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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Relationships and Reputation: Important For SEO
Gyi Tsakalakis

Relationships and Reputation: Important For SEO

We see a lot out there on cutting-edge search engine optimziation in terms of technology, methodology, and strategy. And there is no doubt that those are all essential aspects to successful SEO. However, there's a lot less about some good old-fashion concepts that also work great in the world of search. While SEO is many parts technical, some parts creativity, and a bunch stra...

Making "Reference" Content Rank Well in the SERPs
Aaron Wheeler

Making "Reference" Content Rank Well in the SERPs

I've always liked encyclopedias; when I was in middle school I started using Encarta on CD-ROM, and sure, I usually needed it for "help" with my homework, but sometimes I would stray to non-copy-and-pasting-from-encyclopedia activities and watch terribly animated videos of war battles or Shakespearean plays. My poor children will never know the joys of a succinct five page article on the American Revolution with an accompanying 30-second 160 X 200 resolution video! Anyways, if my aforementioned future kids do end up needing to write about the American Revolution, and you have a great site about it, how can you make sure they end up seeing your content? This week, Rand discusses some great ways to get your reference content to the top of the SERPs.

SEOmoz Meetups Coming to New York, Sofia, Las Vegas, Dublin, San Diego and More
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz Meetups Coming to New York, Sofia, Las Vegas, Dublin, San Diego and More

You've probably already noticed that here at SEOmoz, we tend to travel quite a bit. Often times we're speaking at a conference or covering it on the blog, but sometimes we find ourselves wishing we had more time to hang out with the community. We needed to come up with a way to spend some quality time with you. So, we're sending mozzers out to cities all over the world to have Meetups and give us a chance to get to know you in a more intimate setting.

Content Marketing That Stands Out
Dr. Peter J. Meyers

Content Marketing That Stands Out

When you're a small fish in a sea of competitors, getting noticed by search engines is never easy. If you're a car dealer, local restaurant, real estate agent, lawyer, doctor, etc., you're not only competing with hundreds of other businesses just like yours, but when it comes to link-building, everyone is trying to pick the same low-hanging fruit.

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6 Technical SEO Strategy Tips for Better Traffic and Rankings [Site Architecture]
Richard Baxter

6 Technical SEO Strategy Tips for Better Traffic and Rankings [Site Architecture]

If you think about it, search engines are more or less constantly driving us SEO people to keep our technical SEO strategy in a state of near constant refinement. Here are a few ideas (6, to be exact) based on issues I’ve encountered in QA or on our recent client work that I hope will provide a little food for thought the next time you’re planning SEO enhancements to your site.

Low Cost SEO For Clients on A Tight Budget

Low Cost SEO For Clients on A Tight Budget

Ok, so here be my first YouMoz blog post! I’d really appreciate any feedback you might have but please be gentle! I imagine I’m in the position of many people who work in SEO, especially those who are new to it. Anyone who finds themselves self employed in any industry will know from experience that big money clients...

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Five Ways To Use Your Social Profiles For SEO
Aaron Wheeler

Five Ways To Use Your Social Profiles For SEO

Social media is becoming more and more important as the days go by; how else would I get my tri-weekly fix of XKCD delivered to me? Many people know about the marketing benefits from social media profiles, but sites like Facebook and Twitter can make a significant difference in your SEO campaign, too! This week, Rand shows us five great ideas for using these sites to help with your SEO strategy.

Can You Admit Failure?

Can You Admit Failure?

Can You Admit Failure? This is a topic close to my heart. I remember interviewing for several sales related job positions when I got discharged from the Navy. One of the most important questions every one of them asked was, “how do you handle being rejected?” In sales, being rejected - failure - is part of the job. If you can’t take that ...

How to Turn Google Analytics Into Your Own Rank Tracker Using Custom Variables
Mike Pantoliano

How to Turn Google Analytics Into Your Own Rank Tracker Using Custom Variables

Today I want to talk about tracking organic ranking in Google Analytics. Previously, we were able to determine the page from which a Google organic click was coming, but with a change to the Google referral URL it has become much easier to track exact rank. Combined with Google Analytics custom variables we have a powerful new way to pull exact organic rankings into GA.

The Effectiveness of Good Meta Titles
Joshua Unseth

The Effectiveness of Good Meta Titles

If you've ever taken a look at SEOmoz's list of Search Engine Ranking factors you'll see the things that SEOs always talk about as being important - links, anchor text of external links, where links come from, on-page keywords and keyword usage in the title tag. There's no disputing that thes...