Online Advertising

Stop Wasting Money on Unoptimized Advertising
Terry Moore

Stop Wasting Money on Unoptimized Advertising

Facebook advertising, post boosting, PPC, and even print advertising. How are you deciding where and when to do these? That post your just “boosted”, how did you decide who is going to see it? Sure, you can pick some demographic info about people, pick some interests they already have, and a lot of other “narrowing” it down options. But what about the geographic component?

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Christmas Is Coming - Time To Make Your Wallets Fat!
Jonathan Walker

Christmas Is Coming - Time To Make Your Wallets Fat!

The Christmas period can be make-or-break for many in the retail business, regardless of whether they are online only, or also have a presence on the high street. As marketers, we should all see it as our duty to try and have as much of a positive impact at this time of the year for our clients or our bosses and by encompassing as many forms of Online Marketing into your strategy as possible, you’ll have the best chance of doing so.

5 SEO Tactics to Explore in 2011

5 SEO Tactics to Explore in 2011

It's the New Year and I can guarantee there will be a ton of new people at my gym this week ready to work on their resolutions (and generally getting in the way ). In SEO, some resolutions might include working on personal sites (I might have a few abandoned sites...) or writing more blog posts. Resolutions have never really worked for me though. So instead of giving you SEO resolutions for 2011, I'd like to inspire some exploration in the New Year when it comes to your search marketing campaigns.

7 Predictions for SEO in 2011
Rand Fishkin

7 Predictions for SEO in 2011

It's that magical time of year when all of us who foolishly assumed the mantle of clairvoyance last December check up on our abilities and repeat our arrogant presumption again. Not surprisingly, something compels me to try again, despite the odds, but I am feeling a bit whimsical tonight, so let's make a game out of the prediction practice. For each prediction (mine and others), w...

Search and Social Media FAILs by California Gubernatorial Candidates Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown

Search and Social Media FAILs by California Gubernatorial Candidates Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown

The race for governor positions across the US is on, and in California it has been a hotly debated race between Republican ex-eBay CEO Meg Whitman and Democratic mediocre-record-producing Jerry Brown. I'm going to vote for a California governor this Tuesday, and while I was doing my research on the candidates, I can't help but to notice how they're doing in search & social. So I poked around in some data, and here's what I've found about what people want to know about our California candidates and how well they're addressing their audiences through search & social channels online. PEOPLE L...