lead generation. The individual managing the migration did most of the right things: They thinned out poor content, they set up the appropriate canonical tags and 301 re-directs, the did outreach to quality websites providing inbound links and were able to achieve a reasonable level of URL updates to new URL structure, they cleaned up most of the on-page user experience and on-page keyword items (title tags, meta descriptions, HTML/JS/CSS coding, usage of HTML5 structure for headers/body/footers, etc. During the transition, about a dozen primary keyword phrases lost impression and traffic volume - and most likely conversions. A simple analysis showed that the content and on-page elements in these cases were likely muddled with an unclear strategy. Too many different concepts were co-mingled and thus they lost rank on these relevant terms. Working with the client, we've created a few new pages to separate these important concepts, created nice new content and updated all the on-page elements. We've also altered the 301 redirects and canonicals to better associated backlinks to these divided pages. We've also updated the sitemap and submitted. Okay - all sounds good - now my question is: So what? What happens next? Should I request a fetch from Google? Should I run a campaign / article that discusses each of these concepts separately and then point the readers to these pages to drive some traffic to the new pages associated with those keywords? Is that even necessary? How do I get Google/Bing to recognize the client uncovered and repaired their previous error - and how long should this take? Days? Weeks? Months? Thanks

    | ExploreConsulting

  • I run a Business Directory, Where all the businesses are listed.  I am having an issue.. with Duplication content. I have categories, Like A, B, C Now a business in Category A, User can filter it by different locations, by State, City, Area So If they filter it by the State and the State has 10 businesses and all of them are in one City. Both of the page
    The state filtered and the city filtered are same,  What can i do to avoid that? canonical-url-tag or changing page Meta's and Body text? Please help 🙂

    | Adnan4SEO

  • Our company plans to quickly launch an e-commerce site to sell religion themed banners ( We'll have our products up on the site in about a week. Should I block Google from accessing the site during this period? Is there anything wrong with starting simple SEO tasks such as submitting the site map on Google Search Console prior to us having the products on the site?

    | art_litho

  • Hi, Running a Magento site and wanted to check about duplicate page content. We have 1000+ product pages and it has been suggested to remove some of the "duplicated content" which displays on every product page and replace this with an image of the same text content. By this I am talking about content which is for promo/customer purposes and is displayed on every page. eg: "If you find our products cheaper elsewhere then please click below to get your price match...... etc", and a chunk of text for the "Delivery Tab Information" and "Contact Tab Information" on each and every product page. A SEO company has suggested to turn this content into images. Does anyone have thoughts on this please?

    | Ampweb

  • Hello, We're switching from a mediocre cart to, which I love. We've been in business for 10 years and have 8500 products. At least 75% of the products have never sold once. How do we know how many of those we can delete when switching carts? We only want to switch over the products we have to. Thanks! Bob

    | BobGW

  • Does anyone know about TTFB? TTFB is 50ms. TTFB is 109ms. My website TTFB is around 900ms. I have tried to use Amazon CloudFont and change our VPS to a dedicated server. But it still not under 700ms. My website is based on wordpress. How can i improve my TTFB? Could anyone help?

    | gordonstyles

  • We are new to the whole SEO thing and could be described as total numpties as we have hidden away from it, scared of what it means and what might happen if we open that can of worms. But after seeing a 25% drop in visitors over a year, and  a continued fall, we thought we better try and get our heads around what we need to do to improve our chances on google. Consequently we have signed up to MOZ and are exploring its crawl results and trying to learn and action things. Today we noticed that we have dropped fairly completely from Google for many of our top key words. We are based in Italy,our site is in Italian and we only target Italy. Our homepage is http://www.shoechic,it and two of our top keywords that have dissapeared are: "scarpe sexy" & "Scarpe Pleaser" We would love to hear if anyone can throw some light in why this dramatic change may have taken place and what we can do to address it. Many thanks in advance for anyones help and advice. Philip

    | shoechic

  • I have a lot of pages that I don't want Google to index, so for most of them, I used cannonical, were they were duplicates, noindex were I wanted to remove the pages, but the question is: Should I include these pages in the sitemap.xml, or just the important pages? Also should I include them in order to get the changes indexed fastet by Google?

    | Silviu

  • I was wondering if you all have tips / best practices to SEO-optimize new pages created for popular long-tail queries, as well as recommendations to assure we don't have duplicate content issues.

    | CuriosityMedia

  • Dear Friends, I have a website which is being opened like example.comand example/index to same page. Is there any problem SEO point of view. By the way I have placed the Rel= canonical tag in source page. its working fine but

    | docbeans

  • I have a big website with all the titles and desc NOT optimized...if i change all of them in one day this can cause seo issues on my site? It's okay to do that?

    | markovald

  • I have just had a conversation with a client... the gist was this... Is it more important to stay under the 55-60 characters OR go over a bit and have the page title make sense and include the clients company name. The same argument for meta description. I have a client insisting on 55-60 length but the keywords are long and if we use the primary keyword phrase the length is 44 if we use the keyword phrase and add the company name it becomes 64. This is with us trimming it a bit. Anyone else discussed this before?

    | JohnW-UK
  • This question is deleted!


  • Good evening, On each of the sites I have made, I have a link with the anchor text 'Build and Design by Christoper Davies' to my own website. This link is in the footer of every page each of all the sites. Should I have a 'no follow' rel added to these links, or does linking from all the sites (on all pages) help my ranking? I am concerned that having so many inbound links from the same sites, with the same anchor text may be doing me more damage than good.

    | chrisdavieswebdesign

  • What's the current thinking on the best structure of information on a website for SEO? Structure for visitors can be best achieved through navigation menus, but I am more interested in how I should organise my URL structure so Google can make sense of the depth of my site topics. The website is an Asian travel blog so there are essentially two specific types of post on the site. One type is location specific (may be about an attraction, a city, a region or a country). The other type is general (usually about an aspect of travel like travel cash, visas, scams, etc). At the moment, all my general posts are organised like[post-name]. My location-specific posts are organised like[country]/[region-or-city]/[place-name]/ so that Google can see I have depth of topics about each country and region. But I find it hard to keep consistency in this arrangement of URLs and I don't know if I might be better off to just have everything flat and tagged as a blog post like[country]-[region-city]-[post-name]/? What's best practice these days? How are others organising travel blog websites?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • When I'm in WMT/Search Console - I start a process of looking at all of the data initially unfiltered Then I select a query. Let's say its a top query for starters and I filter my results by that top query (exactly) With the filter on, I flip over to Pages and I get about a dozen results. When I look at this list, I get the normal variety of output: impressions, clicks, CTR, avg. position One thing that seems a bit odd to me is that most of the average positions for each of the URLs displayed is about the same.  Say they range from 1.0 to 1.3. Does this mean that Google is displaying the dozen or so URLs to different people and generally in the 1st or 2nd position. Does this mean that my dozen or so pages are all competing with each other for the same query? On one hand, if all of my dozen pages displayed most of the time in the SERP all at the same time, I would see this as a good thing in that I would be 'owning' the SERP for my particular query.  On the other hand, I'm concerned that the keyword I'm trying to optimize a particular page for is being partially distributed to less optimized pages.  The main target page is shown the most (good) and it has about a 15x better CTR (also good). But all together, the other 11 pages are taking in around 40% of impressions and get a far lower CTR (bad). Am I interpreting this data correctly? Is WMT showing me what pages a particular query sends traffic to? Is there any way to extract the keywords that a particular page receives? When I reset my query and then start by selecting a specific page (exact match) and then select queries - is this showing my the search queries that drove traffic to that page? Is there a 'best practices' process to try to target a keyword to a specific page so that it gets more than the 60% of impressions I'm seeing now? Obviously I don't want to do a canonical because each keyword goes to many different pages and each page receives a different mix of keywords. I would think there would be a different technique when your page has an average position off of page 1.

    | ExploreConsulting

  • Hey everybody, how is it going? I have a simple question, that i need answered. I have a main domain, lets call it Recently our company will launch a series of promotions for which we will use cname subdomains, i.e, or They will serve a commercial objective, nothing more. What is the best way to block such domains from being indexed in Google, also from counting as a subdomain from the Robots.txt, No-follow, etc? Hope to hear from you, Best Regards,

    | JesusD

  • Hello! I am a new blogger that is just getting started. All I have done so far is purchase a domain name and signed up with Blue Host. From what I am reading, WordPress seems to be the most recommended plug-in to get going. There is a lot of material out there on SEO and I wanted the community's thoughts on where to start. My blog is intended to provide readers with information on a particular topic. It is a vast area with much to write about - I intend on populating the content myself/with the help of experts in the field. It is not news so it is not time sensitive. Here are my questions: 1. As this is a brand new site, should I be blogging every day or is couple of times a week sufficient? I am able to produce content fairly quickly in the beginning as there is a lot to write about. Should I write a whole lot of content first and then release it on a schedule (twice a week, daily, etc.)? As it is a new site, I don't want it to launch with just one article.. 2. I am taking a WordPress class next week, but as someone that is not too familiar with copy/backlinks, other mechanisms to boost SEO. does WordPress make it easy enough to optimize your site for search results or does it require more expertise? As far as I see, my first tasks are to 1. ) set up the site effectively so people can find it and 2.) create valuable/engaging content. Appreciate any advice on setting up the site, blogging frequency, other tips to get going. I don't want to launch a site and get dinged by Google for reasons I am unware of..At some point, when I have a robust set of content, I am thinking of FB advertising to increase traffic to the site. Seems a bit premature to do that at this point.. Thanks all in advance for your feedback!

    | mmprakash

  • Hi guys.  Sorry it's an essay...BUT, i think a lot of you will find this an interesting question. This question is in 2 (related) parts, and I imagine it would be an 'advanced' SEO question.  Hoping you guys can help bring some real insight 🙂  Always amazed at the quality for this forum/ community. **Context...  ** We had a duplicate content issue caused by this page and it's product permutations, so we placed canonical tags on all the product permutations to solve it.  Worked a treat. However, we now have more **product ranges.  **We now sell Diaries, Notebooks & Music books, which are clearly different from one another.  So...we've placed canonical tags on all the product permutations leading back to the 'parent' theme. In other words, all the diary permutations 'lead back' to the diary page.  All the notebooks permutations 'lead back' to the main notebook page.  So on and so forth. Make sense so far? Context end..... Issue. Amazingly our Diary page outranks our notebook pagefor the search term 'Design your own Notebook'.  The notebook page is well optimised for this search term, and the diary page avoids the word 'notebook' altogether (so no keyword cannibalisation going on). Possible reason? Our Diary page has a vast amount of internal links to it throughout our site.  The notebook page has only a few. Could this be the issue?  If so, what reading/ blogs/ content/ tools would you recommend to help understand and solve this problem?  i.e) Better understanding internal link structure for SEO. 2nd part of the question (in the context of internal linking for SEO). When there are internal links to a page with a conical tag does that 'count' towards the 'parent page', or simply towards that specific page? I really hope that makes sense.  If it's clear as mud just shout. Isaac. EDIT:  All pages in question have been indexed since we added these changes to the site.

    | isaac663

  • Hi ! I want to improve the ranking of Home on my site. Now I did some on-page SEO on Home itself for the keyword "Webdesign Freiburg". How much does it make sense to put this keyword also into inner sites - although I primarily want to rank Home for this keyword? Does Home profit from putting the keyword into subpages? Cheers and thanks Marc

    | RWW

  • Hi all! In the past months I see more and more website that doing 'auto loading articles in scrolling' - can you tell me if it's okay for SEO and what are the best practices for this? Thanks!

    | JohnPalmer

  • I came across an article online (not Moz) that says adding the full url in a menu is a Google standard.  So when you make a menu link you put "" instead of "/page". What are your thoughts on this? Any real reason to? Y840pbN lrwZPDj

    | InfinityTechnologySolutions

  • With regular redirect(s) the following URLs did not work, any ideas for the .htaccess code to make this work? redirect to to and to Thanks guys! 🙂

    | vmialik

  • I run an ecommerce site and am keep to increase the time on site and reduce bounce rate.  I have had some good results from writing good articles and advertising them on Outbrain and Twitter; both of these metrics have improved.  However, I am wondering if Google will see this.  Clearly if people land on the pages from the SERPS and return there they will know what is happening but will they know if people get there from an advert?

    | T0BY

  • I'm updating articles on a large site, some have links in the comments (WP site). The question is: 1. Should I remove the links in the comments, or does Google even care? 2. How do pingbacks affect ranking?

    | MichaelGregory

  • Hello again Mozzers, We have a category, lets call it widgets. Within widgets are about a hundred or so products. For usability my predecessor made the following layout Widgets Main Cateogry  - Links off homepage - (no content just links to the 3 sub-categories)
    - Widgets by Resolution
    ---- About 20 subcategories 
    eg. 0.1 Resolution widgets
          0.2 resolution widgets
    - Widgets by Capacity
    ---- About 20 subcategories
    eg. 1 capacity widgets
         2 capacity widgets
    - Widgets by Type
    ---- About 12 subcategories This was a major improvement from a userbility perspective as it made a very complex product range navigatable by the major features or basic type. However, as you can imaging we now have 60+ very similiar pages all displaying very similiar products a nightmare for SEO. It also isnt ideal for user navigation as it take too many clicks to get to the products. I propose the following fix, and i wanted your opinion. Widget Main Category - Link from homepage (Consolidated with Widgets by Type)
    -300 Words of content
    -Links to the 12 Sub-type Catoregies (These are pages i can fill with content + products. This would give me a more ordinary structure of which I can focus each page to a keyword) The tricky part comes with incorporating the capacity and resolution options. 1 Browse Capacity Page
    (20 sub categories all the same except capacity quantity & products)
    1 Browse by Resolution Page
    (20 sub categories all the same except resolution value & products) The owner want them, I was going to link from the main widgets page to each of these to give the customer the option. What I can't decide is how to deal with them from an SEO point of view. Should they be no-followed? canonicaled? Can there be any advantage to having so many pages covering slightly different variations or as i suspect it is dangerous to the overall health of the site. To complicate things further, Canonical tags may not be an option due to an old magento version running that doesnt support them. Is there an alternative way around? As always many thanks.

    | ATP

  • Here's a general question:  At what PR/page rank (or Moz 'page authority') would you no longer change an existing URL that's cryptic to one that includes the related page keyword or at least relevant terms?   Does using a 301 redirect to the new URL preserve the page rank?    Thanks!

    | flyntime_tx

  • Is it possible to enable rich snippets for reviews that are not visible on the page in question? A restaurant's Wordpress website mentions the average rating but the actual customer feedback and reviews are displayed on a page on the website of the feedback company. Would it be enough to implement a small widget (displays star rating, number of reviews and links to the review page) and add microdata/J-SON to convince search engines that the reviews are legit? Thanks in advance! Bas

    | SEO-Bas

  • Hi there 🙂
    Our website is about a particular region in Italy, the Langhe area, famous for food and wine (barolo and barbaresco are produced here). We need to rollout a few new pages about cellar/winery tours: one main page with the list of tours, and the various subpages for each tour. We already have a page about travel, and a page about wine (with a sub-page about wineries). The URLs looks like:
    (Note: i'm translating from italian here) Now, I'm wondering where is better to position the new pages: or From an SEO perspective (within my limited experience) the first option has a shorter URL, but the second feels more "natural" to me. What do you think? Thanks 🙂

    | Enrico_Cassinelli

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