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Humour - Does it Help or Hinder SEOmoz?

Peter Newsome

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

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Peter Newsome

Humour - Does it Help or Hinder SEOmoz?

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

There are many great things about SEOmoz and its diverse cross-section of contributing members... things like:

  • Being a fantastic resource that covers topics which aren't being discussed by every other SEO in the blogoshpere
  • All the tools and easy-to-follow articles which range from beginner to advanced
  • Having members from all over the world contribute guest posts and insightful comments that add further value to already great posts
  • Whiteboard Fridays (need I say more)

But one of the main things that sets SEOmoz apart from a lot of other SEO resources is the way humour is seamlessly incorporated into comments and blog posts.

Take, for example, the ongoing MozRanking battle between Will Critchlow and Dr. Pete or some of the potentially alcohol inspired remarks from Pat.

Or some of the user-submitted posts like:

Top 10 Tips to Top 10 Mozzery

Top Ten Responses to the Top Ten Pickup Lines from SEOs

The Origins of Blogging (in Image Form)

Top Eleven Social Media Startups I'd Give My First Born For

The Brief History of SEO


Then there's the humorous posts written by SEOmoz staff, such as:

The Simpsonseomoz

What Happens in Vegas...Gets Documented in a Blog Post

Just When You Think Search Misconceptions Can't Get Any Worse... 

Just Another Day at the Office

Some Basic Truths I Have Learned


Not to mention the comic recaps:

SES San Jose 2007: The Comic Strip

SES London 2007: The Comic Strip

SES Chicago: The Comic Strip


There are many of other great examples you'll find simply by opening any random post and scrolling through the comments. I can even speak from personal experience, as I know that the only reason I've received many of my thumbs-up was due to humorous remarks (much to my girlfriend's surprise who is constantly reminding me how not funny I really am).

So, if you ask me, I believe incorporating humour and the occasional light-hearted article is essential in the ongoing growth and popularity of any online community... but that's just me... what does everyone else think? 

Should SEOmoz continue like this, or do you think such posts and comments detract from the overall intellectual value of the community as a whole?

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