Link Building

Links on the Internet form a relationship between pages and sites that are hugely important to both search engines and marketers. Search engines, like Google, use links to crawl the web, discover new pages, calculate the popularity of those pages, and also determine the relevancy of results to a searcher's query.

If you are new to link building, we highly recommend starting out with our Beginner’s Guide to SEO with Growing Popularity and Links.

While link building can be hugely beneficial for SEO, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest practices. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

The Beginner's Guide to Link Building : Everything you need to get started with link building.

The Professional’s Guide to SEO : Professional’s guide to link building and link earning tactics written by SEO expert Paddy Moogan.

Link Building Tactics : There are lots of ways to get links. This guide shows you tactics applicable to almost all websites.

The Rules of Link Building : You need links, but building bad ones can mean trouble. You need to know the rules!

Link Building: The One Hour Guide to SEO : Learn the basics of link building for absolute beginners, all in 10 minutes!

Most Recent Articles on Link Building

Monitoring Links for Link Building

Monitoring Links for Link Building

Happy New Year, Mozzers! I hope you all had a good break. I was going to write a 2009 predictions post but then I realised that I have no idea what's going to happen this year. Facebook will go offline? Brazil will go on sale for 13p and Twitter will buy them? God knows. Anyway, instead of doing that I decided to write a post with something useful in it.

Link Farming for Fun and Profit

Link Farming for Fun and Profit

As a black-hat SEO tool, link farming has been around since approximately the morning after Brin & Page submitted their seminal thesis. It was a bad idea to begin with—demonstrating a poor appreciation of the math behind the PageRank algorithm—and it's become an even worse idea since Google et al started actively pursuing and penalizing link farmers.

Headsmacking Tip #10 - Incentivize Links
Rand Fishkin

Headsmacking Tip #10 - Incentivize Links

A very short tip, but one that has been proving incredibly valuable to all of our clients of late. When you think about attracting links organically, the process goes something like this: 1. What content can I create that will naturally attract links? 2. What format should I put it in for maximum share-ability? 3. How can I promote it to reach the largest possible relevant audience?

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8 Ways to Buy Links Without "Buying Links"
Rand Fishkin

8 Ways to Buy Links Without "Buying Links"

This post is sourced from my presentation at Pubcon on the Linkfluence: How to Buy Links with Maximum Juice and Minimum Risk panel. Since it received such positive feedback and a lot of requests for sharing, I thought I'd do so in a more reference-able way here on the blog. If you'd like to download the slide deck, you can find it ...

How to Generate Backlinks from Search Traffic from Brand Keywords
Marc Bitanga

How to Generate Backlinks from Search Traffic from Brand Keywords

Recently a site I was working on experienced a huge spike in search traffic from branded keywords. The site was fairly new and no major link building had taken place, and we hadn't worked on approaching any bloggers or media outlets for editorial links. Yet when reviewing our web analytics, we noticed that the spike in traffic were from keywords related to our company name.

Headsmacking Tip #9 - Vertical Content Can Earn You Links
Rand Fishkin

Headsmacking Tip #9 - Vertical Content Can Earn You Links

For the next in my headsmacking series, I thought we'd look at the ever-challenging task of earning links to your site. Though it may seem daunting, sprinkling some creativity on the link acquisition puzzle can definitely make the process easier (and sometimes, more fun, too). One of the strategies that seems to elude many site owners and marketers is that of leveraging their vertical content t...

CSS Galleries: Great for Traffic and PageRank

CSS Galleries: Great for Traffic and PageRank

About CSS Galleries There are hundreds of CSS galleries on the internet in various languages. Their goal is to showcase visually appealing websites for design inspiration. Websites usually must be XHTML and CSS valid to be accepted. Most galleries prefer the site not have Flash. Although PageRank is constantly changing, many currently have a PageRank of 4 or higher, which can do a great deal to help your site.

Nofollow Put My Kids Through College!
John McElborough

Nofollow Put My Kids Through College!

For ages I was on the boat with SEOs who moan about the stupidity of nofollow. But recently I've moved away from this school of thought. Now I definitely haven't moved to the side of the fence that sides with Google in saying that nofollow either a) cuts down on comment spam, or b) improves the quality of search results.

The Great Google SketchUp Experiment

The Great Google SketchUp Experiment

SEO is an analytical occupation, so it’s no surprise that we experiment. The trouble is, we can’t experiment freely with our clients’ websites, and setting up a website just for experimentation doesn’t really mimic the natural conditions in the online environment. Therefore, I was delighted when I recently had the opportunity to arrange a small experiment under remarkably controlled conditions.

Who's Afraid of RSS Feeds?  Me....

Who's Afraid of RSS Feeds? Me....

I am afraid this post is unlikely to be informative. More a plea for action. I have been looking at setting up an RSS feed on our site. I am wrestling with having a feed that publishes new product pages as they appear or one that maybe feeds information on product maintenance and care, or maybe one on product related trivia (coming from our blog with a different url), o...