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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, Recently I changed titles and meta descriptions of some pages. The problem is that google have updated the titles but not the meta descriptions.. Ive also checekd the source code of the google cached version of the pages crawled and the meta description reflect the changes i did...but the changes don't appear in google. Do you have some solution/advice for the issue? Tx so Much

    | tourtravel

  • I'm getting emails from Channeladvisor recommending I join, thereby taking advantage of a change to Google Shopping. It is starting in Australia from today (13Feb13). Is it an upgraded version of Google  Adwords, or another form of a Commerce Merchant (obviously with multiple channels,e.g. Ebay, Amazon etc)? With Adwords, I found it too expensive for the type of product we sell (printer cartridges). But the real question is, DO MY RANKINGS DROP FROM NOT USING CHANNEL ADVISOR?

    | ABCPS

  • Hello, I have been using seomoz and sh404sef for almost a month now and can't seem to figure out my duplicate page title issue on my joomla site.  I have changed everything I thought necessary but no luck.  I have one page that I am trying to make dissapear from duplicate page title error and if I can figure it out i'm sure I can use same fix for the other 1,000 duplicate page titles being reported in my seomoz crawl report I have one link that I am working with sef url: I have used sh404sef url manager and added page title, description and keywords to this link and for 3 weeks straight now it still shows that it is duplicate page title in my seomoz crawl report Is there something that I am missing somewhere or did i setup a bad campaign that is looking at wrong things on site?  I 've attached image of  my sh404sef settings for this link Thanks in advance screenshot1.jpg

    | 41global

  • Hi guys. Some times web platforms that I do work on have pages that I normally do not optimize. They more often than not have blank meta titles and meta descriptions. If I put titles and descriptions on these pages, no matter how minor, would it help the site as a whole to rank better? Thanks!

    | oomdomarketing

  • I have very powerfull social network but i do not link to them from my website to improve page speed and avoid external links on main page. Althought i do link from my twitter acounts , facebook and google to my site. Should i link to my twitter or social on main page. I do not want to send people to there. I want to send people from there to my page.

    | maestrosonrisas

  • We have 5 locations and we were thinking about including a map for each location in the footer.  These would be set-up as no-follow links.  They could potentially enhance user experience but it also increases size of footer.  Right now there are just basic links to pages (sitemap, terms, etc), contact info, social links, and contact form.  If we did the maps it would also include link to the individual location pages.  Not sure if we are doing too much in footer or need to just keep it basic. Thanks for the help!

    | Restore

  • My on-page analysis shows that my title tags are not supporting my keyword..........but they are! My title tag has my EXACT keyword phrase. What gives? Keyword is "San Diego Party Bus" Title is "San Diego Party Bus | xoxoxox | xoxoxoxo" F grade! ????????

    | DrewSpinoso

  • I used to have a chrome add-on to see the cached text version of a website. I lost it and was wondering if anyone knew an alternative or a good add-on Cyto

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi, So my site supplies Q&A type of content - user queries a question and generally they get the answer from my site (landing page). I always make sure my content is (1) unique (2) answers the question (3) extensive in answering the question - reason being I rely on social shares quite a bit and that system works very well, sharing happens with my content. But one of my main pages has dropped from position 5 to position 10 in the last few days - I assume its panda 4.0 because my rankings have been rock for around 2 years. But I don't think its dropped my site, I think it has boosted others above me. The thing I don't understand is the sites its boosted above me have very little content and in some cases lots of Adsense surrounding it. I'm not moaning just a bit confused: I have 750 words of good content, another sites comes out of nowhere with 50 words -> how can Google decide the 50 word site is better using the panda algo? This is me assuming the panda algo is purely content/copy based. Does it take other things into account such as freshness, layout, bounce rate? Thanks.

    | followuk

  • I feel like I'm being damaged by Panda because of duplicate content as I have seen the Googlebot on my site indexing hundreds of URL's with ?fsdgsgs strings after the .html. They were beign generated by an add-on filtering module on my store, which I have since turned off. Googlebot is still indexing them hours later. At a loss what to do. Since Panda, I have lost a couple of dozen #1 rankings that I've held for months on end and had one drop over 100 positions.

    | sparrowdog

  • I've seen a couple of people leave comments about keyword linking being too specific. If I"m doing a lot of internal keyword linking and I want to rank well for 'widgets', is it better that most of the links just use the word 'widgets' or should some of the links have more words in them. ie: 'red and blue widgets' - 'buy these widgets online' etc.

    | sparrowdog

  • Since my website is targeting a very specific field, there are not many widely searched keywords. So I'm thinking of targeting one keyword with 2~3 pages. 1. I've read Neil Patel's blog post on how to create dual rankings to make your search listings stand out on Google. So I assume it's okay to target one keyword with several pages. ( Step #2 Create Dual Rankings) 2. But I've also read things on Keyword Cannibalism saying that if you target one keyword with several pages, they will compete with each other, and Google will get confused. I'm wondering, is it okay to target one keyword with 2~3 pages? And is there any smart way to do it ? Thanks.

    | joony

  • Hi, on our site we have two separate URL's for a page that has the same content. So, for example - '' and '' both have the same content on the page. We currently rank high in search for '' for our targeted keyword, but there are numerous links on the site to and also potentially inbound links to this page. Ideally we want just the URL to be present on the site, what would be the best course of action to take? Would a simple Canonical tag from the '/stuff' URL which points to the '/things/stuff' page be wise? If we were to scrap the '/stuff' URL totally and redirect it to the 'things/stuff' URL and change all our on site links, would this be beneficial and not harm our current ranking for '/things/stuff'? We only want 1 URL for this page for numerous reasons (i.e, easier to track in Analytics), but I'm a bit cautious that changing the page that doesn't rank may have an affect on the page that does rank! Thanks.

    | Jaybeamer

  • A vast majority of pages on my site are now too wide (the character count was fine prior to the March update). I want to go through and update them so they display properly and are not too wide.However, I am concerned, as my understanding was that changing Meta Titles is dangerous and can have a negative effect on your rankings and can cause real issues. Is this an opportunity to change my Titles all-together without any kind of penalty? Or can I only trim the end part? In summary: 1. Can I edit all of my Meta Titles without affecting my rankings? 2. If no, how do I edit them properly to fit within the proper width and not cause any issues? 3. If yes, I can go through and change all my Meta Titles to whatever extent and optimize them to reflect latest best practices? There are changes I wanted to make to all my meta titles but I've been afraid to... due to fear of rankings drops etc Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

    | lawfirm

  • When working with WP sites I generally use Michael Torbert's All in One SEO Pack. I've encountered a few examples where when the homepage shows up on a Google search results page the title/title tag shows up as {Business Name:} | {Keyword/Description}. In the 'General Settings' of the plugin in the 'Home Title' field, I have it listed as {Keyword/Description} | {Business Name} I'm not sure why the order is getting switched and where the ':' comes from. I'm not sure if this even has any adverse effect. If anyone has had experience with this, your input would be appreciated. Note - I'm not seeing this issue reflected on Bing.

    | stevefidelity

  • I'm moving my company to Australia, shutting down the US company. Google said I had to request a new Adsense account, so I did. They opened the account, I added the same ads, in the same places, and they have rejected my application. What do I do now? The other account has been open since 2004. They never said a word about this before. After two years of working on improvements, now I'm just about destroyed. I need some help, because I thought I knew what I was doing, but obviously not! As usual. their helpful response is no help at all. - there are no G ads on the front page  - this is a typical story - this is a typical press release As mentioned in our welcome email, we conduct a second review of your AdSense application once AdSense code is placed on your site(s). As a result of this review, we have disapproved your account for the following violation(s): Issues: - Site does not comply with Google policies --------------------- Further detail: Site does not comply with Google policies: We're unable to approve your AdSense application at this time for one of the reasons listed below or another reason listed in our program policies ([]( We recommend that you review the information provided below and make the necessary changes to your site. 1\. You need to improve your site’s user experience To ensure a good experience for users and advertisers, publishers participating in the AdSense program are required to adhere to the Webmaster Quality guidelines ([]( These guidelines provide many tips to help you to provide a positive experience for your users. You’ll also find more useful information in this AdSense blog post which highlights five user experience principles: []( Applying these principles will help you to provide a great experience for users on your site. 2\. Your site is a chat site which is not compliant with our policy Publishers are encouraged to experiment with a variety of ad placements and ad formats. However, as stated in our program policies ([](, AdSense publishers may not place ad code, search boxes or search results in chat programs. This includes, but is not limited to, instant messaging (IMs), chat sites and other pages that contains dynamic content. 3\. You need to remove all content that encourages violation of Google product policies Publishers may not provide the means to circumvent the policies of any Google products, such as by allowing users to download YouTube videos, or encourage the violation of Google AdSense policies. Moreover, publishers may not make use of Google brand features such as logos, screenshots, or other distinctive features without our express permission. For more information, please visit our Help Center ([]( 4\. Your site is dedicated to the sale and distribution of term papers We’re happy to see our publishers’ sites full of useful and informative content, however, as stated in our program policies ( []( ), the sale or distribution of term papers, or any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others is not allowed. Please review the AdSense program policies ([]( to ensure that your site meets all of the requirements for approval. As soon as you’ve made the necessary changes, we’ll be happy to take another look at your application.

    | loopyal

  • I have a client with a website that has gotten a bit outdated. We've already built his new website and optimized it, but I'm trying to figure out the best way to replace the site while doing the least amount of damage to his current Google rankings. He's ranking #1 for some very competitive keywords that are responsible for the bulk of his revenue, so we want to jeopardize that. We've already built a new site and written all new content, although the homepage page title, h1 header and meta descriptions will all remain what they currently are. I'm also trying to keep the keyword density as close to the current site as possible. I am aware of transferring all existing site URLS using 301 redirects. Can anyone provide any tips that I should use when replacing the site? Should I expect a slight rankings drop or am I worrying about nothing?

    | atstickel

  • Disqus is a simple tool you can use to easily get comments up and running on your website. Does it have the same value as a built in comment feature such as a Wordpress blog or does Google not attribute the Disqus comments to the websites content as it would for Wordpress?

    | Trellis

  • I have a site that is capable of hosting the landing page description either above the products under the H1 or below them at the bottom of the page before the footer. I have always chosen to keep the text "above the fold" as presumably this would be crawled sooner in relation to the rest of the page content than had it been at the bottom. However, this means that I can only really write just a few sentences for each landing page - otherwise the products would shift further down the page - and I don't think this is good from a UX POV. Question: If I move the bulk of my landing page descriptions to the text snippet located underneath the products, could this negatively affect my SEO? Text at the bottom of the page is obviously not significant for users, so is there a chance this could be seen as spam?

    | Silkstream

  • I have a lot of Meta Descriptions to write and so this got me thinking, what is the 'perfect' way to write one? I tend to stick to 165 characters and I now write them with the aim of getting the prospect to 'click through' and visit the intended page, I don't 'keyword stuff' though if I can include a keyword in the flow of the description then I will... In this example, I need to write a Meta Description for a 'worldwide cruise destination' called Okinawa which is the largest in a group of islands between Japan and Taiwan... Here is my Meta Description effort; Okinawa is the largest of the Ryukyu Islands, steeped in history but has developed into a captivating worldwide cruise port with a wonderful and relaxed culture. How would you rate my effort in a score of 1 - 10? How would you write it better? Thanks for your time! Andy

    | TomKing

  • So what does it take to get a double listing? If someone has already answered this, please just send the link. Obviously lots of anchor text links to both pages. Also, do I link from both pages to each other for google to see the correlation? For example, homepage link to interior page. And interior page link back to homepage using same anchor text that I want to get the double listing for. Thanks in advance!

    | azguy

  • As the above what is the best way to overcome having the same meta info on your blog pages (not blog posts) So if you have 25 blog posts per page once you exceed this number you then move onto a second blog page, then when you get to 50 you then move onto a 3rd blog page etc etc So if you have thousands f blog pages what is the best method to deal with this rather than having to write 100s of different meta titkes & descriptions? Cheers

    | webguru2014

  • I just updated to the latest version of Firefox on my Mac and saw that they now hide most of the page title in the browser tab, like Chrome and Safari. I like to be able to see the full page title at all times (for reasons I'm sure you all understand) and that's pretty much the only reason I stuck with Firefox all these years. Now I'm looking for an alternative – any suggestions?

    | matt-14567

  • Hello All, Recently, a client of ours enlisted another firm to redesign their website, The new site went live on February 20th. Since that date, we have seen a 30% drop in Google Organic traffic, year-over-year. Even a cursory glance at the site will tell you that there was quite a bit left on the table, from an SEO point of view. However, my question pertains to word count. The word count on the new site is quite a bit lower than the old site. How much value do you feel this has on rankings? Do you feel that, among the many other items that need to be addressed, we should be focusing on creating more copy? I appreciate all of your input. Frank

    | FrankSweeney

  • As area pages are seen as trying to game google (see link below) is their a 'better way' to target multipe areas (100 odd)? Cheers

    | webguru2014

  • This is a parallax type page and the navigation basically points you to the homepage every time.  The sub-menu on the secondary pages only ushers you down the page to various topics.  This design has concerned me for some time but I'd like another opinion.

    | Sika22

  • Hello, I would like to know that I want to use both category and tags in my blog StylishMahi.  If I index both category and tags, should I use canonical URL tag to pass referring to main category. As I want more my categories in SERP results ranking higher? I have also attached a picture. Can someone please confirm? Photo by Moz ZigdWMx

    | PratapSingh

  • I'm doing some work on a site that essentially is about giving and getting reviews. It's heirarchy has categories and products within those categories. For the title tag of the product pages, they currently have "Best {Category} | {Product} Reviews" I've advised them that they should remove the "Best {Category}" part because a) they're already targeting the category pages themselves and b) from a user perspective, the product page should just have a title tag that makes sense for that particular page (the page is not necessarily the "best" and certainly is not a series of products within that category). I wanted to post here to confirm that my advice is sound. Thanks.

    | jim_shook

  • I have a review site that has approximately 70 category pages. I'd like to include a few of them (not all 70) in the footer of the page for easy navigation and to direct the crawlers to the best ones. Is it advisable to use anchor text of "Category + reviews" or just leave it as "Category". I certainly dont want it to be overoptimized, but I do think its a good usability cue, so I'd be surprised if it was against guidelines. Any thoughts?

    | jim_shook

  • Background: Client was hacked a few months back. Everything was cleaned up, and he maintained rankings for some keywords before completely dropping off. Webmasters Tools was added after the hack, which shows no issues. ahrefs, majestic, and OSE show bad links but not GMT. Disavowed anyway. Not sure what else could be blocking his visibility, main pages have been index but not specific blog posts. Any suggestions or directions to look?

    | MibuKotaro

  • do links in footers or side bars count less than links in the center of the web page?  How much less if so? I have some articles on my site. Would i get more of a boost in rankings to pages of my site by placing links in the text of my articles on my site to other pages on my site? Thanks mozzers!

    | Ron10

  • When I look at Google Webmaster Tools, in the Content Keywords report there are a couple of ones that are suspect - "prescription", "medications", and "viagra" which are completely unrelated to the content of the site. When I click on the content keyword, and search the source code for those pages, I don't see those words in the source code.  Can someone please help me figure out why Google thinks that these keywords are associated with these pages, and how to correct it?

    | bernardablola

  • I have put canonical tags on most of my pages as I'm slowly fixing the website errors that cause me to lose my rankings last July.  However, when I search google for "graphene nanoplatelets" i find it shows the non canonical version. see below cut from the 2nd page of organic results. Graphene Nanoplatelets-GNPs - Cheap Tubes Inc. <cite class="_Hd"></cite>High quality, low cost Graphene Nanoplatelets-GNPs.I know I put the canonical tag on the page, see code below. I do not see an error but I am an SEO rookie <title>Graphene Nanoplatelets-GNPs</title> If anyone can find an error in my canonical tag, please tell me where it is so I can fix.  I know its affecting other pages as well and most should have the tag.  Some non product pages don't have it yet but will as I continue fixing it.

    | cheaptubes

  • Over the last couple of weeks,  I have noticed that Google aren't showing the page titles for my online shop anymore. They're set up with a third party plug-in piece of software, and while it's an old version of the software, the developer said it wouldn't be causing issues. They have suggested that I re-write my page titles to be less spammy. The thing is, Google haven't attacked just spammy looking titles, they're just taking a swoop through my whole site and not showing any of my page titles in their search results. I'm getting "Category Name - Shop Name" showing. Here's some of the page titles no longer appearing and I honestly have no idea how to rewrite these to not be spammy. Are there any good articles on what's spammy and what isn't? "Coconut oil - best tasting in Australia. Buy online from <my business="" name="">"</my> "Discount Vitamix Blender. Best deal in Australia. Buy online from <my business="" name="">."</my> "Natural & Organic skin care for the face | buy online in Australia from <my business="" name="">."</my> There are others that are showing the real page titles, but I think it's only a matter of re-indexing before they're all not showing. Any clue?

    | sparrowdog

  • Hi, On our category pages, for every product we have several links pointing to the product : on the image, on the product name, on the short description, on "read more", and a javascript onclick on the entire div. Could this have a negative impact for link juice distribution, or is it counted as only 1 link with the first anchor text found on the page ? Thanks,

    | Strelok

  • I would like to have clear answer in numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3, or 4 etc. of how many Anchor text i can make on One page.????

    | 1akal

  • I have an html site and most of my pages are ranking well. I want to switch to wordpress but i am afraid that i will loose ranking on my inner pages. Any thoughts? And should i do a redirect or use a html plugin

    | benjaminmarcinc

  • This I think, is a conceptual question related to Moz/ KeywordTracking in general. Q: What is a "good" way to setup tracking for keywords across many pages, potentially multiple domains? At present I've identified some keywords that are relevant to our products. That leads me to want to track  not just for a specific page, but for their rankings across multiple pages, and potentially at least two domains. One site is our main product site, the other a blog/info site. This is I suppose mostly discovery at this point. Working out what, if any, of our pages are ranking for a full set of keywords that we believe are related to our products. It may be that I'm completely missing the point of tracking, that I'm not using it as intended. I want to learn how our pages track currently (for a bunch of keywords), see that change over time as we make changes, and also visualise what we're strong in and what we're not. To me, this would let me see just where the holes are in our SEO easily. The reason I ask is that it seems I have to manually enter a keyword plus a webpage in Moz. Given I've 20-30 keywords I want to track many pages, this is going to take me "quite some time" (tm). Is there a better way to do what I describe here? Am I missing the point of keyword tracking?

    | shinywhitebox

  • Google is automatically picking up random text from my page and displaying it in place of the page title and meta description on the SERP. What can I do to avoid this? I want my page title and meta description to show up on the SERP. The url of my website is: wishpicker dot com Thanks in advance!

    | seomanicster

  • A client recently asked me whether a tabbed collapsed section of text that is expanded (i.e. revealed) when clicked, is an OK thing to do without negatively effecting SEO. I told him that for starters, he may want to rethink why he would want to hide the text in the first place (this is not an FAQ type scenario). The reason has to do with the aesthetic of the page. Anyway, aesthetic aside, any thoughts on whether a collapsed (hidden from view) negatively affects on-page SEO? Thanks. 

    | stephanwb

  • One of our clients currently has a number of pages that "Too many on page links",  Now her menu in itself has the majority.  With it being an eComerce website it has quite a few categories.  How harmfull is this to search rankings. The other side of thing's,  Currently the client has a large number of pages where the title of the page is the product,  However her products for example could be "The pink fluffy bear 2x4 with extendable arm and voice activation ( batteries not included )" Again,  how Harmfull is having a large volume of pages named like this.

    | bmkdigital

  • Hi Whats best practice when removing entire site sections from an e-commerce store due to ending those lines and not having similar alternative pages to redirect them too ? Should you remove pages in GWT etc ? Any other measures to prevent probs such as 404 spikes etc ?? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I have a business with 6 locations (in the same state) but very different cities. We we expanded from one location with the city name in the URL we followed best practices to move to the new domain without the singular city name in the URL. We definitly took a hit on the organic side and I'm trying to figure out best practice for where to add geo info. Currently I have geo info: -In footer
    -Contact Page -On local page It's a WP site and each location has it's own page (ie. locations/geolocation_keyword). I know all other locations will take sometime but my concern is the hit we took on the original location that had geo-target URL. I guess really my question is simply can I include city names in homepage meta title and desc.?
    and is there anything else I can do to bounce back organically on the original city faster?

    | beehiive

  • Hi I have a client project who's developers platform is populating the category part of the breadcrumbs with the header tag.  Since these include the pages primary target keywords/phrase they are being repeated in the breadcrumbs increasing the keyword/phrase count on the page as well as repeating/duplicating the sentence. Can this cause problems ? or not because Google knows its not part of the page content/body copy (because its a breadcrumb) ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi In my site I have 2 blogs, the first blog is a standard blog, every post is informative and over 6oo words with pictures and all of them are keyworded. The second blog is basically a journal of bike rides i go on, with a picture and about 100 - 300 word writeup. I use a portfolio plugin to get this online. My question is should I noindex nofollow all of these posts. Im not sure if google will see it as a lot of uninformative noncene, I dont write these as blog posts they are a journal I post 1 or 2 a day. What is the normal practice for this... they are not keyworded or seo'd I dont want them to affect my seo or rankings. Thanks Chris

    | mrcsleonard

  • when moz crawls my site they say I have 2x the pages that I really have & they say I am being penalized for duplicate content.  I know years ago I had my old domain resolve over to my new domain. Its the only thing that makes sense as to the duplicate content but would search engines really penalize me for that? It is technically only on 1 site.  My business took a significant sales hit starting early July 2013, I know google did and algorithm update that did have SEO aspects.  I need to resolve the problem so I can stay in business

    | cheaptubes

  • Hi guys, I'm starting to sell sofas and furniture online in Australia. Many USA companies just use the key ranking words as the Product Title i.e. "Ultra -Modern black leather sectional sofa with bookcase". Even if they have 100s of products. But in Australia they just use the model name, such as "The York", "The Boston", etc. Cause it does create a nicer picture and a neater look on the main page. I was wondering how important this practice is in improving search ranking? is it spammy? Thanks

    | cowhidesdirect

  • Hi, On our ecommerce, we use multiple pseudo-links for the layered navigation (to filter by color, site, etc), so that google doesn't crawl every combination of filters. I know this kind of links don't pass link juice and don't get crawled (provided you hide the target urls in your javascript). But, as there is an "onclick" property, I'm afraid that google could understand that these are links, and treat them the same way as nofollowed links (not following them but diluting link juice anyway). Do you know if this is the case ? Thanks,

    | Strelok

  • Hello all! We all know that having a responsive theme, with the same URL as the desktop version is what search engines prefer to best index our sites. But how is it when it comes to Meta Titles and Meta Description. Should we use different Metas for mobile visitors? Regards!

    | NelsonF

  • Say you have a client that specializes in Driveways and you have multiple keywords within one locations. So for instance the keywords are Driveway company, Driveway installers, driveway repairs etc.. How would you set it up? San Diego Driveway Company, San Diego Driveway Installers, San Diego Driveway repairs or San Diego Driveway Company, Driveway Installers, Driveway repairs

    | benjaminmarcinc

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