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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • For some reason I am getting a duplicate version of my urls with /javascript(0) at the end.  These are creating an abundance of 404 errors.  I know I am not supposed to block JS files so what is the best way to block these? Ex: is a 404  is not Thank you.


  • i notice increasing cases of portfolio style boxes on site designs (especially wordpress templates) where you have an image and text appears after hover over (sorry for my basic terminology).  does this text which appears after hover over have much search engine value or as it doesnt immediately appear on pageload does it carry slightly less weight like tabbed content?   any advice appreciated thanks neil

    | neilhenderson

  • Hello, Moz is showing that a site has duplicate content - which appears to be because of tags and categories. It is a relatively new site, with only a few blog publications so far. This means that the same articles are displayed under a number of different tags and categories... Is this something I should worry about, or just wait until I have more content? The 'tag' and 'category' pages are not really pages I would expect or aim for anyone to find in google results anyway. Would be glad to here any advice / opinions on this Thanks!

    | wearehappymedia

  • We have a retail website with over 20K products and do many things to reduce duplicate content including canonicals & parameters.  In setting up parameters in Google Search Console, we have told Google to ignore the option to list more products, so the category pages that are indexed have only the default 12 products on them. I don’t want to create too much duplicate product content by doing this, but if there are only 12 products on a category page, the content is very thin  Is it better to have as much product content as possible? My question: Should we set the parameter to follow the default (12 products) or should set it to 200 so there are more products associated with the category page?

    | apsltd

  • Hi All, Quick question and I think I already know the answer but wanted to get a second opinion. We have a ecom site running woo commerce and the theme is coded to insert the product category name under the product name on the category page. This has resulted in the category page being stuffed with my keyword 'sofa beds'. Am I right in thinking that in the eyes of Google this page will be penalised for over use of my keyword or does Google view category pages differently? Thanks in advance

    | Jon-S

  • Hello, I have a problem with the sitelinks on my website. Google keeps adding pages that don't belong in the sitelinks, but need to be indexed. Is there a way in which I can specify to the bot which section of the website, not to add in the sitelinks.

    | Silviu

  • Hey there, 
    certain pages of our website have mobile versions like On the desktop pages (i.e. we have "rich snippets for ratings" marked up and displayed in SERPs. However the ratings also appear in mobile search results when SERPS reference the mobile version of the page ( which doesn't have any ratings or markup? I am trying to figure out how Google treats mobile versions of a page in relation to the desktop version in relation to structured data (breadcrumbs etc.)? Would you always mark up both versions to be the same? Any ideas and thoughts on this are greatly appreciated. Cheers, Jochen rich Snippets for Ratings

    | Online-Marketing-Guy

  • Hi, First of all: I think apart from QDF results, effects of this are rather small and trumped by such things as the actual content and value a page offered. Nevertheless I got to wondering how the publication date and modification date are used ... effectively and correctly. Fact: Google displays the publication date on SERPS (if it is given via schema or through the CMS or in any other form). This also applies if you have a date of last modification, for example via - regardless of the extent of changes.
    Google only considers the publication date. Google also uses it as an indicator for "freshness". There are quite a few articles on that out there, ex: and Q1: In my opinion, faking the publication date is at the very least a darkish grey area which nonetheless seems to still work. Would you agree? Q2: Would you see it as legitimate to (at some point after thoroughly reworking one page) update the publication date to the date of republication? Case in point: I have a page with book reviews. These reviews do not really go stale - much like recipes; tastes may change a bit, but essentially it stays the same. I find it somewhat irking to see a 10 year old date there - even if I maybe have restructured and rewritten, maybe even completely redone a review... But apart from the question of whether to ever "update" your publication date. I started pondering when it was proper to change the modification date (especially as it seems to have little effect apart from serving as date for last changes in headers, caches etc.)? For example, content changes when Manually changing text a visitor leaves a comment a visitor gives a book/article/page a rating a visitor gives a book a rating and this rating is part of another entity's aggregate rating Q: Which of these events would warrant an update of the last modification? ratings and aggregate ratings typically only change single numbers (vote count and sums/averages); yet there is [legitimate] change and it is utilised in SERPS (review stars). I am still hesitant. My answers would be: Changing the publication date might be valid in case of a MAJOR overhaul with new or lots of extra content - when, for example you could publish the same article again in another issue of the same print magazine the article has been published in before; and all of those changes warrant an update of the last modification, at least as it is currently used, i.e. only to show when change has happened with any real influence. Personally I'd wish for lastModified carrying more weight compared to pubDate AND especially for more google-side checks if actual change has happened. (To be ignored in case of small things like legitimately switching a sentence or correcting a typo; to be penalised if changed when nothing really changes; to honour when real change happens) Looking forward on your opinions for dating content - and of course on your hints what I am forgetting. 🙂 Nico

    | netzkern_AG

  • Hi all, Once of our clients is a large community website for parents/parenting. The standard Wordpress XML Sitemap plugin is throwing up lots of errors, etc, and is not ideal. Does anyone have any recommendations for either a tool that we could use to create a better one, or else a service that we could pay to use? Gavin

    | IcanAgency

  • We have a situation on twiends where a number of our 'dead' user pages have generated links for us over the years. Our options are to 404 them, 301 them to the home page, or just serve back the home page with a canonical tag. We've been 404'ing them for years, but i understand that we lose all the link juice from doing this. Correct me if I'm wrong? Our next plan would be to 301 them to the home page. Probably the best solution but our concern is if a user page is only temporarily down (under review, etc) it could be permanently removed from the index, or at least cached for a very long time. A final plan is to just serve back the home page on the old URL, with a canonical tag pointing to the home page URL. This is quick, retains most of the link juice, and allows the URL to become active again in future. The problem is that there could be 100,000's of these. Q1) Is it a problem to have 100,000 URLs pointing to a primary with a rel=canonical tag? (Problem for Google?) Q2) How long does it take a canonical duplicate page to become unique in the index again if the tag is removed? Will google recrawl it and add it back into the index? Do we need to use WMT to speed this process up? Thanks

    | dsumter

  • Hey there, just a brief opinion question: Do you see any benefit of adding structured data markup to my breadcrumbs if they are already displaying in SERPs without markup? Are there mayble other long term benefits to using the markup even if I will not notice any short-term effect in SERPs? Cheers, Jochen

    | Online-Marketing-Guy

  • Hi, I have a client with a wix platform and I was wondering about the letters and numbers on the url!my-blog/lw27x  when it comes to SEO will this effect the overall rankings as I can not seem to change them and any tips for ranking in the weddings niche? Regards Steve

    | ReSEOlve

  • Is there anyone who can give me a definitive answer on which of the following situations is preferable from an SEO standpoint for the services section of a website? 1. Many unique and targeted service pages with the primary keyword in the URL, Title tag and H1 - but with the tradeoff of having thin content on the page (i.e. 100 words of content or less). 2.  One large service page listing all services in the content. Primary keyword for URL, title tag and H1 would be something like "(company name) services" and each service would be in the H2 title. In this case, there is lots of content on the page. Yes, the ideal situation would be to beef up content for each unique pages, but we have found that this isn't always an option based on the amount of time a client has dedicated to a project.

    | RCDesign74

  • Our company services multiple regions. Our website is setup for France, International (en-gb), Spanish, United States and China. The websites share a common template and format and menu tree but each has unique content. Should I use a single Google Webmaster Tools site for all of these or establish each of them as a unique website?

    | bearpaw

  • Hello, My ecommerce site has many PDF instruction pages that are being marked as duplicate content in the site crawl. Each page has a different title, and then a PDF displayed in an iframe with a link back to the previous page & to the category that the product is placed in. Should I add text to the pages to help differentiate them? I included a screenshot of the code that is on all the pages. Thanks! Justin 9tD9HMr

    | JustinBSLW

  • I recently upgraded to https. Of course most internal links of my old posts are still http. So I set up a 301 redirect in order to make the old link works. In terms od SEO this is good or it is better to update all the internal links to https, manually? In that case can I do it in batch with a search/replace command in the phmyadmin database? any other suggested method? thank you

    | micvitale

  • It looks like on 11/13 by site traffic dropped by like 75% and it just happens to coincide with the MOZ DA dropping to.  Anyone else see this?

    | Motom7

  • I've been hired to help improve the SEO for a furniture e commerce site, and in their product listings you'll see several instances where the same product is repeated 5 times, varying only by 'finish'.(Usually Cherry, Mahogany, Maple, etc) I would think that traditionally, this seems like a no brainer - that you would consolidate these products into variable products. But in the furniture realm, I'm concerned about losing those permalinks for people that might search specifically for 'mahogany desk'. I'm pretty sure that we will ultimately decide to consolidate into Variable products. I was thinking there could be a sub header tag that said 'Available in: ' and listed the finishes there. But of course I've still lost the color in the url, title tag.  I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for me in general. Really appreciate any kind of help. Paul

    | designbuildwp

  • hi All apologies to everybody in  advance my level of SEO  or technical  stuff is quite minimal. we have setup  a new site with a top level  domain sitting on multiple servers ( https.www.mysite/new/ on one and http.wwww.mysites/old/ on another) different pages,content etc. it's definitely a patchy solution until  what is  left in the  old server  will be  migrated to the new one. however  the new site is still  not indexed after around 2 weeks. I have checke on  moz and  and  google console ( fetch and rendering) and nothing seem to block indexing. no issue with robot.txt ( either on   https.www.mysite/new/robots.txt or http.wwww.mysites/old/robots.txt) meta-robot. any idea  on  what could cause the problem? can it be  an issue with  the cache-control set as : no-store no-cache? Or the loadbalancer that is preventing google to access ? Dario

    | Mrlocicero

  • Hello, Google changes the title of the main page only for my sites in this way: What I configured: My page title | my site name How it shows in Google: My site name: My page title If I checked some meta tags analyzer it will show my configured page title and also in So what do you thing about it. Best Regards, Housam

    | anubis2

  • Hi, I recently took over a site from another SEO firm. They created lots of articles targeting the same terms. The articles aren't bad but I fear they could dilute the site's ranking power for a given term. I don't want to give away the specific industry, but let's say they have eight pages targeting the term "______ billing software." I'd rather focus their resources on ranking one page for that term. Does that make sense? And if so, how do I do that? The company has a writer that can see if any of the content is good enough to add to their primary ______ billing software page. Would you 301 redirect all these pages to the one you want to rank, or would you canonicalize them? Or am I way off base in my thinking?

    | rich.owings

  • A month ago I started using MOZ and I improved my website significantly. I reduced the Crawl Issues to few of them, improved the sitemap, url, etc. Unfortunately, my organic search has not improved at all.  At the same time one of my competitors has the same Domain Authority, near the same Page Authorizaty, relatively similar social media performance, slightly higher backlinks, same blog content, etc. BUT, they are better ranked by, and appear on google in top 10 for many of the keywords I am not even in top50.  What am I doing wrong?


  • each page on my website represents a different department, can I program the header to show a different meta description on each page or should there only be 1 meta description tag per domain?

    | RonnieT

  • Hi All, So we have two best selling organic chocolates that are very similar. and Because we are a small company it would be ideal to offer only one of these chocolates due to the cost of making it from the raw cacao. This is the question: From a SEO page rank perspective, do we get better rank by 301 redirecting one chocolate to the other thereby generating more traffic through traffic consolidation to one chocolate. Or do we get better SEO rank by having two chocolates on the site that both get clicks with different content? Basically it is a question of divided forces. Thanks for your help, Jason

    | santabarbarachocolate

  • Hi guys, I was wondering if there is a difference in SEO performance between a page which ends with .html or just with a slash. For example: - Which one is better? And is there a difference between productpages and productcategory pages. Because we see mostly productpages ending with .html and category pages ending with a slash. Take a look at some big dutch companies like: (product page) There are doing this with a reason.... i guess.... Thanks.

    | Happy-SEO

  • Can anyone give a recommendation other good keyword relevancy and density tool? Thanks

    | seoman10

  • Hi I am getting about 10 of these errors and when I click on the link it goes to make login wordpress page can anyone help 406 : Received 406 (Not Acceptable) error response for page

    | ReSEOlve

  • Are there any pros or cons with using Google fetch and submit? I realise Google will likely find it of its own accord in due course but I have found it may take a couple of weeks if at all. Fetch and submit seems to speed this process up, sometimes anyway.

    | seoman10

  • This is very embarrassing but I hope someone can help. The Meta Titles on my site are not being shown correctly on the Google site index. For example, when I got directly to the page the appropriate page title is shown obviously. However when I go view that page on Google, the title in completely different. Page title: <a class="attribute-value">Web Design, SEO, PPC, Mobile Development In Philadelphia, Bucks| Infinity Digital Agency</a> Google Shows: Our Services - Infinity Digital Agency Here is the result page. I am currently running WordPress and Yoast. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    | infinitydigitalagency

  • Note: Domain listed below is NSFW Hi guys and girls, I dont know WHY this seemed to have happened for my little webshop At this moment I raised my paid per click campaign so i still get visitors. But that costs too much money. Dont know what I did wrong, everything seemed so great. How can I make a fast recovery?

    | MartinePeters

  • Hi, Does anyone think having keywords in your articles that are bold or i_talic_ or underlined makes any difference ?

    | ReSEOlve

  • Hi, my friend has asked me to take a look at his site. I only know the basics of SEO so I'm learning along the way. He has some duplicate title errors showing in Moz, resulting to this page: This URL shows the 'About' page. I have tonnes of pages like this showing with really long URLs that result an actual page. Has anyone seen something like this before? I don't have a clue how this is showing the about page Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks James

    | Craze_Media

  • But this sub-category page includes products that have the keyword in the product name. Should I be concerned?

    | Tacony_Corporation

  • Hi everybody! I'd like to discuss the SEO strategy I've thought regarding a client of mine and ask for help because it's a serious case of duplicate content. There is a main website (the business model one) where he compares the cost of medicines in several pharmacies, to show the cheapest shopping cart to the customer. But the shopping has to been made in another domain, within the selected pharmacie, because my country's law in Europe says that is compulsory to sell the medicines only on the pharmacy website. So my client has started to create domains, one for each pharmacy, where the differences between them are only some products, the business information of the pharmacy and the template's colour. But all of them shares the same product data base. My aim is to rank the comparing website (it contains all the products), not each pharmacy, so I've started to create different content for this one. Should I place rel=canonical in the pharmacies domains t the original one? For instance: >> >> >> I've already discuss the possibilities to focus all the content in only one website, but it's compulsory to have different domains in order to sell medicines By the way, I can't redirect 301 because I need these websites exist for the same reason (the law) He is creating 1-3 new domains every week so obviously he has had a drop in his SEO traffic that I have to solve this fast. Do you think the canonical will be the best solution? I dont want to noindex these domains beacuse we're creating Google Local pages for each one in order to be found in their villages. Please, I'll appreciate any piece of advice. Thanks!

    | Estherpuntu

  • On our website we have some invisible/hidden categories on our site. Can anyone advise whether these are harmful in terms of SEO?

    | CostumeD

  • Hey All, As a rookie on SEO, I optimised this page for the keywords Arabisch lernen. I saw a huge improvement from position 100+ to position 45. but now it's stuck around this position. Are there any things I missed on this page? Are there still things to increase the ranking? I hope to learn from you. thanks in advance!

    | NHA_DistanceLearning

  • Hello, I working on a new project that collect news items from websites like Bloomberg and CNN, I'm take the title and the full content of specific articles and publish them under my domain. At the same time my writers publish unique articles on the site. Sure, I'm adding "Source" for each duplicate article with the link to the source. 1. It's risky? 
    2. Duplicate content?
    3. Should I use Noindex/Nofollow for each duplicate article? Please share your thoughts.

    | JohnPalmer

  • Hey folks, I'm having a little problem with meta description. If you look at that first result it looks like this: Custom Staggered Strat | Seymour Duncan <cite class="_Rm"></cite>Custom Staggered Strat SSL-5. Home; / Pickups ... Maserati tribute - Fender Stratocaster with seymour duncan ssl 5 ... Talk Tone @seymourduncanpickups ...Even while the meta description code is this:name="description" itemprop="description" content="The ultimate overwound Strat single coil pickup, found in the bridge position of the David Gilmour Signature Fender Stratocaster." />We are seeing the same issue here in many places: duncan blogUsing the All In One SEO Pack - Any suggestions as to what might be causing this or how to fix it?

    | ScottOlson

  • Hi, I recently redesigned my website and I changed a few URLs so I have been keeping an eye on 404 errors and setting up redirects as needed.  However, my 404 error log keeps getting filled font related URLs like this: <colgroup><col width="960"></colgroup>
    | /fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.otf), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.woff), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.eot), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.eot? |
    | /fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.otf), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.woff), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.eot), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.eot? |
    | /fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.otf), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.woff), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.eot), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.eot? |
    | /fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.otf), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.woff), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.eot), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.eot? |
    | /fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.otf), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.woff), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.eot), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.eot? |
    | /fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.otf), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.woff), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.eot), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Bold.eot? |
    | /fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.otf), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.woff), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.eot), url(/fonts/FrutigerLTStd-Black.eot? |
    | /fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.otf), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.woff), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.eot), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Book.eot? |
    | /fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.otf), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.woff), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.eot), url(/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.eot? | Any idea what is causing these 404 errors?  Is this something that might hurt my SERP?

    | DohenyDrones

  • TL;DR: Do parts of URLs that are used throughout the web quite consistently have any influence on robots (or users)? Are there any studies? What would you use for pages that are something between a tag-page and a wiki-like article? Long version: On a site with a lot of content, I decided to go for tags to present articles on that topic together. My first thought was to simply list those under the URL /tag/{Tag_Name}. Short. Simple. Grabs the core meaning - on this page you'll find stuff about the tag. But: those tag-pages will be more than just lists of the tagged pages (let's say they are articles on various topics and products with certain attributes and the same tag can apply to a product and an article). The tag pages themselves will often talk a lot about the use of said tag - extensively, without blabbering. It is aimed at being a landing page and hub for the tag/keyword. Having this in mind, I pondered using /wiki/. It does fit in some respects, but it really is not a wiki.  /info/, /lexicon/, /knowledge/ and other ideas came to mind but the more I thought the weirder I did find most ideas. What I am now wondering: Do these parts of URLs (/tag/, or /product/, or /wiki/) that are not really keywords in most cases have any influence on search engines? They are used quite consistently across the web and therefore could be used as signals. I suspect, though, that they might have more influence on shaping user expectation. (If I see /wiki/ in an URL or site hierarchy display (breadcrumb), I expect ... well, a wiki-style page; if I see /tag/ I expect a collection of stuff with that tag.) What would you chose if it is not quite a tag, nor quite a wiki but something in-between? Or do you think it does not matter at all? (Breadcrumbs will be used and google has used them for display in just about all SERPs.) Are there perchance any studies concerning these parts of URLS? Regards Nico

    | netzkern_AG

  • Hi Moz Community, Is it only possible to get sitelinks to your main domain in the SERPs or can you also get them to internal pages in the SERPs? i.e. if this were to pop up in the SERP:
    Can I get sitelinks such as the examples below:
    etc. Just curious and I haven't really find anything like that on the internet. How can I set them up? Thanks.

    | Brian_Dowd

  • It has recently come to our attention that some of the pages on our site have multiple and tags. I understand that this goes against best practices-- but I was wondering if anyone could tell me specifically how this could be impacting our site's performance and search rankings.

    | ZoomInformation

  • I understand the concept of organizing blogs with categories, but how specific should the tags on blog posts be?  i.e. "cosmetic dentist" vs. "cosmetic dentist san francisco" I'm specifically using Squarespace if that helps. Thanks!

    | ReaderSam

  • Our website is configured like so: Websites /en-gb - International English /fr-fr /zh-hans /m/en-us - North American site - completely different structure The first three bullets share a Drupal instance where the North American site uses a different PHP framework and has it's own unique look and structure. Currently none of the websites have hreflang tags which means that sometimes when searching in the US the en-gb results creep in. I want to turn on hreflang tags for the international english website (en-gb) but my fear is that Google may not return the en-gb results to English speaking users if they are not in the UK. We want these results to appear for anyone who is not in the US who speaks English. Just a note, Canada is not included in this since they'll be added to the North American site soon and will have their own hreflang tags.

    | bearpaw

  • So I'm working with a client who has no heading tags on his site and I'm wondering if there is an ideal method to implementing these on the product pages specifically, as the wording I ideally want to specify is is the product title, which i can't really code with an H1. Has anyone run into this issue? If so, what was your solution? Also, how vital are these heading tags on the product pages, anyways? If the Volusion SEO expert could chime in, that would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone!

    | BrandLabs

  • Im wondering if anyone with some Wordpress experience can help me. I am using Yoast to create my page titles, but yet Moz tells me that my page titles including my actual page title tag which is 'dumfries wedding photography | Hemera Visuals' by clicking on the 'hide title' feature in wordpress will this in turn stop wordpress from automatically adding my page title and therfor bring my title length down drastically? And if so will I have to wait till google next crawls my page to see if this works? Kind Regards Cameron.

    | hemeravisuals12

  • Hi, I own a casting website with lots of profiles. Some of these profiles only typed in their firstname, email and age, when they registered on the site, and they haven't added more information ever since. From Crawl Diagnostics, I can see that there is "lots" of these profiles, which looks exactly the same (only showing age and firstname), allthought they are not the same. I could add which day the profile were created on the site, to maybe avoid these "duplications". The email will always be hidden. Or, how big an issue is this? Crawl Diagnostics tells me, that there is around 200 of these, and they are "marked" as High Priority. Any ideas on what to do? /Kasper

    | KasperGJ

  • Here is my example. I developed a property inspection app, where the keyword I try to rank is property inspection app, and property inspection software.   Property Inspection Software got slightly more traffic than app. I would like to rank both of this keyword high for my main website, but there is only one title, one H1 tag I can use to have keyword, where if I use "App" there is no way to have "Software" on the title, etc.   How can I deal with such a case? Any help will be appreciate.

    | terrysun

  • Hi Guys, I have a question. Each product listed on my webstie has product number like /product.php?id=3624. After I spent many hours with MOZ, I figured out that this approach is wrong and I should use the product name as URL to achieve better SEO performance. Now I am planing to change the URL generating algoritm but should I do it for existing products. Some of them have already been linked to external websites. I am thinking to create mirror URLs but this may cause rather damage on my website. Do you know what is the right answer? Best, Tony


  • Hi, We have pages where articles are shown and in the sides we have small snippets of Articles which shows the title and close to 25 words and a image. When i search for something in Google the snippet image and content is shown and in Google when clicked it redirects to a page which is not meant to be shown for the keyword the visitor is querying Is there a way i can block all the links and content shown in the right and left side of the page so Google does not get confused with the page content thats not related to that page? thanks

    | AlexisWithers

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