Why Now, More Than Ever, SEO Is Not Just About Google
As SEOs, we tend to hyper-focus on every little thing Google does. It's important to keep in mind that it's bigger than optimizing for a single search engine. Roy Hinkis is here to explain why.
If you're on this page, you probably want to learn the basics of modern SEO, right? Never fear! Here at Moz, we practically invented basic SEO, and we'll keep you up to date on the latest standards.
If you haven't already, you probably want to read the newly updated Beginner's Guide to SEO. It explains key concepts like how search engines work, keyword research, and the importance of links.
Here, we've listed some of our favorite posts on SEO basics, and you'll find the most recent blog posts below.
SEO 101: The Beginner's Guide to SEO : Start here to understand the basics of modern SEO.
SEO Learning Center : Moz's free SEO learning resources are continually updated, and a virtual encyclopedia of SEO tips and tactics.
The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 3.0 : If you're looking for basic technical SEO considerations, this 4 page downloadable cheat sheet will get you started on the basics of meta tags and more.
How to Rank : The SEO Checklist: Ranking in Google really isn't as hard as some folks make it seem. In this video, our SEO guru Rand Fishkin gives you a simple checklist for greater visibility.
Keyword Research : The Beginner's Guide to SEO: SEO almost always starts with keywords, so we thought this would be a good place for you to start too.
As SEOs, we tend to hyper-focus on every little thing Google does. It's important to keep in mind that it's bigger than optimizing for a single search engine. Roy Hinkis is here to explain why.
SEO comes with a lot of "whys" that can be difficult to answer. Jo Cameron is here to remove some of the mystery and level up your site audit skills with the help of ace tips, Bonnie Tyler, and a hefty toolkit in the newest installment of our Next Level educational series!
There have been some surprising shifts in how the marketing industry's changed its views of link building since 2014. Nicholas Chimonas breaks down the results of 2016's State of Link Building Survey for us.
Keywords or concepts? Wondering about what works in the now, Sam Nemzer devised an experiment to discover what the SERPs have to reveal about how Google interprets different yet synonymous keyword phrases.
Content is meant to support your marketing efforts; it shouldn't define them. Ronell Smith talks about the goals you shouldn't be setting for your content marketing efforts, the ones you should focus on, and the best ways to get started on the road to brand loyalty.
The world is going mobile, and those apps ahead of the curve in ASO and app indexing trends will be those that nab market share from traditionally web-dominated search results. Ashley Sefferman will help you get ahead of the pack with these 10 awesome tips to check off your app optimization list.
Are you selling the digital marketing services people actually want to buy? Alex Tachalova shares her insights from researching the searchability and salability of the top four digital marketing niches: SEO, PPC, SMM, and content marketing.
From the 5,000% drug price increase to the debate over "The Dress," everyone's heard about these 7 wild PR stunts. But have you wondered what their SEO impact was? Kelsey Libert of Fractl shares insights gained from researching the effect of PR events on a site's organic traffic and backlinks.
"If content is king, then the user is queen, and she rules the universe." Are you focusing too much on the content, rather than the user? In his last post as a Mozzer, Cyrus Shepard offers his single greatest SEO tip for improving your web traffic.
The SEOsphere has been abuzz with talk about Google's Panda algorithm recently. Jen Slegg, founder and editor of The SEM Post, reveals the key new takeaways from Google's own experts about Panda, and highlights actionable advice that SEOs can put into place right away.
Taking the time to really understand and define your brand allows you to be much more intentional and focused about the way you market your business online.
We've all felt the pain of dealing with Internet Explorer in one way or another. Now that Microsoft is deprecating IE and introducing Edge as their new browser, it's good news for SEOs and web devs alike!
Outbound sales may feel like an uncomfortable but necessary part of digital marketing, but little did you know that your best salespeople are right under your nose — they're your link builders! John-Henry Scherck takes you step-by-step through what might seem like a rather familiar process to build your prospecting list and grow your business.
Last week, Google made the unprecedented move of releasing the entire Search Quality Rater’s Guidelines. Explore key insights from this 160-page document that details just what they're looking for in a webpage.